Tom Holland is "heartbroken" that Gwyneth Paltrow forgot about their time in Spider-Man: Homecoming

Aux Features Tom Holland

Recently Gwyneth Paltrow had the great pleasure of learning that she had a scene in Tom Holland’s first solo MCU installment, Spider-Man: Homecoming. It’s an understandable (and hilarious) mistake, if you consider the likely packed nature of the Avengers filming schedule at that time, those scenes could have ended up anywhere, really. But that didn’t stop Holland from lightly ribbing the actress for the blunder during a PopSugar segment where he and co-stars Zendaya and Jacob Batalon quizzed each other with Spider-Man trivia. After correctly identifying Pepper Potts’ actual first name (it’s Virginia), Holland brought up the viral moment.

“I’ve only worked with Gwyneth one time, on Spider-Man: Homecoming, which she doesn’t remember,” he laughed off. “Still, to this day, breaks my heart.” He then recalled when Paltrow pulled him into a photo with herself and Robert Downey, Jr. while filming Endgame, then later posted the snap on Instagram with a caption that referred to him as “this guy.”Again, he took the potential slip of the memory (or good-natured joke by Paltrow, it could really be read either way) in stride. “I was just ‘the guy.’ It was cute.”

Watch the trio handle Marvel tidbits and trivia way better than those other Avengers.


  • coolmanguy-av says:

    I firmly believe that Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t know who anyone is purely because she can

  • markgetset-av says:

    It seemed like she remembered the scene but just thought it was for an Avengers movie. That would actually make sense because Infinity War was filming while Homecoming was in reshoots. Paltrow only had a couple scenes in IW and so they could have easily slotted her Homecoming scene into her schedule while they had her.

  • ultronburgundy-av says:

    Does Holland really not know there are movies called both Alien and Aliens?

  • franknstein-av says:

    Paltrow is a tool, but to be fair, she didn’t remember that scene being in Spider Man, not having shot it.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      “I mean, why would that whole scene about Tony Stark’s personal life be in a Spider-Man movie?”- Gwyneth Paltrow and everyone else I loved Homecoming (I’d even say that for sheer Spider-Manity it tops Spider-Man 2), but it had at least 50% too much Iron Man. I hope he shows up less in the sequel…Wait, what?

  • paulkinsey-av says:

    Someone should tell Tom Holland that Alien has a sequel called Aliens.

    • nonayobiz-av says:

      Yes, but in that video (above), Tom is right about being wrong to call it Aliens in Infinity War. When Spider-Man asked Iron Man if he’d “ever seen this old movie – Aliens?”, he was referring to this scene from Alien:

      • ultronburgundy-av says:

        Or it referred to the end of Aliens when the queen gets blasted out of the airlock. Both movies basically end with the same tactic.

        • nonayobiz-av says:

          Sure, Aliens can also apply to his reference in the context of that scene in Infinity War, but I’ll go with Tom’s description of his misspeak, thank you.

        • egerz-av says:

          Yeah and the shot of Thanos’ henchman floating in space afterwards mirrors the shot of the dead Alien Queen from Aliens — there is no comparable shot in Alien.

          • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

            RIP the Ebony Maw. Quality henchmen are hard to come by.

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            He got a do-over in Endgame. Not everyone not named Eobard Thawne gets even that much.

          • nonayobiz-av says:

            There doesn’t have be a “comparable shot” – it wasn’t a fucking remake of Alien. However, there actually are several “comparable shots” that show the alien floating off into space in the clip I posted, as if that actually matters.The scene is Infinity War is clearly more reminiscent of the alien purge in Alien than Aliens. It’s not like Iron Man grabbed hold of Ebony Maw and took him into an airlock to expel him into space while he held on to a rail. Iron Man blew a hole in the side of the ship, creating an explosive decompression that pulled Maw into space – which looks extremely similar to the “comparable shot” in Alien.

          • ultronburgundy-av says:

            You are bizarrely insistent in your argument. Congratulations?

          • nonayobiz-av says:

            Here’s Ripley evacuating the Xenomorph in Aliens:As a reminder, here’s the scene where Ripley evacuates the Xenomorph in Alien:And here’s the scene where Ebony Maw is evacuated from the ship in Infinity War:Yeah, I think it’s pretty clear which scene Ebony Maw’s evacuation from the ship more closely resembles. And it was this concept that Peter Parker was referring to when he talked to Tony about “this old movie”, and why he corrected his line in the movie in the PopSugar video posted in this article.

      • castigere-av says:

        They blow the Alien out the airlock in Aliens too… And Resurrection. He’s golden in my opinion.

  • bmglmc-av says:

    I am shocked —shocked— that Paltrow gives the impression of only remembering people that she feels would be of use to her, socially or financially.


    • akabrownbear-av says:

      Is this meant to actually relate to this specific story / the comments Paltrow made on The Chef Show? Cause Paltrow didn’t give the impression of not remembering people, she gave the impression of not understanding which Marvel movies her scenes were for. Which is understandable given IW / Endgame started filming around the time post-production / reshoots were happening for Homecoming.

  • worfwworfington-av says:

    Still enjoyed the scene where Pepper, in her Rescue suit, grabbed Spidey and said, “I got you, kid.”

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Don’t feel bad.  Gwyneth has a very poorly developed sense of object permanence.  

  • pizzapartymadness-av says:

    Not ONE of those questions was about Ultimate Spider-Man!

  • thekingorderedit2000-av says:

    In fairness, I can see why Gwyneth (or anyone for that matter) wouldn’t make an effort to learn his name. I mean it’s not as if there won’t be a new Spiderman in a few years. No sense getting attached. 

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