Zola Jesus is Amy Klobuchar's cousin, still voting for Bernie Sanders

Aux Features Music
Zola Jesus is Amy Klobuchar's cousin, still voting for Bernie Sanders
Photo: Vivien Killilea

When it comes time to vote, the only thing that should matter is your own (hopefully informed) opinion, conscience, and the ballot in front of you. That said, all sorts of other junk can come creeping in to influence your choice that really shouldn’t matter. Well, if you need a bit of inspiration to ignore anything but your own, personal political beliefs during this year’s elections, consider this: Musician Zola Jesus (née Nika Danilova) is actually related to one of Bernie Sanders’ competitors for the Democratic nominations and, Thanksgiving dinner table conversation be damned, she’s voting for him anyway.

Danilova tweeted this unexpected news yesterday by stating that she’s “not fucking around with my Bernie support.” “He’s running against my cousin,” the post continues. “I’m going against bloodlines for this shit!” A little while later, after a bunch of replies figured it out anyway, she confirmed who the cousin in question is through a tweet comprised of “klobuchar,” that straight-mouthed unimpressed smiley, and the Slovenian flag.

The obvious jokes, based around Klobuchar’s reputation as a nightmarish boss, appeared soon afterward …

…and were accompanied with a note on how surprising the relation is (as illustrated through another, unexpected family tie).

In retrospect, finding out that Danilova is related to Klobuchar really didn’t turn out to be the most surprising development in American politics yesterday. Still, in case you’re wondering how her opinions relate to the ongoing shitshow that is the Iowa caucus, she has a comment on that, too:

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  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    Well, Thanksgiving is going to be awkward this year.

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    The Sanders campaign should just up and create its own music festival at this point.

    • argiebargie-av says:

      She sounds like the typical smug Bernie Broette.Cue some asshole telling me how I supposedly support “the establishment and income inequality!” 

    • mykinjaa-av says:


      Bernchella – Scantily clad 20 – 70 year old Influencers bridging the age gap and having fun under the sun. (Mocking other candidates & Warren appropriation will not be tolerated).
      Berniepalooza – Sanders and music purists will enjoy the friendly crowds and Vermont Trustafarians.
      BernNik – HBCU students and Black Greeks from all over will enjoy old school jams and mumble rap as Bernie forgets his dentures.
      Bernpocalypse – From to new wave to grind core, Bernie is bringing heavy metal to politics! But not lead, that’s bad and would be removed from urban infrastructure and US manufacturing under the Green New Deal.

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    That reminds me I should start reading Zola, and Jesus.

  • bendbanana-av says:

    I thought they blew up Zola in Winter Soldier.

  • ac130-av says:

    Those 2010 EPs Stridulum and Valusia were so cool and outta this world. Her operatic voice was just absolutely next level.The beginning of the last decade was so great for goth/cold wave/dark whatever music/music in general.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    This is the second-most unexpected political statement I’ve seen today, after the guy with the “I ❤️ Mayo” bumper sticker.

  • bennyboy56-av says:

    What would Jesus do? Vote for Bernie it seems.

  • thedarkone508-av says:

    it’s not that hard of a choice. lots of people have trash in their families. klobuchar is trash.

    she’s a trash candidate and a horrible troll person.

    • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

      Pretty much nobody thinks that

      • thedarkone508-av says:

        name checks out. perhaps you didnt read the article where people said she throws staplers at her interns?

        • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

          I did, and about the eating a salad with a comb.  The bad boss stuff is definitely credible, yet if you read up on her most people actually like her a lot, and she’s one of the most effective senators at getting legislation enacted since LBJ.  Not my first choice, but not a horrible troll person.

      • the-hole-in-things-av says:

        I dunno, I imagine that guy she locked away for life at 16 for a murder he probably didn’t commit might not be very fond of her.

        • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

          fair point!  I’m not saying she hasn’t done the standard amount of bad things our politicians and people in power have done during their lives.  Unless people want to be as ineffectual as Bernie has been they often get their hands dirty.

  • hanktomsoneword-av says:


    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      The A.V. Club used to be a haven for music nerds who at least pretended to recognize artists (and who would then proceeded to try to one-up each other about how much they recognized said artists.) Times sure have changed.

      • dantanama-av says:

        Seriously. Like, I know kinja happened but at the same time – what the hell happened?

      • zxcvzxcvzxcv-av says:

        I’ve been on here since like before-2010 and AVC music threads were always about 20% the absolutely the worst fucking takes and then the remaining 80% consisted of all those no-life regulars like Dickachu who had nothing relevant to say about the topic at hand but absolutely had to be seen commenting on every article.

        • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

          I am, unfortunately, part of the 80% these days. I’m practically on every article these days because my job is easy, I’m depressed, and I probably should be fired.

        • mr-threepwood-av says:

          Oh, you know, people just liked hanging out with each other. But sure, “no-life”. You must be so cool with all your “life” and stuff.

      • caindevera-av says:

        Hell, a long, long time ago – 2011 more accurately – it was AVClub that introduced me to Zola Jesus to begin with! I even miss the oneupmanship…

    • calebros-av says:

      Imagine for a second that you had a magical machine that could give you information about whatever person you desire with the mere stroke of a key. Such a thing would be wondrous indeed.

  • yummsh-av says:

    I’m beginning to think we went a little too far with this whole ‘giving everyone a voice’ thing.

  • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

    Game changer for Bernie

  • the-hole-in-things-av says:

    Klobuchar is a scumbag and the way the pundit class has kept trying to make her into a thing is one of the most appalling things about this primary season.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    Thanksgiving dinner table conversation be damnedBernie refused to endorse his own son when he ran for congress.That must’ve been a little awkward around the dinner table.

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