Trump’s undocumented workers fight back, tell Sam Bee he cheats at golf

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Trump’s undocumented workers fight back, tell Sam Bee he cheats at golf
Screenshot: Full Frontal

Samantha Bee hopped a golf cart for some “rage air” and to go undercover as a “day-drunk white woman” on Wednesday’s Full Frontal, getting out of the studio to talk to some people with a bone to pick against Donald Trump. And while Bee could have pointed her cart in literally any direction and found someone fitting that description before the battery had time to fully engage, she steamed right for a country club, which makes sense. Sure, she could have talked to guests of one of Trump’s “bedbugged golf slums,” but Bee was looking for people with more of a grievance than ketchup on steak or suspect score cards, and found four former Trump employees who are among those filing a class-action lawsuit against their immigrant-smearing, kid-caging former employer—for running his economically suspect real-estate empire on the back of the very undocumented immigrants he uses as boogeymen to rile up his bigot-base.

Sitting down with four such former Trump workers (after exposing more of Trump’s golf-club grifting earlier in the episode), Bee listened to the sort of infuriatingly supervillainous hypocrisy and illegality that would scuttle any presidency in a functioning democracy, but have just become the Trump administration’s daily news dump. Hired with assurances that they didn’t need legal papers, then given the money and know-how to purchase fake documents once Trump was elected, the workers told further tales of how their supervisors held their undocumented status over them in order to keep them in line, including not complaining about being routinely overworked, insulted, and demeaned (and even struck) by Trump Organization supervisors, who threatened them with deportation at every turn. Noting that Trump only started firing his undocumented workers once The New York Times printed an exposé about Trump’s reliance on underpaid, mistreated undocumented employees, one woman—who worked as a housekeeper providing “personal care” (as Bee stressed, suppressing a gag) to the Trumps—said that she was shunted out of Don’s house while still having to clean up after Trump Org. heads Ivanka and Eric, once the Times shined a light on the situation.

Finding an immigration lawyer handling the workers’ case (luckily, Bee was on a golf course), Bee asked just what crimes Trump and his brood could be on the hook for, this time suppressing glee at the attorney’s list which included “forced labor, coercion, and trafficking” and which, he says, are punishable by 20 years in prison. And the workers aren’t playing, telling Bee that they have payroll and tax documentation to back up what they (and the Times) say was the Trump Organization’s mind-numbingly hypocritical labor practices. “We don’t only talk,” said one woman in Spanish, “We speak with proof” of a situation Bee summed up as a “very well-documented undocumented clusterfuck.” They also have harsh and, under the circumstances, fearless words for their former employer (a wronged Spanish-speaker calling a rich old white crook “mentiroso” is always especially satisfying), including hitting Trump where they know it’ll hurt the most. As that one woman called Trump a hypocrite, liar, and racist, Bee chimed in, “And, he cheats at golf.” “Sí,” said the former employee confidently, uttering the one accusation that actually seems to get under Donald Trump’s skin.


  • stephdeferie-av says:

    um, yeah, you know where this leads? nowhere.

    • andrewinireland-av says:


    • foxygrandpaforever-av says:

      I’m genuinely curious, did you post this so you could hear other people agree with you? Are you trying to start an internet fight because you’re bored? Or are you just screaming into the ether? Cause starting a conversation about an article by just dismissing it kind of defeats the purpose a little…

      • stephdeferie-av says:

        i’m soooo tired of every little thing dump does wrong getting an article.  he does so many questionable things & after each one, people say, “oh, this is going to get him.”  it isn’t.  nothing is.  why bother writing these things?

        • 9evermind-av says:

          Because we need to stay angry and not get complaisant.

        • adohatos-av says:

          Well this article is about a TV show that’s criticizing Trump so your complaint, while certainly valid, may be a bit misdirected. Samantha Bee decided to do the story, this author’s just presenting her show to us to consider watching. Although I suppose if it hadn’t been about Trump they might not have run an article on that show but that’s a bit hypothetical and those arguments tend to be circular. 

    • fiestaforeva2-av says:

      Possibly, but even if it doesn’t stick to him, it’s still worth trying. *glaring at Democratic Party*

      • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

        No, it’s not. He’s so far removed from the day to day personnel changes at that level. If he wasn’t President, he’d maybe pay a fine. More likely, one of the several middle managers between Trump and the plaintiffs will simply say, “Well, I never!” and then fire whatever manager needs firing to make this all go away. If all it took to bring down a CEO was a couple undocumented workers, the world would be a very different place.The Dems need to focus on better candidates, not Donald Trump.  

    • the-assignment-av says:

      They may get their day in court, and Trump’s organization may get fined. 

    • kingkongaintgotshitonme3-av says:

      a rage induced stroke isn’t out of the realm of possibility. 

  • kencerveny-av says:

    You play a Slazenger 1, don’t you Mr. Trump? This is a Slazenger 7.

  • fedexpope-av says:

    I’m sure this is what will bring him down. Why don’t we bring back the Drumpf thing while we’re at it?

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    “Mister President, we’ve lost the Bee vote!”“My God!”

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    The pathologically lying man-baby cheats at golf…. Can it get more “water is wet” with this revelation about our shithead prez?

  • calebros-av says:

    Trump cheating at golf is possibly the least surprising thing I could have learned about him.

  • backwoodssouthernlawyer-av says:

    There are many things that could “bring Trump down,” whatever that means. The problem is that Trump/Republicans don’t have an aggressive and competent opposition—they only have Washington Democrats. I’m tired of hearing about how bad Trump is or what his latest outrage is. I want to see Democrats do to Republicans what Republicans have been doing to them for decades. Democrats: Start leading the opinion polls rather than following them!

    • punkrockoldlady-av says:

      So are you familiar with how government works?  The problem isn’t “Washington Democrats.” The problem is Washington Republican Mitch McConnell.  Seriously, he’s the most evil mother-fucker in the government right now and if he had just a scosh more integrity than he does, we would have been rid of Trump a long time ago. 

  • pontiacssv-av says:

    I see Trump much like Judge Smails at when he is at his course. Which one of his elder sons is Spaulding?

  • zackpizzazz-av says:

    Hasn’t this been pretty well documented already?

    • bammontaylor-av says:

      “Trump cheats at golf” is literally the least surprising piece of news I’ve heard in years.

      • 555-2323-av says:

        He claims to be so good at golf that this is literally the only thing I want someone to confront him with. Not a question thrown out at one of his lawn chats (how much money are the taxpayers shelling out to keep those copters running, so he can excuse shouting at them and leaving whenever he wants?) I’d love it if a serious, sit-down interview consisted of nothing but questions about how he cheats, how much, and what his score would really be.Thing about golf is — technically (the pros say) you’re not playing against the other players, you’re playing against the course. Which is why, even after a championship game in the old days, you could find Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus and others having a friendly meal, no matter who’d taken home the big money – and even despite side bets if there were any.Um.  I don’t think golf is like that for Trump.  The guy will literally play his opponent’s ball if it’s closer to the tee.

        • frycookonvenus-av says:

          My fantasy (besides him having a pants-shitting stroke during the State of the Union address) is for him to have to prove his golf prowess during a televised and well-officiated round.If he had to play by the rules, there is no way he could break 90.Hell, let’s make interesting.  Hey Trump, you fat clumsy fuck, if you can break 90, we’ll put your doughy mug on Mt. Rushmore, and if you can’t, you resign to go focus on your game.

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      Yes, but there isn’t a Trump joke that late night TV hosts won’t beat like a dead horse.

      • anokato-av says:

        Yes, but there isn’t a Trump joke that late night TV hosts won’t beat like a dead horse.

        Yes, but there isn’t a lie that Trump won’t flog.

        • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

          That’s probably part of the problem. The guy is such a joke that all comedy pales to the real thing.

      • starvenger88-av says:

        Yes, but there isn’t a Trump joke that late night TV hosts won’t beat like a dead horse.Clearly we need Leno back. He wouldn’t tell Trump jokes, because he’d still be telling OJ “jokes”.

    • malekimp-av says:

      Yes.  Rick Reilly has written a whole book about Trump’s golf cheating. (With the inventive title “Commander in Cheat”)

  • argiebargie-av says:

    It’s kinda weird how ICE keeps raiding business that hire illegal immigrants, but never one of Trump’s tacky money laundering fronts.

  • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

    Congratulations! 80% of Trump humor has descended to the level of Alec Baldwin’s impersonation. I’m not sure how we’ve managed to make it boring to mock the most hated man on the planet, but we did it.

  • rock-lionheart44-av says:

    No way Trump comes back from this. He’s finished. 

  • lclnrvng-av says:

    I can’t take Samantha Bee’s finger wagging at anyone seriously when she and Jason Jones have pushed to keep low income, minority kids out of their children’s school

  • glorbgorb-av says:

    Am I the only one that finds Samantha Bee torture to watch?

    • yummsh-av says:

      No, and you’re most likely not the only one who watches something they find torturous, either. Seems to be what people do these days, for some dumb-ass reason or another.

  • websterthedictionary-av says:

    Typo: That should probably be “mentiroso” instead of “mentioroso”. (It’s either amusing or worrying that those are one letter off.)

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