Beaver rehabilitating at woman's home keeps building dams out of her stuff

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Beaver rehabilitating at woman's home keeps building dams out of her stuff
Photo: Picture Alliance

A wildlife rehabilitation specialist from upstate New York has brought a beaver into her home. After it was found abandoned as a baby last May, the chompy rodent in question—named, imaginatively enough, “Beave”—was taken in by a woman who works for rescue organization Raising The Wild. She’s since set to work teaching the little guy how to do the kind of things he needs to know before he can be released into the wild.

Unfortunately for her, rehabbing a baby beaver involves dealing with an animal that instinctively grabs nearby objects to build dams. Fortunately for us, she’s been documenting Beave doing just that on TikTok.


More “Dam” practice. Still not with wood but good progress! #MicellarRewind #fyp #foryoupage #HalloweenIsHere #MicellarRewind

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea


Beave is not a pet. Go to or Raising The Wild YouTube videos for his rescue and rehab plan. #fyp #PajamaJam

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea


For Beaves back story: click on the link in my bio for YouTube. Also visit, #WorkingAtHome #makeitmini

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea


Not sure how he moved the vacuum but I draw the line at the shoes. Click on my bio for Beaves YouTube videos on his rehab and release story. #fyp

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea

Despite having access to non-household items that he can practice damming with, Beave has an insatiable desire to steal shoes, pillows, stuffed animals that look like other beavers, kid-sized furniture, and whatever else he can find. For whatever reason, the dude is also crazy about bathrooms and toilet plungers.


Beave does love exploring all the bathrooms and confiscating the plungers. #FoodTikTok #fyp #growupwithme #JingleJangleWithMe #VansCheckerboardDay

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea


That little Plunger is now on the move. #fyp #TheatreKids #PajamaJam #GamingSetup #workingathome #growupwithme #makeitmini #nonuancenovember

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea

It’s not all just constant destruction. Sometimes Beave is content to just swim in a bathtub or pull on a stick while grunting like a congested baby.


Unfortunately I couldn’t get it on video this time but this explains a Beavers second eyelid which is clear. Like goggles! #PajamaJam #fyp

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea


Beave is not a pet. He was rescued at 3 weeks old after his parents were killed. Go to the link in my bio for his YouTube back stories! #fyp#wildside

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea

And sometimes he’s happy to eat a snack next to a dog or take an adorable snooze—which has the added benefit of slowing down his dam building—after practicing his swimming all day.


Everybody gets a snack at snack time. #GrowUpWithMe #growupwithme #JingleJangleWithMe #FoodTikTok #fyp #wildlife

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea


Beave is staying out in the pond swimming longer and longer everyday. Nap times are getting shorter during the day. So tired at night. #fyp #OhNo

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea

The woman raising Beave says in one video that she knew what she was getting into, but felt she had no choice other than to take the beaver in since the pandemic hasn’t left her with other rehab options. It’s worth noting, too, that she’s going to have this guy, in theory at least, for about two years. That will probably leave her home mostly destroyed, but at least we benefit by getting to watch the maddening way Beave celebrates the holidays.


For the followers who wanted to know if I was going to do a real or a fake tree! #GrowUpWithMe #JingleJangleWithMe #FoodTikTok #fyp #wild

♬ original sound – Beave and Bea

[via Yashar Ali]

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  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    My wife’s cat does the same thing, except instead of stealing things and making dams out of them it hisses at me and shits in my slippers.

    • bcfred-av says:

      From what I’ve read the only thing keeping your wife’s cat from killing you is its size.

      • fever-dog-av says:

        Isnt that what stops all cats?  Theres a feral cat that comes by my house that I feed whos about the biggest cat Ive ever seen.  Im sure he wants to eat me.

        • nilus-av says:

          I read somewhere that if you died alone at home your dog would lay next to you and probably starve to death protecting your body.  Your cat would eat your face within a day.  

        • bassclefstef-av says:

          This sounds about right, especially given all the videos of big cats at zoos playing with boxes and generally being exactly like giant house cats.

      • radarskiy-av says:

        Opposable thumbs are the only things we have going for us.

    • grant8418-av says:

      Obviously you did something to warrant these actions against you, and frankly, I have to side with the Cat.

  • saltier-av says:

    Beavers gonna beave.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • grogthepissed-av says:

    Beaver Rehab is my favorite HGTV-home-reno/TLC-medical-disaster crossover show.

  • brontosaurian-av says:


    • dontdowhatdonnydontdoes-av says:

      I was crossing my fingers hoping the rescuer’s name was Wynona. but her name was not revealed on this article.

  • grogthepissed-av says:

    You can say he’s not a pet all you want, but seeing him hang out with a dog doesn’t strike me as being all that good from the perspective of prepping him for life as a non-pet. 

    • burnerxabillion-av says:

      The dogs and beavers formed an alliance in 1304 after the battle of West Ridgeback. Since then they have agreed that the beavers would set aside a good stick on dry land near their dams in exchange for the dogs not taking sticks from the dams.Open a history book sometime.

    • gone83-av says:

      Methinks the wildlife rehabilitation specialist doth protest too much.

      • grogthepissed-av says:

        Right? THIS ANIMAL IS NOT A PET! Here he is with my dog. THIS ANIMAL IS NOT A PET! Here I am cuddling him. THIS ANIMAL IS NOT A PET! Watch me put a little hat on him and take him for a walk in a stroller while calling him my fur-baby. ETA: not that I’m condemning her. I’d totally let a rad beaver live in my house, particularly if the option was leave it to die when it’s abandoned and clearly struggling to survive. But call it what it is. A rescue beaver (also the name of another tv show I’d watch). 

        • gone83-av says:

          Yeah, this seems pretty cool of her, honestly, and I get that she’s trying to discourage people without the qualifications from doing it. Still, say “Don’t do this at home!  I’m trained for this.” This article is basically a wall of disclaimers saying that what we’re seeing is not what we’re seeing.

        • moggett-av says:

          Animal rehab people often use dogs to help out. Like when rescuing bear cubs. I suspect this beaver is destined for a zoo. 

    • endymion421-av says:

      Yeah the article states she’s probably stuck with him for two years. That’s longer than some actual pets make it.

    • nilus-av says:

      Yeah this beaver is never going to reintegrate into the wild. At best after two years it will get to chill at a zoo or wild life sanctuary. 

  • Velops-av says:

    This reboot of Leave It to Beaver needs a remix of the theme song. Even the forgettable sequel series from the eighties knew to do that.

  • mwfuller-av says:


  • duke-of-kent-av says:
    • teageegeepea-av says:

      The only nice beaver is a stuffed one.

    • amorpha1-av says:

      My brother and I watched the Naked Gun movies a lot as kids. We knew this bit was a joke and that it was likely dirty. But for the life of us, we couldn’t figure out why!! (pre-internet)

      • tofuttiklein-av says:

        I loved these movies as a kid too. My parents didn’t really limit what we could watch in general so A LOT of 80s movie jokes flew right over my had until I rewatched things as an adult.

      • paraduck-av says:

        For me and my brother it was the blowjob in Police Academy. Not that I had any idea at the time that it was a blowjob, though I was pretty sure something sexual was going on.What did you think of the “safe sex” scene?

        • ironbeagle-av says:

          Same on Police Academy.  In my 8 year old brain, I thought they were pretending to be turkeys in the safe sex scene.  

        • callmeshoebox-av says:

          Us kids thought concrete dildo was the funniest thing we’d ever heard and said it all the time.

  • edkedfromavc-av says:

    TIL that TikTok’s video format is as shitty as Instagram’s.

  • carrercrytharis-av says:


  • stickmontana-av says:

    Welp, that’s officially the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Even if the world ends tomorrow, which I hope it does, at least I had this.

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    he may be “beave”…but is he THE beave????

  • tigersblood-av says:

    Like they say, beavers gonna beave.

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