Scooby-Doo’s Velma is gay and the sky is blue

The Mystery Inc. character has a crush in a new clip from Trick Or Treat Scooby-Doo!

Aux News Scooby-Doo
Scooby-Doo’s Velma is gay and the sky is blue
Velma, Fred, and Daphne in Trick Or Treat Scooby-Doo! Screenshot: Warner Bros.

The new Mystery Inc. animated feature is finally doing what many proved unable: Canonically making Velma Dinkley a lesbian. In a new clip from Trick Or Treat Scooby-Doo! the nerdy, bespectacled investigator is seen crushing on a fashion designer by the name of Coco Diablo.

Velma (voiced by Kate Micucci) is seen checking out Diablo’s “Amazing turtleneck!” and “Incredible glasses!” as well as taking note of her “Brilliant mind!” and love of animals. Diablo checks all the right boxes, and Velma blushes, fogging up her glasses in the process.

Many have been tuned into Velma’s queerness for decades now. In 2020, director James Gunn shared that he wanted the character to be openly gay in the live-action films.

“In 2001 Velma was explicitly gay in my initial script,” he wrote. “But the studio just kept watering it down & watering it down, becoming ambiguous (the version shot), then nothing (the released version) & finally having a boyfriend (the sequel).”

Tony Cervone, who worked as a supervising producer on Mystery Incorporated, also confirmed Velma’s sexuality as not bi, but gay.

“I’ve said this before, but Velma in Mystery Incorporated is not bi. She’s gay,” he wrote in an Instagram post in 2020. “I don’t think Marcie and Velma had time to act on their feelings during the main timeline, but post reset, they are a couple. You can not like it, but this was our intention.”

It’s 2022, and if Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn can be one of the best couples on television at the moment, then it’s time for Velma to finally have her gay moment as well.

Trick Or Treat Scooby-Doo! is available for viewing on Amazon Prime Video.


  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    But will we ever see Shaggy smoke weed? And will we get to see Scrappy put to sleep on-screen?

  • iku-turso-av says:

    *Finally*. Even a cis white male autistic dumbass like me picked up on the vibes between Velma and Marcie. And I was a teenager at the time, and significantly more oblivious and stupid.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I’m pretty sure Fred is a little “light in the loafer”…if ya know what I mean.

    • TeoFabulous-av says:

      I knew this 45 years ago when I was watching Saturday morning cartoons. He got that neck scarf directly from Paul Lynde.

      • pinkkittie27-av says:

        Ascots were just really that fashionable in the 70s. I wish we still dressed like that.

        • masterdebator-av says:

          What you mean “we”, pink man?

        • mytvneverlies-av says:

          I think there was a time in the 70s (80s?) when guys’d just wear a regular necktie, right around their neck.Not under the collar, but above it, with the collar open at least one button, and not a necktie knot, but just a simple over-under knot (a half-hitch?) sorta off to the side.Maybe a leisure suit thing? But I thought not wearing a tie was the whole point of a leisure suit.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Nobody’s stopping you. Go for it, homie.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      In Mystery Inc. we learn his true love is making traps, and he has no time for mere flesh and blood men or women.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      The dude wears a cravat… he’s obviously the creepy rich dude that thinks he’s gonna score with his mom’s friends.

  • lilnapoleon24-av says:

    Getting pretty sick of this bi erasure…

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I know this is a big deal for some people and I’m happy for them but frankly Scooby-Doo is one of those cartoons/franchises I don’t want to imagine anyone hooking up on, regardless of their sexuality.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    This is Hot Dog Water erasure!

  • vw0-av says:

    Velma being gay is just lazy. Oh the frumpy looking girl is a lesbian.

  • thatguyinphilly-av says:

    I assumed they were all gay, even when I was 8. Never mind the original run was being written by pot smoking hippies at The Island of Misfit Cartoons that was Hanna-Barbera. Daphne’s clearly a power lesbian, the top in her relationship with Velma. Shaggy and Scooby spend more time in each other’s arms than two Bennington College dropouts running a medicinal marijuana farm in Vermont. And Fred’s ascot speaks for itself. 

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    I’d fuck Daphne.

  • cscurrie-av says:

    so what about the Velma show from Mindy Kaling, which version is that?the multiverse has various versions of all these characters at this point. some are straight, some aren’t.

  • nilus-av says:

    I don’t have a problem with her being gay but it’s weird that her crush is someone who dresses just like her. Or at least similarly 

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, despite being heterosexual, have partners who look exactly like themselves. Maybe it is just a general kink among Toons.

    • nomatterwhereyougothereyouare-av says:

      That was my first reaction too. At least Harley and Ivy compliment each other. One is spontaneous, extroverted, excitable and fun. The other is demure, low key, down to earth and very color coordinated.

  • nomatterwhereyougothereyouare-av says:

    Shaggy seemingly does not approve

  • secondwife-av says:

    Bi erasure is the opposite of progress.

  • refinedbean-av says:

    She’s not BI, she’s GAY. FERVENTLY GAY.

  • radio-eris-av says:


  • americanerrorist-av says:

    Harley and Poison Ivy are in a relationship on an adult show. This is arguably more meaningful than that, being in a kids’ movie that is part of the flagship franchise for these characters.

    • gterry-av says:

      To be fair though, Harley was created on a kids show, and I remember listening to a commentary on a Batman The Animated Series DVD and one of the writers said they always tried to push the envelope as far as they could to show that Harley and Ivy had something going on. But since it was a 90’s kids cartoon it was pretty simple stuff like subtle flirting, or if they were hiding out in a hotel room it would only have one bed.

    • marshalgrover-av says:

      Yeah, but also all these movies don’t tie-in to each other very much, even when they attempt some continuity. So who’s to say whether this is just a one-off thing for this particular story or how they’ll handle things for the next DTV movies.

  • shutupdonnie-av says:

    Cervone doesn’t get to make Velma’s past relationships non-legit. That can be his intention, but that’s not how it works.

  • adohatos-av says:

    Velma looks like the stereotype of the closeted lesbian we all went to high school with. Low hanging fruit, please excuse the inadvertent pun but I’m leaving it. They should have made Fred gay so we have an explanation for the neckerchief.Anyway, to paraphrase another AVClub article, none of this is real. Velma is not real. Her sexuality is not real. It’s in fact less real than if it were a live action show because they’re all made of ink or its digital equivalent. If it doesn’t make sense for people to be mad about the race of fictional characters then it doesn’t make sense for people to be happy about the sexual orientation of fictional characters.

  • CaptainCheese-av says:

    Good for Velma, but James Gunn is a self-aggrandizing piece of shit, so it’s entirely possible he’s just lying about having tried to be the good guy on this.

  • rtpoe-av says:

    OH NOES! A *FICTIONAL* character turns out to be someone who, if they really existed, wouldn’t be interested in me! This cannot stand!!!

  • scuzeme-av says:

    Makes sense. Velma is based on Dobie Gillis’ Zelda, who was played by a lesbian.

  • darthrant-av says:

    Delving into the sexuality of cartoon characters is all kinds of disturbing. I didn’t realize the alphabet brigade were that hard up for representation that they need to recruit from cartoons.

  • oldskoolgeek-av says:

    Never cared for the popular idea that Velma is a lesbian. It always struck me as sexist.

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