Zendaya’s mom wasn’t exactly welcomed into the Emmys where her daughter made history

Claire Stoermer had to name drop her daughter after a man stopped her and requested credentials

Aux News Zendaya
Zendaya’s mom wasn’t exactly welcomed into the Emmys where her daughter made history
Zendaya Photo: Frazer Harrison

Another strike (preceded by fake-dead Jimmy Kimmel and record-low ratings) to add against this year’s Emmy awards: Zendaya’s mom supposedly received trouble from security while trying to hug her daughter before her acceptance. Zendaya won the Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Emmy for her work as the drug-addled, conflicted teenager Rue on Euphoria.

“Made my way to Z before they awarded her the Emmy and gave her the biggest hug and said… breathe!!!” Stoermer shares in an Instagram story, per Insider. “The man who tried to stop me said ‘where are your credentials?’ I said ‘I’m Zendaya’s mom’ and kept walking!! hahaha! I never name drop like that but I have to do it!”

Now, it’s obviously fair that the security around Zendaya’s table was on high alert—these days every major awards junket is just waiting (and wishing) for the ratings of another Slap. But this is the woman who brought forth Zendaya—Zendaya! Zendaya, the first Black woman ever to win an Emmy for best actress twice! Zendaya, the mastermind behind this dance! She’s MJ, for God’s sake!

Thankfully, the slight security snafu didn’t diminish Stoermer’s excitement for the event, pride for her daughter, or gratitude towards the entire Euphoria cast and crew.

“I love this group of people,” Stoermer captioned a photo she shared of Zendaya alongside the Euphoria team. “When Z is working on Euphoria, I don’t worry about her! @samlev00 and @ashlevinson thank you!!”

Euphoria, which was renewed for a third season just ahead of February’s season 2 finale, garnered 25 nominations at this year’s Emmys and won six awards. Colman Domingo, whose turn in the series as Rue’s steadfast and tough love mentor Ali brought a new gravity to the series and anchored one of Euphoria’s strongest-ever episodes, also won an outstanding guest acting award.


  • nogelego-av says:

    Security did what they were paid to do? What a scoop! I hope you guys can get this in for the evening edition.

  • dan-just-dan-av says:

    I left this article still not knowing what Zendayas mom looks like, very similar to security and 99.99% of the population. Unless, I’m wrong, but I don’t think she’s a famous mom…

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    Why is this a story? How was he supposed to know she was her mother? I did a short stint working security for events like this a long time ago and it’s not like they provide the guards with a list of names + photos of people associated with whatever celebrities are there. The goal is to keep the wrong people out and if that means asking the mother of the celeb who she is, so be it. That’s literally their job. /endrant.

    • Munkey-av says:

      Right?!?…Moms didn’t seem too pressed about it either, I’m sure she realized that security was just doing their job as well. 

      • gregroush-av says:

        Exactly. This is a complete on-story. Both security and Zendaya’s mom had the correct response.Security: They didn’t let an uncredentialed person through that they didn’t recognize, but it got cleared up and she got in.Mom: It was a temporary inconvenience, but I’m glad they take protecting my daughter seriously.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      “No, wait! I can prove I’m Zendaya’s mom! Here, look at these stretch marks!”

    • grabbyawoogah-av says:

      (The insinuation they’re too afraid to come right out and admit because it’s patently false, is that the security guard stopped her because… Black Woman.) Why let the Truth get in the way of a good narrative?

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        Uh, Zendaya’s mom is white. Here she is with both her parents.Talk about spreading a false narrative…

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          hahahahahahahahahahaha, subscribed to find out if the shitposter ever comes back to sincerely repent his error.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            They created their account yesterday, I doubt we’ll see them again lol.

          • sarcastro7-av says:

            I’m sure you’re right.

          • zippitydoo-av says:

            I starred you, but then just looked at the shitposter’s post again and it seems he/she’s saying the same thing as you. He/she says the insinuation in the article that she was stopped because she is black (which we know she is not) is “patently false” and then, sarcastically, says “Why let the Truth get in the way of a good narrative.”

          • sarcastro7-av says:

            If they ever returned, we could find out for sure!

        • DanGarion-av says:

          Wait the guy from American Idol is her dad? /s

        • barada-nikto-byotch-av says:

          Lol, right…guess somebody forgot to do their research.

        • blackmage2030-av says:

          You would think it’s a gotcha, except it’s the fun of being biracial: parents not being assumed as such. Maybe a gotcha-lite

        • 4x100-av says:

          That’s a “I belong in here” haircut if I’ve ever seen one

        • heasydragon-av says:

          …and all we could hear was a massive, titanic whumphf as the facts were laid bare in front of the tit who tried to troll…

        • youcryyoulearn-av says:

          As I read awoogahgrabby’s comment, they know her mom is white. They are pointing out that, by omitting that detail from the story, the AV Club was trying to insinuate security was racially motivated in blocking her.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Clearly I, and quite a few other people don’t see it that way. 

          • crashandburner-av says:

            Because you’re morons. Death-deserving morons.

          • haodraws-av says:

            I think you guys misread their comment. Here it is again: (The insinuation they’re too afraid to come right out and admit because it’s patently false, is that the security guard stopped her because… Black Woman.)They said it’s “patently false”, so they know it’s false. They’re saying AVC made this “news” to bank on the fact that people don’t know that and would assume it’s because she’s black, hence the article not mentioning it at all.
            I’m not sure I agree with that theory, but I definitely think that poster knows she’s white. Otherwise that post, however silly, wouldn’t make sense.

          • galvatronguy-av says:

            I don’t know how anyone could read it any other way, unless they edited their post after the fact:(The insinuation [The AV Club is] too afraid to come right out and admit, because it’s patently false, is that the security guard stopped her because… Black Woman.)

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            I honestly can’t recall if they changed it or not. 

          • dod2000-av says:

            They could be saying “patently false” because it’s clear that security was just doing their job rather than being racially motivated. That would still make sense even if they didn’t know she was white. The fact that opinion is split (though clearly in favour of ignorance) demonstrates a lack of clarity in the post. I’m sure that user is enjoying all the arguments they’ve generated though, as they fade silently into the background.

          • macklemoreorless-av says:

            Honestly thats what I thought going into the article all the way until I was reading the comments and got to the family photo.

          • cayton-av says:

            That’s how I read it

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            I can see how their comment can be read that way.Here’s how I read it;“(The insinuation they’re too afraid to come right out and admit because it’s patently false, is that the security guard stopped her because… Black Woman.)“Their implication that AV Club wrote this article to simply create outrage that her mom was stopped for being Black.“Why let the Truth get in the way of a good narrative?”The truth isn’t that she’s white, it’s that security was doing the job they were hired to do and there shouldn’t be any outrage over it.

          • haodraws-av says:

            I guess I can also see that interpretation, yeah. Occam’s Razor and all that.

        • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

          Kate Gosselin is looking well.

        • mr-rubino-av says:

          “ Zendaya’s mom is white. ”But something something *SCAAAAWWWWY INTONATION!!!* n-a-r-r-a-t-i-v-e!!! *thunder crashes, lightning flashes, horses panickedly neigh across the night*.

        • drewskiusa-av says:

          That photo feels like John Oliver’s sketch where he says “that’s Zendaya and her parents!” and then proves we have no idea about anything by revealing it’s completely different and unrelated persons.

          Honestly though, I thought that was Randy Jackson with his Swedish lovechild.

        • zeroshadow-av says:


        • Skydawn-av says:

          but only ever acknowledge her as black. never admit zen is more than black….

        • Skydawn-av says:

          but only ever acknowledge her as black. never admit zen is more than black….

      • 0nlywinning-av says:

        Get ready to take some L’s, genius.

      • pamela515-av says:

        Zendaya’s mom is white

      • p3t3b-av says:

        You ignoramus don’t disappoint. 

      • blablah85-av says:

        her mom is white her dad is the black one

      • tarheelbandb-av says:

        What a stupid comment. Please delete your Kinja now.

      • d0dgecity-av says:

        Lmao what an idiot

      • tamedity-av says:

        the security guard stopped her because… Black Woman.Zendaya has a white mom and a black dad.

    • dresstokilt-av says:

      They needed something to get the clicks instead of Rick and Morty reviews.

    • faithful-dushness-av says:

      he probably got fired for letting someone without credentials walk through

    • toxonix001-av says:

      Because Celebrities! Every time a celebrity farts it’s a story. 

    • TheProfessah-av says:

      Because of celebrity worship, anything and everything about them is worth posting. This isn’t a journalism website. We’re basically following some random celebrity stalker’s social media feed.

    • bondr006-av says:

      Was she adopted or something? She doesn’t look anything like her parents.

    • breb-av says:

      Because apparently making Zendaya a thing is still a journalist’s imperative.I don’t get it, personally. Granted, I’ve only seen Zendaya in like 3 things but she was by far the least interesting thing in them. Is it because she’s got those exotic, piercing eyes, like the kind you’d find on the cover of National Geographic?

    • catpatrick2005-av says:

      Exactly… security did what security needed to do!

    • bringbacknathanrabinyoucowards-av says:

      It’s a STORY because it’s about CELEBRITY and that’s what the AV Club worships now like a golden calf.  BE OUTRAGED THAT SOMEONE ADJACENT TO A CELEBRITY WAS TREATED SO HORRIBLY.  THIS IS HARM!  THIS IS OPPRESSION! 

    • crashandburner-av says:

      I did a short stint working security for events like this a long time ago
      In other words, you’re a violent thug in need of euthanasia.

    • pbug56-av says:

      An entitled Mommy!

    • dumbeetle-av says:

      Wait, they… don’t? You’re telling me in this huge affair nobody has ever considered that it’d be bad optics if some security guard is caught on camera tackling Beyoncé’s grandma or whatever the hell? That seems like bad prep.Also, they don’t? You’re telling me all you have to do to get within spitting range of Zendaya is look confident and well dressed enough to go “I’m Zendaya’s mom” and keep walking? What’s security there for, then?

    • cjob3-av says:

      Yeah this story feels like a case study in ‘accentuate thr negative.’

    • gregroush-av says:

      Correct: That’s security operating as designed.I’ve also worked security with celebrities involved. If I don’t know who you are, you are getting stopped. I don’t know everybody: that’s where credentials are important.I’m always polite, but I’m not there to be nice. I don’t care who you are or what you look like. The only “profiling” I do is, “I know you are authorized,” vs. “I don’t know you are authorized.” And in all of that I’m following the protocols established by the event. Hell, I don’t care if you *are* Zendaya. If the event requires credentials, and you don’t have any, you’re going to wait until you have credentials or a trusted person can vouch for you. Sometimes people look like other people.If you tell me you should get through, I’m happy to check with a trusted credentialed person. If you’re supposed to be there, I want you to be there. But if someone who’s not supposed to be there gets through and a bad thing happens, then it’s my fault.

    • winterbourne-av says:

      I think it was just meant to be a cute story about a mom proud of her kid. I don’t think she was really complaining. I’m sure the security doing their job was appreciated.

    • tarheelbandb-av says:

      Reminds me of the guy just doing his job by asking for Dale Earnhardt Jr’s credentials when he tried to reenter the track.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Or, maybe the security dude’s just a bully.THAT happens all the time, too.

    • drewcifer667-av says:

      The AV Club is a complete shell of itself, and is desperately seeking a few stories a day for their main click-drivers instead of actually well written pieces… so they need to really scrape the bottom of the barrel and right an article like this, based on an off hand comment 

  • yeah40-av says:

    Someone asked her a reasonable question? And she answered it and went on with her evening? Quelle horror! Thanks for writing an article about this Earth-shattering incident. I hope that —with time — we can all heal.

  • goodkinja1999-av says:

    Zendaya, the first Black woman ever to win an Emmy for best actress twice! Zendaya, the mastermind behind this dance!🎶 Zendaya is Meecheeee 🎶

  • goodkinja1999-av says:

    Weird! I walked right up to security, told them I was Young Sheldon’s dad and they let me right in.

  • Engineer7-av says:

    So “who are you?” “I’m X” “OK go ahead” is being unwelcoming or giving someone a hard time? It also sounds like she didn’t exactly cooperate and just cruised by the dude. This is the epitome of a non-story. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    yes and?

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “But this is the woman who brought forth Zendaya—Zendaya!”Okay how was security supposed to know that?  There’s enough police (and fake-police) brutality and bad action that we don’t need to make a story out of this.  They didn’t body slam her.  They asked her credentials.  She ignored them. They did jack shit.  End of story.

    • dresstokilt-av says:

      Well she was wearing a shirt with a picture of Zendaya being delivered so I guess she figured that was enough.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        We all have a shirt with a picture of Zendaya being delivered.

        • dresstokilt-av says:

          I know, I got into three afterparties wearing mine. She wasn’t even at two of them, which was good because I got thrown out of the one she was at because she dimed me out. Probably should have claimed to be her dad, what being a 40s-ish white dude, but you know what? It got me in the door all three times so don’t fix what’s not broken.

    • bringbacknathanrabinyoucowards-av says:

      Zendaya is the new Jesus.

    • crashandburner-av says:

      I don’t expect the mindless thugs at security to know anything. (If you work at security, you’re a thug and need to be euthanized. No exceptions.)

    • planehugger1-av says:

      But it’s Zendaya! Zendaya!!! ZENDAYA!!!!!![Author continues yelling, growing ever louder, as the madness overtakes her.]

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Zendaya made history as the first Black Woman ever to win an Emmy for best actress twice, and then get throttled by a nutter because security was too afraid of internet backlash to get involved!

    • maulkeating-av says:

      “It’s OK,” Zendaya’s agent stated in a press conference outside the hospital where surgeons were working to rebuild the star’s shattered larynx, “Doctors are doubting if I’ll ever be able to speak properly again, but we’re just grateful there was no embarrassing controversy. Gosh, can you imagine twitter if we’d stopped this woman?”

    • drdelicatetouch3384-av says:

      What if her mom had been a….PROCESS SERVER?!?! 

  • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

    I’m sure you would have been totally cool and understanding if security had done nothing while a stranger accosted Zendaya—Zendaya! Zendaya from whom all blessings flow!

  • RasheemJohnson-av says:

    Man Zendaya’s mom looks like an average white lady. Idk what this piece is getting at but security asking for credentials of random white lady is not the big deal you think it is.

  • softsack-av says:

    Sorry, Mrs. Zendayason

  • charliedesertly-av says:

    who cares?

  • doug-epp-av says:

    Details in this story that let you know Zendaya’s mom is white:1. Not recognized by security (dubious)2. Ignored security when asked to stop3. Not immediately tackled to the ground

  • murrychang-av says:

    Hey wow cool for her she got to namedrop her famous kid and give her a huge hug before she won an award!  That’s a heartwarming story right there.

  • kag25-av says:

    How did her P.R, agent get her in all the big movies and shows.

  • tommytron1138-av says:

    Who is Stoermer? You name her in the sub-headline but not in the article. This is site is starting to make me feel crazy.

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    Alternate headline: “Emmys Security Guard Does Job, Briefly Delays Hug”Also: she wasn’t “welcomed in”? Sounds like she was already in the building and trying to get to Zendaya’s table to give her a hug, not turned away at the door while trying to get into the actual event.

    • crashandburner-av says:

      Emmys Security Guard Does Job… That shouldn’t exist in the first place, or at least be handed to non-thugs. Security are all pigs, just like the cops they wish they could be (though thankfully most aren’t intelligent enough even for that).

      • lilnapoleon24-av says:

        There is no intelligence requirement for being a cop, also iq is an anitiquated and racially biased measurment anyway.

  • whydidiclickit-av says:

    I hate that I clicked this clickbait.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Another strike (preceded by fake-dead Jimmy Kimmel and record-low ratings) to add against this year’s Emmy awards: Zendaya’s mom supposedly received trouble from security while trying to hug her daughter before her acceptance.”

    Wait a tick. Are you telling me that, above all the other terrible (?) stuff (?) that happened at the Emmys, security made a non-famous person show credentials??????

  • burnout1228121-av says:

    Slow news day?

  • sgt-makak-av says:

    Now, it’s obviously fair that the security around Zendaya’s table was on
    high alert—these days every major awards junket is just waiting (and
    wishing) for the ratings of another Slap. But this is the woman who
    brought forth Zendaya—Zendaya! Zendaya, the first Black woman ever to
    win an Emmy for best actress twice! Zendaya, the mastermind behind this dance! She’s MJ, for God’s sake!Are these takes a corporate mandate or are you really this profoundly stupid?

  • acolyyte-av says:

    why do you care? This celebrity hero worship is gross. I probably wouldn’t recognize Zendaya Coleman on the street, let alone her mom.She’s a person that plays pretend for a living, she’s not that important.

  • bromona-quimby-av says:

    I guess the lesson is if you want to stalk Zendaya then tell people you’re her mom?

  • JohnnyWasASchoolBoy-av says:

    How is this a story? I once had a conversation with a lovely woman at an event. I had ZERO idea she was married to Roland Gift from the Fine Young Cannibals (this was in the ‘90s and FYC was huge) until he came up, said hello, and whisked her away.
    People associated with or related to famous people aren’t always recognizable. 

  • vayde-av says:

    Another shit article from the AV Club. Why am I not surprised.

  • mongoose1-av says:

    With so many gun-and-knife toting maniacs running around, Security people have to be very, very vigilant.  It’s their job.  

  • crocodilegandhi-av says:

    Well, I guess that’s the downside of having a famous kid that happens to go by a mononym. Security’s not going to recognize the last name you tell them when you try to explain who you are!

  • lawrencegod-av says:

    Thank God the Internet was invented to record these important moments in history.

  • catpatrick2005-av says:

    Good, security was doing its job.  I am certain mom was glad they were not letting just anyone approach Z.  Security can’t be expected to know celebrity parents.  They issue credentials for a reason.   This article suggests another snafu, but it was just the opposite. 

  • username2929-av says:

    Don’t you know who I am? Isn’t that Karen 101? Surely this isn’t any kind of news. A life without ever being hassled by the man first requires a peaceful, polite, kind and law abiding society of individuals who are not above the law making law enforcement unnecessary. In that magical utopian society only a mother would rush up to daughter for any reason.

  • recognitions-av says:

    She’s MJ, for God’s sake!

    Maybe we don’t compare someone to a pedophile

    • nilus-av says:

      Did I miss a Spider-Man comic book where Mary Jane “MJ” Watson slept with a teenager?   Or are you just dumb?

      • lilnapoleon24-av says:

        You’re dumb for not understanding that they were referring to famous mj not the fictional character who is not well known compared to the king of pop.

        • nilus-av says:

          Why would this article be calling Zendaya “Michael Jackson”? You do realize that, arguably, her most famous movie role has been playing MJ in the Spider-man movies right?Hell if want to even argue famous MJs, I’d honestly ask why the OP didn’t call her a gambling addict because in my mind I associate MJ with Michael Jordan far more the Michael Jackson, to be fair I did grow up in Chicago in the late 80s and early 90sMy point still stand that both you and the OP are dumb

        • beavah-av says:

          I’d argue MJ from Spiderman is way more well known at this point in time than Michael Jackson. MJ was def famous first too!  50s or 60s?

      • spr0kets-av says:

        She’s actually ‘Michelle Jones’ in the MCU, not ‘Mary Jane’

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Fan fic?

      • recognitions-av says:

        Who watches movies

    • greggps-av says:

      I didn’t know that about Michael Jordan. /s

  • greatgodglycon-av says:

    What a nothingburger fucking story. 

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    lol wtf is this headline? Its making it sound as though there was some drama surrounding her Mom? Cmon guys.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    What a stupid fucking article.

  • army49-av says:

    I don’t understand why she wasn’t sitting closer to Zendaya. There were other stars who had their parents as their dates, and stars who took their kids. 

  • benri4761-av says:

    Yes what a horrible mark against security for attempting to validate that someone approaching one of the individuals they were there to protect had the right to do so. Were they not like the rest of us who carry around multiple pictures of Zendaya’s mom in their wallet? For shame. In all seriousness, this clickbait writer would be griping just as hard if security hadn’t checked someone who didn’t have a right to be there.  So there’s no point in trying to please.  If you can’t win just don’t play the game. 

  • SparJar06-av says:

    I am so glad I use ad block so Kinja doesn’t get any money off of my click for terrible articles like this. 

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    Such a breathtakingly below average looking actress….  And her acting isn’t anything to rock the world either.

  • surprisingsnake-av says:

    This is a clickbait article. There is nothing abnormal about a security person asking someone who they are. And she says she just said it and walked right by. Shameful for you to fall into this bs.

  • LoganExplosion-av says:

    AV Root Club

  • wearstheaction-av says:

    I agree. Why didn’t the mother have credentials? Why was mom able to get so close? MOST IMPORTANTLY, is the Actor any good? I am rather bored with everyone calling a first this, first that. Talk about the talent and not the race. Don’t treat honors like monkeys in the show doing their first trick in front of an audience at a circus.  Please, just entertain.

  • hotbox-comedy-av says:

    This is great, no matter what you get a “story”. Either security fails and Jason Sudeikis creates a “dangerous situation” by legally hiring a process server who actually displays credentials to get past security to do their work or security fails by not knowing the parents of someone they are guarding and asks for credentials said parent does not have.
    Get your bag I guess. I mean hey you got my click, right? And here I am “engaging” with your “content”.

  • darthrant-av says:

    Wow, the entitlement and disillusionment! This woman could be anyone. Why wasn’t she already with her daughter? For that matter, where was she that she had to make her way to her? And this: “But this is the woman who brought forth Zendaya—Zendaya!” Stop acting like such a fawning toady.

  • krod-mandoon-av says:

    Shouldn’t it say “mixed-race” since her mom is so white she looks Scandinavian or something? Christ, most summers my skin is darker than hers…

  • 7893726695255707642245890764324679852477865478-av says:

    Cant stand these entitled celebrities and their peoples. What, is security supposed to wait till someone gets Will Smithed again or even worse like Salman Rushdie. I wish security had body slammed her, maybe that would have knocked some class into her.

  • 7893726695255707642245890764324679852477865478-av says:

    You see her mom…?? I wouldn’t let that Shrek looking wildebeest past security regardless. Ewwww

  • zeroshadow-av says:

    I guess “Emmys Security Guard Asks Woman For Credentials Before Letting Her See a Nominee” wasn’t as pithy.

  • Skydawn-av says:

    oh, another person whos skin is black so they are automatically only a black woman. shes also German and Scottish. ppl need to stop singling out a persons race because of the color of there skin. just like everyone only sees miles morales as an African American, completely negating hes hispanic.

  • djcalligraphy-av says:

    Security Guard: “Ma’am, can I see some credentials please?”Zendaya’s Mom: “I’m Zendaya’s Mom”AV Club Writer : “Pulitzer Prize here I come!”

  • jayemax-av says:

    I mean as someone biracial with a similar familial setup, I hate to say it but it happens to me a lot. My whole life, my very pale mother has had to insist, reaffirm, and PROVE that I am hers because people assume every child will somehow look exactly like both their parents at the same time. People will sooner accept that my Nigerian father is my guardian than my German mother, it is BEYOND me. I love Zendaya and I’m sorry she and her mother seem to have this issue even for a moment. 😞

  • rerecognitions-av says:

    “We are out of article ideas”

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    I love that I get shit for talking about what an embarrassment this site is and then it comes out with this. Truly a new low.

  • butterflybaby-av says:

    That is one ugly girl. And a very overrated actress. 

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