We burned down their city hall: 14 epic rivalries between fictional towns

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We burned down their city hall: 14 epic rivalries between fictional towns

These take sports and school rivalries to a whole new level. Here are 14 epic rivalries between fictional towns.

previous arrowPawnee vs. Eagleton, Parks And Recreation next arrow

When Pawnee, Indiana, was founded (fictionally, of course) in 1817, a group of the town’s wealthiest and snobbiest citizens disagreed with the town’s placement and fled to form their own town, Eagleton. Situated on a hill just slightly above Pawnee, Eagleton is everything that dirty, unhealthy Pawnee is not, something that drives Leslie Knope crazy. While Pawnee has the polluting Sweetums candy factory with its nougat runoff, those “rich, snobby jerks” in Eagleton have a cupcake factory that makes the entire town smell like vanilla. Eagleton also boasts a police department stocked with maple walnut scones, a tanning field manned by attendants eager to provide fresh pineapple snacks and water mistings, and free “Dawn-O’er-Eagleton” hot-air balloon rides. While Knope fights tooth and nail to get people to come to Pawnee town meetings, Eagleton residents get free crêpes at theirs, and are rewarded for their attendance with free iPod Touches and verbena-scented soy candles. While the Eagleton vs. Pawnee battle seems like something that concerns Leslie Knope more than anyone else, the 200-year-old “blood feud” should come to a head with the fourth episode of season six, “Dopplegangers,” which finds the Pawnee Parks Department gang coming face to face with their uppity Eagleton equivalents.

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