What pop culture just screams 2000 to you?
Clockwise from top left: Courteney Cox’s Scream 3 hair (Photo: Joseph Viles/Dimension Films), Tom Green’s Hollywood phase (Photo: Tim Graham/Getty Images), low-rise jeans (Photo: J. Vespa/WireImage), and Nutty Professor 2: The Klumps (Photo: 2000 Universal Studios via Online USA) are our personal Y2K time capsules Graphic: The A.V. Club

As a part of our ongoing Y2K Week coverage, we’re asking:

What pop culture just screams 2000 to you?

previous arrowSpice Girls, Forever next arrow

Ah, the year 2000: when the Spice Girls, post-Geri Halliwell’s exit, decided to hire Darkchild to produce their next album and transform themselves into essentially the British version of TLC. The first time I saw the video for “Holler,” the lead single off of Forever, it made me laugh. The second time, I thought, “Huh, that’s actually pretty catchy.” The third time, I went out and bought the CD single. (Remember CDs? Good times.) It’s surprising enough that the music is so much better than you would expect a Spice Girls album to be (especially one that was released as the group’s 15 minutes of fame were already on the wane); it’s even more shocking that it’s kind of awesome? And has aged almost bafflingly well. [Alex McLevy]


  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    2000 was the Go-Gurt of years. 

  • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

    There’s nothing that is more nostalgic to me than the 90s. I loved it. I loved everything about it. The starter jackets, the jnco jeans, the no fear hats, nirvana, soundgarden, tupac, biggie, shawshank, jerry bruckheimer films, flannels. Everything. This decade kicked major ass. But the one song that encapsulates the 90s is this:Fight me irl. This song kills it. 

    • nilus-av says:

      This scream 2000 for me.  MDFMK

      • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

        That’s a killer song. But KMFDM was the shit when the clock struck midnight in 2000. They were a gap filler that connected everyone. Everyone from introverted weirdos to the most fly kid in school understood the music. You pointed at your girlfriend or boyfriend and grooved out when it came on. You grinned like a moron. The music hits your soul. Everything made sense and the world was yours. There was a simplicity about the music that everyone at the time understood. You knew what time it was when they played.

        • atlasstudios-av says:

          i know nothing about this band except that i love missing time from the heavy metal 2000 soundtrack

    • millipedevanillipede-av says:

      Also : babydoll minidresses, big clunky Fluevog and Tredair mary janes, Sonic Youth, Madchester, Shocked Site Of The Day, Hal Hartley, J Crew and Abercrombie both still made legitimate clothes for adult humans, ST:DS9. The 90s had some GREAT SHIT. Also, I saw KMFDM on Halloween night 1995. Lords of Acid opened. 

      • iron-goddess-of-mercy-av says:

        Aw. I was supposed to be at that show but I had given my girlfriend a ticket and then broke up with her before I started dating her ex. Didn’t want to run into her so I stayed home. Big mistake. Huge. 

  • robutt-av says:

    For me, it was Jackass. It was so punk rock DIY lowbrow fun. I was an adult by 2000 and I would still get together with friends on Sunday nights just to watch Jackass. And who would’ve thought that Steve-O would still be alive, taping himself to billboards.

  • stefanjammers-av says:
  • nilus-av says:

    Bullet time in EVERYTHING!!!The Martix has come out the year before and blew up in the world. So while a few movies manage to copy some of the effect by the end of 1999, it wasn’t until the 2000 when Wusha style Kung Fu and bullet time invaded western cinema.  

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Definitely. And not just bullet time. After The Matrix, 2000 comes along and everyone is dressed in black and wearing sunglasses no matter the time of day. Action is slicker, and cooler, and wire-fu-ier, and I guess this was what movies were going to be now for a while.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      It never stopped being cool for Snyder.

    • socratessaovicentee-av says:

      I remember when Swordfish had the “bullet time!” moment and I just thought, well, there goes that trend into the grave.

      • nilus-av says:

        Peak Bullet Time for me was a couple years later a kids movie called “Clockstoppers” came out. I only ever saw the trailer but it should have been named “Bullet Time” the movie. I guess I can’t complain. Ever executive in Hollywood wanted to put that shot on every movie, at the kids movie has the brains to be about time stopping watches or some shot to explain all the bullet time. 

  • magnustyrant-av says:

    Do frosted tips count as pop culture?

  • bedstuyangel-av says:

    “Who Let The Dogs Out” – which was also the 2000 Mets’ theme song. Also those singing Billy Bass commercials. (A similar product was featured memorably on The Sopranos finale that season.)

    • snagglepluss-av says:

      Every fucking sports team declared that song their official song as if they were the only ones clever enough to declare it.. I was at the game the SF Giants won the pennant and the whole thing was marred not just by the playing of the song but by actually flying the band out to play it live.It was also marred by the series against the Mets. That was horrible too

  • valegro1-av says:

    If your pubic bone is exposed by your pants you’re not wearing any. 

  • xio666-av says:

    Come on… there can be only one answer to this question for so so SO many reasons… try to find all of them in this video:

    • triohead-av says:

      This one literally just screams ‘the year 2000′ many more times:

    • doctor-boo3-av says:

      I always associate that with 2001 – it was the first UK number 1 of the year – and it seems darkly appropriate to start that the year started with a music video filmed on top of the World Trade Center.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      I see your Limp Bizkit and raise you Linkin Park

      • rfmayo-av says:

        That’s… not a raise.

        • brianjwright-av says:

          it’s a lateral move

          • rfmayo-av says:

            Between those two songs specifically, yeah, sure. ‘Rollin’ is one of LB’s dumbest songs in a career that’s not exactly lacking them. I’ll take their occasional moments of brilliance (relative to nu metal of course) over LP’s entirely forgettable oeuvre though, any day.

        • lasttimearound-av says:

          The world was just waiting for these guys to arrive three years later:

          • rfmayo-av says:

            I know that the answer to this mystery is ‘bland, lowest common denominator songwriting’, but it still blows my mind that Evanescence and Linkin Park were the ones that survived the nu metal backlash and went from strength (commercial, not creative, obviously) to strength.

  • triohead-av says:

    For me, it’s definitely websites formatted as slideshows.
    A throwback to earlier times that couldn’t load more than one image at once and measured advertising impact by the dumbest metric known.

  • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

    This is the story of a girlDicked me over And fucked the whole world.*Think I made up those mocking lyrics on only the 2nd or 3rd time I heard that song on the radio.

  • hulk6785-av says:

    WWE (then WWF) had its best year in 2000: the rise of The Rock; Triple H in his prime; the strange sexual chemistry between Chris Jericho and Stephanie McMahon; Kurt Angle; American Badass Undertaker; Kane and his awesome new outfit; Rikishi getting over by rubbing his ass on people’s faces; The Radicalz jumping ship; the 3-way feud between The Dudley Boyz, The Hardy Boyz, and Edge & Christian (who Totally Reeked of AWESOMENESS!!!!); the 24/7 rule for the Hardcore Title; and, of course, the PPVs:  Royal Rumble, No Way Out, Backlash, Judgment Day, Fully Loaded, SummerSlam, Unforgiven, No Mercy, Armageddon.  Just a great year. 

  • stilldeadpanandrebraugher-av says:

    Fucking Florida!!!The one state to blame for all our current troubles.

    • oldaswater-av says:

      It was the ward-heelers in robes who wouldn’t allow a re-count. The Supreme Court at its political finest.

      • charliedesertly-av says:

        That was such a shady election.

        • skins-uno-av says:

          Oh there’s another one coming down the pike. What fun! What excruciating fun!!

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            Yeah. There’s a non-zero chance that this one will just undeniably end the tradition of free elections and peaceful transfer of power that we’d all come to take for granted.

  • katanahottinroof-av says:

    People, in their twenties, who cannot get over that things happened twenty years ago.

  • fadedmaps-av says:

    I remember feeling like U2’s “Beautiful Day” was inescapable that fall— people were so relieved that the ‘experimental’ Zooropa/Pop era was over, coupled with the misplaced optimism about the new millennium.

    • snagglepluss-av says:

      Wasn’t that more 2001 and not 2000? They did such a good job of declaring themselves the Official Band of 9/11 that I might have gotten was the years mixed up

    • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

      Yeah that’s a fucking awesome song. That whole album is great.But yeah it didn’t come out until October of that year. It was massive in Australia from the end of 2000 into 2001

  • calebros-av says:

    I don’t think today’s mom jeans resurgence is really any more flattering than the low rise stuff.
    2000… Hoo boy, senior year. Punk rock shows every weekend, dropping acid at the park, writing execrable poetry for my high school girlfriend. I thought our love would last forever… Or two months into college. Very earnest conversations about who sold out and how they suck now. Fun times!

    • Rainbucket-av says:

      The difference is that while low rise jeans look good on a tiny number of people and horrible on everyone else, high waisted mom jeans look equally unflattering on everyone. They’re much more democratic.

      • paulfields77-av says:

        I’m still befuddled at the idea that low rise jeans look good on anybody – including skinny supermodels for whom it just massively highlights their fatal flaw.

  • johnny-utahsheisman-av says:

    I worked at a venue on long Island in 2010s and while we majored in tribute acts one of the owners was friendly with Nine Days. They felt 2015 was the perfect time for a nine days residency. They played 2x a month for 6 months.  Each show was a countdown to “story of a girl” until they started opening AND closing with it. Each and every show was diminishing returns until it was barely double digit paid in a 350 cap room. It was ROUGH

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      But the length of the appropriate residency is there in the name! Nine days! They weren’t named Six Months!

  • stegrelo-av says:

    There’s a scene in the Nutty Professor 2 where Larry Miller is anally raped by a giant hamster. So what I’m saying is, definitely go see the Nutty Professor 2!On a more serious note, all of this is really making me miss pre-9/11 America. It was far from perfect, as the impeachment and Florida recount showed, but it’s hard to remember how comparatively carefree everything was back then. This country really lost its mind that day, and we’ve never recovered. I mean, try telling a kid born after 9/11 that people who believed in conspiracy theories, and thought the government was literally coming to get them, were considered a fringe group in the 90s, and weren’t the mainstream. I bet they wouldn’t believe it.

    • westsidegrrl-av says:

      I know exactly what you mean.Today I cued up A Whole New World on YouTube (just wanted to sing it) and burst into tears in the middle of it. Imagine a time when we weren’t dealing with the hell we’re currently experiencing. The ‘90s seem like paradise.

      • jayrig5-av says:

        I’ll ask some of my married gay friends about this theory and report back. 

      • sonysoprano-av says:

        It sounds like we’re a similar age, but no matter what happens, in a decade or so we’ll have kids saying stuff like “I miss chilling just playing Fortnight”. We maybe had it good in the 90s, but that came at an expense hidden to most of us.

    • violetta-glass-av says:

      Yeah this is why the X-Files hasn’t aged well for me.

      • stegrelo-av says:

        The Joel McHale character in the reboot was why this show doesn’t work anymore. Now that guy has way too much power and it isn’t funny or interesting, it’s dangerous. 

  • recognitions-av says:

    What, no Spin Doctors?And Green will apparently tell anyone who’s willing to listen about how Barrymore cheated on him multiple times.

    • rockmarooned-av says:

      Spin Doctors?!?! Spin Doctors were almost completely over by 1995 or so. I should know, as the random idiot who got really into Spin Doctors right around 1995. 

    • luasdublin-av says:

      God help me , but despite 2 princes being the only song anyone ever knows from them, I genuinely love Pocket Full of Kryptonite the album it came from

    • imodok-av says:

      If you’re not cheating on Tom Green multiple times, you’re not sane. OTOH, if you’re dating Tom Green, you’re not sane.

    • amoralpanic-av says:
    • parallax2000-av says:

      “And Green will apparently tell anyone who’s willing to listen about how Barrymore cheated on him multiple times.”Literally, never happened.

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      You know, I had almost forgot there was an awful brief moment that Spin Doctors (and Blues Traveler, for that matter) were really things.

    • lasttimearound-av says:

      Spin Doctors were 1995.I know because they signed to play at my high school sophomore year, then Pocket Full of Kryptonite blew up and they tried to get out of it but legally couldn’t so retaliated by refusing to let us use their name on any merch.Bunch of assholes.

  • mrbleary-av says:

    Big Brother season 1 in the UK. Nasty Nick, Anna the lesbian nun, watching primitive livestreams of people sleeping. Not being able to tweet about it. Good times.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      I was working as a tech support guy for Dell back then , and since the whole thing was being sold as a ‘social experiment ‘ rather than the gaudy specticle it became , it was streamed live online 24/7 .When I worked lateshifts , quite often someone would leave it streaming in the background , which would be confusing as hell for me as I’d hear a load of people talking in my mostly empty call center.

    • dikeithfowler-av says:

      I worked on that first season as a logger / online vision mixer, and it was undoubtedly the best summer of my life, at first no one knew if anyone would watch such a thing and then it exploded, and I couldn’t go anywhere without hearing people talking about it. It was a huge amount of fun behind the scenes too as we tried to cope with the madness of the first month or so, and then find ways to liven up the final few weeks!

      • mrbleary-av says:

        I spent a lot of time that summer watching BB and pirating music off Napster. That glorious period between Y2K and 9/11 when it felt like the 21st century was going to be a thrilling cyberpunk adventure.

    • hulk6785-av says:

      Lesbian nun!?Okay, I may watch too many exploitation films, because that got me way too excited. 

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      I remember everybody talking about this Big Brother phenomenon sweeping the world, and how when it reached the US, well, WATCH OUT, man! There was going to be on-camera hookups and shit that American TV just couldn’t handle. Then, some horrible middle-American PTA mom type in the first season’s cast just pounced on any hint of that happening and shut it down instantly, establishing that this version would remain the world’s lamest.

  • ohnoray-av says:

    someone gave me a birthday cameo from the 7th Heaven girl in that low rise jean pic as a bit of a joke in choosing a completely random celebrity. But then I felt guilty watching because the poor girl really put a lot of effort into it and takes all personal info provided seriously(which was also joke info), she looks like she’s made a career on instagram at least and is very well off so it reduced some of my guilt a bit.

  • secondsnice-av says:
  • merlyn11a-av says:

    Probably doesn’t really count, but Smashmouth?

  • pogostickaccident-av says:

    That Nine Days song is interesting and sort of sad. It’s what alternative was trying to be before the Strokes et al blasted through, and then the Warped Tour crew (interestingly their fan bases didn’t overlap much despite the music having similar influences). 2001-2003 were REALLY strong music years. I’m surprised Kid A didn’t get mentioned here. I also listened to the Wallflowers’ Breach a lot that year. Talk about a band that never got a fair shake, albeit for obvious reasons.

    • fedexpope-av says:

      It was kind of the last gasp of the late 90s light alternative rock that seemed to be played on VH1 all the time. Matchbox Twenty and Third Eye Blind were the most famous examples of it, but there were a bunch of smaller bands that made that kind of music, too. 

  • 9evermind-av says:

    Dang. I was in my thirties in 2000, but I had no idea how nostalgic I would feel after listening to all those damn songs.

  • fireupabove-av says:

    I remember being in a foreign country in November, watching the election results on CNN in my hotel room, then going to bed thinking “I’m tired, I’ll see who won in the morning.”

    • tainbocuailgne-av says:

      My girlfriend and I went on vacation to Costa Rica that November — we voted and then caught our plane out of the country. So we had to watch the whole thing unfold from a couple thousand miles away. 

      • fireupabove-av says:

        Yeah, I voted absentee in mid-October and had been away for 5 days prior to the election. The locals were pretty confused as to what was happening and were looking to me for an explanation, to which I replied “I have no idea, man, when I left everything was normal!”

  • ihopeicanchangethislater-av says:

    Low-rise jeans? They wouldn’t be truly popular for a few years — they are a mid-2000s thing.When I think of 2000, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story and Majora’s Mask come to mind….it was a fantastic year for video games.

    • panthercougar-av says:

      As someone who graduated high school in 2001 I have to say you are incorrect. There were intentional whale tales galore. Being a stereotypical teenage boy, I appreciated this.

  • joseiandthenekomata-av says:

    Chicken Run. My brother and I were Aardman Studio fans in the late 90s thanks to Wallace and Gromit. So we looked forward to their first feature film, advertised as “The Great Escape, But With Chickens”. I recall it as enjoyable and thrilling, with the dreaded threat of murder – and actual murder – towards the likable cast of hens and roosters. I’m staying hopeful for the Netflix sequel, thankfully Mel Gibson-free.

  • yuhaddabia-av says:

    I have to express what a disappointment this series of articles has been for me. All week long the logo promised me “YAK WEEK”, and yet not a single yak was mentioned anywhere.This site has so gone downhill…

  • actuallydbrodbeck-av says:

    As one of the resident Canadians in the AVC commentariat I’d like to sincerely apologize for the existence of Tom Green.Sorry.

  • kyle5445-av says:

    I was never as big of a Harry Potter fan as others in my age group, but the peak for me was the release of the fourth book in the summer of 2000.

  • jassicaweir34-av says:

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  • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

    Freestyler by Bomfunk MCI’m Outta Love by AnastaciaAbsolutely Everybody by Vanessa Amorosi Stupid fucking Backyard Blitz, the dull epitome of the bullshit John Howard era.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    As a newly horny 13-year-old in 2000 I have to say I was a huge fan of the low-rise/bare midriff fad.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Granted, we’ll probably feel similarly about Pete Davidson one day.“One day?”

  • browza-av says:

    I’ve only heard Maroon 5’s “Memories” in that video of a virtual kids’ choir singing it. I kept waiting for the Vitamin C chorus. Pachelbel really knew what he was doing with that progression.

  • browza-av says:

    I don’t like “No Scrubs” anymore, and it’s because of a PSA that showed real home video of a young lady singing along with it, while captions described how she was killed by a drunk driver less than 24 hours later.

  • bryanska-av says:

    It wouldn’t be 2020 if the author didn’t call fashion trends “unfortunate”. What’s with the self shaming? If you mock, run from, and regret every thing that happened in the past, then most of your life is in the garbage. 

  • miked1954-av says:

    Hmmmmm, 2000… let me think back. The first thing that pops to mind is Al Gore refusing to contest the election (which he won, actually) ‘for the good of the nation’. Followed eight years later by president Obama refusing to prosecute Bush and Cheney for their war crimes ‘for the good of the nation’. Centerist Democrats are saps. If we get an election later this year (that’s not guaranteed) what’s the chance Biden won’t prosecute Trump for treason or any other of his countless crimes ‘for the good of the nation’?

  • socratessaovicentee-av says:

    What screams 2000 to me? The print version of ‘The Onion’.

  • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

    It came out a bit later in the decade but I immediately thought of Entourage. 

  • theladyeveh-av says:

    I might be misremembering the year, but I seem to recall that we got Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire that year–or at least 99. Boy, that was a harbinger of tragedy for all of us, right?

  • harrydeanlearner-av says:

    That album by the Minutemen (Double Nickels on the Dime) is fucking epic. I had as a kid in the 80’s (around 87, 2 years after D. Boone passed cause I lived in the suburbs and was behind) but it was something I listened to a ton.It was a great surprise when a buddy told me to watch Jackass and I heard that intro riff. The rest of the song and lyrics are great as well: “I only had a corona…five cents deposit!”

  • gk99-av says:

    Bomfunk MC

  • defuandefwink-av says:


  • shadowplay-av says:

    There is nothing wrong with wearing a short sleeved shirt over a long sleeved shirt. 

  • lasttimearound-av says:

    BuffyThe West WingThe SopranosCommand & Conquer: Red Alert 2X-MenUnbreakableGladiator

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    I’m in my mid 40’s so I will say Big Pimping playing at my office party because I requested it is as 2000 as it gets. 

  • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

    Marah, I was also class of ‘99 and remember hearing that Vitamin C song over and over and thinking roughly the same thing. And then someone told me she was in her 30s and the bloom went off the rose. 🙂

  • thedevil-av says:

    Did you just liken Ariana Grande to a dead moose?

  • miked1954-av says:

    Year 2000? Check out the Korean film ‘Lies’ released to the US that year. Its 50 Shade of Grey but without the dude being young, rich or good looking, and without the film makers being prudish. The most wickedly perverse film I’ve ever seen

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