The bastards canceled Legends Of Tomorrow

The CW has declared that Legends' 7th season will be its last

Aux News Legends of Tomorrow
The bastards canceled Legends Of Tomorrow
We are all a Beebo piñata being beaten by a superhero ninja in this moment Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW

We ask for so little in this life, and yet: The CW has announced tonight that it’s cancelling DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow, one of the weirdest, funniest, most devotedly creative superhero shows ever broadcast on TV.

This is per Deadline, which reports that the series—which had been hanging in limbo for weeks now about a possible renewal, with the show’s writers putting together all sorts of #RenewLegendsOfTomorrow efforts online—will now end on its seventh season, which wrapped up on March 2.

News of the cancellation was disseminated by the writers themselves, who called the series “the journey of a lifetime,” thanking fans for sticking with a show that definitely took a little while to get its timelegs, before growing to be one of the coolest series on TV.

And, really, if it sounds like we’re being overly melodramatic about this, please consider how rare it was to have a “superhero” show that could literally be anything it wanted from week to week: A Cold War-era nuclear drama where the world is saved by getting Fidel Castro very high; a historical epic where a stuffed bear could incite a Viking Civil War; a Groundhog Day riff that’s simultaneously deeply funny while also serving as one of the most deft introductions of a new character (into a cast that rotated oh so frequently) we’ve ever seen.

Legends wasn’t always a perfect show, even after it ditched its initially dour vision of itself to become the sort of screwball, reality-bending comedy where DC Comics magical badass John Constantine gets turned into a Downton Abbey butler, or a rendition of “The Thong Song” (performed by an animatronic Sisqo played by actual Sisqo) could be instrumental in saving the world. But it was a platform for relentless inventiveness and re-invention. All that, and it had one of the great unsung comedy casts on TV, including stalwarts Caity Lotz, Nick Zano, Amy Pemberton, Tala Ashe, Adam Tsekhman, and especially the endlessly hilarious Jes Macallan. Truly, it was the kind of show about which one could unabashedly write: “The production design is as lazy as the action staging.”

If you’d like to revisit some of the show’s highlights (and maybe get up to speed on its very weird later seasons), please consider checking out this TV Club 10, which, completely coincidentally, was co-authored by the writer of this Newswire.

Alas. News of the cancellation came shortly after it was revealed that The CW was also cancelling Batwoman, suggesting a general clearing of the decks with its superhero offerings.


  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    Shame they couldn’t have gotten one last shortened season to wrap everything up. Especially after last season’s finale. Hopefully there’s a puncher’s chance Flash can do a wrap up episode next season for this show.

    • cajlo63-av says:

      I hope at least Sara can make an appearance on the Flash and update us on what’s happening with the group.I wish they had done a finale that could work better as a series finale but things have changed quite quickly at the CW recently. I don’t think the producers realized it might not be renewed until after production wrapped. I’m now really glad Supergirl ended last year and they didn’t try to keep it going.

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        Supergirl got sooo bad.

      • ghboyette-av says:

        It would be VERY Legends of Sara if she mentioned a lot of adventures they’ve been on since then that would be a whole bunch of big budget cgi nonsense that we’d never be able to see. “Yeah, one of the guys on our team is a taxi driver in space!”

    • Gilese-av says:

      This is a shame but not a surprise. I feel like this show hit its creative peak around the time the unicorn bit off Gary’s nipple, and that the whole Arrowverse never recovered from the production strain of making Crisis, followed by the pandemic.

      • Axetwin-av says:

        You know that episode where they visit the TV studio of that weed buddy comedy show, and then the alien baby crashes in on the set and then the show became all about pandering to the Baby Alien audience?  I feel like that’s what happened with Legends of Tomorrow with Beebo.  For the longest time everything became about Beebo, to the point people were calling this the Beeboverse.  I don’t think the show ever really recovered from that level of expectation and then Gary getting his nipple bitten off was the cherry on top of that.

      • palinode-av says:

        Even though I don’t entirely agree – there was plenty of post-nipple goodness – I’m still happy that a show featuring a nipple-biting unicorn existed in the first place.

    • onslaught1-av says:

      Wrap up ARC….Flash has exhausted all storylines years ago so i thinks there’s a good chance.

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      Deadline reported a week or so back that the decision was likely out of the hands of the current CW boss (who was noted to have loved the show and always supported it). The cw’s imminent sale, as well as Warner brothers having a new corporate owner apparently took a lot of these renewal decisions out of the hands of the CW boss. Under normal circumstances, the cw does traditionally do wrap up seasons for their dc shows, but these are sadly no longer normal circumstances. 

    • commk-av says:

      The rotating cast of the show makes the lack of a planned final season even more of a shame. A bunch of former Legends from across the show’s run popping in for one last adventure and a clear send-off over the course of a season could’ve been a lot of fun.

  • lazycrockett-av says:

    What they were able to do last season with the limited budget they got, was amazing.  Seriously I thought season 7 was the best of the entire series.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    And with that the Beeboverse comes to an end for me.
    Well, until they finally get around to making a decent Super Friends show.

  • briliantmisstake-av says:

    Well, shoot. At least they had a good run. It would have been nice if they had known beforehand and were able to wrap things up a bit more tidily. The now series finale didn’t do too badly in that capacity. I still miss my time-hopping misfits.(Also just realizing this truly means we’ll never get Beebo merch)

  • tonysnark45-av says:

    If you would’ve told me at the midway point of season one that this show would’ve gotten seven seasons and got zanier and zanier as the seasons progressed, I’d have laughed you out of the arena.But the show effectively reinvented itself with the first episode of season two and became what it was meant to be: an irreverent group of misfits going through time and breaking shit for the better. Putting Sara Lance in charge of this motley crew was the right decision, and the show was all the better for it. Through arrivals and departures, fan favorites and not so favorites, the show lived and breathed “why the fuck not” throughout its very existence.I’m gonna miss this refuge in audacity. Don’t ever call them heroes; they’re Legends.

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      It was nice to have a show that was simply FUN and light. In an era where traditional scripted TV, and esp. superhero shows, are trying to hang on by going darker and grimmer, LoT S2 onward was just a refreshing tonic of a good time.

  • percysowner-av says:

    Well, shoot. This breaks my heart. I was hoping for a short wrap up to clean up the cliff hanger, but no such luck. I’m sad now.

  • docprof-av says:

    Well god fucking dammit that is some dumb ass bullshit.Just sell me a Beebo plush for fucks sake.

  • psychopirate-av says:

    I guess I’m not shocked, but I am devastated. A truly great show, all the more so because of how it started. At least Superman & Lois remains, as does Nancy Drew.

  • killa-k-av says:


  • mattthecatania-av says:

    The CW chose to be on the wrong side of history. LOT at least deserves a wrap-up mini-series/movie like Farscape since it was cancelled on a huge cliffhanger. Come on, HBO Max! The Flash & Superman & Lois need to do a crossover where they help bust the Legends out of time-jail. Although I’d much rather watch a final season, I prefer that to all those lovely characters being trapped in cliffhanger limbo forever. It also would’ve been helpful if the AV Club raised awareness about the possible cancellation in advance. Be Preventers not Avengers!

  • hmwest-av says:

    Oh FUCK YOU Discovery! You couldn’t give this wonderful amazing show a chance to say goodbye properly!? This show did everything from flying chicken people aliens to Graboids that shit gold to an intergalactic bowling alley to mother fucking Beebo!And yet it STILL had so so much left to give to the world. But you killed it.This show survived a pretty terrible first season to make a complete 180 and become the best show on the network. But you killed it.This show got me to laugh and smile during periods when all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. But you killed it.This is horseshit, pure horseshit.

    • adullboy-av says:


      • hmwest-av says:

        Recently AT&T sold off Warner Brothers and it’s been merged with Discovery, sometime last week their new owners announced things were going to be “reshuffled” as far as all their superhero properties were concerned.Killing off Batwoman and LOT today was apparently the first of such moves.

        • killa-k-av says:

          Are we sure Discovery is responsible for Batwoman and LoT ending? The CW is undergoing its own potential sale, which couldn’t have helped their chances.

      • mr-rubino-av says:

        WB crashed and burned in the weirdest way recently.

  • deano-malenko-av says:

    I’m gonna miss this cast.

  • sven-t-sexgore-av says:

    Damnit. Here’s hoping HBO Max decides to do some sort of Time Jail spin-off series. But I doubt it. 

  • danielnegin-av says:
  • brucelapangolin-av says:

    Has there ever been a television miracle as awe-inspiring as the transformation of LoT from what it was in the pilot into a series that could give us “Beebo, the God of War” and “Romeo v. Juliet: Dawn of Justness?” I say no. At its best, LoT might have been my favorite non-HBO series ever. Not gonna lie; I don’t think seasons 6 and 7 were any great shakes, overall, but I think I speak for Vandal Savage as well when I say that, man, I’ll miss those groovy guys.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      I’d say Parks and Rec is at least up there. I completely gave up on that show after watching the first two episodes and didn’t believe it had gotten better until S2 was nearly completed. And everytime I rewatch the show, I usually skip S1 altogether.

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        “S1 of Parks and Rec”? What’s that?Everyone knows the first episode is the Penguin Wedding.

      • brucelapangolin-av says:

        I don’t know that a series drastically improving between its first and second seasons — which Parks & Rec absolutely did — qualifies as a “television miracle” in and of itself. Plenty of shows have done that, and for the most part, the great seasons of those shows (Parks & Rec included, IMO) don’t feel like a substantially different thing from their shaky first seasons, just a significantly better one. (And in Parks & Rec’s case, from the beginning, it had a pedigree that made that improvement a very likely possibility.) Starting off as the kind of show that expects us to care about the likes of the Hawk-people, and eventually becoming the kind of show that gives us Beebo, on the other hand, is something far rarer. Personally, I’ve never seen the like.

        • akabrownbear-av says:

          To me it’s pretty similar. Both shows realized that their writing was tonally off and changed up how they portrayed their main characters and made their situations more zany. The writers of Parks have said they listened to feedback about Leslie in particular and made a concious effort to portray her in a much different way. They also had originally planned to make the pit plot last for the entire show and abandoned that too.Parks is more grounded in reality so it isn’t going to have as crazy situations as Legends did. But to me, the jump in quality is very comparable as both are shows I wrote off completely after S1 that I ended up loving because of the changes made after S1.

          • loramipsum-av says:

            Halt and Catch Fire’s upswing was quite impressive.

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            I thought of that show too but quite honestly, I very much enjoy the first season of that show and have always thought it gets kind of a bad rap. The plot around building a new PC is exciting. I’ve rewatched it a few times now and agree it’s not quite as tightly constructed as other seasons, but it certainly isn’t a season I’d tell people to entirely or mostly skip as I do with Parks or Legends.

          • loramipsum-av says:

            Yeah you can’t really skip it. But the characterization and plotting feel a lot more haphazard to me than the subsequent seasons.I was going to mention Person of Interest as well, but the back half of Season 1 is pretty close to the quality of the rest of the run. It just had a few duds early on. It felt like Halt had a much tougher salvage job, but they pulled it off seamlessly.

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            So you’re mentioning all of my favorite shows now and I feel like we’d be friends IRL lol. I personally don’t think POI has a weak first season at all. I think the early episodes do a great job in establishing the characters before it gets into the more serialized plotting. I also think the cases of the week are sometimes the most fun episodes of the show.

          • loramipsum-av says:

            Yes, that’s why I didn’t mention it. By the time Firewall rolls around, everything is pretty much in place. But I did think about it considering how panned it was on this site and elsewhere.

  • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

    I’m gonna need a minute or two alone, boys

  • fireupabove-av says:
    • peon21-av says:

      Whose car is that on the right? Who drove to the Warehouse of Justice? And when are they going to fix the leaky roof that has flooded the floor?

      • fireupabove-av says:

        The van belongs to the floor washing company. It never leaves because the floor is constantly being washed.Also, it’s not the Warehouse of Justice anymore. Due to staffing cuts, it’s being renamed “Barry & Clark’s Fun Emporium”. It’s gonna have nachos & skee-ball. Rumor has it that if you collect enough tickets from skee-ball, you could win an actual monkey.

    • lhosc-av says:

      Needs barry at oliver queen tombstone gif.

    • outrider-av says:

      Damn that hits surprisingly hard.I’m never gonna stop being disappointed that the Arrowverse somehow managed to set up an honest to god Justice League and then never followed up on it. I mean, I 100% why that didn’t happen, but the missed opportunity of it all is never gonna stop bugging me.Honestly it used to seem like the Arrowverse was unstoppable so it’s kinda wild to see collapsing so quickly and (sorta) suddenly.

      • zirconblue-av says:

        Yeah, it seemed like an upward trajectory through Crisis on Infinite Earths, followed by a quick collapse. I think the covid impacts were a big part of that.

        • outrider-av says:

          Yup, pretty much. Things got really messy on the Flash and Supergirl due to covid and I wonder what those seasons would’ve looked like if not for that.Certainly a full Justice League crossover would’ve been an exciting thing to see that could’ve helped the momentum of all of the shows but… yeah, I dunno.Honestly, even without covid, all the factors that have led to CW setting itself up for a sale and Discovery taking over Warner Bros might have doomed the Arrowverse anyway.It’s such a bummer. As flawed as the shows could be – and some of them were really rough in the last couple of years – there was so much I loved about them and it was always exciting to see what other comic book weirdness they were gonna pull from the original stories. It’s pretty said to see the whole project basically end in a whimper rather than a bang.

  • galdarn-av says:


  • ryanlohner-av says:

    I’m reasonably sure CW didn’t intend for these two particular cancellations on the same day to give a vibe of “we hate queer superheroes,” but you’d think someone at the network would think through how easily that could be read into it.

    • peon21-av says:

      Plus, they’re cancelling Spooner, that incredible rarity, an openly asexual main-cast character.

    • doho1234-av says:

      you are really, really letting your personal biases show through on that. Shows generally get cancelled through a combination of poor viewership, cost to produce, and development headaches. Legends is probably one of their most expensive shows to produce, and based on a quick Nielson search, is one of the CWs lowest rated written shows ( whose line? Penn and Teller, and America funniest animals all rate almost twice as high). It’s a god send that it was on for 7 seasons, mostly likely from a CEO who loved the show so much they ignored all the hard data

    • bc222-av says:

      Isn’t the Flash the only CW Arrowverse show to not have a queer superhero? So really, every show the CW cancelled would’ve been cancelling a show with a queer hero.

    • drdny-av says:

      Well, their new owners are Discovery Channel who probably hate Teh Gay almost as much as they hate Scripted Programming.
      Brace yourself for a lot of crap faux-“documentaries” on the CW next year.

  • onslaught1-av says:

    At least they had that penultimate goodbye episode but then kinda screwed it by having a plot heavy cliffhanger finale.The legends was my guiltiest of pleasures, it was ridiculous and had long since given up operating as a proper ‘Arrowverse’ show but i loved it regardless. Im not too upset because it sort of goes out on top and i have a feeling that the backlash to this will lead them to have an arc on The Flash (which is actually the most tired of all these shows) next year, which im sure the cast will be down to do.

  • evanwaters-av says:

    Such a damn shame.But okay, showrunners? I think the writing’s on the wall, and you should never ever end a season on a cliffhanger again at this point. Nothing’s ever safe enough. Glow even STARTED on a fourth season but then COVID happened so we’ll never know how that story ends. Treat every finale like it could be your last because at this point who knows?

    • mr-rubino-av says:

      I remember being surprised Castlevania of all things ended all unicorns and rainbows. I forgot we were still allowed to do that as if maybe the folks who made it all the way to the end of a season would simply… naturally want to come back when it starts up again since they like the characters and the show or something, rather than to see the results of some last-minute bit of mortal peril.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      It’s a double-edged sword, sadly: especially in the streaming world, it seems like it’s almost obligatory to throw in a season end cliffhanger (even when it feels completely forced) to build anticipation for the next season. Some networks and streaming services apparently encourage it so strongly that it may as well be mandatory.

      You can really tell when a show’s writers felt pressured to tack on a cliffhanger at the last minute, because it’s basically a formula at this point: the season finale will resolve basically everything, the characters get exactly one scene to relax or celebrate, and then in the last ten seconds the main character’s long-lost father kicks the door down and announces that he’s here to kill everyone, and he also reveals that the show has been taking place on Mars this entire time.

      • mr-rubino-av says:

        And then Daisy bursts down the same door and is like “Mario! You won’t believe it.” End.

      • raven-wilder-av says:

        They ought to do like The Princess Bride (the book), where you get the big happy ending, then there’s a pause, and a warning that if you want that happy ending, you should stop now … and THEN cut back to everything going wrong in under thirty seconds.

    • killa-k-av says:

      It’s weird because the penultimate episode felt like the show knew it was ending. Like a part of me is okay with this news because the last season was so strong and the show had the foresight to have everyone give good-byes. And then that final episode set up a couple cliffhangers that make me go, “Dammit!! What happens next???”I really hope the Flash rescues the Legends next season. And I hope Zach Braff gets a chance to play Ted Kord opposite Donald Faison’s Booster Gold.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      One thing they definitely got right with Buffy all those decades ago was to wrap up each season in the final episode in most cases and when they sort of didn’t, it’s because they knew they had a guaranteed renewal for another season.Season finales for 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 all worked as an ending for the show of sorts.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      let’s go one further and just make tv shows where every episode stands on its own and things reset at the end.i’m being glib but not sarcastic! i’d like that!

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Here’s another petition for HBO Max to right this injustice:

  • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:


  • mattthecatania-av says:
  • robbanybody-av says:

    Oh this is sad

    I tried getting into the show after hearing great things. First season – i stopped after 1.5 episodes. Just couldn’t see the wonder everyone was talking about.

    then I thought – Time Travel Show! I can just start in season 3, and if I like it I can always loop back around and pick up the old episodes.

    It is now one of my most favorite shows. The Legends will be missed.

  • idksomeguy-av says:

    It was a fun show, but thank god. Isn’t 7 seasons enough? Things don’t have to run indefinitely. Less is more.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    I am going to try to be grateful for what a precious, unlikely gift seven seasons of this show was rather than dwelling on how unjust its cancellation without even an announced final season was. Caity Lotz as Sara Lance is the best live action female superhero ever, to me. She was also the best Arrowverse performer at stunts/ action scenes, the funniest, and had the most affecting tragic backstory, and her relationship with Ava was the best in the ArrowVerse. She is everything

    • peon21-av says:

      I agree with everything you said.If you haven’t seen it, check out The Machine – Lotz is brilliant in it.

    • killa-k-av says:

      If there is any silver lining, I hope Caity’s career blows up after this. She deserves magazine covers, late night games, the works. Obviously I loved her as Sara Lance, but I think she is incredibly talented and if her agent is worth any salt, she’ll land another juicy role on a high-profile project.

    • ryanlohner-av says:

      And then consider the whole thing happened because they sorely underestimated how pissed fans would be at Arrow blithely killing off one of the extremely few bisexual characters on all TV at the time (remember that this was even before Clarke and Lexa hooked up).

    • jhelterskelter-av says:

      I need need need need need her to play Xena. She looks identical to Lucy Lawless. She knows how to fight. Despite being American her voice somehow already sounds like a Kiwi putting on an American accent. Give her the keys!

    • caen2911-av says:

      We’ll all miss that struggling chin.

    • hootiehoo2-av says:

      She was, I couldn’t believe how much better the show got by making her captain and getting rid of Rip. Caity deserves all the love for that!

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        The turning point for the success of the show I believe, even more than embracing a funnier tone, was promoting Sara to be captain & Caity to be essentially the star of the show 

        • hootiehoo2-av says:

          It totally was, rip wasn’t a great character, making Sara leader and adding Nate helped so much.  And then yes, making it even funnier and funnier each season and leaning into the crazyness was the keep to it. 

          • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

            In a podcast interview with Stephen Amell that I saw a while ago, Caity Lotz said that she was unhappy at the beginning of the first season of LoT that she was at the bottom of the call sheet despite Sara being a more established DC TV character than most of the others. She complained to her agent, but resolved to just show up anyway & be as amazing as she knew she as that character could be & make everyone see it. I would say that she succeeded & am glad she did.

          • hootiehoo2-av says:

            Wow, I didn’t know that. Seriously that 1st season the most important characters clearly were to the fans her and Snart. Like everyone else was okay but the best thing was to ditch the captain (even though at the time I did like him) and give her the regins.Her natural voice when he is having fun helped make the show cool! I hope she land on her feet. 

    • freshfromrikers-av says:

      If you read into her background, she’s an incredible athlete on top of everything else. Here’s to seeing her in many more exciting projects.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    My all-time dream time Legends of Tomorrow lineup:Sara LanceAva SharpeRay PalmerMick RoryZari TomazNate HaywoodLeonard SnartGideon

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      Pretty good for me as long as it’s Donut Lord Zari

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        Yes, my choice would be Zari Tomaz over Zari Tarazi, though I like her too & perhaps a really ideal team lineup would have both

  • iboothby203-av says:

    Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, Y The Last Man, not a great year for LGBTQ and POC lead characters in DC TV series. 

  • hadrianmosley-av says:

    I still haven’t watched the last half of the last season, season 2 of Superman and Lois, God knows where I am with the Flash, did I finish Supergirl? I did abandon Batwoman after giving the new one after a few episodes, oh yeah there was Naomi right…I might get to it, oh and Stargirl exists doesn’t it? I loved the first season then forgot, oh yeah not watched the last season finales of Doom Patrol and Titans. I’m up to date with Harly Quinn, Peacemaker though, apparently Pennyworth is good…that does exist…looking forward to Green Lantern Corps, Justice Leage Dark, Penguin, the other Batman spin off, Constantine, the other The Suicide Squad spin off etc.It’s all too much, it’s like trying to keep up with the comics but I also have them to read, plus movies, plus games, plus podcasts, plus YouTube, plus other shows, plus books. I did get caught up when Covid happened and then they ramped it all up.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Well this sucks. Donald Faison as Booster Gold was great casting and I wish the show didn’t end on a cliffhanger. I knew it’s time was near, just thought it would get a final few episodes to wrap stuff up.

  • brianjwright-av says:

    A shame that good things have to end, but seven monstrously long (by today’s standards) seasons is a hell of a run. 

    • zirconblue-av says:

      Huh. I just realized that none of their seasons were a full 22 episodes.  Each season was between 13 and 18 episodes.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    IMO, it ran it’s course.  At least it was an interesting run.

  • sonicoooahh-av says:

    I had to go back to read the last episode recap to remind myself of the “cliffhanger” so many mention. After reading it, I see what they are talking about, but I just remember everybody remaining friends and getting a happily ever after. Whatever was left hanging was a just in case, but I thought it was a good enough end to the show.I started watching because it began after Supergirl had brought me over to the CW website after watching her for a year on the CBS site. Initially, it looked like it could be “Rory” from Doctor Who with a much bigger TARDIS, but then it got bogged down in that first season and I didn’t come back until they were in the midst of the third and the bloggers on IO9 kept telling me to go back to watch the second on Netflix.Though it was painful to start, but I’d say it’s been my favorite CW show.I’ll also say that all of the cast, especially in the later seasons were standouts and I’m sure they are not going to be hurting for roles.
    Edit: And I’ll add that today’s announcements probably mark the end of crossovers because unless I’m mistaken, the remaining shows take place in their own universes.

    • souzaphone-av says:

      It’s unclear whether Superman and Lois takes place in a separate universe from Earth Prime. There are a lot of continuity differences from Supergirl—even Post-Crisis Supergirl—and they never mention Supergirl. But they did have John Diggle in an episode, and they’ve made one or two references to Crisis. I think they’re just doing their own thing and not really taking the other shows or their backstories into consideration.

      • sonicoooahh-av says:

        You would have thought that if they were in the same universe as Supergirl, they would have mentioned her when Clark was coming out to his kids. Before he told them, Jordan was playing a Superman video game. You’d think that he would have a Supergirl poster or their would at least be some mention of Cousin Kara, especially if they are in the same era as her revealing herself to the world. Not to mention that if Clark’s cousin was Supergirl, the townspeople would at least ask if he was Superman.Still, if we suspend all that disbelief, most people in Naomi’s world do not think Superman is real. They think he’s just from the comics and whatever branch of the military in her world that is hunting aliens or the proof of aliens wouldn’t be in the same universe as the DEO, where they are constantly sending Superman on missions and building their own super army.The same can be said for Stargirl. I believe we’ve had two seasons and no one has mentioned Superman, Batwoman (or Batman) ot The Flash.As far as I can tell, they al three inhabit separate worlds and there could be a fourth, if Flash has his own. I guess in theory, the Waverider cold have brought them all together through some kind of interdimensional portal, but now they’re gone.Also, Diggle hasn’t cameoed on Stargirl or Naomi, half the remaining shows.

        • souzaphone-av says:

          Stargirl is explicitly set on a new version of Earth-2 that was created by the Crisis; this was shown and labelled at the end of the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. Naomi is also definitely set on a different earth. Really the only one that is confusing is Superman and Lois. It’s on Earth Prime unless they say otherwise, and all the continuity issues can just be chalked up to the writers wanting to do their own thing without the limits the other shows might have placed on them. 

  • BlahBlahBlahXXX-av says:

    God damn Donald Faison can’t catch a break with CW casting…

  • hiemoth-av says:

    The most confusing aspect of these cancellations is that I can’t for the life of me understand how Riverdale got another season. I read this metrics analysis and you can actually see why they would cancel LoT and Batwoman, although it should be pointed out that almost none of the CW show is doing that well.However, then there’s Riverdale which is getting absolutely abysmal ratings and still getting that next season. It is just mindboggling.

  • fritzalexander13-av says:

    Ouch, this one stung. I think the execs see that the crossovers were the big ratings draws, and those were never going to be as big as Crisis was, so they’re trimming fat accordingly. Flash will probably wrap up with Season 9, Naomi might not get a second season. Superman and Lois gets to be the last one standing.

  • amazingpotato-av says:


  • logos728-av says:

    Major bummer! I loved this show!

  • mcribs-av says:

    The show just got progressively worse once the writers decided to jettison all of the true DC characters and add in their own “wacky, slapstick sidekick” characters like Gary and Mona, or the one-note stoner Behrad. Its unfortunate they don’t get a last hurrah, but really the show has been spiraling for several seasons, and firing Routh and losing Purcell were the final nails in this coffin.

  • Axetwin-av says:

    I recently tried getting caught up on on Legends of Tomorrow and I was surprised at how boring it had become. The cast got way too big, the plot felt like they were spinning 6 wheels of randomness to see what zany things the crew would get up to that week. The show became less about a group of people all going through personal shit with all insane stuff going on around them all the while trying not to kill each other. It became more about frustrating excuses to keep two people apart for weeks on end just to have that one big emotional moment mid or end season, just to turn around and do it all over again.

    • killa-k-av says:

      For me, the last few seasons (I would say 5 & 6) became a bit of a slog with bits of welcome silliness spread throughout. But season 7 was a return to form IMO.

    • drips-av says:

      I believe the having the characters separated so much the last few seasons was a result of the pandemic.

  • cleretic-av says:

    File me in the ‘not surprised, but disappointed’ camp, but also an accepting one. Legends has for a long time felt like it was on borrowed time and just embracing the freedom of no longer caring; it doesn’t need to make ratings grabs or anything, it just gets whatever space it can find to have the most fun it can on TV, and it was wonderful. Yeah, it was always going to end sometime, but it had a lot of fun just coming up with whatever dumb bullshit it could think of. Enjoy what we got, don’t mourn for what we didn’t….except for more Donald Faison as Booster Gold. The Flash can at least give him a fun two-parter to show his stuff, right?

  • delete999999-av says:

    Ouch, this and Batwoman on the same day wipes out a decent chunk of queer women on TV.

  • lhosc-av says:

    Canceling 2 dccw shows with lgtbq and ethnically diverse leads eh…f you cw. May beebo haunt your nightmares

  • fireupabove-av says:

    Not a lot of shows with the capacity to surprise & delight you with every episode. Now there’s one fewer.So, the DC x CW roster is down to: Superman, Stargirl, Naomi, Flash & Gotham Knights (which I think has a 50-50 chance of going straight to HBO Max & skipping CW entirely). Naomi is the only one of these not already renewed for another season, which I think does not bode well for its chances.

  • alanlacerra-av says:

    Well, now I’m just sad.

  • mattthecatania-av says:
  • TRT-X-av says:

    Seven seasons is a long happy life these days.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    I am going to miss this sweet, plucky, funny, thrilling loveletter to the strangest corners of history and the DC Universe so much.::throws spec script into fire::

  • fuckthelackofburners-av says:

    It was past time for the show to end and I watched it all.

  • lhosc-av says:

    Damn it

  • dremel1313-av says:

    It was a wonderful run. REALLY gonna miss it, but glad I got to enjoy the insanely entertaining ride. My Arrowverse is now down to Superman & Lois (which is absolutely killing it with the Bizarro storyline).

  • nwrkhushrenada-av says:

    Wrong choice. Should have ended The Flash. That show has gone on too long and is running on fumes having lost so much of the cast that made it worth watching with lesser replacements and some real mediocre plots to the point that watching the show makes one question why they are doing so. 

  • boymeetsinternet-av says:

    I feel like the Arrowverse is slowly dying. Batwoman Legends Supergirl Black Lightning Arrow all gone in the span of 2 years. Legends was a treat to watch and I’m super thankful for it. Feels like the flash is next. Feels like the end of an era

  • blakelivesmatter-av says:

    Noooooooooooooo!  If you tell me next that Superman and Lois is going down, I have a fist for your balls.  (I know S&L has been renewed and I’d never do that to you, Will…this one just hurts.)

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    I just sent a three page email to HBO Max in an effort to save Legends Of Tomorrow. Let’s screw things up for the better!

  • jmyoung123-av says:

    So, no chance of a HBOMax pick-up?

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I mean, It’s too bad that it didn’t get to go out on its own terms, but then again, I wasn’t watching it anymore. I might binge the last two seasons when they are both available, but I’ve largely moved on from the CW shows, except for Superman and Stargirl, which I watch once they’re streaming on HBO Max.

  • dsikula-av says:

    I was a big fan, but it was definitely running out of gas in the last season.That said, if cancelling Legends is the price we have to pay to finally get rid of Batwoman (which was, consistently, the single worst-written and -acted show on television), it’s a price I’m willing to pay.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    I knew this was coming because of the Merger and because season 6 wasn’t great and season 7 to me started off slow until the episode with the Air craft hanger and then the season kicked so much ass!I already missedRay and John and Mick. And we didn’t get to give Faison a run as Booster gold!Hopefully Sara and Ava and Nate get to do a good bye when the Flash ends in 2 years. Maybe saving the day with Bebo!RIP to a show which had no right being this much fun!

  • themightymanotaur-av says:


  • mattthecatania-av says:

    I come not to bury Legends Of Tomorrow but to revive it! Let’s screw things up for the better!

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