
Yellowjackets returns to form with some Sam Raimi-style flourishes

Yellowjackets goes full Evil Dead mode, complete with whooshing zooms to the window.

TV Reviews Yellowjackets
Yellowjackets returns to form with some Sam Raimi-style flourishes
Liv Hewson as Teen Van in Yellowjackets Photo: Kailey Schwerman/Showtime

After a week of stagnation, it’s pleasing to see Yellowjackets step it up a notch. Although we are still asking lots of questions and getting few answers, there’s plenty to sink one’s proverbial teeth into.

Things are looking pretty bad for the girls in the wilderness. The battery has died on the sole source of music, Misty is sexually harassing the recovering coach, and everyone’s periods have synced up, leading to a cross Yellowjacket time of cramps, moods, and makeshift sanitary products. It leads to one of the grossest jokes in the show so far, where Travis mistakes a pot of boiling bloody underwear for venison stew. Aside from landing some fun menstruation jokes the plot device lets us know that Shauna, the sole person who’s not being visited by Aunt Flo, has an unwanted pregnancy onto her list of things to worry about.

All in all, the girls have settled into an impressive routine, hunting, skinning, laundering, and chopping wood. Strangely, coming up with ideas for getting rescued doesn’t seem high on the agenda. Jackie, floundering again despite her supposedly innate leadership abilities, is being called out for not pitching in. Her solution is, after a solid talking-to from Shauna—and it’s hard to even comprehend the writers linking these two plot points—is that they should hold a séance to boost morale. This is a serious leap, but sure, we’ll suspend our disbelief to imagine a world without The Exorcist or charades.

When the séance starts, Yellowjackets goes full Evil Dead mode, complete with whooshing zooms to the window. Lottie (already seemingly connected to the other side) takes on a deep unnatural voice and starts speaking in French and downstairs the coach starts projectile vomiting (although whether that is supernatural or Misty poisoning him isn’t confirmed). Laura Lee proves particularly useful in this situation and literally whacks the evil out of Lottie with a Bible.

What is starting to emerge, intriguingly, is an ambiguity among the girls of what exactly happened. Nat and Misty manage to get crime scene photos by getting one of Misty’s amateur detective friends to hack Detective Kevin’s email. When Misty pieces together the mysterious symbol on the floor beneath Travis’s body her first reaction is to say “This is bad. This is so wrong. Travis didn’t believe in any of this shit.” It hints that not everyone in the wilderness brought into the supernatural interpretation of events, and maybe the divide between the hunters and the hunted was formed that way? At this point it’s all speculative but it’s an intriguing nugget of information.

Shauna’s storyline also reassuringly kicks it up a gear. Still hanging out with Adam, the world’s most suspicious man, she fakes another late-night Book Club to go to a Halloween rave with him. There, Shauna thinks she might be being followed by teenage Jackie, but on closer examination it turns out to be her daughter Callie, high on molly and wearing Jackie’s old Yellowjackets uniform.

It’s an uneasy confrontation, but one that in a few minutes actually speaks volume about how Shauna has been sleepwalking through life as a wife and a mother. Shauna’s strange naivety comes to the fore when her daughter points out that Adam, if he has access to google, knows about her traumatic past. Shauna also tells her daughter that though she and Jeff don’t speak about her, but she is haunted by Jackie every day. But Callie overplays her hand, trying to leverage knowledge of the affair against her mother. It’s a delightfully snarky retort from Lynsky deadpanning, “Have you ever heard of mutually assured destruction?” and dispassionately spells out how bad her parent’s divorce would be for Callie. It’s an uneasy détente and one that likely won’t last very long.

Meanwhile, Taissa is having an equally miserable time with her kid. Sammy still seems distant and disturbed, despite looking adorable in his sandwich Halloween costume. The campaign is still nosediving and their house is being vandalized with red paint. Simone gently helps her to come to realize that it’s time to give up on her state senate dreams and there is true sweet chemistry between the actresses that we haven’t had a chance to truly feel until now. Unfortunately Sammy is getting in the way of their domestic bliss and a red paint can is found under his bed. He, of course, unconvincingly denies it. But this and a series of hallucination somehow motivates Taissa to stay in the race, and she declares her intention to see it through until the bitter end. So technically, yes, this is yet another episode of Yellowjackets with one note for Taissa, but Tawny Cypress can sell the hell out of a righteously angry monologue.

Just as compelling is Juliette Lewis’ portrayal of grief. Some of the episode’s best moments cut between Travis and Nat as teenagers flirting in the woods and present day Nat remembering lying next to him in bed, cutting to grisly images of his autopsy.

We finally bring some of our disparate threads together in the present day. Taissa and Nat meet up and simultaneously receive blackmail texts asking for $50,000. Seems a bold move to blackmail Nat, who doesn’t even seem to have bail money and is willing to set people on fire to get what she want. But perhaps she’s not as savvy as we suspect, as she hasn’t clocked the hidden camera Misty has put in her house. And in a classic Misty plot, she overhears how everyone thinks she has bad hair.

Our mysteries are now in the double digits, but it will be fascinating to see more of Taissa and Nat together and to see how they act around a trusted friend that know the truth of what happened out there in the woods.

Stray Observations

  • Taissa and Van having a little romance in the wilderness is adorable.
  • How long until scurvy sets in when you are on an all-venison diet?
  • Maybe I’ve watched Old Boy too many times, but is anyone else now slightly worried that Adam is going to turn out to be Shauna’s baby?
  • Misty and the coach feels like it’s going to end somewhere horrifying. At least he, unlike so many others, seems to appreciate how dangerous she is. Realizing her crush and that she’s potentially poisoning him, he attempts to placate her by saying the feelings are reciprocated and they’ll act on them post-graduation/rescue. Doubtful that will get him to the end of the 19 months.
  • Misty is saved in Nat’s phone as “Don’t Pick Up.”


  • bustertaco-av says:

    The girls obviously have a pretty much infinite amount of free time out in the woods, but I still found it funny that they choreographed a dance to do. Don’t tell me that wasn’t practiced. Good for them, though. I suppose it beats moping around.And I thought for sure the coach was going to vomit endlessly and die, like in Hateful Eight or some comedy routine.

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      And I thought for sure the coach was going to vomit endlessly and die, like in Hateful Eight or some comedy routine.All I could think was “He’s been poisoned by his constituents!”

    • ohnoray-av says:

      I like when they know they are doing dumb shit like wasting candles, but they also probably aren’t expecting to be stuck out there for more than a few weeks at this point, and gotta do something to pass the time. It’s just a reminder that they are still just kids at this point.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Regarding scurvy, it’s a real issue unless they know about the nutritive value of pine needles. Certain common varieties of pine needles can be brewed into a tea that actually has more vitamin C than oranges (plus vitamin A). Since Akilah has demonstrated knowledge of edible plants from her scouting days, I’d wager she knows about pine needle tea too, since it’s one of the easiest and safest edibles to locate in the wild.

    • kitschkat-av says:

      Actually, rare fresh meat has plenty of vitamin C, especially organ meats – it’s preserved meats that don’t have any vit C left, and the more it’s cooked the less fresh meat will have. Connective tissues between bones have lots too, so assuming the girls are making stew with the bones, they’ll be fine. It’s how the arctic peoples didn’t get scurvy.

      • cinecraf-av says:

        Ah you’re right. I can recall reading about some Inuit who encountered survivors from the Franklin expedition, who gave them some seal meat, and were appalled when they started to cook it, which robbed it of much of its value, including vital fats. They pretty much realized these survivors were totally unequipped to survive, and moved on.But with the kind of game they’re hunting, what is the danger of parasites, or other contagion that might result from eating uncooked meat?

        • kitschkat-av says:

          That I can’t answer! Though I know in general wild game has lower rates of disease and parasites than farmed animals because they don’t spend as much time in close contact with each other, and hunting creates fewer risks of contagion between slaughtering and eating.

          • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

            It seems like they should be fishing too, that would vary their diet a bit more too & you would not need a gun for that. They could probably improvise fishing poles certainly & presumably lines 

  • loveinthetimeofcoronavirus-av says:

    Misty setting up the whole thing for attention is too obvious, but boy she sure did spot the weird symbol in a random assortment of disorganized Polaroids fast.

    • ohnoray-av says:

      Yah, Misty is definitely just spying on them like a weirdo, but not behind it all.I feel Jackie was left behind fate undetermined, and this is someone fucking with the girls on Jackie’s behalf. I guess we’ll see what other survivors are still kicking by the end of this season.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    This might be my favorite episode so far. So many plot developments! A pregnancy!Van and Taissa! (What do we call them? Tan? Visa?)Laura Lee being Laura Lee!Bible assault!Stray thoughts and observations:Maybe we should be saving those batteries to listen for radio broadcasts?Lottie seems primed to start wearing an Antler crown soon…Misty loves to prank little children (and endanger her patients at the same time). I love her.Cassie dressed as a dead member of a team her mom belonged to. Is that passive aggressive, or are we now purely aggressive aggressive?Of all the insults lobbed at her, “poodle-haired” is seemingly what pushes Misty over the edge.Misty should totally date that hacker, but I admire that even she has standards.Misty is hoarding the Midol. Tacky Misty.Speaking of which, I love that her avatar name is African Gray, which is the breed of her parrot Caligula.Coach Deadmeat has to realize he’s trapped in the plot of Misery, right?Poor Jackie. First, Shauna warns her that the others are starting to notice she’s not pulling her weight, and now she’s been given back the Necklace of Foreshadowing. She better learn a skill before winter rolls in…Speaking of which, I’m not convinced she’s dead despite Shauna’s seeming comments in the past tense. It’s the old axiom, that if you don’t have a body, if they don’t say you are dead, then you are not dead. And what I heard was Shauna saying everything except that she was dead. Either she survived and was so traumatized that she’s not been the same, or maybe she was left for dead but will turn up alive. I don’t think she’s Pit Girl (Mari is still my top pick here)I don’t buy the theories that Adam is anyone connected to the disaster. Personally I think he’s exactly who he says he is – a struggling artist who works at an auto shop. But I DO think he knows who Shauna is, and sees her as a meal ticket for info he can either sell or use against her. Either way, after Coach Deadmeat, I think Adam is the most likely to end up dead, and at Shauna’s hand.Freezeframe: During Shauna’s google search, there is a tidbit about a lawsuit against the airplane manufacturer. One, this would explain how Nat has a Porsche, and why Taissa has a big house. I’m guessing the survivors got big settlements. Maybe Shauna put her money into Jeff’s failing furniture store. Also, you can see Laura Lee and Lottie’s names listed, though it’s unclear if they are filing the suit, or if it was filed by their families. No mention of fan favorite Van, and her absence from Taissa’s life doesn’t bode well for her future. I simply love how chock full of detail this show is. It really demands multiple viewings.This episode revealed that all four of our lead characters have the potential for real viciousness for personal gain.  Misty is spying on the others.  Natalie threatened to burn someone alive.  Taissa used fraud to advance her cause.  And Shauna threatened to nuke her daughter’s life.  This goes to underline my long term theory, that this show is much less Lord of the Flies, than it is And Then There Were None.  I think ALL of our main adult characters are in fact going to turn out to be the villains who committed the heinous acts we see in the pilot, and whoever is now taunting them is either someone who was victimized by them, or is a relative of one of the dead.  This is about righteous vengeance.

    • loveinthetimeofcoronavirus-av says:

      I’m not saying they won’t turn out to be wrong, but the dialogue seemed to indicate that everyone thinks Jackie is dead fairly conclusively. I just don’t see parents giving their child’s sports jersey to her best friend to remember her by because she’s “not the same” since the accident.

      • cinecraf-av says:

        I just thought it was odd how Shauna danced around actually saying Jackie was dead.  Like, maybe she’s institutionalized.  Or possibly she was left behind and not rescued with the others and thought dead. 

        • loveinthetimeofcoronavirus-av says:

          See, I really don’t think institutionalized fits with the jersey giveaway. If anything, I think the parents would be holding onto the jersey to remind themselves of who Jackie used to be in that scenario.I guess I could see left behind, with the parents giving away the jersey being a sign they can’t live with the uncertainty and are just going to assume dead.Maybe flying the small plane is going to turn out to be her talent and she’s going to go missing or crash in such a way the girls can’t verify whether she’s survived?

          • cinecraf-av says:

            You’re very likely right. I’ve just seen too many shows pull fakeouts, that until I see the character die, it’s hard to fully buy their death.Honestly what would make this show the apex of tragedy, is if in the end Jackie dies at Shauna’s hands somehow, as I fully believe Shauna will break bad as things worsen at the camp.

        • toecheese4life-av says:

          Jackie being left behind and living in the woods this whole time makes sense. She is having the hardest time adjusting and the show made a point to show that and that feels like some kind of foreshadowing that she would be the one left there basically forever. Maybe they left Jackie behind because didn’t agree to cover up whatever they are covering up?
          Maybe feral Jackie is the woman in the tree?

          • cinecraf-av says:

            That could be a real possibility.  Jackie for me seems to be positioned as the major tragic figure of this because she’s the most ill-equipped, and I would argue, innocent of the bunch.  Either she’s going to die right before they’re rescued (and for an extra twist of the knife, at Shauna’s hands), or she somehow gets left behind/dead, and goes on to be the most feral of them all.

          • toecheese4life-av says:

            I view the tragic character being Lottie. I read a lot of horror fictions and usually the person who senses things or gives warnings ends up dying because people can’t handle the truth or the truth doesn’t align with their agenda (which I could see Misty leading the charge if she felt Lottie was getting in the way of being with coach).Either way I am super excited about this show! It creates a lot of interesting conversations online.

          • drips-av says:

            Maybe feral Jackie is the woman in the tree?

            ooohhhhh shiiiieeeeeeeet

        • saltydog818-av says:

          since Callie is too young to be the baby Shuana is pregnant with my theory is Jackie dies and she named the baby after her and then her daughter died and that’s part of the reason she and her husband grew apart.  Callie said they never talk about her so I think it is a dead older sister. 

        • nowmedusa-av says:

          I think Shauna dancing around saying Jackie is dead is likely more the writers wanting to tease it out with the audience. It gives them the option to go either way later on. 

    • mackyart-av says:

      Cassie dressed as a dead member of a team her mom belonged to. Is that passive aggressive, or are we now purely aggressive aggressive?Callie thought she was wearing her mom’s uniform and was surprised and apologetic when Shauna told her that it was Jackie’s uni.

      • cinecraf-av says:

        It’s harder to see in the darkly lit scene, but the actress who portrays the daughter posted some photos of herself from that episode, and she’s got pale makeup and dark circles around her eyes.  While she may not have known is was Jackie’s uniform, I totally think she intended to go as a dead Yellowjacket.  

        • mackyart-av says:

          That’s fair and may be true. I assumed that she was just “Halloweening” the uniform up with an emo/goth look.

          I was just basing my assumptions off the scene when Shauna said that the uniform was Jackie’s and Cassie’s reaction came off as sincere. It felt like an honest mom, daughter conversation before they started playing their games again.

    • lisarowe-av says:

      i don’t think jackie’s dead one reason being ella purnell is the biggest name out of the younger versions cast and they’re not going to not utilize that.

    • StoneMustard-av says:

      My guess is Jackie is thought to be dead but faked her death/is somehow actually alive.

    • rkmarks25-av says:

      I completely disagree. After an EXCELLENT pilot that seemed like it was going to offer a really intriguing show, Yellowjackets has completely devolved into a silly, very YA-themed show with characters who are basically just ridiculous at this point. The pilot was intriguing because it offered up characters who seemed like they were going to be complex and interesting. The show appeared as if it was going to portray the darkness of the human soul that can emerge during crisis. That’s no longer the case. The seance scene was ridiculous! Poorly acted supernatural lite bullshit.And the teen characters are annoying. I don’t care who ends up eating whom, because no one is even sympathetic at this point. Who cares if any of these dummies die? The adults are no better. Again, all the performances were excellent in the pilot. But now they are boring to ridiculous.
      The show is not sophisticated adult entertainment. It’s tween shit, and it’s becoming dumber and dumber by the episode!

    • iwriteforfood-av says:

      Strong review by Leila.Love your take on this episode. I’d simply echo that of our four main (adult) characters, Taissa has by far the weakest arc (so far). I suspect that may change soon, probably with Sammy’s future.Coach ABSOLUTELY knows how vulnerable he is, especially after Misty admitted poisoning him. His “reciprocation” of her feelings is his reasonable defense. What will Misty overhear (a plot device used at least twice so far) that seals his fate?On a less specific note, I really enjoyed how this episode successfully created a feeling of dread – that internal fear that Something Wicked This Way Comes.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      Does it mean anything that Shauna by mistaking her daughter for Jackie seems to think Jackie could be alive, though all indications are that is not the case. Presumably her daughter being high did not pick up on how weird that was. Does it maybe mean that Shauna bought into the mystical/ witchy stuff that Nat said Travis did not, and thought it could really be Jackie’s g-g-ghost??

      • cinecraf-av says:

        So here’s my thinking: I don’t think Jackie made it out of the woods, but her remains were never found. I think Shauna was part of a group that included the other known survivors that at some point broke away and managed to find rescue, but abandoned the others for dead. Now what about Jackie’s diary, which I pointed out in another post, has a number of films listed that didn’t come out until 1998 to 2000? Shauna makes annual visits to Jackie’s parents, and I am beginning to wonder if she doesn’t make those entries herself. Because her whole life is really a reflection of Jackie. Shauna subordinated her own ambitions and academic prowess, to become a housewife who never left her home town, and married Jeff. Those were all things Jackie wanted and wrote about in her journal. I think Shauna is haunted by her betrayal of Jackie, first by cheating with her BF, and then by doing something far worse in the woods. And she’s atoned by living the life Jackie *should* have had, and is haunted by her memory. And if you asked me who the postcard sender is, who killed Travis?  I think it’s Jackie.  I think she learned to survive in that wilderness (which would be the ultimate irony given how she has been the one with the greatest difficulty adapting) but made it out at some point, and is now bent on revenge.  

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          I like this theory & one of the best points in its favor is they could cast another kickass 90s actress as Jackie 

          • cinecraf-av says:

            People on the Reddit are going wild with speculation over who could play her.  The general consensus is split between Rebecca Gayheart (who I think would be all wrong, and frankly doesn’t deserve the gig after that vehicular manslaughter case), and Robin Tunney, whom I absolutely am over the moon with enthusiasm for.  I think she’d be perfect, and it would keep in the show’s theme of using 90s actors.

          • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

            Robin Tunney is a nice idea. She was on an episode of Celebrity Poker where she busted out Joy Behar who had snubbed her earlier & sat stone-faced as Joy did the walk of shame away from the table, it was ice cold & awesome

          • cinecraf-av says:

            She’s great.  She’s one of the best actors I can think of, whose career never quite reached the levels commensurate to her abilities and talent.  Which is why I’d love to see her on Yellowjackets.  It’s just wall to wall career best performances, and I think it would be a great thing for her.

          • house-of-boom-av says:

            I am weeks behind on this, because I was going to save it all for a binge once it was all out but then couldn’t wait, but Jackie reminds me SO MUCH of Abby in Dawson’s Creek, so I don’t know what Monica Keena is up to these days but that’s who I’d pick

        • DerpHaerpa-av says:

          yeah,i noticed the anacrhosisms in the dairy but i think that was just mistake. Thats the one thing they get wrong.  It should have been set in 1998 and 2023.  For exa,ple, Shauna mentions dressing up in a Daria costume for halloween and Daria sidnt premier til march 1997 and it seems unlikely she would become a fan after coming  back from the woods.  But   (SPOILER)  jackie is for sure dead

  • lisarowe-av says:

    Laura Lee proves particularly useful in this situation and literally whacks the evil out of Lottie with a Bible.i laughed so hard. she literally chucked it directly at lottie’s head from 2ft away. it worked though!When Misty pieces together the mysterious symbol on the floor beneath Travis’s bodythis was the most ridiculous part of the episode. i was laughing that she saw 2 dots and then she made a curve from a pieced together picture of the floor from different perspectives.dispassionately spells out how bad her parent’s divorce would be for Calliethis was an amazing monologue. i don’t know if it’ll work in the long run.Unfortunately Sammy is getting in the way of their domestic bliss and a red paint can is found under his bed. He, of course, unconvincingly denies it.is it just me or taissa and her wife not good with parenting sammy who is over the top creepy, and where did their logic go with the paint situation? okay the paint being under his bed is very suspicious but what 5yo (or however old he is) writes that neatly? where did he even get the paint and how? he sure as hell didn’t walk to home depot and buy it himself. is taissa having blackouts and did she paint it? the woman in the tree and the person with no eyes are different entities or not? i don’t remember.
    But perhaps she’s not as savvy as we suspect, as she hasn’t clocked the hidden camera Misty has put in her house.it would’ve been more natalie of her if she threw that right away in the trash after misty left but she had other things on her mind.but is anyone else now slightly worried that Adam is going to turn out to be Shauna’s baby? wow, i hadn’t thought of that. also, wow, you brought incest into it haha. the trailer for the next episode makes it look like shauna miscarries but in something like the season trailer or maybe a featurette, shauna is seen with a noticeable baby bump.Misty and the coach feels like it’s going to end somewhere horrifying.she’s totally gonna kill him.what’s misty’s part in this whole thing? she’s definitely pulling a lot of strings.adam is imaginary theory put to bed. i want adam is javi theory put to bed too.

    • themudthebloodthebeer-av says:

      My theory is Taissa’s wife is the one painting the door and maybe giving up some secrets to her opponent about what would push her buttons more. Her face during the speech Taissa gives was a big tell. She clearly doesn’t want T to win the race.

    • ivee-av says:

      Given that future trailers show Shauna with a baby bump, I’m thinking that perhaps she attempts a self-administered abortion in Episode 6. 

  • deenanine-av says:

    I’m not crazy about the prospect of supernatural influences (it just takes away from the idea that the girls did what they did on their own, for reasons that are more about who they are than because spirits made them do it), so I appreciate that everything we’ve seen so far could be chalked up to Lottie’s mental illness, a childhood trauma of Taissa’s and Laura Lee’s religious convictions.As for Shauna’s baby – at first I thought it must have been Callie, that would explain why she and Jeff got married so young, but the timeline doesn’t fit. I just hope we don’t end up with a Snowpiercer scenario

    • ohnoray-av says:

      I don’t think anything actually supernatural is occurring, but it might end up being all the girls have to hang onto, and it seems they still have some of those beliefs. It’s like they culted themselves.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I really hope they keep it ambiguous. So far, it doesn’t seem like there is “proof” that something happened out there. I hope it stays that way and is just their crazy that’s fueling thinking something supernatural happenedAfter all, if we’re going to start killing, cooking and eating our friends, it’s a whole lot easier to pretend the devil made you do it than just human nature.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Um, making an “X” out of Nutella is not how Ash Wednesday works!

  • StoneMustard-av says:

    Only complaint is that we never get to see Shauna in her Daria costume.

  • MisterSterling-av says:

    I’m still not sold on Shauna being a survivor of some of the worst trauma of all the girls. If that baby is born alive, it’s food. And we’re supposed to believe that out of the 4 female survivors, she never sold her story. It’s good that the world doesn’t know about the pregnancy. That would have made her the prime target for a book deal.

    It’s becoming clear that when this series is over, there will be 1 or 2 survivors still alive in 2022. That’s is a tough ask for any audience. From the start, this show has telegraphed that most characters are going to die young. Everyone is awful. But it would be appropriate if Misty lives on to become a rare woman serial killer and Nat solves the mystery. Misty and Nat. The two most interesting characters are my votes for sole survivors when all this is done.

  • pocketsander-av says:

    Maybe I’ve watched Old Boy too many times, but is anyone else now slightly worried that Adam is going to turn out to be Shauna’s baby?Not sure what age the character is supposed to be, though I suppose it could work. I’m betting on the baby being a California Cheeseburger though.

    • oompaloompa11-av says:

      Pretty sure Adam is only supposed to be slightly younger than Shauna. He’d need to be in his early to mid 20s to be her baby.

  • drips-av says:

    -Nice potential callback with Shauna so uncomfortable wearing that mask at the club with Adam. Triggers memories maybe.-Sammy sammich. Boy his candy haul was mighty sad lookin’ for such a, I presume well-off neighborhood. Looot of dinner/peppermints.
    -The people who matter, recognize Daria.
    -So far my least favorite scenes are the current day Tai and her wife. I just don’t super care about her political race shit.

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      I definitely thought they had written themselves a perfectly nice way out of that boring plotline..I dgaf if she becomes a new jersey state senator.  But the Adam Shauna storyline is lame as well, the teenagers are just more interesting at this point

    • ivee-av says:

      Having serious pandemic fatigue, I listened to Adam and Shauna discussing masks and was quite surprised when they put them over their eyes.

    • DerpHaerpa-av says:

      Tai specifically said he couold only have a few pieces of candy.  he got more, shes just not letting him eat it all at once

  • rhadamanth-av says:

    I’m hoping someone can give me a credible explanation of why their plane isn’t found immediately, let alone remain undiscovered for 19 months. It’s not like it disappeared in the Indian Ocean.

    • paranoidandroid17-av says:

      Because Misty destroyed the black box? Are private jets tracked as meticulously as commercial airlines midflight? Did they ever say where exactly they are stranded?

    • ohnoray-av says:

      yah it’s just a private jet, and they are in the middle of the Canadian wilderness. As a Canadian here they may as well be lost in the ocean once you are out there.

    • juliedoc13-av says:

      Misty destroyed the black box, they’re in the middle of the Canadian wilderness, and, if I’m not mistaken, one of the pilots mentions flying farther north than originally planned in order to avoid a storm, so it’s possible that they are off of their original flight path. Rescue teams are going to have a search radius based on where they think the plane went down, but without the flight recorder working, if anyone is looking for them, they could be looking in entirely the wrong area.

    • lemurcat-av says:

      Misty destroyed the transponder.And it took 11 years to find Bill Barilko’s plane.  19 months is sounding pretty good.

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      The show was originally written with the crash in the 70’s and the adult timeline in the 90’s. Would have made more sense that way. 

    • oompaloompa11-av says:

      Love it everytime someone confidently says “This doesn’t make any sense!” to a plot point from a movie, TV show, or book. They usually refuse to accept any explanation too.

    • ivee-av says:

      Misty destroyed the flight locator in Episode 2.

  • celesteshouldreadthis-av says:

    I also find the paint-on-the-door details and how Tai and her wife have handled them to be the most unbelievable/disturbing. Tai seems like a smart enough person…why would she believe that Sammy painted the door?A. How would a 1st grader even get a can of paint and a paintbrush? He can’t just run into Home Depot and buy them.B. The lettering was 5 feet off the ground. Did he get a step ladder?C. Even if he was somehow savvy enough to pull that off, he’s now so foolish that he just puts the stuff under his bed with a giant red streak leading to the evidence?D. Why would he write “SPILL”?So…why on earth isn’t Tai asking how some adult (and obviously not Sammy) did all of these things? How did this person get in their home? And into their child’s room? Wouldn’t you be FREAKING out over that instead of assuming a toddler did it?All of that being said, I agree with another poster’s theory that it’s Tai’s wife that did the painting and the evidence planting. And it might not be that she just wants Tai to drop out of the race…

  • cautumn-av says:

    Side note: Am I the only one who thinks casting messed up with younger Misty? Every time I see the actress who’s playing Jackie, I’m like “Damn, that’s a younger Christina Ricci.”I think this is definitely the type of show that’s going to have a lot of red herrings. I think it seems too obvious to be Jackie that’s the girl in the beginning just because of the necklace and the fact that she doesn’t seem to have survived… it definitely feels set up to be a twist. Same with Misty’s character seeming so off putting and creepy in the past and present; I don’t think she’s behind the messages they’re all currently getting in the present.I’m curious about Shauna’s pregnancy. Will it turn out that she isn’t even pregnant as she fears but that that’s how her betrayal gets out to Jackie? Will she miscarry? If she has the baby, what happened to it? Because it can’t be her current child considering the age.I’m both excited and dismayed that there is supposedly a 5 season arc for this show. Excited because it’s so good that I’m glad it’s not just a limited series; dismayed because I feel like we’re only going to get very few answers to the past in the coming weeks, and I want to know it all!

  • fridathegirl-av says:

    A stray detail I noticed: When the cassette player stops working, Van starts to smack it and then comments that hitting something never actually makes it work. Later, in a flashback to the plane crash scene, we see Van frantically hitting the panel above her seat (to get the oxygen mask which failed to automatically come down). The cassette player comment implies that Van hitting the panel didn’t free the oxygen mask (and maybe someone had to help her?). Travis said in an earlier episode that his father was sucked out of the plane while trying to help one of the girls with her oxygen mask. Will this come out later, and will Travis blame Van for it? It’s probably just a background detail, but it was definitely intentional, right?

  • sacriliciousbunyip-av says:

    “Strangely, coming up with ideas for getting rescued doesn’t seem high on the agenda.”This is what bugs me. They could be in the middle of nowhere but maybe they’re only a few miles from a town or a house or a road. There’s no discussion of where they might be, whether there are maps in the house, or any other clues to their location. Have they explored beyond the lake? What about plans to walk a few days in each direction? It’s been at least a few weeks so the chances of rescue are pretty slim. While the weather is warm they should be doing all they can outside and it’s just weird that there is absolutely no talk of rescuing themselves

    • ivee-av says:

      The Canadian Rockies are vast, remote, and inhospitable for much of the year. There are likely no towns to which they could walk. It’s basically wilderness.

  • dougrhon1-av says:

    I think Adam is a bit too old to be Shauna’s baby, among other problems with that theory.

  • mosquitocontrol-av says:

    I don’t know. Something needs to happen or I’m done. Shauna is too dull in the present for me to care about her dull life and even more dull in the past. Unless something happens with Adam I just don’t see why I should care. Taissa and Sammy are even worse. Nothing has happened and I have no reason to care. Nat is slightly interesting. Misty is great, but the black box deserves made her too much of a villain.Half way through season 1 and nothing has happened and I feel no reason to care about the characters. I’m getting close to moving on.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Nat & Misty teaming up to terrorize an overconfident nerd & threaten to set his dick on fire is everything that I want from this show. Why must Nat resist their inevitable team-up (and insult Misty’s hair, that was not good). I am starting to have more sympathy for the coach, he is kind of a dick but has certainly done his part to try to keep them alive despite his hardships & he does not deserve to get (I assume) horribly murdered by Misty. 

  • elifthebatman-av says:

    Agreed, the cuts between present day Natalie and Natalie with Travis were heartbreaking and so effective!“Her solution is, after a solid talking-to from Shauna—and it’s hard to even comprehend the writers linking these two plot points—is that they should hold a séance to boost morale. This is a serious leap, but sure, we’ll suspend our disbelief to imagine a world without The Exorcist or charades.” >> Disagree here — the suggestion comes after one of the girls claims something crawled into her shirt while she was up in the attic, we know that place is creeping everyone out — plus we know that batteries for playing music / dancing are running out — a low-tech solution aimed at bonding is very Jackie and makes a lot of sense!

  • kibsker-av says:

    Man, this show is gross, vile and extremely unsettling, and I love it.It’s a testament to the writing that when the daughter finds out her mom is cheating she (a) doesn’t get upset but seemingly empathizes, only to (b) try to blackmail her mom so she can get out of curfew. Of course then Shauna ups the game by blackmailing her own daughter back restoring natural order to the supremely fucked up ecosystem and ensuring that no-one in this series will ever reach anything resembling happiness or just even plain complacency at best.The choice of the gang to do a séance is like the worst thing they could’ve thought of and of course I’m living for it. Like, I love how the writers squeeze every bit of loathsomeness out of every situations they can. Think coach slapping Misty across the face followed by her trying to grope his dick and poison him is bad? Think again because the coach actually has feelings for Misty too! It’s the worst conceivable thing so odds are it’s definitely going to play out in this show!The Natalie – Travis relationship is actually kind of sweet though. There’s really just enough of these tender little moments to make it seem like in some parallel universe these characters could actually form healthy relationship-patterns but not in this universe baby.Not even gonna talk about Taissa’s kid because that is all sorts of extreme unsettlement that literally has no equal on this show even and that is saying enough.I’m all along for this ride, let’s see where this will go.

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