There’s something wrong with the world in Westworld’s full season 4 trailer

Everyone's favorite killer cowboy robots are coming back to HBO on June 26

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There’s something wrong with the world in Westworld’s full season 4 trailer
Westworld Screenshot: YouTube

After years of silence from HBO, the network finally released a teaser for Westworld’s fourth season at the beginning of May, and now we already have another full trailer that gives more of an indication of what the new season will be about. We’ll have to wait and see if any of this turns out better than season three did, but as it stands now—in this singular moment—Westworld fans are being nicely spoiled for once.

This new trailer opens on Christina, the “totally new character” that series star Evan Rachel Wood is playing after her original character, robot revolutionary Dolores, was “killed off” for “good” at the end of last season. Christina is a writer working on a story about a girl who recognizes that there’s something wrong with the world and it’s her fault… but obviously this is a new person, not Dolores. Why would you even think otherwise?

Westworld Season 4 | Official Trailer | HBO

The rest of the trailer is about the other main players in Westworld, whatever you want to call the Terminator version of Tessa Thompson’s Charlotte Hale (isn’t she a Dolores copy?), Ed Harris’ Man In Black (in both human and Host versions, apparently), Jeffrey Wright’s Bernard Lowe, Thandiwe Newton’s Maeve, and Aaron Paul’s Caleb Nichols (who needs to brush that hair out of his face). There aren’t too many teases about big grand mysteries, emphasizing Charlotte’s war against humanity instead, and while that was the weakest storyline of maybe the entire series so far, Westworld deserves at least a little slack here. It’s been two years, hopefully Lisa Joy and Jon Nolan have come up with something more interesting than “what if we undid years of trope subversion and just did all of the tropes.”

Westworld, now with a lot more flies than we remember, returns to HBO for season four on June 26.


  • wellthathappened-av says:

    100% this is critical to the plot layout of the season.

    • noisypip-av says:

      Thank you for the reminder this wonderful song exists. My favorite from With Teeth.

      • jackstark211-av says:

        The Fragile.  

      • wellthathappened-av says:

        It’s the song they used in the trailer. Hell, the trailer even telegraphs a lot of the lyrics. “look at your reflection” as the two Dolores/Charolette look at each other. The devils & their guns, the living and the dead” as you see Characters with guns and William in the suit. Like a lot of the lyrics are just mirrored in the promo.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I loved season one, enjoyed season two, and quit season three halfway through because it was so bad. I’ll check this out, but I hope they put out a video explaining what happened in the previous season for those of us who didn’t stick it out, because I’m definitely not going to try again.

    • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

      I’m hoping they just reveal that all of Season 3 took place in a FutureWorld park, it was just a scripted narrative for tourists, none of it really “happened” and it can all be forgotten.

    • kencerveny-av says:

      I recently re-watched Season 3 thinking that maybe I just wasn’t payig close attention originally. Nope. It was a muddled shitshow.

    • scortius-av says:

      yeah I thought season one was fantastic, I actually liked it more on a rewatch, and yeah, quit most of the way through s2.  Anthony Hopkins was putting on an acting clinic in that first season.

  • klyph14-av says:

    I remember the exact moment I gave up on the show in Season 3 during an action scene/car chase that was shot so poorly my wife said out lout “This feels like a show on CBS right now”

  • leppo-av says:

    The thing that’s wrong is that there is a season 4 Westworld trailer. They ran out of ideas pretty fast, tried something new and didn’t execute very well and now here we are. It’s too much of a tentpole property for HBO to give up so they’re going to coast on (and shamefully waste) the ridiculous amount of talent they’re putting on screen…yet again.

  • synonymous2anonymous-av says:

    I very rarely quit on shows because I’m no quitter! But this show…I’m out. I can only tolerate amazing visuals with terrible ideas for so long.

    • coatituesday-av says:

      amazing visuals with terrible ideasMan, that’s a good description. Especially in the third season, I remember marveling at how good something looked, then realizing I didn’t know or care what it actually meant in the context of the plot.For all I know, that happened in the second season too, but I watched 1 & 2 in one long binge, so they kinda run together for me.(But listen – in  season one, Jeffrey Wright saying “what door?” was still a nicely chilling moment – even though I saw it coming.) (No brag, just fact.)

  • dvsrey17-av says:

    So HBO gives up early on shows like Lovecraft Country, Carnival & Rome which had plenty of story left to tell in order to keep shows like Westworld around which ran out out ideas half between season 2. Pass.

    • scortius-av says:

      I loved Rome, I know at the time it was the most expensive show ever made, which likely contributed to its short run.  Carnivale I genuinely still miss, gutted we never got the full show, since the creator had it actually planned out.

      • psychicmuppet-av says:

        I just re-watched Rome! It sucks that it got cancelled. If it premiered now it would probably run for 5 seasons.

      • coatituesday-av says:

        Carnivale, at the time, was HBO’s most expensive show too.  Would love to have gotten that final season – I think Daniel Knauf had three planned.  Damn it.

        • mr-smith1466-av says:

          He had six seasons planned. Spread three arcs, with two seasons each. So season 2 was the end of arc one. 

        • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

          Why though? I mean, I get why Rome cost a lot of money — it isn’t cheap creating the sets for Ancient Rome. But Carnivale? It’s set in America in the 1930s. There are plenty of rural towns out there that look little unchanged since then. I mean, you do have to obtain vintage autos (or replicas) but other than that, where’s the cost?

        • gumbercules1-av says:

          It was 6 seasons. That’s the inception of the “6 seasons and a movie” Community joke. 

    • murrychang-av says:

      Holy crap I would have loved to see what kind of crazy Afrofuturism a second season of Lovecraft Country would have brought us.Kind of amazed a show like that was even made to begin with, tbqh.

    • hendenburg3-av says:

      Lol. Westworld ran out of ideas partway through shooting season 1. Literally.  They had to stop production partway through to figure out the story

      • maulkeating-av says:

        Listen, Cayde: Chris Nolan’s brother does concepts. That should be enough for ingrates like you. Even if the concept’s already be done death, better, by others, and it’s based on an IP made by a dead doctor. Yes, so robots want to be human and throw off the oppressive shackles of the humans who made them and also some of the humans are robots. That should be enough for you. That is all you deserve.Plotting, characters, arcs, anything beyond the concept or that explores it in any meaningful way is beneath Chris Nolan’s brother. So yeah. Your job is to sit there, go “Wow. This a worked of unbridled genius” and then spontaneously ejaculate at the production values, then go forth, into the world, and be condescending to anyone who doesn’t like the show by sneeringly declaring they’re too stupid to get it. Also, yes, the emperor is fully clothed.

        • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

          This is so dumb. It’s sci-fi pulp with high production values. Enjoy it or don’t, you know? No need to yuck someone’s yum.

        • maulkeating-av says:

          Because I’m not letting him out of the greys, I’m pasting a shot of his reply to this:I choose not to enjoy it, and also choose to shit on those who do.If you don’t agree with me doing that, please be aware that in doing so you’re “yucking someone’s yum”. 

        • cosmicghostrider-av says:

          It sounds like you were too stupid to get it snicker snicker

    • drkschtz-av says:

      I mean they know what people are watching versus a cost. It’s not like they throw darts at a board of shows.

    • roboj-av says:

      Raised By Wolves and Made for Love ran out of ideas by the end of their first seasons and they cancelled those without hesitation. Not sure why Discovery/Warner keeps sinking piles of money into this one while they’ve been canceling all of their scripted shows left and right.

      • mr-smith1466-av says:

        This was renewed years ago, well before discovery got a chance to cancel anything that looked like it cost money.

      • maulkeating-av says:

        Can I go to Hollywood and be a Concept Man? You know, where I just sell elevator pitches to coked-up execs and then leave without doing anything else?“So, it’s about this woman, right? And she lives alone, right? But – here’s the thing: EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE she’s played by a different actress! Same character, completely different.”“Oh my god! Here’s $500,000 – this is amazing! And what’s the deal – she’s, like, got disassociative personality disorder or something? And each new actress represents, like, a new personality? Or- or- or she’s like part of a mind transferance program?”*walking out the door with armful of cash* “Whatever, those sound great, you should bounce those off whatever writers you get for it! Remember, don’t leave my name off the credits or I’ll fuckin’ sue ya, bye!”

    • Nitelight62-av says:

      I thought it was the creators who didn’t want to do another season of Lovecraft Country. 

    • erictan04-av says:

      I see you don’t understand how deals in Hollywood work…

  • kencerveny-av says:

    After Evan Rachel Wood’s opening lines, I almost expected to hear Hugo Weaving say: “Missster Anderson….”. The “I’m the only one who can really see what’s going on” thing has already been done to death.

  • labbla-av says:

    Hell yeah, the secret to enjoying Westworld is the story and twists and bullshit don’t really matter, it’s all about vibing with the acting, music and production design.

  • DeadInHell-av says:

    Season 3 was so bafflingly terrible and insulting that I don’t know if I’ll even watch this one. I’m somewhat curious what could even come of such a train wreck. But not sure I want to subject myself to another round of…whatever this show is now.

  • fnh-av says:

    Charlotte Hale (isn’t she a Dolores copy?)I believe that the are all copies of Dolores with alternations to their narrative. I pretty sure this is what she told Maeve last season.

    • saltier-av says:

      I think that’s true, in that Delores Prime was the first successful host Arnold and Robert built. All the other hosts’ minds are built on her model.

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    Thanks but no thanks. Season one was intriguing, but it’s been diminishing returns ever since. 

    • voidvisitor-av says:

      Season one had a wonderful “how did this get made” level incongruous moment, when we very first meet Dr Robert Ford. Bernard and the security team go down a lift and when the doors open, water comes rushing in implying its flooded, then we go into the room to find Robert Ford sitting down playing chess with an early model android. So was he sitting in like chest deep water, playing by feel? 

  • mdiller64-av says:

    This is show is what you get when the acting is excellent, the production values are impeccable, and the show runners have been trying to yada yada yada their way through it all. It’s no surprise that Jonathan Nolan has partnered with JJ Abrams, because I’m seeing a bit of Abrams’ signature combination of lush visuals and feints in the direction of Big Meaning without any particular destination in mind. Everything of note in Jonathan Nolan’s IMDB was done in partnership with his much more talented brother. 

    • killa-k-av says:

      Person of Interest was really cool tho.

    • erictan04-av says:

      JJ Abrams has nothing to do with this show; otherwise, it would turn to shit.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      “We robots are just like you humans. We have feelings, thoughts, desires, needs. We ask that we be treated like equals.”“Um…”“Also, keep in mind that we’re totally superior to you and I entered this room by punching through double-brick wall.”“Wait. That doesn’t sound like you’re actually anything like humans at all.”

  • noisypip-av says:

    Even though S3 was kind of a mess and they removed her most interesting supporters, Hector and Armistice, I will continue to watch for Maeve’s story, and, to a lesser degree, Bernard’s.  

  • psychicmuppet-av says:

    Anyone know of a good season 3 recap on YouTube that can help me catch up?

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    Battlestar Galactica lost me when it turned out almost everyone was a Cylon, and that seems to be the point we’ve reached here….

  • cariocalondoner-av says:

    I just finished binge-watching season 3 yesterday, reading the AV Club episode reviews and comments in tandem (I watched the first two seasons when they aired but somehow missed the third). It started off SO promisingly – I was hooked! And then a few episodes in I started getting bored.All I ask for in Season 4 is Maeve gets reunited with her daughter ONCE AND FOR ALL, dammit! They move into a nice house with a white picket fence, with Felix and Sylvester subletting the basement apartment, helping with odd-jobs around the house, school runs, science homework … and they all live happily ever after!

    • cariocalondoner-av says:

      … speaking of season 3, of all the underwhelming turns of events, I’m particularly disappointed that Ol’ Brother Blue Eyes (aka Michael Ealy) got burnt to a crisp with Charlotte Hale’s son! So unnecessary – put me right off my Rice Krispies! The only thing that could have begun to make up for that is having a subsequent scene where Charlotte Hale pummels Cassells’ smug face to a bloody pulp (whether he’s responsible or not) and then proceeds to tear him apart limb from limb … but alas!

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    love people saying ‘they ran out of ideas’. this is a remake of a movie! they didn’t even have the idea in the first place! they’ve never had any!

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    If Aaron Paul is revealed to be a host this season I’m turning my TV off.

  • saltier-av says:

    “…Ed Harris’ Man In Black (in both human and Host versions, apparently)…”My theory on this one is the host version is just that, a host built in William’s likeness but with a copy of the Charlotte/Delores host residing in it. I also think Charlotte has diverged enough from the original Delores that we probably don’t need to make that distinction any more, since the human Charlotte is long dead. She is Charlotte Hale now.As for the seemingly human William, I doubt he survived having his throat cut. I think Charlotte resurrected his mind in a host body to torment him, much like how he resurrected and tormented his father-in-law James Delos repeatedly over the years. The end of Season 2 hinted at this being his ultimate fate—perpetually trapped in his own personal Hell.

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