Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero are intergalactic bounty hunters in the animated pilot SpaceWorld

Aux Features TV
Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero are intergalactic bounty hunters in the animated pilot SpaceWorld
Screenshot: YouTube

Sometimes, things happen on the internet that are so weird or singular that you can’t really say anything about them other than “well, here it is.” This is one of those things. Courtesy of YouTube channel Octopie and created by Brock LaBorde, this is the “pilot” for an animated series called SpaceWorld that features Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero from The Room has intergalactic bounty hunter rivals, with Wiseau playing the Han Solo-esque TX and Sestero playing a monstrous robot dude named Dorgol. It’s sort of like the new season of Archer, but if you just put Tommy Wiseau in a recording booth and had him make up shit and then animated different characters around him so that his lines made some kind of sense. There are lot of scenes where characters walk in, establish their name and goal, and then Wiseau mumbles some wild nonsense that they pretend is totally normal. That being said, one of the characters is a shark in a metal suit who acts as TX’s lawyer, which is very good.

And, well, here it is.

[via Deadline]


  • drfreudsteinmd-av says:

    And just like the real Wiseau, TX has far too many belts. 

  • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

    It seems dreadful to me, which means it will probably be a big hit on late night Adult Swim.

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Oh hi, Space!

  • burgerrs-av says:

    You are tearing me apart, black hole!So, how’s your space life?Keep your stupid planets in your pocket!
    …I’ve got SO many.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “I got the test results back. It’s definitely space cancer.”

    • yipesstripes123-av says:

      But I don’t love Jupiter anymore! I’m in love with Mars!What’s really sad is that “Tank” is going through my head, along with images such as Spike Wiseau, Jet Sestero, Lisa Valentine and Denny Wong Hau Pepelu Trivusky IV. Oh hai everybody, I think it’s time to blow this scene, I will record everything, okay 3,2,1 let’s jam!

    • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

      Oh, hai bounty!

  • shakes9999-av says:

    That was way better than it had any right to be. It has that super weird/crappy feel that old Adult Swim had back in the Halcyon days of ATHF and Harvey Birdman.

    • theresatimetocomment-av says:


    • greenspandan3-av says:

      i didn’t like it. The Room was jaw-droppingly entertaining because it seemed like Tommy had absolutely no idea that he came off like a narcissistic space alien in a bargain bin human costume who had lied to his superiors about completing his preliminary Earth research.  It’s just not as much fun when he’s actively trying to be quirky and nonsensical.  

  • rkpatrick-av says:

    This screams for a crossover with “Mike Tyson Mysteries”

  • mcfloatface-av says:

    So it’s Axe Cop, but with Wiseau instead of an 8-year-old. I dig.

  • biscuit4-av says:

    Let’s read it for what it really is:
    – Courtesy of YouTube channel Ocotopile this publicity stunt called SpaceWorld features Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero…Looks like Octopile was launched about 3mos ago and only has 74K subscribers so far.  And now they’re featured and linked on AV Club, Deadline, Uproxx, ScreenRant among others because of this gimmick. That’s pretty smart – sure, the cartoon’s meh but the publicity grab is pretty smart.

  • mrfallon-av says:

    There’s nothing that funny about this.  The animation isn’t funny, the whole joke is “Tommy Wiseau talking”.  It doesn’t really do much to harness his, er, charisma or do anything.

  • nilus-av says:

    I’m not sure what is sadderThat Tommy Wiseau 15 minutes of fame hasn’t ran out yet or that Greg Sestero acting career has died so badly that he is now stuck working with Tommy until one of them dies it seems.

    • yipesstripes123-av says:

      Space really is the Final Frontier.

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      I honestly feel bad for Sestero. Unlike Wiseau he’s clearly aware that his notoriety comes from being in one of the worst movies of all time, but also that said movie destroyed his career to the point where the only way to make a living is to be permanently attached to it.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Sestero has said in interviews that he gets a decent share of the movie’s profits (he has a producing credit and I think a couple other credits that came with points on the back end). Most actors who put up with some asshole on a doomed production get SAG scale and go back to tending bar. Sestero got cult recognition, a book that was optioned for a James Franco movie, and profits from a movie that has been playing non-stop for years. He’s doing really, really well. That said, it’s absurd that this is still a thing so many years after the fact. 

    • TeoFabulous-av says:

      Sestero is just as bad an actor as Wiseau – it’s just that he can speak English a bit more clearly.I read the part in The Disaster Artist where Greg said that you can really tell in a specific scene that he had totally checked out and wasn’t even trying. I rewatched that scene, and I honestly couldn’t differentiate between the “trying” Greg and the “not trying” Greg.But his shadow writer really made him seem loquacious, so at least he’s getting some good residuals to keep from starving.

      • r3507mk2-av says:

        I mean, Cancer Mom was about the only role in The Room whose actor looked like a professional – she does her damndest to sell the horrible person she’s playing, and it works as well as possible.  

        • nilus-av says:

          I’ve never been able to get through “The Room”. Like a lot of cult bad movies I think it requires viewing at a big venue laughing at it.  Me and my wife watching it at home with only beer to dull the pain didn’t work. 

          • r3507mk2-av says:

            Rifftrax. I would never have have been able to make it through the movie without Rifftrax. I know a lot of people can’t stand them, but if you have any lingering fondness for MST3K, I heartily recommend their live show commentary as a means to survive this movie.

          • nilus-av says:

            I’ll have to watch the Rifftrax version,  I do enjoy them.  They are on par,to me anyways, with the modern MST3K.   Neither is as good as the classic stuff but its still worth watching

          • yipesstripes123-av says:

            It was a great Rifftrax, though not my favorite. So far my favorite Rifftrax was “The Five Doctors”. I love Corbett’s line “That’s right, just pretend you’re doing Shakespeare, you’ll get through this…”

      • bleachedredhair-av says:

        Best F(r)iends was actually fairly enjoyable. Sestero, at this point, is a master Wiseau-wrangler. And the first hour where Sestero doesn’t say anything, he gives a pretty good performance. Plus, I think Best F(r)iends, Vol. 1 was a better stealth adaptation of Disaster Artist than Disaster Artist was.

  • insertfunny-av says:

    Anyone else of indulging this one note wonder’s delusions of grandeur?

  • kinjanein-av says:

    Hearing TW read those lines drives home how rehearsed and effortful his whole “bad actor” shtick is. He’s not a terrible actor. He just plays one in film and tv.

  • tommytimp-av says:

    Stop indulging this guy. No talent means “no talent,” not “passionate, misunderstood artisan who just can’t find his fit.”

  • franknstein-av says:
  • hankheal-av says:

    We have to stop indulging the fantasies of people like this. I know it’s newsworthy in it’s own weird way, but if we all ignore him, there’s a chance he really will go away.

  • aulas-av says:

    Cursos em Goiania
    Cursos em Goiânia.Venha conhecer.

  • twenty0ne-av says:

    I’d get drunk and watch it on AS, certainly better than anything Tim and Eric do.

  • faithful-av says:

    The latest and best anime is Final Space period!

  • karakuwa-av says:

    It’s funny when it’s not on purpose. When you’re trying for it, it’s not funny.

  • bostonbeliever-av says:

    This is fun. Speaking of intergalactic bounty hunters, the world is overdue for a good Lobo series.

  • kjbartolotta-av says:

    I saw Tommy Wiseau in person once, regret to say I am still no closer to determining if he’s a vampire or not.

  • fred1917-av says:

    I liked it, it was funny, however it would be better if this were just a one-time sketch. But the funniest part was reading all the envious people here, thinking “how it is possible Wiseau can still work, while no one cares about my beautiful script starring myself and Karen Gillan!”

  • fred1917-av says:

    I liked it, it was funny, however it would be better if this were just a one-time sketch. But the funniest part was reading all the envious people here, thinking “how it is possible Wiseau can still work, while no one cares about my beautiful script starring myself and Karen Gillan!”

  • shadowstaarr-av says:

    I put this on the same level of Mike Tyson Mysteries, which is to say its main gag to me is how bad a voice actor the main character is.  And uh…well, that’s all I have to say about that.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    In other space related cartoon news Final Space season 2 started a day or two ago , and me and the two other people who watched it are delighted.

  • melonchase-av says:

    I could literally only get 3 minutes and 23 seconds in before I HAD to turn this off.This is utterly fucking abysmal. This was about on the enjoyment level of watching your grandmother’s chemotherapy treatments while she has alzheimers and doesn’t remember how to chew solid food without help, anymore.

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