Read This: Yet another exposé of comedian Chris D’Elia alleges controlling, manipulative behavior

Several women spoke to Rolling Stone about their negative experiences with Chris D'Elia, who allegedly encouraged a cult-like atmosphere

Aux News Chris
Read This: Yet another exposé of comedian Chris D’Elia alleges controlling, manipulative behavior
Chris D’Elia Photo: Rick Diamond

Chris D’Elia is once again being called out for bad behavior behind the scenes. In December 2022, comedian Kyle Anderson released an hour-long documentary that reviewed previous claims that D’Elia preyed on underage girls, and shed light on new accusations that he maintained a cult-like “harem” of women dedicated to his own sexual pleasure. A new Rolling Stone investigation delves further into these allegations, speaking with 10 women about their experiences with the stand-up comic and podcaster.

The connective tissue of these relationships and experiences with D’Elia is manipulation, coercion, and control. Preying on vulnerable women (and, in some cases, teenagers) and cultivating the adoration of fans, D’Elia would foster communications (largely on Snapchat) that evolved into him dictating what the women should wear, who they could hang out with, and what they should eat. He imposed curfews and demanded sexually explicit videos (some of them he wished to be filmed in public places), encouraging women to stay “thin” for him and becoming enraged when they didn’t comply.

Though many of these relationships were nominally consensual, the experiences are described as emotionally abusive and psychologically damaging. One fan told Rolling Stone that when she met up with D’Elia after a show, he pressured her into giving him oral sex despite the fact that she was “shaking and crying.” “He grabbed me by the face because I’m crying and he says, ‘Look at me,’” the fan told the outlet. “I couldn’t look at him, obviously. I didn’t want to look at him. He said, ‘If you just do everything I say, it’ll all be OK.’ I thought, ‘OK.’”

Women who spoke to Rolling Stone say he had at least a dozen women regularly messaging him sexually explicit content; one woman, Jazzmyn Wolfe, says she was pressured to make a video on her knees calling herself “a D’Elia girl” and personally viewed videos of several other women repeating the same phrase. At his behest, Wolfe got a tattoo of D’Elia’s initials, something he apparently requested of other women as well. D’Elia has denied these allegations, which can be read in full here.


  • GameDevBurnout-av says:

    Kinda sounds his schtick is on his sleeve, so if you want to ride the ride and pay the price of admission who am I to shame you?(but if you don’t want to do that…don’t?)

    • sirslud-av says:

      “full transparency” doesn’t excuse behavior that leverages power dynamics involving authority, fame, money, or age (or other imbalances in status)people get icky about exploiting somebody who is young, because we view young people as being innocent and “not knowing better” and adults as being not innocent because we think they *should* “know better”, but even people who “know better” will debase themselves for access to those things in ways people should not (and in many cases the law does not) condonethus even tho some behavior may not be illegal, it’s well within society’s purview to deem that behavior as unethical

      • GameDevBurnout-av says:

        Its a choice to value the things that would make you influenceable to these conditions. I just can’t get around that. If you don’t want to play this game, don’t play this game. If you do play this game, what is the point of complaining?

        • evanwaters-av says:

          It’s a choice to value money? Try that at the grocery store checkout.

          • GameDevBurnout-av says:

            Hey capitalism is a bitch but I would asset its a touch rich to suck at the worst teat the patriarchy capitalists have to offer and complaining the milk is sour?

          • evanwaters-av says:

            I don’t get where you’re seeing that this was all very above-board and agreed on in advance. Even proper dom/sub relationships generally involve clear and explicit boundaries and, like, exits. People can be manipulative and coercive in ways that aren’t all about physical force, and I’d suggest that if multiple women coming out of this arrangement feel like they were done wrong by then they’re probably not wrong.

          • GameDevBurnout-av says:

            I’m saying that when it takes a turn for what you don’t like …you leave? People will always have the right to be assholes and we vote with our feet and our mouths. We don’t suck their dick and then complain about it. When joining a harem makes you think “this sucks” leave the harem.

          • evanwaters-av says:

            It is never that easy with abusers and you’re being disingenuous.

          • GameDevBurnout-av says:

            So turn tail at the first sign of them being abuser EVEN if they are stinking rich? I’m really not trying to be disingenuous. Life is disingenuous. Capitalism and the patriarchy are omnipresent and oppressive. There are lots of people suffering out there – I’m not patient with those who tried to get a leg up with an intimate relationship, didn’t like what they found, and stayed to complain about it.

          • evanwaters-av says:

            You are either willfully ignorant of how abuse works, or just another blowhard who loudly proclaims why they have no sympathy for someone to show how hard and world-wise they are. Get lost. 

          • GameDevBurnout-av says:

            I think you mean empathy. Pedantry is one of my other tricks.And I have a lot of it. That said these situations are not cut from whole cloth by a Machiavellian rapist out for his perverse jollies, ordering this groups of victims up on supervillain Tindr. This isn’t human traficking. So what I’m adding is something like the obvious truth that “Delete and Block Contact on my Phone” comes BEFORE “talking to the press” and that remains as true as the sky is blue even if we found no common ground in your head.This scenario continues to strike me as the sex assault version of “This restaurant makes terrible food, and the portions are so small”.

          • katkitten-av says:

            None of these women seem to presently be in a relationship with D’Elia. They did leave. After he was abusive to them.

        • davidwizard-av says:

          So what you’re saying is: you don’t understand how psychological abuse works, and because you don’t understand it you’re going to assume it’s not real and everyone just chose to be abused? Be a little more humble and learn about something before dismissing it – you sound like a total dolt.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            not even chose to be abused! chose to have a personality and interests that could, hypothetically, lead you to a situation where you’re abused.

          • GameDevBurnout-av says:

            Counterpoint: No fuck you.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          if i say ‘come over to eat some ice cream’ and after we have ice cream i punch you in the face, you’re saying it’s your fault because you chose to value ice cream?

          • GameDevBurnout-av says:

            This ice cream seems to come in a package that advertises face punching. One should not be surprised when it tastes like face punching. And after the first punch to the face one surely would consider stopping eating?

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            i said i punched you after the ice cream, genius.

          • GameDevBurnout-av says:

            And going back to the story, this tub of ice cream has a giant sticker “NOW WITH PHYSICAL ABUSE WHILE YOU DIGEST THE ICE CREAM” on the product. This isn’t a bait and switch. This isn’t a surprise. This isn’t sneaky surprise toxic masculinity. This guy is a glow in the dark ass, buyer beware.

        • sirslud-av says:

          I hope you don’t spend your entire life under the delusion that you are yourself because you decided to be that way. Because not only is it patently false, it’s exceedingly ungrateful.

          • GameDevBurnout-av says:

            I…do think I’m responsible for a lot of big choices I’ve made? Some for good, some for ill. I’m not sure I understand your point. I wasn’t getting a sex-cult-coercive-recruitment-of-vulnerable-populations vibe here

          • sirslud-av says:

            ok yes, I see how a woman crying as she sucked on a famous guy’s penis and he says ‘If you just do everything I say, it’ll all be OK.’ is a typical scene in a just world where we’re all adults and nobody should feel bad because we all get what we deserveto me it just sounds like you need things to be simple – because either because you’re too lazy or simply unable to do the heavy lifting required by the alternative. and I wouldn’t be true to my point if I claimed that was entirely your fault, it’s probably not

          • GameDevBurnout-av says:

            *slow golf clap*

          • davidwizard-av says:

            That’s because you were paying more attention to cultivating your misogyny than to absorbing the actual story. Because you’re a bad person. Be better, shithead.

          • AndreaJerkstore-av says:

            I like how you keep replying and arguing with everyone, except for the person who called you out on not understanding psychological abuse, because you know they’re right. Go watch the documentary. Read the expose. Go beyond what this AV recap says and maybe you’ll get it, but most likely not. “Just leave if they’re being abusive” is ALWAYS the dumbest, most idiotic, ignorant take. 

          • GameDevBurnout-av says:

            I’m not arguing with anyone as nobody here is arguing, they are making blanket statements and discarding anything that doesn’t match it performatively. I’d like to know which documentary? Which expose? Just the RS piece linked here? I’m happy to take some homework.
            I do feel like I have a lot of experience with the topic which is none of anyone’s business here. I actually have no idea why its coming up as pushback – its not like I’m denying the experiences of others, making excuses for the abuser, minimizing the damage, etc – the asshole in the middle of this can be tossed in the trash, no question.

  • Frankenchokey-av says:

    Years ago before the first allegations came out I was listening to a podcast with two comedians and one of them was talking about how envious he was of D’Elia’s power with women. He told a story about walking into a green room at a comedy club. D’Elia was in the green room sitting on a couch on his phone while the most beautiful woman this comedian had ever seen was on her knees untying D’Elia’s sneakers, taking them off, and massaging his feet. D’Elia and the comedian had a conversation and D’Elia never once acknowledged the beautiful woman massaging his feet.

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      Once, noticing my shoe was untied, I jokingly told my then-girlfriend to tie it for me. She did, and I found it unbearably awkward and weird. I couldn’t imagine getting any actual enjoyment out of people demeaning themselves like that. 

  • elloasty-av says:

    Considering certain people have taken to throwing around the word “groomer” as an insult, I thought I’d point out that this is actually what grooming looks like. Grooming is not something that happens to child watching a dude in drag read a book for a few minutes. It’s persistent, it’s intimate, and it’s usually coerced under threat. 

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    always love having an opportunity to bring up that he had a text relationship with a friend of mine and would steal her jokes from the texts for his podcast. just a class act top to bottom.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Him??? is he funny or something?

  • mcpatd-av says:

    I just checked out a couple minutes of this guy’s act. Never thought I’d say, “gosh, I miss Dane Cook.”

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Imagine trying to watch and enjoy the show Whitney with him & Whitney Cummings nowThey made two seasons of that

    • hootiehoo2-av says:

      I remember her defending at 1st as well when stuff like this came out. She did stop defending him after a little time.But yes, I couldn’t imagine watching that awful show before I knew what a sicko this hack was. 

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        Whitney the show was really regressive too with her always worried if her loser boyfriend was still into her & being insecure

    • facebones-av says:

      That show was so bad. I like Whitney Cummings, but the show was just so hacky. And D’Elia was terrible. 

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    The only time I found Chris D’Elia funny was on Workaholics where he coincidentally played a pedophile. I liked Workaholics but I would be shocked if it still holds up. 

    • sosgemini-av says:

      I just watched a horrible comedy with Adam %*{ -and Evangeline Lilly and the anti-Christ and this douche. Such a bad film.

      • ghostofghostdad-av says:

        I like Adam DeVine on The Righteous Gemstones and that one Pitch Perfect movie I saw on a plane. Don’t know what you’re talking about but it sounds bad.

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        Adam…West? Baldwin? Sandler? Ant? Who are we talking about here?

    • knappsterbot-av says:

      Didn’t he also play a similar character in You?

      • vengevega1-av says:

        Yes!  I don’t understand how this is never brought up in articles about him.  He played a celebrity who was grooming young girls.  Including a young Jenna Ortega.  He was basically flaunting it!

      • danniellabee-av says:

        He did! 

    • danniellabee-av says:

      He also played a Hollywood sexual predator in You. It’s nuts. 

    • weedlord420-av says:

      I watched some the other day (since I missed most of it when it was originally airing and my brother is a huge fan) and it still mostly does.

    • drips-av says:

      Saaaame. Pretty sure that was the first and only time I’d seen him in a thing. I remember thinking it was ace casting. LITTLE DID WE KNOW

    • 0vvorldisabombaclaart0-av says:

      I just liked his Eminem impression . . . . I guess it figures someone who impersonates Eminem turns out to be toxic around women.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    Hai I’m Topher

  • MisterSterling-av says:

    Jeesuz, this makes Win Butler’s inappropriate / morally ambiguous behavior with female fans seem almost forgivable in comparison. I think Whitney Cummings’ initial response is still the best. D’Elia led a horrific secret life of grooming, control and sexual domination of girls. She never said a positive thing about him when the initial stories broke.

  • trickster_qc-av says:

    phew, that guy sounds like a huge asshole

    But I am curious on what could bring a woman to ‘’ obey ‘’ requests like that via a text message or snapchat conversation. I can see how some of these things can be fun in an healthy relationship ( you know, like spicing things up, fulfilling a few fantasies here and there, etc ) but with some random comedian? He must have had a huge grip on theses woman.

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