Danielle Fishel seems relieved to realize that Boy Meets World was actually a good show

The hosts of Pod Meets World were initially concerned that exorcising their Boy Meets World demons would "ruin the show" for fans

Aux News Danielle Fishel
Danielle Fishel seems relieved to realize that Boy Meets World was actually a good show
Will Friedle, Danielle Fishel, Rider Strong Photo: Greg Doherty

Every time Danielle Fishel, Will Friedle, and Rider Strong’s Pod Meets World podcast—in which the trio reminisce about their experiences filming the classic ABC sitcom Boy Meets World—crosses over into the realm of pop culture news, it’s because of some revelation about a negative experience or a regret from their time on the show. Fishel has talked about series creator Michael Jacobs threatening to fire her in front of the whole cast and crew when she was only 12, there was the time Trina McGee (who played Angela) confronted her former co-stars about why she didn’t appear in the series finale, and Strong brought up how his concerns were ignored when he questioned why an episode in which Cory and Topanga considered having sex didn’t mention condoms or birth control at all.

In fact, speaking with People recently, Fishel said that one of her concerns about doing the podcast in the first place was that it would “ruin the show” for fans if they found out that the stuff happening behind the scenes wasn’t quite as cheery as everything onscreen. “We don’t want our criticisms or our critiques or our experiences to in any way change what your opinion of the show is,” she told People, “They’re just our honest opinions, and we can’t do it if we’re not going to be honest.”

Luckily, her and her podcast cohosts came to a conclusion that put those fears to rest: Boy Meets World is “a really good show.” Fishel said that’s what she realized while going through it, and she now sees it as a “great experience” they all had. Strong also noted that they conceived of the podcast as a “journey,” rather than just sitting around and “talking about how great [Boys Meets World] is,” but they “all agree” that “it is actually great.” So that’s nice.


  • ghboyette-av says:

    I genuinely love the hell out of this show and regularly rewatch it every few years. Sure, a few parts a cheesy, a few parts haven’t aged well, but a lot of it was pretty wholesome and quite funny.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Well, I mean, she was on it ‘n all…

  • Axetwin-av says:

    I was old enough to be in the demographic of this show back when it first aired, but outside the pilot, I didn’t watch a lot of episodes back then.  So I didn’t see this show until I was in my late 30’s/early 40’s.  I only say this to point out that when I say I agree with them, this is a good show, it’s not coming from a place of nostalgia.  

  • urbanpreppie05-av says:

    I was part of the demographic when it aired- and I was a big fan. While It does have its flaws, it is a great show, and I’m glad people are rediscovering it. I just wish Girl Meets World was…better. Also, a HUGE fan of Pod Meets world.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      Yea I tried watching GMW when it came out…just wasn’t made for adults who grew up on BMW lol. Which is totally fine. Someday maybe I’ll try to at least watch the episodes Shawn showed up in.

    • cordingly-av says:

      The podcast is great, I’m glad they’re addressing the warts of the show.

      My wife and I rewatched BMW recently, it’s crazy to see a show try to be so many things at once. Also, Corey is a damn monster as the show goes on and I hope they get to that.

    • Bazzd-av says:

      I think what’s interesting is that Boy Meets World was an excellent show that understood its demographic and its politics and had deep empathy for its characters and the process of learning through failure. Girl Meets World was condescending and arch.So, if you go through the process of making Girl Meets World after doing Boy Meets World, look back, and realize how this newer thing you made is bad but don’t really remember this older thing you made, there could be that anxiety that you’ve always made bad things.I think she was just shocked that they didn’t have the tools later that this earlier show had to be legitimately solid coming-of-age storytelling.

  • suckadick59595-av says:

    ““great experience” they all had. Strong also noted that they conceived of the podcast as a “journey,” rather than just sitting around and “talking about how great [Boys Meets World] is,” but they “all agree” that “it is actually great.””what in the actual hell is with the overuse of quotations here. Anyway, Pod Meets World is a terrific podcast. They’re down to criticize the show and it’s not an office ladies OMG SQUEEEE EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD YAAAAY all the time; it’s also not some shitshow or embarassment. It’s wonderfully reflective. And I’m always ready for more Will Friedle! 

    • g-off-av says:

      Seriously, I can’t handle Office ladies and their refusal to pretend everything was other than wonderful and sunny for nine seasons. How you can possibly recap episodes of seasons 8 and 9 and not admit they sucked is beyond me.

      • suckadick59595-av says:

        I listened to a bunch but it was not enjoyable. At least tell some more stories. 🤷I had to drop off the parks and recollections podcast after Rob Lowe left. Jim O’Hair is the new actor host. I like him a lot, but the pod just became a lovefest.It kind of was when Lowe and Yang we’re hosting, too? And I’m glad parks and rec was such a positive experience behind the scenes for the cast and crew. Lowe was a GREAT storyteller, tho, and he had a lot more really fascinating insights into the craft and shit 

  • chronophasia-av says:

    I love the show and I love the podcast also. I can appreciate that the trio is looking at their experiences and the episodes honestly. The only thing about the podcast that annoys me from time to time is Rider Strong. He’s a bit of a snob when it comes to analyzing stories, no doubt due to his experiences as a writer. He doesn’t seem to be able to enjoy fun, fluff stories. For him, everything has to be Kurt Vonnegut-level quality to be worthwhile. It’s the type of story snobbery that fills internet commentary. 

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    One of my favorite shows from when I was a kid. I rewatched a good bit of it last year and still enjoyed it quite a bit. Always wished they didn’t make Eric such a buffoon in the later seasons – he was my favorite character in the middle seasons when he was figuring out his life after initially not getting into college.

  • docprof-av says:

    I really hate the thing where every show that has ever aired has a podcast with members of the cast discussing the show now. It was much more fun when comedians did those podcasts instead.

  • jrcorwin-av says:

    I think this whole trend of star(s) from successful shows doing rewatch and/or behind-the-scenes podcasts was started by Joshua Malina and Hrishikesh Hirway with The West Wing Weekly. It was really, really well done.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Actors Agree: Show They Acted In Was Decent. This is the least newsiest newswire I think I’ve ever read. You have a quota to fill or something?

  • coldsavage-av says:

    I enjoyed Boy Meets World as a kid, in part because it did a solid job of slyly addressing “real world issues” for kids, as opposed to something like Saved by the Bell which was 99% fluff. That said, BMW is kind of like Hocus Pocus in that it wasn’t *especially* good, but it was decent at a time when there were not a million other options and for that reason has a ton of nostalgia power.As for the podcast, I would imagine that anyone listening to it is probably mature enough to recognize that this was a job for these actors and that the on-camera relationships might not have reflected their real lives, the experiences with the crew, etc. This isn’t like a 7 year old being confused about seeing Daniel Radcliffe and the guy who played Malfoy having a laugh together at a presser.

  • pophead911-av says:

    I’ve listened to all of Pod Meets World and Rider definitely doesn’t like the show. He regularly rips it to shreds for not fitting his standards of classic literature and poems. It brings the show down in my opinion.And yes, I am not against them critiquing the show. Rider just takes it to the next level. 

  • g-off-av says:

    Boy Meets World transcended its original premise and purpose as a TGIF show and became a much more real, grounded show about kids growing up. It still had plenty of silly nonsense, of course, but I have loved it since it first aired for not being all fluff all the time and getting into some plotlines with weight. But let us never forget Topanga was originally some sort of Stevie Nicks scion and was changed into a completely “normal” person so she could be a suitable love interest for Cory. Was there ever an in-joke about that change, or did it just happen?I think of when Aunt Vivian was recast on Fresh Prince, and Will says something like, “Aunt Viv, you’re acting like a completely different person!”, and then breaks the fourth wall with a goof face at the camera, acknowledging a change in cast.

    • pophead911-av says:

      Not really at all, it was probably played off as her growing up. Behind the scenes, Topanga was originally just an one episode character and it was originally going to be played by Bonnie Morgan but she was fired the week of filming.

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