Which character should return for season 3 of The White Lotus?

Let's rank the folks who outta take Tanya's place as the next link between chapters of The White Lotus

TV Features Albie Di Grasso Albie Adam DiMarco
Which character should return for season 3 of The White Lotus?
Aubrey Plaza, Beatrice Grannò, Jon Gries, Meghann Fahy Credit: Fabio Lovino/HBO Graphic: The A.V. Club

Spoiler warning: The following contains spoilers for the seventh and final episode of The White Lotus season two.

On the heels of the second season finale of The White Lotus, we already know about a few things that could be coming in season three. Creator Mike White has said that the next resort location may be somewhere in Asia, and in HBO’s look behind-the-scenes of the finale, he even talked about a potential theme: “a satirical and funny look at death and Eastern religion and spirituality.” That still leaves a lot to speculate about, including which former cast member (if any) may be coming along for the journey. We know it won’t be Jennifer Coolidge’s Tanya McQuoid—who met her untimely death at the end of the season season—but everyone else is potentially in the mix. We’ve selected a few characters who could be the new link between seasons (leaving out the ones we’d be fine never hearing from again), and ranked them by how excited we’d be if we heard they were coming back.

previous arrow6. Albie Di Grasso next arrow
6. Albie Di Grasso
Adam DiMarco Photo Fabio Lovino/HBO

Albie (Adam DiMarco) turned out to be one of the most divisive characters in season two. Some didn’t buy his nice-guy act and were convinced he was just hiding womanizing tendencies that made him no better than the other Di Grasso men, and possibly worse for denying it. Others gave him the benefit of the doubt and took his rejection of his father’s and grandfather’s toxic traits at face value. In the end, he seemed resigned to the fact that he got played by Lucia (Simona Tabasco). Will that experience—and Portia’s initial rejection—change his approach to women in the future? Is there still a chance he’ll follow in his father’s footsteps? We’d need to see more of him to know the answers. He’s not at the top of our list of characters we’d like to see again, but we’re including him because some clarity about his future would be interesting.


  • amessagetorudy-av says:

    Greg has to answer for his deeds and, by extension, it MIGHT involve Portia since she sort of knows who’s responsible (Tanya told her about the photo). But like the article says, not sure how she will get to a different resort (which, according to White will be somewhere that deals with “Eastern religion” – India, maybe?). The rest are basically just love/relationship stories that don’t require the other folks to come back to tell. And any extension of them would be boring. I mean, doesn’t anyone really need to see the “emotional journey” of Albie?Also, the proposed “Eastern religion” storyline seems to be right up Tanya’s alley since she always seemed to be looking for answers in spirituality. But, alas…

    • barkmywords-av says:

      We didn’t see any emotional connection between Portia and Tanya. Portia’s instinct was to get out of Dodge without even checking on Tanya’s welfare. Greg is the only loose thread from this season. The most interesting conclusion would be to see Greg pay a heavy price of Karma, in a future season.

      • amessagetorudy-av says:

        Right, Portia split and there’s little emotional connection, but the hotel knows she came there with Tanya (I assume since she had her own room, they know her name), they’ll ID the body and put the two together. Portia leaving without any word after her boss is found dead, in that regard, already looks suspicious.Only issue is I doubt they’d demand Portia show up at the new White Lotus to answer questions.

        • akabrownbear-av says:

          Kind of wonder what the detectives who look into this case will even conclude. There are a couple of dead guys on a yacht, shot by a gun that’ll have Tanya’s fingerprints on them. There are some witnesses to Tanya’s shooting spree left (like the crewmates) who can likely vouch that Portia wasn’t there. Tanya herself died from falling off the boat and drowning (which maybe one of the crewmates saw) and they’ll likely see she had been drinking if they do a full autopsy.Based on all that, seems like the natural conclusion would be that Tanya got drunk, went crazy, and killed a bunch of people without any valid reason to. Portia might get called but not sure she’s really a key suspect or witness unless they’re actively trying to frame her for some reason. But there is no real reason to do that.

          • amessagetorudy-av says:

            Based on all that, seems like the natural conclusion would be that Tanya got drunk, went crazy, That’s the “natural “conclusion for us on the internet. But a “cop” (and yeah these are fictional cops) wouldn’t just look at the scene and go, welp, that’s it, case closed. You can’t just conclude someone “went crazy” just because it wraps things up in a neat bow. Portia might be needed since she could provide insight into state of mind.

          • roboj-av says:

            Except that this all happened in another country, in Italy out of all places known for its keystone cops, so that conclusion may just happen. Especially if the mafia really was involved. And I don’t see Portia returning to Italy to be questioned or be a witness in a trial. 

          • amessagetorudy-av says:

            I agree with all… ok, most… of that. I mentioned something about Portia not returning for a trial. Just saying, if the writers WANTED to work that it, it wouldn’t be totally out of the realm of possibilities. I think we’re all blending together real life and TV life, myself included

          • roboj-av says:

            I agree wholeheartedly. I’ve always maintained that arguing and complaining about the legality and realisticness of Greg’s plot and their prenup is pointless as people really need to realize its a fictional TV show where you’re supposed to suspend belief and just go along with it.

          • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

            “Forget it Jake, it’s Sicily”

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            My thought was more that the surviving crew might describe her as acting unhinged and killing people unprovoked. As all they would have seen is Quentin and crew lavishing her with food and drinks – seems unlikely they were in on the plot to murder her.But I could be 100% wrong. No idea where the show wants to take this. 

          • tampabeeatch-av says:

            Presumably the gun also has Nicolo’s prints on it, and they need to explain the DIY kidnapping kit that Tanya dumped out on the bed before shooting her way out. The breadcrumbs back to Greg are pretty thick on the ground. That being said, I don’t think we’ll ever really get a follow up on the investigation, but I’d love for Greg to get busted, go to prison and not get a cent of Tanya’s money.

          • rckoala-av says:

            CSI: Sicily!

        • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

          Suspicious especially because Jack drove her directly to Catania airport, without taking her to the White Lotus to pack up her suitcase, etc (hence her even-more-chaotic-than-usual ensemble in the final airport scene) – so it looks like this girl skipped town so fast she abandoned her belongings.

          • amessagetorudy-av says:

            And she was shown buying stuff at their airport (glasses, a hat, etc.) Maybe that’s her esthetic – airport chic.

    • bc222-av says:

      Maybe Quentin’s “nephew” comes looking for Greg? Though he doesn’t seem like the scheming type.  I would like to see Portia wandering around India in her ludicrous wardrobe though.

      • amessagetorudy-av says:

        The “nephew” is DEFINITELY scheming. I could see him finding another “uncle” and ending up in the next episode.And “yes” on the Portia wardrobe in India.

    • pontiacssv-av says:

      Maybe Greg with his new found wealth. I doubt Portia would be around because she is one of the poors, so she wouldn’t be able to afford to be there unless Greg takes her there to make up for her Italy trip.  The question is does she have him by the hang nail because she knew the plan and does he inviter her with intentions of knocking her off to keep quiet.

  • rubber-duckie86-av says:

    I think we’re going to see Laura Dern in season 3. I feel like she probably wants to be in this show but couldn’t make season 2 work, so they set it up for season 3 with her phone calls to Dominic – especially since the last one made it seem like there’s a chance of reconciliation. This way, we’ll also learn what’s going on with Albie, and possibly Portia + what happened after Tanya died.

    • beertown-av says:

      I was right there with you in that guess for Season 3, until they showed the family photo and Dern was nowhere in it.

      • jallured1-av says:

        Exactly. The wife who was shown wasn’t Dern. They have no intention of her showing up, at least as that character. 

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        I don’t think the photo is as disqualifying as people seem to think it is. I remember in Boardwalk Empire’s first season Nucky’s photo of his dead wife was Molly Parker. When they finally did the flashbacks she was someone else.Recording the wife’s side of those conversations was probably one of the last things they did. You can imagine a scenario where they filmed with that photo and then got Dern for the voice and she loves the show and is willing to do a season. Who wouldn’t tolerate a very minor retcon to have that?

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      I would like this. Laura Dern is great.As for Portia / Greg fallout, I think they could handle that with brief exposition like characters reading about it on the news or watching TV or something (assuming the outcome is Portia exposing Greg, which it may not be).

      • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

        The Concierge at White Lotus Bali reads about it in their internal company newsletter, in the “This Week’s Murdered Guests” column.

    • bc222-av says:

      Didn’t we see Dominic looking at a pic of his wife and daughter, and it wasn’t Laura Dern? Definitely didn’t recognize the woman.

    • rubber-duckie86-av says:

      God, I missed the photo thing entirely. Must’ve not been looking then, wow!

    • par3182-av says:

      Laura Dern as Amy Jellicoe seeking a second enlightenment. 

  • gold777-av says:


  • roboj-av says:

    I think a Mia/Lucia and/or Valentina spin-off TV show or movie would be interesting than having them appear in more White Lotus episodes. A deeper dive into Mia and Lucia’s personal life and background, while Mia fends off the revenge seeking piano player she ousted, or Valentina trying to come out and find love in a place like Sicily and her tending of local stray cats would be a good watch.

  • thepowell2099-av says:

    As long as there’s a very obvious Elizabeth Gilbert stand-in doing the most obnoxious Eat Pray Love shtick the whole time and annoying the hell out of everybody.

  • samo1415-av says:

    How about someone else from season 1?

  • marenzio-av says:

    None?I’m probably not the best person to ask, I find these parades of cringe and discomfort and misery not very entertaining. I made it through four episodes of each season before spoiling myself out of the endings. I DID end up watching the last two eps post-spoil of S1 almost entirely for the amazing Bach/Hawaiiian mashup soundtrack; but S2 didn’t even have that so I can’t really see myself going back.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    I guess I need to be better at adverting my eyes but I haven’t finished season 2 yet. Thanks for making it painfully obvious that Tanya dies.

  • ja-pa-bo-av says:

    If Albie can be in the next season I would certainly believe that his father and grandfather would follow him, maybe to come to terms with an end of life crisis. F. Murray Abraham’s character had some moments of that during his Sicily trip. 

  • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

    I’m honestly not sure any of these characters are compelling enough to revisit. The Tanya storyline in season 2 didn’t do much to convince me that keeping a holdover from a previous season is a good idea. Her plot was thin at best and in a lot of ways cheapened a character that had a decent arc in the first season. White took her from being a clueless but also hurting and lost rich person to a very, very stupid person. Portia was never as effective a counterpart to Tanya as Natasha Rothwell’s Belinda was. I would be totally fine if season 3 went with a completely fresh slate of characters.

    • amessagetorudy-av says:

      This. The other couples were just people who were shitty at having a love life. There’s nothing really compelling about seeing if they’re learned to be nicer.

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      I like their being some continuity beyond the brand of the hotel. I’d rather they bring back someone(s) from season one.
      I wouldn’t mind checking in on Plop and his wife’s terrible marriage a few years in, for example.

  • Abby62-av says:

    I’m good with none of these people returning but I particularly don’t need to see Albie or Portia ever again.

  • gesundheitall-av says:

    Daphne is the only possible answer

  • bc222-av says:

    I think Daphne is 30 years away from being Tanya. She’ll keep traveling, putting up with whatever she has to put up with, dispensing weird but solid advice, and just live it up.
    And totally agree that Mia won the season. She got a pretty cushy gig, only had to f one or two people to get it, and whereas the old piano player was circling the drain on a failed music career, she’s barely at her career floor. Some rich American will no doubt see her and try to “discover” her and take her back to LA.

  • bc222-av says:

    Now that they’ve killed him off on Mythic Quest, where am I gonna get my F. Murray Abraham tv fix if he’s not on season 3? Just send the old guy to India to find enlightenment… at a luxury hotel.

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      I still wonder why they killed him off rather than sending him on vacation or something if he was doing one season of another show.

      • bc222-av says:

        Kinda holding out hope that his character faked the whole thing for attention/life insurance fraud or something and they bring him back. Narrative!

  • jallured1-av says:

    Every character closed their arcs except Greg. I loved Daphne, Lucia and Mia, but there’s no narrative reason to return to them. Still rooting for Belinda to sneak back into the mix.

    • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

      Series takes a turn for the supernatural and it turns out that Tanya was right that Belinda was “kinda witchy” – it turns out she DID place a curse on her, leading to her murder. This is what the tarot reader was freaking out about!

  • tristiac-av says:

    “Daphne may not have been our favorite character this season…”Daphne was easily my favorite character this season.

    • CashmereRebel-av says:

      Yeah. She seemed to be the only character that was kind and very self-aware about her situation. Instead of trying to turn Cameron into something he will never be, she made up her mind to learn how to deal with it. 

  • activetrollcano-av says:


  • sometimes-why-av says:

    I think there are plenty of ways for Greg not to get away with it. Besides Portia, Matteo and Didier survived. Losing two of their friends in the murder plot could convince them to go to the cops with what they know.

  • cho24-av says:

    Portia? Shes a baby-Tanya and a walking pile of MEH. I don’t need any more of her bad decisions and borderline catatonia.

  • yyyass-av says:

    None, please. No one was that compelling to begin with let alone shoehorning them in to the next season in some convoluted plot. The most appealing remaining character to me is Portia, but the nature of this show is wealth porn at some of THE most incredible resorts on the planet. Portia is in NO WAY going to run in those circles with any reasonable plot. White would have to re-write her character much like he made Tanya “sympathetic” after being a complete tool in Season 1, and bumblin’ Greg became a gay -stud, just to fit them in to this season. Portia wouldn’t be “Portia” at that point, so why bother? Just bring in fresh talent and stories. The rest of the surviving characters? Who cares?  Let’s not make “bringing back a character” a thing.

    • grumbler52-av says:

      Who is going to scatter Tanya’s ashes? I would vote for Portia and Greg. The estate would pay for the trip. Portia and Greg both need closure, and this is a natural, incredibly tense, and potentially funny way to bring them back.

      • yyyass-av says:

        I don’t think either one needs closure from Tanya. They’re probably happy to be rid of her from all appearances. She was complete ass until she was kind of re-written in this series as pretty crappy protagonist. I think it’s a certain cultural adoption of Jennifer Coolidge that affected the plotting of this season. I’m just not in to her, but other people find everything she does to be hysterical and relevant. Whateva…

        • grumbler52-av says:

          Portia and Tanya were the broken halves of a whole person, Big-Tanya and Mini-Tanya, mirroring each other in myriad ways. Right up until the end, I thought that they were going to “save” themselves by seeing themselves in the other and developing empathy and care for each other. Than Portia was abducted, Tanya was given an operatic death, and Portia remains a broken, empty person. She still needs closure. Greg does not need closure from Tanya. The issue for Greg is whether he gets away with it. If Greg gets his comeuppance, Portia has an important role to play because she is the key witness. And if Portia is going to be engaged in seeking justice for Tanya, it’s an opportunity for her to grow as a character, finding Tanya in death and coming to understand the connections that eluded both of them in life. That’s how I would write it. I’m interested in seeing what Mike White will do. At the beginning of season 2, Dom and Portia were the two characters who were already walking wounded. MW gave Dom an opportunity for real growth — not necessarily a happy ending, but real progress. Next to Tanya herself, Portia had the most harrowing trip of any of the main characters, but since she was held captive for the final two days, she never did acquire agency; she remains passive and broken. That’s a waste of a character. Dom got a chance. I’d also give Portia a chance to grow. If Greg is brought to justice, Portia will almost necessarily be a part of it. If she’s drawn back into the story, she shouldn’t remain a passive bystander. She should develop self-awareness, purpose and agency. 

  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    Is there an option for “none”? I thought Coolidge was one of the worst characters from season one. Of course… nevermind.

  • grumbler52-av says:

    Greg and Portia. My theory: Tanya’s will stipulates that her ashes be scattered in [insert Mike White’s preferred destination]. Who should do the honors? Tanya’s bereaved husband, of course, and her devoted personal assistant. Portia will be surprised at the assignment, but friendless Tanya probably regards her PA as a hired friend and more reliable than anyone she knows, including her husband. The investigation is still in its early stages. Greg does not know how much Portia knows or has told the police. Portia does not know how much Greg suspects. They are incredibly suspicious of each other, but the investigation is still hush-hush. The investigators have told Portia to keep her mouth shut and pass along anything suspicious that she sees or hears. Greg has not been collared. They both play out the farce. I hate loose ends and prefer completed character arcs. Greg is a huge loose end and should be resolved one way or another. And Greg and Portia were underutilized in season 2: Greg disappeared early and never returned; Portia (like Dominic) started out as a crippled, hurting character, had a two-day fling, and then got taken hostage and held mostly offscreen for the final two days. Portia and Tanya were the broken halves of a whole person. I thought they would eventually connect and “find themselves” by developing empathy and care for the other. There were signs that this was happening, but then Portia was made a prisoner and held incommunicado while Tanya got an operatic death. Portia was left dangling. Next to Tanya, Portia actually had the most dramatic, traumatic and dangerous adventure of any of the main characters. She needs more of a resolution, including an opportunity to reflect on Tanya, make the connection that had eluded her while Tanya was alive, and mourn. Big Tanya and Mini-Tanya still need to find each other.Season 3 will still have a sprawling ensemble cast. Greg and Portia will complete their arcs. There will be five or more additional messy guests, several messy White Lotus staffers, and four more messy subplots to confuse the story. But if Greg is to be resolved, Portia must come back into play as well because she is the key witness (and because her character still needs resolution). No, Portia can’t afford a White Lotus vacation. But this will be a pilgrimage to scatter Tanya’s ashes, stipulated in Tanya’s will. The estate will pay the bill. Tanya, being Tanya, will of course leave Portia a very special, very personal token of appreciation. This will be her beloved cat, who will bear a striking resemblance to Darbin, HLR’s cat in real life. Haley will play opposite her IRL cat, who will get top billing (and a substantial salary). “Portia” will bond with Tanya through the cat. And Darbin will be the mystery death that opens season 3, episode 1, so it will be a real tearjerker of a twist at the end.If season 3 is going to deal with death and eastern religions, this is a natural. And it completes the unfinished character arcs from season 2.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    Laura Dern and Connie Britton leave their stunted hubbies for each other.For some reason people aren’t expecting a season 1 character to return

    • tsuyoi-av says:

      Yeah, I’d rather a season 1 character return if they’re going that route. I’d prefer a new slate of characters, but if they’re bringing someone back there’s no reason it has to be someone from season 2.

  • jayrig5-av says:

    Why does Harper deserve better? The entire plot was that actually all four of those people were pretty much the exact same type of asshole.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Harper seemed to be at least trying to repair her relationship, while Ethan seemed completely checked out and Cameron and Daphne were living lives of extreme deception and mutual toxicity.  Harper may not be perfect, but she’s better than the other 3 in that group. 

      • CashmereRebel-av says:

        I thought Harper was the biggest snob. She went out of her way to make every transaction awkward. She shamed Daphne and Cameron at breakfast by drawing out that they aren’t big readers and don’t watch the news. And she treated Ethan like a child by no letting him order his own dinner (omg, not the fish).

      • jayrig5-av says:

        I, uh, strongly disagree? She was insecure about their sex life but she was also judgy as fuck from the start, couldn’t play along with Ethan’s friends because she clearly felt superior, and then when her husband DIDN’T cheat on her despite a gift-wrapped opportunity she elected to be impossibly passive-aggressive after finding a condom wrapper (which could’ve been left by prior guests for all she knew, much less Cameron), didn’t communicate despite zero indication that Ethan was a bad communicator, spiraled to the point that she allowed Cameron to do more to her right at the dinner table with Daphne and Ethan there than Ethan did with a much bigger opportunity, and then refused to be fully truthful. None of this is damning! I appreciated the gray areas! They’re all bad. But nothing about Harper’s behavior or choices screamed superior to everyone else in that group. Again that was, to me, the entire point of the storyline.

    • CashmereRebel-av says:

      Agree. All the Harper fans seem to forget about her hideous behaviour in the first episode. She was bitchy from the get go. She acted as though she was deeper, smarter, and more cultured than everyone, and didn’t bother to hide it. She couldn’t just say ‘no thank you’ to the Proseco, she made it uncomfortable. She couldn’t just wait until the concierge, Cameron, and Daphne were out of the room to tell Ethan she didn’t want to used the door joining the rooms. She had to blurt it out in front of everyone. She went out of her way to make Daphne and Cameron seem shallow at their first breakfast. And she was an asshole during their first dinner. Ethan wanted the fish, but she had to explain why he didn’t, then proceeded to order for him.

      • jayrig5-av says:

        Yeppppp. Like, my takeaway early was that Ethan wasn’t into her because of that behavior, and then they both sort of “loosened” over the course of the season in different and unexpected ways, and then ended up basically getting to a satisfying equilibrium (even if it’s temporary) only after succumbing to the sort of interplay that makes Cameron and Daphne “work” as a couple, even if they’re also both miserable a lot of the time. 

    • sploozoo-av says:

      Indeed. Ethan and Harper were both equally sympathetic and prickish. One could argue that they both deserve better or neither deserve better.I would assume AV club selected Harper due to Aubrey Plaza 

  • laurenceq-av says:

    Portia and Albie together on their one year anniversary as a couple.

  • chippowell-av says:

    A great beginning to season 3 would be Greg arriving at the resort, immediately slipping off the boat, hitting his head, and drowning.

  • karen0222-av says:

    None of them. The idea of White Lotus is to show how shallow, selfish, manipulative they all are.Valentina was the only one I truly liked and had to give Mia a pass for helping her to discover herself.

  • erictan04-av says:

    Bring back Harper. None of the others is a star.

  • oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy-av says:

    Has to be Greg. Jack talking about how “powerful” the people involved were demands a bit of resolution. It would kind of fit the motif – how you can be uber rich but there is always another entity that will take it from you; is organised, and ruthless.

  • handsomecool-av says:

    I love Aubrey Plaza, but I definitely don’t want more of Harper. Her story was emotional, intense, and had a nice ending so any more would kind of spoil that. I would MUCH prefer someone like F Murray Abraham. He works great as a tertiary character that just reacts to other guests and adds humor, but I could also see him having a nice season-long arc forming an emotional bond with another guest or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • ijohng00-av says:

    i want cooleage to come back as Tanya’s twin, but the complete opposite of Tanya.it’s bleak to think Greg was scheming in S1.Also, i thought F. Murray was wasted this season.

  • sargie-av says:

    Valentina was one of my favourite characters. Wonderfully acted by Sabrina Impacciatore. Perhaps she transfers to a southeast Asia hotel (India, Bali, Australia?) and falls in love with a badass female assassin.

  • CashmereRebel-av says:

    My guess would be Greg, spending his dead wife’s money on a new vacation. It links the season’s and gives us the chance to see his demise. 

  • dmicks-av says:

    I think the obvious way to get Portia there, aside from with Albie, would be if Tonya left her money.

    • grumbler52-av says:

      Another possibility: Tanya’s will directs that her ashes be scattered in some location — naturally, a very exotic place — that had some special meaning for her. But Tanya has no close family. She perhaps has no real friends that she would entrust with such a mission. She doesn’t have a great record with husbands and she distrusts Greg. She is used to depending on personal assistants, who she regards as hired friends, and her assistant may be the most reliable and trusted person in her life (with the possible exception of her lawyer). So: it’s in the will that Portia is asked to make the trip, as her final assignment as the PA. Greg will also go along in an ex officio capacity, but it’s really Portia who would do the honors. Portia would probably be surprised by the assignment, which comes as news to her when the will is read, but she feels sorry for Tanya, feels some guilt and responsibility for her demise, and is willing to go. At least Tanya will not try to confine her to her room this time.At this point, the investigation into Tanya’s death is still ongoing. It is highly confidential. Greg is not yet formally considered a suspect. With Quentin dead, Greg is flying blind. Greg does not know what the investigators know or suspect. He does not know what Portia knows or suspects. And Portia does not know what Greg knows or suspects. Portia and Greg are VERY apprehensive about each other, but they are also not yet open enemies, they both have a role to play, and they both want to keep up appearances. The trip, naturally, is insanely tense from the beginning ….And we will just have to watch season 3 to see how it unfolds.

  • icquser810199-av says:

    I am putting ALL MY MONEY on Portia and Albie returning, with Greg… and TANYA.They will be on a detective caper to try to solve Tanya’s death. It will be awkward and adorable. Tanya will return via flashbacks in every episode because the show IS Jennifer Coolidge.

  • yyyass-av says:

    wrong thread…

  • kevtron2-av says:

    I am sure Mike White is under a lot of pressure to bring a character back. I am fine either way. I am looking forward to another Survivor contestant cameo though! 

  • motbarstow-av says:

    Jay and Silent Bob

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