Tom Hanks officiates a random couple’s wedding in Pittsburgh

The nicest guy in Hollywood is also an ordained minister

Aux Features Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks officiates a random couple’s wedding in Pittsburgh
Photo: Rich Fury

Tom Hanks has had a reputation as being one of the nicest guys in Hollywood for over three decades now, and the doesn’t seem to be slowing down. The actor, an ordained minister, officiated a wedding ceremony in Pittsburgh over the weekend.

Hanks is in town shooting A Man Called Otto, Marc Foster’s adaptation of the Swedish novel, A Man Called Ove. While in town, the actor posed for photos with the staff of a Busy Beaver, photobombed a bridal party, and, in his latest move, joined a couple in holy matrimony.

Local couple Krisna and Tyson were aware of Hanks’ ordained status, so Krisna simply sent the star a letter, explaining it was always their dream to get married in their house and they knew he’d be in town…and he said yes.

The couple gave Hanks a loose outline for the ceremony, but the actor added his own flair that the couple said made it all the more special

“It just goes to show, that if you write a letter to someone who you don’t expect to write back, or talk to a stranger, he did this for us and he doesn’t know us, he did us a great service and enriched our lives,” Tyson added. “He’s such a great guy, there’s a level of comfort, he just seems like a best friend that you’ve known forever.”

The couple kept the ceremony as quiet as they could, although their son couldn’t help telling everyone at school.

“His teacher came out and said, ‘I know he’s a truthful kid, but did this really happen?’” Krisna said.

And as for the toast? The couple skipped the champagne and went with cider from Pittsburgh favorite, Arsenal Cider.

Where will Tom Hanks turn up next? The local CBS affiliate KDKA is now officially on Tom Hanks watch, keeping an eye out for the actor just being nice.

[Via KDKA Pittsburgh]


  • zardozic-av says:

    So there I was at the White House… again…

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Remember when it was cooler that movie stars weren’t so available and accessible to who-the-fuck-ever?
    Though, it was pretty cool having Robert Downey Jr. shoveling snow from my driveway.

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    You know that story about Bill Murray stealing someone’s fries and saying “No one will ever believe you”? Tom Hanks is the opposite of that, because *everyone* would believe you if you told them he did that.(The only difference being that Hanks would probably leave a $20 to cover what he took.)

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    the doesn’t seem to be slowing down —> that doesn’t seem to be slowing downthe Swedish novel, A Man Called Ove —> the Swedish novel A Man Called Oveall the more special —> all the more special.Pittsburgh favorite, Arsenal Cider —> Pittsburgh favorite Arsenal Cider

  • kajiger-desu-av says:

    There’s already a Swedish movie based on the novel, it’s on Tubi. I liked it

  • incrediblefubar-av says:

    Jeff Goldblum was unavailable?

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    How does any layperson even know WHERE to send such a letter? I mean, wouldn’t you have to be expert at who his representation is and magically know when he’ll be shooting in your city?  I find this extraordinary. 

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