And Just Like That… is officially returning for a second season, so we’re stuck with more Che

HBO Max is bringing back the Sex And The City sequel series for another season

Aux News And Just Like That...
And Just Like That… is officially returning for a second season, so we’re stuck with more Che
Agent of chaos, Che Photo: Craig Blankenhorn / HBO Max

And just like that, And Just Like That… is renewed for a second season. HBO Max has announced that the Sex And The City sequel series will continue, likely bringing back one of the world’s least funny comedians, Che, in tow.

In a statement, the show’s executive producer Michael Patrick King says, “I am delighted and excited to tell more stories about these vibrant, bold characters – played by these powerful, amazing actors. The fact is, we’re all thrilled. And Just like That… our Sex life is back.”

HBO Max also notes that the show “delivered the strongest debut of any HBO Max Original Series to date.” Those numbers make sense. Fans of the original show were very curious about where the group of friends ended up and what excuse the writers would give for Samantha’s absence. Though Carrie becoming a widower was meant to be the big shocker of the series, the twist that was most-discussed by fans was Miranda’s big life change.

Miranda asked Steve for a divorce and began a complicated relationship with Carrie’s podcast co-host, Che. Even though Che warned Miranda that they weren’t ready for anything serious—especially with someone who’d just gotten out of a very long marriage—Miranda decided to drop a big career opportunity in order to fly to LA to be with Che.

The HBO Max series got plenty of critiques from fans—there were many lingering questions about how things would play out with Miranda’s gamble especially. And though some thought the character’s actions were downright foolish, Cynthia Nixon thinks otherwise.

In a recent interview with Vogue, the actor said, “I feel like what Miranda does [on And Just Like That…] is incredibly brave. She gives up her very lucrative corporate job and goes back to try and make something more of her life. As Miranda says: We’re not old, we’re 55. I mean, you’re certainly closer to the end than to the beginning. But if you’re not happy with where you are, you still have a lot of time to make a change.”


  • killa-k-av says:

    we’re 55. I mean, you’re certainly closer to the end than to the beginning. But if you’re not happy with where you are, you still have a lot of time to make a change….Do you?

    • jallured1-av says:

      How old do you think 55 is? On average, you have 20+ years of life, with a huge swath of people living 10, 20+ years beyond that. That’s a long goddamn time to live unhappily. Just wait until you’re there. You’ll be surprised to find that you’re still a fully realized human with wants, needs and ambitions. 

      • killa-k-av says:

        TIL questioning whether a 55-year old has a lot of time to make changes implies I don’t think 55-year olds have wants, needs, and ambitions. Thanks for teaching an old dog new tricks!

        • laurenceq-av says:

          2-3 decades actually is “a lot of time.”  

          • killa-k-av says:

            “Being alive” and “being in the financial and physical shape to make big shape” isn’t the same thing tho.

        • neffman-av says:

          Really thinking all of these replies are from folks under 30. As a 45 year old, I agree that most “ changes “ after 55 are hard and you do not have a A LOT of time left to change. Especially if you are a working stiff and not an independently wealthy whatever the fuck. 

          • jallured1-av says:

            I’m 47. Degree of difficulty is certainly an issue — especially by class/circumstance — but that’s true of all ages. The idea that one has essentially hit the end of the runway at 55 is bonkers (which was my original gripe). And the idea that 20, 30 or 40+ years is not a sufficiently long time to enact life changes is just … curious. Past generations moving into middle and old age certainly were more set in their ways, but people who came of age in the 60s and 70s (and one day the 80s, 90s and aughts) are clearly less willing to assume a fixed circumstance out of sheer inertia. (It helps that many are healthier at advanced ages than past generations.) This is why so many middle aged (technically 55 is well past “middle” mathematically) characters suck — because there is an assumption that there isn’t a richness, maleability or possibility for change past a certain age.

    • galdarn-av says:

      No. Kill yourself.

    • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

      an American woman who reaches 55 has a remaining life expectancy of over 29 years.

      • killa-k-av says:

        Those 29 years look a lot different to a 55-year old than a 15- or 25-year old. It’s not as easy to change, for multiple reasons.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          55 isn’t that old and you do have lots of time to make whatever big changes you want in your life. people do it all the time. i would say it’s way harder to make big life changes when you’re 15 or 25 because you’re still a fucking moron with no autonomy at that age.

          • killa-k-av says:

            I agree that 55 isn’t “that” old but you can’t, for example, make risky financial decisions and expect to recover. Switching careers becomes much more difficult since recruiters can be pretty ageist. And while there are plenty of 55 year old people in great shape, that assumes you have been taking care of yourself the previous 20 years. I’ve seen plenty of 50-year old folks in rough shape (though I concede you can say that about anyone depending on their lifestyle). And let’s not pretend socioeconomic factors don’t play a huge role.Assuming a 15-year old is still living with their parents or legal guardians, I guess it’s unlikely that they’re making any big life changes on their own, but by the time the majority of people are 25, their brain has finished developing, so I’m not sure why you suggest a 25-year old wouldn’t have any autonomy.

          • frasier-crane-av says:

            All these stories you’ve been reading about “The Great Resignation”, of the great many people who have recently been boldly and riskily embracing changing up careers, because they have the savings and experience to do so, and Covid granted the opportunity?
            They are *not* stories about 25-year-olds. “changing career trajectories” is not any sort of “trend story” for them, ever. It’s just the normal “finding yourself” for them.

          • killa-k-av says:

            COVID created a *specific* set of circumstances that allowed many people, including 55+ year-old people, to “boldly and riskily” embrace changing up their careers. However, I’m not sure you’d find as many 55-year olds participating in The Great Resignation as you would, say, 45- and 35-year olds.

          • frasier-crane-av says:

            Then, as we all can see, you have many surprises in store for you in this life. Enjoy!

          • killa-k-av says:

            Well, yeah. Life is full of surprises.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            all 25 year olds are fucking morons.

          • killa-k-av says:

            Fucking morons with autonomy.

        • galdarn-av says:

          There you go, move the goalposts. Well done.

      • nilus-av says:

        True but only about a decade of those 29 years you are viable to work a full time well paying job. Age eventually start catching up to most people and business are ageist as fuck. Hell in the corporate world you are lucky to not be getting pushed out the door at 55. Then you are looking for a new job and running the numbers and realizing that your retirement you had planned to start taking at 65(which probably was not gonna keep you above not eating cat food some nights) is gonna have to stretch another ten years(and if you take it early, the government penalizes you).Sure 55 is not dead in the grave but it very much is a point in life where a lot of people need to hang on to the career they have and stock away every dollar they can because eventually they are not going to be able to work and retirement funds are what they use to be and social security isn’t either(if it even exists when you hit the finish line and can actually start collecting it)Its telling just how privileged these women on the show are that she can drop everything at 55 and not have those concerns, because I am a decade younger then those ladies and I lay awake at night terrified of such things.  

        • moggett-av says:

          And she has a college-age kid! No worries about paying for school? What affect divorce will have on the family finances? Who will own the house while she’s in CA?  It’s baffling. 

          • megasmacky-av says:

            What’s baffling is why you or anyone would care about Miranda’s finances. It’s Sex and the City ffs, it’s not supposed to be real! You probably spent the entire first series complaining that Carrie couldn’t possible afford her lifestyle on a once a week column. IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER!

        • pomking-av says:

          Are you 55? 

          • nilus-av says:

            No as I said in a decade younger at 45 and nothing short of an absolutely amazing career windfall makes me think that in ten years I can drop everything, quit my job, divorce my amazing wife and go off with a comedian.   I’ll have one child who has just finished college and another on the cusp of starting.  Plus, as I said above,  socking away every penny I can do I’m not eating cat food during retirement. 

      • LadyCommentariat-av says:

        Particularly a white wealthy one.

    • blerfto-av says:

      Useful line from Bill Gates: “People overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10.”

    • light-emitting-diode-av says:

      Average age of Congress is still older

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:


  • skoc211-av says:

    The first season was absolute chaos and I loved every terrible amazing moment. I’ll be watching season two!

  • popsfreshenmeyer-av says:


  • galdarn-av says:

    Is Che really  any worse than any other standup comedian character in any piece of comedy or drama ever?

  • cjob3-av says:

    “I feel like what Miranda does [on And Just Like That…] is incredibly brave. She gives up her very lucrative corporate job and goes back to try and make something more of her life. That may have been the intention, but from what I saw she gave up being a civil rights activist to be a studio audience member in a sitcom taping.

    • martincrane-av says:

      Sure, why work to improve reality when you can just live in a romcom instead? Actually I feel like that’s something old Miranda would have said about new Miranda

      • beadgirl-av says:

        Old Miranda would have had a LOT to say about New Miranda.

      • westsidegrrl-av says:

        “I’m living in a RomCom!” *vomit*

      • precious-tritium-av says:

        IRL this happened.

        Nixon runs for an office she is not at all qualified for, goes right back to being on a sitcom TV show.

        Surely her goals of helping people in NYS could have only been done as governor or TV star I guess.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Exactly.  Especially since, as Che would be working entirely on the pilot, she’d have no actual time to spend with Miranda and they could have just waited a month and  a half.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    “We’re not old, we’re 55. I mean, you’re certainly closer to the end than
    to the beginning. But if you’re not happy with where you are, you still
    have a lot of time to make a change.”Not bring politics in to this, but four years ago Cynthia Nixon ran for Governor of New York claiming to be a “progressive” Bernie/AOC type-candidate who understood the working class.If Miranda left her husband and then pursued a relationship with Che in New York, that’s one thing.But she up and moved to LA. Not all of us have the resources to drop everything and uproot our entire life and move across the country to LA. Especially at 55.So no, Ms. Nixon, I do not relate with her by any means.

  • toecheese4life-av says:

    Happy to hate watch. lol

    • graymangames-av says:

      I am too. Fuck it. I’m gonna watch this while putting out lit cigarettes on my arm so I can enjoy the pain. 

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    I could find this an unfortunate decision, but since HBO renewed Peacemaker, I am going to turn a blind eye to this 

    • murrychang-av says:

      Yeah HBO can pick up a billion seasons of this bullshit if we keep getting stuff like Peacemaker and Doom Patrol.

    • labbla-av says:

      As long as I’m not forced to watch it I’m cool with it. 

    • deboraht57-av says:

      I still find it an egregious decision because I am going to have to wade through all the unwanted set photos, breathless articles in anticipation, and wtf just happened recaps all over the entertainment sites for another several months. I was so relieved when the first season ended.

  • reinhardtleeds-av says:

    Why are they doing this? To us, to themselves? Nixon was good on The Gilded Age last night… why not let us see her that way? In something like success? 

  • aaron1592-av says:

    Having a character make an uncharacteristic choice based on the actor’s real life situation isn’t great development. Different tone but it reminds me of Picard, where the titular character is essentially Patrick Stewart as opposed to…well, Picard.

  • smithereen-av says:

    Well the good news is you can still write low effect Che clickbait

  • saltier-av says:

    “Though Carrie becoming a widower was meant to be the big shocker of the series…”I missed the part where Carrie decided to go transgender. I guess she goes by Cary now?

  • recognitions69-av says:

    If this gets another season and Raised by Wolves doesn’t I’ll be a very sad camper.

  • mamakinj-av says:

    Maybe next season, Che will have developed their act to be more than, “hey, I’m a non-binary comedian!”

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I thought nobody liked this.

  • crocodilegandhi-av says:

    Note: Che died on the way back to their home planet.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    It’s not JUST that Miranda decided to “follow her heart”, it’s that she dropped an extraordinary opportunity for work she was passionate about to follow Che to LA for a time during which Che would have literally zero free time to spend with her in a relationship that was still only about five minutes old. I mean, WTF? SUCH an amazingly stupid decision by the characters and the writers.

  • moonrivers-av says:

    I thought people more hated that they dumped a bunch of shit on Steve, and that the show portrayed all of Miranda’s cheating/decisions as ‘Great/Brave’ (like, instead of incredibly mishandled/shitty, but they still needed to end, etc). Even Carrie was being a coward-non-friend in that one scene Steve and her had together.Like, a person gives up a job instead of doing long distance for a couple months? Yeah, also very dumb, but not why my hate was present for multiple episodes (I mean, it was present for All of them, but just not for That reason)

  • bobbyphillsnashandyoung-av says:

    “Though Carrie becoming a widower was meant to be the big shocker of the series,”Are “widow” and “widower” interchangable now?

  • llisser7787-av says:

    Of course she thinks it’s brave! This show is telling the Cynthia Nixon story, not the Miranda Hobbs story.

  • ijohng00-av says:

    sorry but it’s just not the same without Kim Cattrell’s amazing portrayal of Samantha Jones. I’m rewatching the original series now, and SHE was the reason to watch this show. Just having her exist in text form and have a really rubbish reason to not be friends with Carrie and co anymore, is rubbish.Yes, i am Kim Cattrell, btw.

    • mjsztainbok-av says:

      I’ve been rewatching it too and she really was the heart of the show. She was the one who supported the other 3 when they needed it and gave them a good hard slap when they were acting all stupid (like she most likely would have done to Miranda in this case) 

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      Yes, i am Kim Cattrell, btw.Then you know it was Kim Cattrall who gave that amazing portrayal of Samantha, not you, right? And Ms. Cattrall seems entirely fine with the rubbish reason she’s not on the show anymore, since she really seems to intensely dislike some of her former costars.

  • luasdublin-av says:
  • systemmastert-av says:

    I dunno, I’ve seen Jeff Foxworthy.

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