Travis Scott offered to pay for AstroWorld victims’ funerals. Half turned him down

Of the 10 people killed at AstroWorld, five families refused Travis Scott’s funeral offer

Aux News Travis Scott
Travis Scott offered to pay for AstroWorld victims’ funerals. Half turned him down
Travis Scott Photo: Jamie McCarthy (Getty Images for MTV/ ViacomCBS)

Following the deadly crowd surge at AstroWorld that killed 10 and injured hundreds in November, rapper Travis Scott announced he would pay for the victims’ funeral. Half of them have since rejected the offer.

Per Rolling Stone, the family of the youngest victim, nine-year-old Ezra Blount, was the first to refuse. Now, four others are saying, “no, thanks.” According to the attorneys representing the families, Scott’s offer was more about public optics than expressing remorse.

“It was not an offer [the Hilgerts] were going to seriously consider,” Richard Mithoff, the lawyer representing 14-year-old John Hilgert’s family, told Rolling Stone. “Of all the things this case is about, that’s the least of any concern. This family is set on making change and ensuring this never happens at a concert again. I find offering to pay for funerals frankly demeaning and really inappropriate to the magnitude of the tragedy that unfolded.”

Other lawyers agree. Philip Corboy, who represents the families of Jacob Jurinek and Franco Patino, both 21, said his clients “realized quickly that all he was trying to do was trying to lessen the public outcry on his case […] It took them each about three seconds to say ‘No, no no.’”

“If he’s trying to impress upon the families that he’s sincere and has concern for them and realize that funerals can be expensive, what Scott’s team did is not the way to do it,” Corboy said. “You don’t get a piece of paper in the mail from a lawyer in Beverly Hills who says he represents Travis Scott. These families are raw right now; that lacks any personal touch.”

The representative for the family of Axel Acosta, 21, Tony Buzbee, also took offense to the offer. He didn’t even return Scott’s lawyer’s call. “It’s bullshit. If you gave a shit about these families, you wouldn’t have to put out a press release for everyone to see saying he’s willing to pay for a funeral.”

“Let the families grieve and shut up, that’s it. When something like this happens, there’s not a whole lot someone like Travis Scott could do to assuage their pain,” Buzbee said. “He says he feels sorry for them but he’s quick to say it wasn’t his fault. He’s no different than any defendant pointing fingers to someone else. They don’t want funeral expenses from him. Whatever we get from him we’re going to get through the court system.”

Along with Drake, Apple, and Live Nation, Travis Scott is currently facing a $2 billion lawsuit on behalf of 282 plaintiffs. Another suit, representing 125 plaintiffs and asking for $750 million in damages, was also filed. Buzbee, however, believes they will be “consolidated in a single courtroom in Houston.”


  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    That’ll show him!

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Oh, he’ll pay all right. But the bill will be much larger than he hoped.

    • graymangames-av says:

      Seriously, there’s no way Scott isn’t getting taken to the cleaners after this court-case is over.

      • h3rm35-av says:

        I mean… he’s a performer. He might have been a draw, but there’s ZERO chance he’ll be held liable for anything that happened at the festival unless he’s involved with the org that put on the show.The idea that performers are culpable for bad event planning is flat-out absurd.That he offered anything to anyone is more than I’d expect. He has zero liability.

        • usedtoberas-av says:

          It’s his music festival. He’s the main organizer of it. He regularly encourages people to storm the stage. His culpability is off the charts and his ass is going to get shredded by attorneys.

          • h3rm35-av says:

            I mean, there ARE festivals run by headliners, but AFAIK, this was more like Coachella and less like Bonaroo…

          • h3rm35-av says:

            I admit when I’m wrong, and I’m wrong here.This was INDEED Scott’s show. I’m an oldz, so I knew nothing about him prior to this, but he can rot for all that I care, now.

          • koolaidspeaks-av says:

            Even it is his show, why should he “rot”? People get trampled in crowds all the time, how did he cause their deaths unless you argue that putting on the show itself is the cause?

          • koolaidspeaks-av says:

            “It’s his music festival” In what way? Does he organize logistics or is this something he puts his name on? In what way is he culpable in this instance? Did he oversee the overselling of tickets? Did he encourage the rushing of the stage this time?

          • koolaidspeaks-av says:

            Did he encourage people to storm the stage in this instance? In what way is he culpable for people getting crushed in a crowd of 30,000?

        • i-miss-splinter-av says:

          I mean… he’s a performer. He might have been a draw, but there’s ZERO
          chance he’ll be held liable for anything that happened at the festival
          unless he’s involved with the org that put on the show.

          Tell everyone you have no idea what you’re talking about without telling everyone you have no idea what you’re talking about.

          • h3rm35-av says:

            OK, Emo person… feel free to just spew comments without paying attention to the thread you’re in and the comments in it.“I’M ON THE INTERNET AND I RESPOND IN ANGER BECAUSE THAT’S THE COOL THING TO DO!”Truth is, if he WAS just a performer, there’s a snowball’s chance in Hell that he would ever be able to be sued, I stand by that. Any performers that WEREN’T a part of the festival’s production company are scot-free.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            Truth is, if he WAS just a performer

            But he wasn’t just a performer, so that’s irrelevant.
            OK, Emo person… feel free to just spew comments without paying attention to the thread you’re in and the comments in it.
            You were wrong, and you got called out for it. Calm down.

          • h3rm35-av says:

            This would be a lot more effective if you were even remotely involved in the conversation, which you weren’t. Go away, let the adults talk please.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        He might have to sell one of his platinum chains!

    • asmallcat-av says:


  • argiebargie-av says:

    Eat a dick and go away forever, you greedy, talentless hack.

  • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

    “It’s bullshit. If you gave a shit about these families, you wouldn’t have to put out a press release for everyone to see saying he’s willing to pay for a funeral.”“Let the families grieve and shut up, that’s it…”

    Good for that guy.

  • schwartz666-av says:

    Half not Scott’s plots plot

  • stevereevesmovie-av says:

    Absolutely disgraceful how this BIPOC artist is being scapegoated and gaslit.

    • kate-monday-av says:

      Excuse me? In what way, exactly? He wasn’t just an artist, this was something he organized, and he regularly encouraged crowds to behave dangerously and this tragedy is a totally foreseeable result of the recklessness and negligence of everyone who put this event together, himself included. Multiple children are dead, and there should be legal consequences. The things he’s being accused of are things that did happen, that he was responsible for – those words don’t apply.  

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      New at trolling?

    • bernardg-av says:

      And we have this guy. Keep kissing on Travis ass.
      He is not scapegoated, he is part of the problem, period. Don’t shield him under the pretense of racism. He has all in his power to stop the show and do something about the chaos off stage, instead he doesn’t gave a lick about it. Yet, on his previous show, when someone snatched on his sneaker while he crowdsurfing, he has all the power to stop the show just to shat on that person. He is a dickhead.

      Fuck Travis Scott, and fuck you too.

    • twenty0nepart3-av says:

      “I am become bait, destroyer of threads”

    • dabard3-av says:

      BIPOC’s can be Big Intense Pieces Of Cowshit too

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      Absolutely disgraceful how this BIPOC artist is being scapegoated and gaslit.

      How dumb are you?

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Very smart those who didn’t take it.  I see nothing altruistic in this offer, and much that is cynical.  Anyone who accepts this money could implicitly be accepting it as a settlement in waiver of all liabilities.  Oh it’s a bullshit ploy to limit his liability, and nothing more.  

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    In a couple days he should be on to his “I’m angry because I said I’m sorry, and why don’t people just move on and let me get on with my career?!” phase.

  • coldsavage-av says:

    One of the victims was 9 years old? Holy shit.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    Good for them, fuck him and the people who threw the event. 

  • fleiter69-av says:

    Dude might as well file for bankruptcy now. He won’t ever be able to play live again, which is how rappers make money. And the plaintiff are going to take everything he owns and future earnings.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      He won’t ever be able to play live again, which is how rappers make money.

      It’s how every musician makes money.

  • cctatum-av says:

    Given who he is, I wouldn’t be aiming for Travis Scott-level money, I’d be aiming for Kardashian-level money. You kill my kid, I’m going to Shake. That. Tree. Til there ain’t no trees left.

  • medacris-av says:

    I’ve never been able to wrap my head around the idea of suing for wrongful death– I’d rather just have my loved one back, and money can’t fix that.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      I’ve never been able to wrap my head around the idea of suing for
      wrongful death— I’d rather just have my loved one back, and money can’t
      fix that.

      In lieu of demanding the impossible, we, as a society, have decided that monetary compensation is the way that we handle situations like this.And funerals are expensive as fuck. If I can get someone else to pay for it, I will.

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