Wow, Netflix got to stream Jurassic Park for 2 whole months

Aux Features Film
Wow, Netflix got to stream Jurassic Park for 2 whole months
They’re waiting for a better streaming deal to pop out Photo: Murray Close/Sygma/Sygma

Disappointment! We’ve got disappointment here!

Look: We’re aware that few things on Earth can capture the raw unpredictability of chaos theory better than trying to wrap one’s head around the logic underlying various streaming licensing deals. But it’s still a little baffling to see that Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park—which Netflix touted heavily when it came to the service way back on August 1—will now, per Variety, be departing the company’s roster after a mere 2 months of availability.

In fact, all three original Jurassic Park movies will be going extinct at once, which is a real shame for anyone who’s really into seeing teenagers do Gymkata on velociraptors. It’s also fairly strange, in that Netflix is also about to launch a whole new Jurassic World project of its own, the animated Camp Cretaceous.

Chalk it up to some Peacock growing pains, probably; the streaming service—owned and operated by NBCUniversal, who owns the JP/JW franchise—actually had the rights to broadcast Spielberg’s beloved blockbuster for 17 days right after it launched, before ceding that ground to Netflix. We can only assume the short duration of the deal was inspired, at least in part, by a desire to not have one of the company’s biggest box-office draws luring people to its competitor.

In any case, you’ve still got more than a month to watch Jurassic Park for the hundredth of whatever time; after it goes off the service at the end of September, it’s not clear just where those wacky dinos and extremely edible toilet lawyers will end up next.


  • gaith-av says:

    In my day, you only got to stream stuff once, at a particular time of day, and with commercials, censorship, and in pan&scan!

  • zaftique-av says:

    Look, I saw that movie 24 times in the theater because I knew I wasn’t ever going to bother seeing it on the small screen, and by gum, I’ve held to that. The only other time I have seen it since 1992 was when it briefly came back for it’s 20th anniversary. And if they ever do a live orchestra playalong, I’ll see it then. But consarn it, that movie demands to be on the HUGEST OF SCREENS, the likes of which no mere home theater can accomplish, and I shall not sully its grandeur. 😉

    • tekkactus-av says:

      I dunno friend, I’ve watched it a couple hundred times on VHS, and I’m pretty sure it still holds up.

      • rasan-av says:

        That like, three double sided laserdisc version sure looked and sounded great but was a pain in the ass having to play projectionist while also ruining the flow of the story.

    • kbbaus-av says:

      I admire your dedication. And if you do get a chance to see it with a live orchestra, you absolutely need to. The Minnesota Orchestra did it like 2 summers ago and it was amazing. 

    • sh90706-av says:

      Isn’t Disney+ developing a Broadway musical of Jurassic Park?  If not, I hope so.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I watch it at least once a week. 

  • laserface1242-av says:
    • mifrochi-av says:

      I suppose an open collar is a good way to disperse heat, if you’re going to wear a leather jacket in Costa Rica. 

  • magpie187-av says:

    Gymkata > dinosaurs 

  • cinecraf-av says:

    “Welcome t0…Jurassic Pa-”

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    this will eventually be a feature not a bug.

  • shadowofdreams2323-av says:

    Honestly, this hits me as the future of streaming. You get it for a few months, broadcast you’ve got it and let it soar in rankings and recommendations, then when it begins to fall off after a few months you let it go. Its hella expensive to keep something big for months and there gets to be an eventual taking for granted if its just always there. Not saying its good, but it does seem likely.Part of the issue is that our original understanding of the promise of streaming was based on studios having no fucking idea how much streaming rights were worth, and letting Netflix get rights to entire services for crazy low amounts for years at a time. Part of why everybody has pivoted to original content is that once those contracts came time to be renewed, they shot up hard. Starz sold the rights for their catalog to Netflix for 30 million a year around 2009, and in 2012 were asking for 200-300 million a year. That level of undervaluation, while great for the consumer when it was being priced like that, would bankrupt every studio in time, considering it also cratered the video rental and home video markets. 

    • gonzalo323232-av says:

      It makes sense for movies, not so much for tv shows.

    • galdarn-av says:

      “Its hella expensive to keep something big for months”

      As someone who works in this industry, I can tell you it’s hella-not-expensive-at-all to keep library movies for months, because most library titles are licensed non-exclusively and are licesed in big groups of films, not one at a time, which is why eight different networks air Jurassic Park at any given time. Most deals are 12 or 24 months and cost very, very little when compared to new movies.

  • 4prize-av says:

    “…look at the hollow vertebrae, just like a movie theatre. And even the name, ‘Net flix’ means ‘something that very fine material occasionally passes through.’”

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    And of course, watch a future convicted sexual predator acting shifty as hell, while Newman assures him nobody cares about him.

    • backwardass-av says:

      I had to look this up cause I would have been shocked, since they’ve been making a big deal about Dodgson returning for the newest Jurassic World.Campbell Scott is the shifty Dodgson, who Newman meets at the Tiki Bar.Cameron Thor is the convicted sex predator, he played the dinosaur keeper on the island (“clever girl”).

      • the-allusionist-av says:

        Campbell Scott is assuming the role in the third Jurassic World flick, but Cameron Thor played Dodgson in Jurassic Park. Bob Peck was the raptor tracker, Muldoon.Anyway, why make a big deal about the return of Dodgson? Don’t they know that no one cares?

        • backwardass-av says:

          Ugh, you’re right, I tried to retrace my google steps to see how I got that so egregiously wrong but no clue, glad to have it corrected quickly though lest my inadvertent libel of Bob Peck stand for too long!

          • newdaesim-av says:

            What matters is that Muldoon was a badass who survived the events of the island in the novel through sheer badassery, but Stephen Spielberg dislikes hunting so byyyyyye Aussie!#justiceformuldoon

          • lordtouchcloth-av says:

            Mate, he was Kenyan, not Aussie. He was a brilliant character, and the only voice of reason. Unfortunately, he was never coming back for The Lost World or any of it, because Bob Peck had a minor case of dying. 

          • newdaesim-av says:

            He was Kenyan? I Ghana believe it!

          • ruefulcountenance-av says:

            Indeed, a huge shame. If you’re a fan of Peck’s work, and you haven’t seen it already, I would heartily recommend the original miniseries version of Edge of Darkness, in which he stars alongside and actually rather brilliant Joe Don Baker.Joanne Whalley, the future and former Mrs Val Kilmer, plays Peck’s daughter.

          • galdarn-av says:

            “in which he stars alongside and actually rather brilliant Joe Don Baker.”

            You seem surprised that Mitchell could be anything *but* brilliant.

          • newdaesim-av says:

            My bad!

          • galvatronguy-av says:

            We don’t know he got eaten— he could have ended up stabbing the Velociraptor with a hunting knife… And I like to think he did.

          • newdaesim-av says:

            So here I continue sit, unfairly banished to the greys by some reactionary twit on a high horse. Perhaps I’ll write a novel about my experiences, as I continue to suffer this nauseating injustice. Oh, how i hate you,, for tgriwinging me into this fucking phantom zone. Kinja sucks and so do you! If only some enlightened soul receives this message years from now and knows I was betrayed by this once noble institution. Fuck you so much, A.V. club! No, no…that won’t help. Ahhh, but it makes me feel so much better.

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        Cameron Thor is the convicted sex predator, he played the dinosaur keeper on the island (“clever girl”).Muldoon (“clever girl”) was played by Bob Peck, who died in 1999.Thor played Lew Dodgson in Jurassic Park. And Scott is taking on the role in JW: Dominion. EDIT: Didn’t mean to replicate The Allusionist’s reply to you, sorry.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Bob Peck is the actor who played Muldoon, who said “clever girl.” Cameron Thor played Dodgson.Edit:  I see this has been covered.  Can’t have anybody talking shit about Muldoon.

      • collex-av says:

        Hmm, I think you got mighty confused there,son. Cameron Thor is the convicted sex offender and he played Lewis Dodgson in that scene at the Tiki Bar. The “dinosaur keeper on the Island” was played by Bob Peck. Campbell Scott wasn’t in Jurassic Park, but he IS going to play Lewis Dodgson in the next Jurassic World film.

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      I got a Community Notification for this?

    • rasan-av says:

      I thought u were talking about Jeff Goldblum and how he rubbed my leg while we were in a van waiting out the rain during the filming of Holy Man

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Who doesn’t already own a copy of JP though?

  • martianlaw-av says:

    Every time I look through the DirecTV guide list this movie is airing concurrently on TNT, TBS, BBC America, Vice and the Home Shopping Network.

    • missrori-av says:

      I was just going to say. It’s been this way since roughly since last summer actually. The package of the three original films has been circulating freely among basic cable channels, and not just Universal-owned ones. Freeform, Syfy, AMC, WGN Superstation, TBS, TNT — perhaps a few more I’m missing/have forgotten. About every other weekend one of them is running the movies. And they’re easy to find on DVD/Blu-Ray; if not at Wal-Mart/Target than certainly Barnes and Noble. On the one hand, it speaks to how wildly popular this franchise is that everybody wants a piece of it; on the other (especially given that these do not have to be heavily edited for content), it speaks to how there’s really nothing special about their being available on streaming services.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      I believe Comcast at least is contractually obligated to always have one of the original 3 movies playing on at least 2 channels that its cable systems are carrying, 24/7.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      My dream is a TV channel that plays all of the JP/JW movies, plus Tremors and Evolution on a 24 hour loop.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    It was also the #1 movie in the country recently due to replays at drive-ins (I saw it!) so a bunch of people have seen it recently.

  • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

    I’ll never understand the love for JP. I read the book during down time in high school as a senior, right before the movie came out, and I was stoked. Spielberg did his usual thing with the ending (I like Spielberg FYI) and was pretty much meh about the film. Never watched it again, aside from my first journalism class in college where they showed the story boards from the scene with the passenger side mirror “Objects may be closer than they appear” and it was essentially identical to how it was filmed. Class of at least 150 in the room and we all did a collective Whoa! at that revelation.

  • ospoesandbohs-av says:

    It was a toilet lawyer who led the bullshit case that took down Gawker Media. 

  • oopec-av says:

    If you’re going to need access to Jurassic Park that often, why the fuck don’t you already own it on Blu-Ray? This is a non-issue.

  • toommuchcontent-av says:

    netflix is mostly useless at this point 

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    How long does Netflix have Billy & The Clone-osaurus?

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    There are people who have only seen Jurassic Park 100 times?  It’s on TV like 5 times a week.  

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