Unlike last year, Marvel Studios will actually have something to show at Comic-Con

Aux Features Film
Unlike last year, Marvel Studios will actually have something to show at Comic-Con
Photo: Joe Scarnici

In 2018, Marvel Studios skipped out on its usual San Diego Comic-Con appearance for the first time since 2015, partly because it was still pretending that everyone killed in Avengers: Infinity War would actually be dead forever and that there would be no more Marvel movies ever again. This year, Marvel is still staying pretty secretive about its post-Endgame plans, but it sounds like it’ll at least have something to show in July because Deadline is reporting that the MCU will be making some sort of Comic-Con appearance this year.

We obviously don’t know what that appearance will entail—and it hasn’t even been confirmed yet—but there are some obvious options. Deadline predicts some kind of Black Widow footage, as production is supposedly underway in Europe at the moment, but some confirmation of the movie’s existence would at least be pretty easy (an appearance from Scarlett Johansson would be big, given Black Widow’s death in Endgame). Other than that, there might be some talk about The Eternals, but the only other things Marvel has in the works—as far as anyone knows—are Chang-Chi and a Doctor Strange sequel, plus Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3, but that’s definitely very far off.

It’s also worth noting that Marvel’s Comic-Con panels have traditionally not been the sort to release proper trailers for the crowd at home, so even if the people in attendance get to see footage of Black Widow or whatever, we might not get to see it.


  • thegreatprophetzarquon-av says:

    Comic-Con would be an ideal time for them to do one of their things where they lay out the plan for multiple years of movies at once, even if there’s no other details other than the names and dates. With the MCU, that’d be sufficient for people to lose their minds.

    • drifloon-av says:

      Feige said he doesn’t plan on announcing a full phase again like they did for 3, because some people didn’t like how things got rearranged and changed when the Sony Spiderman deal happened and he didn’t want anyone to get disappointed again.  That said, I’d still love for it to happen, because that whole thing was awesome.  If he did do something similar, I’d bet it’d be more likely to happen at D23 instead of Comic-Con.

      • mark-t-man-av says:

        I was hoping that with James Gunn back on board, we might be seeing more MCU stuff in outer space. He was supposed to guide the “Marvel Cosmic Universe” before he was fired, so that could be back on.Maybe a Nova movie or TV show?

        • laserface1242-av says:

          I remember when Richard Rider came back from the Cancerverse and had to be brought up to speed on what happened since he went MIA by The Champions.It’d be fun if the MCU actually does the Cancerverse and they find traces of Earth-616’s Star Lord and Nova’s fight with Thanos during the Thanos Imperitive.

        • drifloon-av says:

          From what I’ve heard, it’s definitely back on. GotG 3 is gonna be pretty damn loaded with cosmic stuff, to the point where I’m kind of wondering just how they are going to handle so much while still servicing the Guardians themselves. Should be setting up a ton of stuff though, especially alongside Captain Marvel 2. I’ve heard the plan is having the Earth and Cosmic overarching stories being a bit more distinct from each other in the future with each getting their own Big Bad for the phase.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            I’m hoping for a return of Chunky Thor in GotG3. I’d like a running joke where Star Lord keeps getting stuff done but the other Guardians give Thor the credit.

        • halloweenjack-av says:

          Given that we’ve already seen the Nova Corps, and Xandar was the first place that Thanos hit when he was gathering up the Infinity Stones, Nova is the next logical choice for a new hero. Here’s a speculative look at what the MCU Nova might look like; it’s from an artist who’s done a lot of work for videogames, and combines elements of the comics costume and the Nova Corps uniform from the MCU. If Nova basically has the powerset from the comics, they could be an excellent counterpart or even temporary foe for Captain Marvel–it doesn’t matter how much power Carol can generate if Nova can soak it up and spit it back. 

          • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

            Yeah, considering Xandar had been hit, I honestly thought there would be a coupla surviving Nova Corps showing up at the end of Endgame for payback.

        • kinzetic-av says:

          I wonder if that’ll still be the case as it sounds like he’s going to be mapping out the DC movies. I hope it was simply a mindlie on my part. Yeah I just made up a word.A Nova movie would be awesome! Nova, Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock, Shi’ar, Brood…cannot wait to see what’s revealed.

        • sarcastro6-av says:

          I feel like Nova is an absolute lock for the next phase (whether solo or not, I don’t know), given how well the cosmic side of the MCU has been received in general.

        • drifloon-av says:

          Rechecked some stuff, from what I’ve heard Nova is currently supposed to be in GotG3 with plans to then spin him off into his own movie.

        • jshie20-av says:

          They’d probably save it for Phase 5 or 6 when they launch Champions & use the Sam Alexander version of the character. 

    • wafflezombie-av says:

      In addition to the movies listed above, black panther 2 had been announced. While I can’t wait to see the future schedule, it’s not hard to guess:2020: Black Widow, Eternals/Shang-Chi2021: Shang-Chi/Eternals, Doctor Strange 2, Black Panther 22022: GOTG 3, Spider-Man: Spring Cotillion, ???

      • theaccountanttgp-av says:

        I still can’t fathom how “Far From Home” beat out “European Vacation” for the subtitle…  SMH

      • mfolwell-av says:

        Captain Marvel 2 is nailed on too, given that it made a billion dollars. Thor 4 is a strong possibility, but if they want Waititi back (and why wouldn’t they?) it’s probably further down the line after he’s done with Akira (and, presumably, after Thor’s appearance in Guardians 3), so… 2023 maybe?Remember that Spidey is still technically a Sony property, so won’t take up any of the MCU release dates Disney have announced. Seeing as they want to keep him in school, I’d expect Spider-Man 3 in July 2021 in addition to the 3 other MCU films that year. So that would leave one more MCU date, which I would guess would be another new property, or, as an outside bet, Ant-Man 3.

      • akinjaguy-av says:

        Spider-Man: HOMEward bound 3:World Pup

      • jshie20-av says:

        Spider-man: Home Arrest. Spider-man: Home-less. Spider-man: Leaving Home.Spider-man: Home-ly 

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i think keeping things under the chest is a much smarter business decision. it was cool as a fan at the time to have everything mapped out, but personally i’ve found not really knowing exactly what’s coming next to be better.it almost felt like releasing the plan was a way to psyche out the competition, who copied that move and all failed.

      • freshpp54-av says:

        And mapping it all out publicly is a huge risk if something goes wrong. Just take a look at Universal’s Dark Universe flop, or to a lesser degree Disney’s overly ambitious Star Wars plans.

      • johnseavey-av says:

        Other way around. DC announced their slate out to 2020, and acted very smug about their big plans for the future. Marvel did a press conference in response where they were like, “Oh, yeah, by the way we’ve got all this cool shit coming out.” DC couldn’t follow through, while everything but ‘Inhumans’ from that Marvel press conference hit screens.

    • kagarirain-av says:

      I’d love if they threw Captain America: Serpent Society in there again.

  • drifloon-av says:

    Just a small correction, but it’s Shang-Chi, not Chang-Chi.

  • vwtifuljoe5-av says:

    Things like the MCU have grown beyond Comic-con.

  • kirinosux-av says:

    I wish Comic Con was like E3 and E3 was like Comic Con.RDJ used to be the king of convention entrances……until Keanu went to E3 and beat him to a punch.Also, I want cringe-inducing Ubisoft memes in my Comic Con conferences.And at the same time, I wish E3 Press Conferences have Q&A sessions like Comic Cons. I’d like to grab the microphone and tell Bethesda to shove their mobile Commander Keen game down Todd Howard’s ass.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    James Gunn is back on Guardians. I just like saying that out loud once in a while.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    I think you mean Shang-Chi…

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    Chang-Chi *pushes up glasses, snorts* Actually, that’s Shang-Chi, the Master of Kung Fu. His name apparently means “Rising of the Spirit”.

  • shang-chi-av says:

    Chang-Chi?! Really !!! Its Shang-Chi

  • hallofreallygood-av says:

    Is that the actual gauntlet in the above pic?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “We’ve been looking at what DC is doing, and we’re impressed. So from now on, all our MCU projects will be about characters other than our popular superheroes. What did Willie Lumpkin get up to as a young man? You’re about to find out.”

    • alexanderhammil-av says:

      You, uh, mean exactly the same strategy they’ve been using since Phase 1? 

    • j4x-av says:

      You joke but id love a prestige dram that focused on Stan Lee, Kirby, Ditko et all and how they laid the foundations of modern comics.And then show us ALL the back-stabbing!

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Okay, yes, make that happen on HBO. Make sure the characters are acknowledged as Jewish creators who brought that world view to their work, and that superhero comics are not just one of the great American art-forms, but one of the great Jewish-American art-forms.

        • haikuwarrior-av says:


        • freshpp54-av says:

          Maybe they could just finally film The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay?

        • j4x-av says:

          Yes!I wanted to mention the Superman creators as well but couldn’t remember the name.The fact that the “founding fathers” are all Jewish should absolutely be explored, it’s something I’m aware of but can’t say I’ve seen any critical writing on the subject (it probably exists lol).

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            I’d love Joe Simon and Joel Schuster, Superman’s inventors, to get their story told, including the way they got screwed over.One thing that strikes me as strange is that people so often go to the Jesus allegory for Superman, when a) the guys who created him were Jewish, and b) there’s a closer allegory to Moses, the child who was cast adrift, raised in a new land, and led his adopted people against a powerful overlord figure.

          • lewzealander-av says:

            I’d dig a TV movie version of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

          • a-square-av says:

            Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Superman.  Joe Simon co-created Captain America with Kirby.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            Gah, my bad. You’re absolutely right. Too many JS initials. It’s like a real-life version of Superman comics’ obsession with LLs.

  • catsliketomeow-av says:

    They’re probably going to announce the new Norman Osborne actor at Comic-Con.

  • Mr-John-av says:

    Chang-Chi?Shang-chi, the former sounds tiny bit racist. 

  • montyboy27-av says:

    It’s SHANG Chi …… Not Chang Chi!

  • harpo87-av says:

    My first guess would actually be that they’ll focus on the Disney+ shows – maybe previewing one or two, or at least giving a few details (since right now, we know very little). At least they’ve already confirmed some of those, whereas they’ve been careful to pretend the upcoming films don’t exist to this point (GotG 3 notwithstanding)..

  • theaccountanttgp-av says:

    Ant-Man 3! Ant-Man & The Wasp 2! Revenge of the Red Queen!Whatever you want to call it, just get it done!

  • sarcastro6-av says:

    If they want to cause the nerdgame of all nerdgasms, they should have their appearance being nothing more than two posters/slides, with no additional commentary.  On one, an “X.”  On the other, a “4″.

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