Chris D’Elia suffers cancellation of one whole show amidst renewed misconduct allegations

A new YouTube documentary accuses comedian Chris D'Elia of running a "sex cult" rife with alleged abuses

Aux News Chris
Chris D’Elia suffers cancellation of one whole show amidst renewed misconduct allegations
Chris D’Elia Photo: Ethan Miller

Cancel culture clearly skipped over Chris D’Elia’s career. In 2020, he was accused of preying on and having sexual encounters with underage girls. D’Elia denied the allegations, stated that his relationships had been “consensual and legal,” and claimed to be undergoing therapy for sex addiction. After this, D’Elia continued to run his successful podcast Congratulations, launched a new advice podcast called Lifeline, and still does stand up at comedy clubs around the country.

Until now. Sort of. Ahead of his upcoming tour, a single show has been removed from the calendar. Rolling Stone confirms that D’Elia’s appearance at the Hollywood Improv on January 11 has been canceled, though neither the performer nor the venue offered further comment. Per the outlet, the cancellation comes amidst calls from critics to protest outside the Hollywood Improv after the release of a new YouTube documentary detailing further allegations against D’Elia.

The Chris D’Elia Problem…

The hour-long documentary, titled “The Chris D’Elia Problem…”, was created by comedian Kyle Anderson and features interviews with D’Elia’s former tour manager, Zack Doncovio, as well as four of D’Elia’s accusers. Accusations included multiple ongoing relationships with women even after he had posted his 2021 apology video; that he wanted to lead a “sex cult” with a “harem” of women at his disposal; that he talked in terms of “ownership” of women’s bodies and encouraged them to tattoo his initials on their necks; that he would demand sexually explicit photos or videos from them; that he would threaten self harm if an accuser should come forward with allegations about him, and more.

The Hollywood Improv show is the only cancellation—literal or cultural—that D’Elia has experienced amidst these renewed allegations. As the documentary points out, D’Elia is, at this time, selling merchandise branded with the phrase “Join our cult!” There are still more than two dozen tour dates listed on his website as of this writing.


  • chriska-av says:

    i wanted to say he was the worst part of Whitney, but that whole show was equally the worst part.

    • reinhardtleeds-av says:

      Zoe Lister-Jones was good. Rhea Seehorn was good. Gosh, sex cult weirdo rapist pedo aside, do you not know Whitney at all?

      • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

        I completely blanked out Rhea Seehorn having been in Whitney! All I remembered was Maulik Pancholy leaving 30 Rock for the first season of Whitney and then getting out of that mess and back to 30 Rock as quickly as possible.

        • dremel1313-av says:

          Is Whitney worth watching? I’d never heard of it. Never saw Rhea Seehorn in anything before her brilliant work on Better Call Saul, but I’ll check it out since she’s in it.

    • ghostofghostdad-av says:

      Never saw Whitney’s sitcom but I’m going to be honest I didn’t hate Chris D’Elia before the allegations. Like I wouldn’t have paid to see him perform stand-up but I found him to be funny enough when he would pop up on a show or podcast I liked. 

      • djburnoutb-av says:

        I know him solely from a viral clip of him imitating an Eminem freestyle that is absolutely hilarious and bang-on

      • harpo87-av says:

        I had seen him in a few things, and always got the feeling that he was a creep. Not happy to find out my instincts were correct, of course, but at least my yikes-dar isn’t wholly off.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:


  • electricsheep198-av says:

    This man is not sexy, which is the most confusing part to me. He’s a moderately famous comedian, not that attractive, and yet he somehow got women (or girls, it sounds like in some cases?) to tattoo his name on their necks? Geez.

    • lattethunder-av says:

      At this rate, Pete Davidson is gonna be the next Jim Jones.

      • thekingorderedit2000-av says:

        Gonna be? 

      • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

        Nah, Pete Davidson seems to only like women of appropriate age, whom he doesn’t have to brainwash or coerce into sex. Cult leaders 100% end up being rapists and sex creeps.

        • rockhard69-av says:

          Pete got that 10 inch dong. Not everyone has such good luck. The rest need wads of cash to make up for the lack of inches. About 50gs per inch should do it

    • chris-finch-av says:

      Exactly my thoughts watching Keith Raniere on The Vow. At least I can believe that D’Elia is somehow charismatic enough to attract people.

      • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

        That was the most shocking thing about the whole NXVM story. Why did anyone ever listen to that dork? 

    • monsterenergyqueef-av says:

      He’s tall.  For some reason that is super important to women.  And oh yeah, he comes from show business money, no?

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        I’m only 5’3″, so “tall” is relative for me. A guy who’s 5’5″ with family show business money would be prince charming. lolEdit: I wouldn’t tattoo my name on my neck, though, no matter how tall or short. 

        • jmyoung123-av says:

          In my forays into online dating in the 00’s, I saw many a profile of a woman between 5′ and 5’3 who were looking for guys 5’1o and up. I was like “really?”

          • inspectorhammer-av says:

            There’s an Optimum Combined Height for couples, and if the gal’s lacking on her end then her fella’s gotta make up for it on his.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            That’s just greedy for no reason, though it could be that they are trying to add some height to the gene pool. My ex is 6’4″, but that was just happenstance, not something I was seeking out. And my kids are so far trending on the small side. I like to say it’s because we have evolved past the need for overly large bodies. 🙂

        • liebkartoffel-av says:

          I’m 5’8″ and my wife is 5’2″ and the proportion feels so natural that we tend to forget that we’re hobbits until we go out and notice people towering over us.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Ha, I feel normal until I need something off a top grocery store shelf.  Whenever I’m around really tall people I just think about what a pain in the ass it must be to have to lug all that body around all the time.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Bitches are dumb. Most of ‘em will fuck you if you take a shower and have a modestly expensive car. Dont even need to get all the upgrades

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Looks like Nicki Clyne just found a new cause.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    OMG he’s been CANCELLED

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    Meanwhile, Ezra Miller seems to have avoided cancelation cuz millions of DC dollars are resting on him.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Remember how he played a pedophile on Workaholics? 

  • killa-k-av says:

    This whole time I thought he’d been cancelled. He got publicly recast in Army of the Dead and I didn’t hear about him anymore. Had no idea he that he had a podcast and was performing stand-up. What a creep.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      I mean, anyone can have a podcast. And many standup fans are all too glad to ignore inconvenient allegations about their favorite comics. A headshot where you’ve got police tape wrapped around your mouth is catnip for a certain type of comedy fan.

      • killa-k-av says:

        My bad. I had no idea that he had an (apparently) successful podcast.

        • chris-finch-av says:

          No bad at all. Not meaning to correct you so much as say he is canceled; he just has the infinite second chances of a mediocre white guy and the second-wave career of a canceled comedian.

    • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

      Lol didn’t he even get digitally replaced in Army of the Dead?

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    he had a texting relationship with a friend of mine and would steal her jokes and use them on his podcast.

  • theeviltwin189-av says:

    Cancel culture clearly skipped over Chris D’Elia’s career.Eh, he was dropped from a lot of projects, dropped by his manager, blacklisted by other comedians and the rooms he booked have definitely shrunk. Anyone can start a new podcasts.His career has definitely, and justifiably, suffered. Unfortunately creeps like him will almost always find an audience if they try hard enough, even if the audience isn’t nearly as big as it used to be.

    • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

      Yeah, he’s certainly never appearing on a late-night show again, and he won’t be doing any sitcoms anytime soon either.

    • brianjwright-av says:

      I grumble occasionally about how these guys never end up going back to school in middle age to learn a trade or something, but realistically speaking, “you only get to be in obvious shit now” is more likely. And guys like this will never choose a real job over a podcast where people presumably tell them how brave they are for Speaking The Truth, etc.

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        One of the sad things these days is that there is no level of disgrace deep enough for these guys not to have an audience, even if it’s just an audience of people they used to hate and who used to hate them.

    • nonotheotherchris-av says:

      Yeah, I think the “he’s had no other consequences” is not correct, but I’m fully on board with “he hasn’t had enough consequences” in any case.

    • cjob3-av says:

      I hate these articles that are like Oh, sure he was cancelled, but was he cancelled enough??

  • crocodilegandhi-av says:

    “Cancel culture clearly skipped over Chris D’Elia’s career.”Make up your damn minds already: is cancel culture a “myth”, or not? It really seems to constantly fluctuate for you guys depending on the article!

  • dennisvader-av says:

    guy is so unfunny it hurts

  • manosoffate123-av says:

    But but but… I thought Cancel Culture was all powerful?!Or at least that’s what hack comedians like this dude have been whining about constantly for the past couple years…and again, challenge to anyone to come up with someone who’s been “cancelled” that didn’t deserve it

  • darrylarchideld-av says:

    I don’t get this man’s entire career. I’ve seen his standup and he’s basically some kind of down-market Kroger-brand Dane Cook.You’d think “comedian gets canceled” would feel like a loss, like it sucks he’s a sex creep because his work was good. But who cares? Just go find some other tedious bro comedian from whatever open mic night Daniel Toshes come from and nobody will know the difference.

    • ddnt-av says:

      The fact that he is, or at least was, Justin Bieber’s favorite comedian should tell people all they need to know about D’Elia.

  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    Leave it to AV Club to resurface someone I haven’t heard a thing about in a couple of years now.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Whoopi Goldberg gets pilloried for her “wrong and hurtful comments” about Jews and the Holocaust. This guy keeps getting work even after what he’s done.

  • jericho256-av says:

    “that he wanted to lead a “sex cult” with a “harem” of women at his disposal; that he talked in terms of “ownership” of women’s bodies and encouraged them to tattoo his initials on their necks”

    This is all super creepy, but none of it is inherently wrong if done with consenting women. And lets be honest, there are women that would consent. Its definitely drowning in ick, but it would be exponentially more ick if he was hiding the fact that he wants this. He has zero clout after the underage sex allegations. Thus any women dating him at this point is completely aware of him and is consenting. He may be a vile human being, but laying these other “allegations” against him do not strengthen your argument.

    Your own assertions that this is the only consequence of his actions is equally paper thin. As he was fired by his agent, had venues ban him, had other comedians ostracize him. Just cause he has tried to make the best use of his cancelation and try and reinvent himself doesnt mean you get to forget the consequences he has already been hit with.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Just cause he has tried to make the best use of his cancelation and try and reinvent himself doesnt mean you get to forget the consequences he has already been hit with.”

      Reinvent himself?

    • rockhard69-av says:

      A sex harem? Like an Arab sheikh? What a legend

  • vw0-av says:

    Will he be replaced by Tig Notaro, though?

  • coolerheads-av says:


  • rockhard69-av says:

    Guy isnt funny but I am a fan of sexual assault allegations

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