Bill Cosby calls verdict an “astonishing victory” after jury finds he sexually assaulted a 16-year-old in 1975

Cosby was found guilty and has to pay $500,000 for the assault

Aux News Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby calls verdict an “astonishing victory” after jury finds he sexually assaulted a 16-year-old in 1975
Bill Cosby Photo: Michael Abbott

Yesterday, a civil jury found that disgraced comedian Bill Cosby sexually abused Judy Huth when she was 16 years old in 1975. In the wake of the verdict, Cosby’s team is calling it an “astonishing victory.”

“Yesterday actor and comedian Bill Cosby was awarded an astonishing victory by jurors in a civil trial brought by Judy Huth,” reads a statement from Cosby’s spokesperson, Andrew Wyatt. “The jurors decided to grant Judy Huth with a $500,000 verdict but voted 9-3 in favor of not rewarding Ms. Huth any punitive damages.”

It’s strange to consider a verdict which confirms Cosby sexually assaulted a minor as any sort of victory. However, the part they seem to celebrate concerns the punitive damages, which if awarded would have deemed Cosby acted with “malice, oppression, or fraud”—meaning he would have to pay a lot more money. Despite the “victory,” Cosby’s lawyer Jennifer Bonjean plans on appealing the verdict, stating Huth will “never receive a payday.”

“Within a few weeks, Attorney Jennifer Bonjean will be in Judge Craig D. Karlan court to appeal the $500,000 verdict, which means that Ms. Huth will never receive a payday from Mr. Cosby and her estimated mounting legal bills ($3 million plus dollars) with Allred, Maroko & Goldberg will be outstanding for many years to come,” the statement says. “If the jurors had awarded punitive damages to Judy Huth it would have been in the range of $10 million plus dollars, which would have been a devastating loss to our legal efforts and the Cosby family.”

Huth’s representation, the attorney and women’s rights activist Gloria Allred pushes back against Cosby’s statements, saying he “should be held and was held accountable for what he did to her.”

“Mr. Cosby’s spokesperson appears to be trying to snatch victory from the jaws of Mr. Cosby’s significant defeat,” Allred tells Variety. “Ms. Huth has no legal bills for fees with my law firm. The $3 million legal bill that Mr. Wyatt cited appears to be a figment of his imagination. In the alternative, it may be that that the $3 million amount is what Mr. Cosby had to spend to hire countless lawyers over the years in his unsuccessful effort to defend himself from Ms. Huth’s lawsuit.”

Additionally in his statement, Cosby claims to have spoken with two jurors following the verdict, who told him, “You didn’t deserve to be in this court.” According to Variety, both of these jurors voted overwhelmingly in his favor on all questions, and “did not agree with the majority of the jury on questions regarding Cosby’s conduct to be harmful or sexually offensive.”

“Mr. Cosby along with his team has always remained steadfast in his innocence and we never played in the sewer nor gutter; but most importantly, we stayed on the mountain top of ethics, integrity, truth and facts,” Cosby’s spokesperson says. “The Cosbys are thankful to those particular jurors who removed their bias and ruled on the evidence and facts of this case.”


  • sarcastro7-av says:

    “Additionally in his statement, Cosby claims to have spoken with two jurors following the verdict, who told him, “You didn’t deserve to be in this court.””

    This is clearly Cosby’s version of Trump’s man-who-came-up-to-me-with-tears-in-his-eyes.  Many people are saying that.

    • catsliketomeow-av says:

      They’re right, though. He doesn’t deserve to be in that court. He deserves to be six feet deep under a supermax prison.

      • dirtside-av says:

        Legend has it they built this supermax prison on an ancient rapist burial ground!

        • spaced99-av says:

          That joke works especially well if read in the voice of Norm Macdonald’s ghost.

          • sonicsean89-av says:

            The fact that he’s dead and Cosby isn’t proves that there is no just and loving god

          • mr-smith1466-av says:

            I don’t know. Norm died a beloved figure and will have a legacy that will endure. Everyday Cosby is alive is another day that arrogant bastard gets to see his legacy in ruins, well aware that the world despises him. Sometimes that’s one of many fitting punishments for people like Cosby. I feel the same about Harvey Weinstein, where every day he’s alive is another day he can see how much he lost due to his own evil. 

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            I thought he couldn’t see anything.

          • jomahuan-av says:

            there seems to be a lot of people who still love him, though. so i imagine he’s very well-insulated.

          • fugit-av says:

            Too bad he’s buried himself too deep under a mountain of narcissism, arrogance, and denial to even notice.

          • yellowfoot-av says:

            Dying didn’t seem to stop Jimmy Savile’s legacy from being ground into the dirt.

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Those whom the gods love . . . are usually not rapists.

          • hardscience-av says:

            And who was the lead architect on that project?That’s right, Frank Stalone.

        • djdeejay-av says:

          You could make a very successful horror movie using that concept.

      • sarcastro7-av says:

        That works too!

    • turbotastic-av says:

      A man came up to me, and we’re seeing this all over the country, a man came up to me and said, “YOU SEE THEO, WHEN I WAS A BOY ME AND MY FIVE JAZZ GRANDPAS USED TO EAT THE JELLO PUDDIN’ POPS.”

  • murrychang-av says:

    Well now he’s only worth $399,500,000 and he’s still a free man so let’s not go sucking each other off just yet.

  • stalkyweirdos-av says:

    Fuck Bill Cosby.

  • jodyjm13-av says:

    “$3 million plus dollars”? “$10 million plus dollars”? Is that really the best that the Coz can afford now, a spokesperson who doesn’t even know how to specify dollar amounts in public statements? If they’re speaking at a press conference, do they say “three million dollars plus dollars”?

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      Look, I get it that everyone is entitled to a legal defense, but there’s no way anyone is ethically obligated to be Bill Cosby’s spokesman, which means that anyone who does take the job is most likely an amoral, otherwise unemployable yahoo. So this weird statement totally makes sense. 

      • krhodes1-av says:

        No just a lawyer. You generally leave your high-horse morals at the door when you go to law school. BTDT, but it didn’t take and I ended up doing something much better for my conscience for a living.

      • cigarette100-av says:

        A person does not have the right to counsel in a civil trial.

        • rollotomassi123-av says:

          Regardless, I could see someone rationalizing to themselves that even a dirtbag deserves legal counsel, whether or not they’re legally entitled to one. But again, nobody is entitled to a PR person, either legally or morally.

          • icecoldtake-av says:

            The way I see it is that while everyone here would likely agree that what Bill Cosby did makes him such a horrible person as to be undeserving of legal representation in a civil trial, there are (unsettlingly) large groups of people who might feel this same way about people who we would find very deserving of legal representation (for example, a pregnant person who attempted to get, or received, an abortion). Rather than attempt to draw a line somewhere (and by that I mean, have professional practice guidelines that make it acceptable for all lawyers to refuse service to certain types of clients), it might be better not to draw one at all (at least at this point in time) or we might not like where it ends up being drawn.

      • bigbydub-av says:

        an amoral, otherwise unemployable yahooPlease.  Everyone from Kevin Spacey to Matt Gaetz wants this guy.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “Everyone from Kevin Spacey to Matt Gaetz wants this guy.”

          Who, exactly, is “everyone from Kevin Spacey to Matt Gaetz” and what, the actual fuck, do you mean?

    • gargsy-av says:

      So, hold on, you’re angry about a press release that was absolutely, positively, 100% NOT written by Cosbgy’s multi-million dollar lawyer.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Must’ve cost him a pretty penny buying up every available copy of Leonard Part VI

    • mifrochi-av says:

      His defense team describing their own success as “astonishing” is kind of a perfect self-own.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Haha, oh man, can you even imagine someone being gleeful over the idea of a woman being millions of dollars in debt because they were sexually assaulted by a famous celebrity and the court system routinely punishes and dismisses women in cases involving sexual violence and abuse. Sure glad we don’t live in a world with millions of those types of people.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Y’all ain’t fooling anyone. People who watch the trial knew for a fact all the ways Amber Heard lied and gaslighted the public for years. I was her supporter back in 2016, but there’s no way to come to any other conclusion after that trial revealed everything, including the recording of her gloating about how the world would never believe she was abusing Depp.

      • yellowfoot-av says:

        I think your argument would be more compelling if you called me a cracker a few times.The justice system sure is good at convincing people that they’re doing a good job at find the truth, though, isn’t it. Why, I’m hard pressed to think of a single case in my whole lifetime where they didn’t definitely come to the right conclusion.

        • haodraws-av says:

          You’ve got a point there, cracker. Kinda fits the whole “defending abusers” thing you’ve got going on.So your rebuttal is “well they’ve got things wrong before!!!” which… is what supporters of abusers like Cosby and Weinstein have been touting for years. You’re in good company, champ!

      • wangphat-av says:

        Johnny isnt going to fuck you bro

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Maybe not, but they might get a generous thorough “massage” when Johnny figures out where they hid the coke.

      • yllehs-av says:

        What exactly did you do to support her in 2016? Stand outside her house with a sign?I never even heard of her until they had a nasty divorce. 

        • gargsy-av says:

          “I never even heard of her until they had a nasty divorce.

          You think you’re being morally superior, but you’re just a fucking cunt.

    • destron-combatman-av says:

      Lol fuck amber heard.

  • softsack-av says:

    It’s strange to consider a verdict which confirms Cosby sexually
    assaulted a minor as any sort of victory. However, the part they seem to
    celebrate concerns the punitive damages, which if awarded would have
    deemed Cosby acted with “malice, oppression, or fraud”So… he did sexually assault a minor but he wasn’t, like, a dick about it or anything? Seriously confused by this part.

    • faaaaqimscarey-av says:

      Basically.  Just means he did it purely because he is a pedophile, and not out of anger or anything.  the “malice, oppression, or fraud” phrasing I think is just generic legalese from the raw definition of what would warrant punitive damages.

      • kleptrep-av says:

        He’s not a paedophile, he’s an ephebophile, he’s only a paedophile if she was under 13. But yeah fuck him, let the victim get her winnings in peace.

        • bmillette-av says:

          No don’t… don’t do this. Don’t be the person that makes this distinction. It only makes you look bad.

        • minasand-av says:

          “He’s not a paedophile, he’s an ephebophile…”Oh fuck all the way off already. 

          • kleptrep-av says:

            So you’re saying that rape victims don’t deserve justice?

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Where are you going with this?

          • kleptrep-av says:

            Cripes my main concern was that I don’t agree with haranguing the poor lass over getting raped like these dicks are doing. Dude I’m not into 13 year olds I’m just saying that there’s a difference between the two. It’s like if you push someone over in a fit of rage you ain’t no murderer y’know but you’re still a killer.Like Bill Cosby is still a raping cunt who deserves to get molested in jail but you can get sued for defamation by calling this rapist a paedophile.

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Ah, now you’re all triggered.
            At least no one said he was “grooming”. That’s the other buzz word du jour to get the internets ramped up.

          • jomahuan-av says:

            “He’s not a paedophile, he’s an ephebophile…”weellllllll, the reality is that most women have been propositioned well before the age of that distinction is always a little….obtuse? suspect? frustrating?

          • kleptrep-av says:

            Oh gosh really? That’s distressing, what kinda freak gets turned on by children?

          • destron-combatman-av says:

            There is a clear and definable difference. Hence the different words. 

        • probablynotthemessiah-av says:

          He is a rapist, though. Can we agree on that?

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Thanks for clearing that up. I now feel exactly not-a-bit less icky about the whole thing.

          • mifrochi-av says:

            I love those posts because it’s a meaningless distinction, yet people feel compelled to make it, either because they want to fuck teenagers or just to be pedantic, which is even worse. 

          • icecoldtake-av says:

            To be fair, I suppose it could be considered akin to being a serial killer versus a mass murderer – they are both absolutely horrible classifications of people, but only one of those terms could be used to accurately describe Ted Bundy, and neither one is a term that could be logically inserted into the phrase “No it’s fine, he’s only a…”

        • satanscheerleaders-av says:

          You know the age of consent in every state and territory off the top of your head, don’t you?

      • destron-combatman-av says:

        Hey 16 might have been perfectly legal in 1975… depending on what part of the country it happened in. I think it’s the “assault” part that’s the main illegal thing. But I don’t know because I’m not going to bother looking into this since I already know Cosby deserved to die a horrible death a long time ago.

      • softsack-av says:

        I think on balance Leo Grocery’s explanation makes a bit more sense to me, but I could be wrong. ‘Malice, oppression, or fraud’ sounds very strange to me in this context: if someone knowingly sexually assaults someone else, it seems as though malice and oppression would apply by definition, since they’re removing control from their victim and doing so knowing the harm they’re causing. But at the same time, since neither of them would be the real motivation for the assault you could also argue that they don’t apply to any sexual assault cases (bar a handful of exceptions). Just seems like a very beside-the-point way of judging these things, IMO.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        So now instead of “America’s Dad”, he’s “America’s Rapist”?

    • leogrocery-av says:

      Just a guess, but for liability the jury can find the defendant liable by a preponderance of the evidence – which means the evidence had to tip the scales in favor of plaintiff by a tiny smidge more than 50% to get to a verdict. On the other hand, an award of punitive damages requires the finding that the defendant acted with fraud, malice or oppression by the higher standard of clear and convincing evidence. Clear and convincing that it’s “highly probable” that the evidence is true. Now you’ve got to tip the scales in favor of punitive damages with a lot more evidence than just a smidge. Given it’s a 45 year old allegation, it’s possible that at least 9 jurors were able to find him liable by a preponderance of the evidence but balked at finding him liable for punitive damages when clear and convincing was the standard.

      • softsack-av says:

        Okay, interesting. You say you’re guessing so not sure how much of your post to take on face value, but yeah, that would make a bit more sense of things. Appreciate the explanation either way!

  • chuckrich81-av says:

    I guess declaring victory in the appeal that hasn’t happened yet is at least less ridiculous than claiming victory in the case you just lost.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Yes, well, sometimes a legal victory is still significant even if you don’t get the moonshot. To be clear, the man should burn in Hell.  

  • gizguy-av says:

    ‘I was ready to have to pay $10 million for that one girl! If I had known it would have only been $500,000, I would have raped 19 more kids!’ – In Cosby’s head

  • supertroopers420-av says:

    So those jurors were Cosby stans? Someone didn’t do a good job of vetting…

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Ew wait I just did math…. he was 47 years old when he raped a 16 year old? Wowwww I was expecting maybe late 20s or 30s, that’s fucked up.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      It’s fucked up regardless but that’s reeeeeally fucked up. This is a victory? yeesh.

    • fever-dog-av says:

      You think that’s bad…go watch “Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey” about Warren Jeffs.  if there’s a pedo hall of fame, Warren Jeffs is the Babe Ruth of pedos.

    • rockinray-av says:

      Isn’t Bill Cosby “only” in his 80’s?  He’s not 94 years old, for sure.  He’d still be in his late 30s which is bad enough.

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    So the court says he did it and he still counts it as a victory?

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    taking a victory lap over a loss and then gloating that you were never going to pay the girl you raped because it will make it harder to pay off her (imaginary?) legal bills. This guy cannot fuck off fast enough and far enough away. I hope he shares an especially hot part of hell with Rush Limbaugh and soon.

    • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

      And the lawyers who are enabling him – I totally get the “everyone has a right to representation and fair trial”, but the sheer glee of these scumbags celebrating their strategy to bankrupt a woman who had the audacity to be raped as a child by their client. You could argue that Cosby is a psychopath/sociopath…the fact that these lawyers are carrying water for him with such enthusiasm almost makes them worse.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        the fact that they’d publicly share that glee because I assume they feel entitled to “revenge” for this “unfair persecution”…it reeks of Cult 45, that sense of grievance followed reflexively by that feeling of entitlement to righteous vengeance. (I’m sure Cosby feels that, his lawyer might be a garden variety greedy scumbag who doesn’t care if Cosby goes to jail or not as long as she gets paid LOL.)

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Jesus fucking Christ…

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Well, I suppose everything is relative. If I were Cosby’s team, I would have advised him to settle with the plaintiff ages ago, but then I suppose that would have meant fewer legal fees for Cosby’s team.

  • destron-combatman-av says:

    Someone needs to put a bullet in this man’s head.

  • oldaswater-av says:

    Cosby said nothing. 

  • eternaltech7-av says:

    Nine of the 12 jurors apparently believed that Cosby sexually assaulted the accuser nearly 50 years ago. I wonder what evidence they examined that would support such a conclusion.I have no idea if Cosby did or did not do it, but it would be interesting to know what “preponderance of evidence” was against him.

  • sgt-makak-av says:

    Additionally in his statement, Cosby claims to have spoken with two
    jurors following the verdict, who told him, “You didn’t deserve to be in
    this court.” According to Variety,
    both of these jurors voted overwhelmingly in his favor on all
    questions, and “did not agree with the majority of the jury on questions
    regarding Cosby’s conduct to be harmful or sexually offensive.”Question for the lawyers in the comments: is this legal practice? I would’ve thought it was forbiden to talk to the jurors even after the trial to prevent intimidation in future trials.

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