Tumblr is obsessing over the events that link 50 Shades of Grey to 9/11

Aux Features 50 Shades of Grey
Tumblr is obsessing over the events that link 50 Shades of Grey to 9/11

Tumblr, the microblogging website that’s been ranking Marvel movies by trains and showing us headless women in media since it banned porn, has recently unearthed a six-degrees-of-separation rule that goes all the way to the top. Basically, its users are claiming, 9/11 is responsible for 50 Shades of Grey.

Think about it.

The idea started with Tumblr user anthonycrowley posting this image with a caption that read:

i have an image i made last night while Not Sober that’s technically accurate but it mentions 9/11 so i will show it to you but you’re not allowed to get mad at me if you think it’s insensitive for mentioning 9/11

Of course, because it’s Tumblr we’re talking about, My Chemical Romance is attached to this theory as well. So, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 created a domino effect that also birthed My Chemical Romance and Twilight, and thus, 50 Shades of Grey. After multiple reblogs and several thousand people explaining their confusion over the image, anthonycrowley laid it all out for us:

gerard way personally witnessed the twin towers falling while on a ferry to new york city. this event inspired him to start my chemical romance. as a result, stephanie meyer used him and the band’s music for inspiration for twilight. as a result of that book, el james wrote a twilight fanfic that eventually became the best selling book fifty shades of grey.

So, to sum up, according to Ryan Broderick’s newsletter, Garbage Day:

Inarguable facts from Tumblr, yet again.

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  • paulkinsey-av says:

    Send James Cameron down in a sub to find Bin Laden’s body. We need to kill him again for this.

  • dirtside-av says:

    Amusing, but also silly. Gerard Way wasn’t inspired to start a specifically emo pop-punk band because of 9/11. His musical influences were likely already set by that point. And without MCR being the band it was, Stephenie Meyer wouldn’t have been influenced by it, etc.So, yeah, 9/11 caused 50 Shades of Grey, but then so did a million other factors, most of them totally independent of 9/11.

    • jetpackblues-av says:

      Well, to be fair Way was 24 and even though he had been in a “high school” band or two he was an artist. He was planning on making art his thing, not music. If 9/11 didn’t happen it’s quite likely nothing of musical note would have come from Gerard Way. 9/11 is the reason he decided to not bother with Cartoon Network (think he was an intern there) and make specifically that music (he was an Iron Maiden, Misfits guy before becoming emo pop punk).  

    • yummsh-av says:

      Dad, turn off the History Channel and go to bed.

    • jmyoung123-av says:

      However, 9/11 was the major impetus for him starting a band, The theory is accurate, but not terribly meaningful. Many, many things out of our control lead us to where we are.

      • dirtside-av says:

        Well, yeah. 9/11 prompted him to start a band but a million other influences in his life caused it to end up being specifically what it turned out to be. To put it another way, there were probably hundreds of other people inspired to start bands by 9/11, and none of them were MCR.

        • jmyoung123-av says:

          But there is this one direct causal connection. As I referenced you could point to many other contributing factors, but it remains that but for 9/11, there is no 50 Shades. 

          • dirtside-av says:

            But for a million other factors, there’s also no 50 Shades. 9/11 is just one of those factors and, with regards to 50 Shades’s creation, isn’t special in any way.

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            sure, as I already stated. It’s not just amusing and silly. it’s 100% accurate and silly.

    • fcz2-av says:


  • whiggly-av says:

    I thought it was pretty widely agreed that 50 Shades was written purely as someone using her ad background to create as big a hit as possible with the least effort, picking the genre with the most lemming-like audience and posting it in such a way as to most exaggerate its popularity to get an easy movie deal.Also, Twilight was the bigger deal, looking back, and just as tangential. Why bother with the last two steps instead of just stopping there?

    • ihopeicanchangethislater-av says:

      You’re thinking of Naked Came The Stranger. I think James was sincere.

    • theporcupine42-av says:

      I think if she wanted to cash in on a trend and become a millionaire there were probably more sure fire ways to do it than writing a dismal fan fiction and hoping it would become the first-ever multi-million dollar fan fic. She’s definitely a terrible, cynical, talentless person, but I don’t think she started this nightmare to get rich- she genuinely believes her awful misogynist bullshit is brilliant literature, and she will sic her hordes of fans on anyone who disagrees. 

  • precognitions-av says:

    i knew my hatred of those books had to be patriotic

  • enricopallazzokinja-av says:

    you’re not allowed to get mad at me if you think it’s insensitive for mentioning 9/11Well. Still kinda mad. 

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Can we just be mad this is all stupid? I feel like I’ve lost intelligence reading this. Which is probably what it’s like to read 50 Shades of Grey. 

    • bio-wd-av says:

      I’ll gladly make an exception, your allowed to be mad at this story.

  • dontdowhatdonnydontdoes-av says:

    50 Shades of Grey was an inside job!!!JET FUEL CANT MELT MASSAGE CANDLES!! 

  • suckabee-av says:

    So it’s ultimately Kermit’s fault.

  • paraduck-av says:

    You are only responsible for those consequences of your actions that you could reasonably be expected to have foreseen. Osama bin Laden is not at fault here.

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    I was hoping for a much more interesting and entertaining story than this bullshit, but then I guess that’s my fault for clicking on a Great Job, Internet!

  • decgeek-av says:

    Ha. What rubes. Everyone knows that a secret cabal used the CIA to brainwash Way to start MCR and influence Stephanie Meyer to write Twilight so they, under the pseudonym of E.L. James, could manufacture fan fiction and write 50 Shades of Gray to make American women horny demanding more sex after which more men would fall asleep more often thereby taking peoples minds off the fact that they were the master minds behind 9/11. THE DOTS ARE THERE PEOPLE! You just have to connect them.

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