
Time runs out for DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow

The mood is melancholy in "Too Legit To Quit", the penultimate episode of Legends' seventh season.

TV Reviews Legends of Tomorrow
Time runs out for DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow
Amy Pemberton and Adam Tsekhman star in DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW

It’s not difficult to spot the meaning behind season seven of DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow—it’s about change, making an impact on other people’s lives, turning history into a better place, come what may. Empathy, understanding, love, and kindness, that was always going to be the Legends’ true legacy. And chaos, let’s not forget about that. Too bad chaos comes as naturally to them as doing a good turn.

Whenever the Legends decide to change the timeline, which is a thing they are very much not supposed to do for important, reality-salvaging reasons, that decision often comes on a good-natured whim and it just as often ends in catastrophe. One example: Astra taking control of an airfield’s means of production in 1945 might have brought about an early jump-start in workplace equality, but it also brought the rogue Waverider down around her head and sent Bishop to an early grave. Every chance the Legends have to change a person’s life for the better, if it means altering the course of history, they take it. Damn the torpedoes. The timeline, as a result, is a shambles. Their ledger is filled with anachronisms. Love has wrought chaos, and the bill has come due.

That’s the price the Legends must pay in “Too Legit To Quit,” the penultimate episode of Legends’ seventh season—change. As the Legends later discover through the lens of Mean-Gideon’s timeline-hopping visions (call it her crystal ball; Sara does), change can be a positive thing if you let it. It can also be a destructive thing, as poor Gary finds out, or a disappointing thing, as Nate and Fancy Zari discover. This week the fates of the Legends are dangled in front of them as terms are drawn up to squash this time-spanning beef between Captain Sara’s merry band and the rogue Waverider’s cruel artificial intelligence—that means change is a-coming, whether or not the Legends, or us, are ready for it.

After last week’s showdown with their robo-doppelgängers came to a decisive, if modest, end, Gideon finds herself mortally wounded. (Stabbed in the back by a Hell-scorched robo-Astra, the twisted, hateful image of her “mother” being the last thing Gideon sees before the lights went out.) This puts Mean-Gideon in a strange quandary: According to Protocol 276, a bit of necessary plot gibberish that serves as an unbreakable boundary for this series’ nigh-omnipotent AI villain, under no circumstances may a Gideon artificial intelligence self-destruct. Letting Gideon die is against Mean-Gideon’s programming, and so long as she lives, the Legends live. What’s a mortal nemesis to do?

It’s a stalemate episode for DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow, one that gives each character a moment to reflect on what they want for their friends, what they want for the timeline, and what they want for themselves. Hovering in the quiet hum of the temporal zone, a revived Gideon faces off with a holo-projection of herself, searching for a compromise that will benefit all parties involved. Good luck.

The best they can come up with turns out to be an effective gambit for Mean-Gideon, as it’s an offer few of the Legends can find good enough cause to refuse: Gideon and her rogue counterpart get to continue monitoring the timeline in the Waverider, and the Legends get to call it quits and live out their peaceful lives in retirement. “Legends don’t retire,” Nate protests, only they do—ask Ray, and Nora, and Amaya, and Jax, and Wally, and Mona, and Charlie, and Mick (wasn’t he supposed to pop in by now?), and don’t you dare forget the budget-crushing Hawk-people. Legends can retire, it turns out, but in bulk? Crazier things have happened (especially on this show). There is, however, one sticking point in this agreement that gives the Legends pause: What’s to stop Mean-Gideon from eradicating the Legends one by one when they’re off enjoying their early retirement in the near future?

The Legends need a plan. With Nate’s charged time courier, there’s a chance they can time-jump away from the methodical AI, but it involves a complicated run through the Waverider’s inner workings of vents and tubes to the armory, where a charger doth lie. (If only they had someone small enough to fit—oh, there’s something for Spooner to do.) Gideon’s good-faith deal with Gideon to show each of the Legends their own private futures becomes the perfect distraction for Spooner to wriggle through the Waverider and get their time courier zapped with plenty of juice for a jump—but it’s also a wistful opportunity for everyone to catch a glimpse of the lives they will live, or the love they will lose, depending on how the Legends decide their fates.

The unexpected wrinkle of this week’s episode is that Legends Of Tomorrow is itself heading towards an uncertain future, as far as its devoted audience is concerned. (Still no news on season eight.) “Too Legit To Quit” is a surprisingly melancholy episode that hosts an impromptu retirement party for the Legends, rife with cake and champagne and hugs and break dancing and a Beebo pinata, set to Faces’s “Ooh La La” this week is a Kodachrome reverie meant to put a lump in your throat.

So let’s humor Mean-Gideon. What would the Legends’ lives look like in the future, provided they give up their time-hopping ways? For Fancy Zari, fame and fortune as a cosmetic industry titan awaits. It’s a wonderful life, but not as heroic as Fancy Zari would like. Eff-Zee has been throwing herself at one obstacle after the other this season, and so she’s developed a taste for heroism even if her teammates often steal her thunder. Naturally this future gives her pause: “I thought there would be more time… to be a hero, I guess,” she confesses to Nate later on. As for Behrad, he becomes the star of a children’s television show called You, Me & B and a popular musician to boot. (The song he plays, which feature lyrics like “tomorrow’s better treated as today,” serves as the treacly soundtrack for the Legends’ crystal ball montage. It’s sweet!) Astra becomes a presidential candidate (her campaign drops sometime in 2040), and Nate (as well as Nate’s gigantic goatee) becomes a celebrated author, writing about the exploits of heroes instead of being remembered as one.

For other Legends, the future becomes more complicated. Sara and Ava see their daughter, which triggers dreams of porches and dogs and domesticity that run up against their duty as co-captains of the Waverider. Astra morphs into Spooner to continue the Legends’ ruse (“Dang!”) and discovers that her friend will be sent back to 1925 (which fixes a timeline anachronism) where she joins her mother in forming a clinic that helps hundreds of people. But she’ll be without her friends. And poor Dr. Gwyn Davies, whose only reason for becoming a Legend in the first place was to save his dear departed Alun, is offered perhaps the cruelest fate of them all: A beautiful life in 1925 Wales, but a lonely one.

It’s a sticky wicket. If the Legends agree to Mean-Gideon’s compromise, that means that their futures become immutable, dictated by their robot nemesis for as long as they live. As long as anybody lives. More alarmingly, this outcome begins to make a lot of sense for the Legends’ own Gideon, who would live the rest of her (presumably) mortal days as the AI’s captain, a steward of space-time, living her life with her newfound love, Gary Green.

Mean-Gideon’s plan is working. But the one thing her mechanical mind can’t quantify in her vast cerebral sea of 1s and 0s is the human need for love and acceptance. That’s why Gideon’s well-meaning (if surprisingly cruel) ruse to fool Gwyn with a robo-Alun doesn’t work: Manipulating humanity’s chaos-ridden hearts will always trigger far too many outcomes, and Gideon simply couldn’t account for Gwyn’s and Alun’s precious words for only each other: “In the river I have seen you, through love, age, and misery. In the river I will find you, for you will always be you, and I will always be me.”

Love is chaos, and for the sake of the timeline the Legends’ brand of chaos must be extinguished. So for Mean-Gideon’s latest monstrous act, she jettisons the only thing standing between her and her human counterpart: A human heart. Gary’s a goner and the Legends are scattered to the winds.

Stray Observations

  • Episode’s MVL: Gary Green. Gary’s earnest vulnerability was the exact kind of humanity that needed to be levied against Gideon’s increasingly cold outlook on her responsibilities of the timeline. When he sobs into a couch cushion and asks the most complex question of them all—“Why is love so complicated?”—Mean-Gideon thinks she has the answer. It’s all a matter of complex chemistry. Gary reminded her, and us, that it’s far more than that. Good for Gary!
  • Behrad: “Must be weird talking to someone who is you but also not you at the same time.” Fancy Zari: “Mm. Can confirm.”
  • Fancy Zari called a map a “portable paper version” of the vent schematic.
  • Spooner, to Astra: “You are a full-blown witch, mi grande amiga.”
  • Those keys will likely reunite the Legends next week for their final season seven bow. What will Gwyn say to Gideon when they next meet? Is there room for forgiveness here?
  • When should the Legends meet up post-retirement? Sunday at 9? Surely Wednesdays at 8 is better; after all, midweek parties are the best. But what timezone? “That would be 8/7c, only on the… you know? It doesn’t matter.”
  • What did you think of “Too Legit To Quit,” group? Is Gary a goner? Will we lose yet another Legend in the trenches of WWI next week? What kind of cake do you suppose the Legends were eating for their retirement party? Bring some plates to the comments below.


  • tyenglishmn-av says:

    I haven’t watched any of the CW shows in years but its hilarious that this is the one that will probably outlive them all. Happy for the people who enjoy it

    • necgray-av says:

      I’m friends with someone who got staffed last season so I’m hoping it goes a *little* longer for her sake.

    • ademonstwistrusts-av says:

      It’s because it broke out of its “angsty SERIOUS teenage generic CW drama” tv show origins into “absurd over the top hilarious superhero comedy where the writers’ room is clearly doing some of the hardest drugs known to man but gave the even harder drugs to the Doom Patrol writers” TV show. Definitely a lot of charm, fun and humor that a lot of shows these days are missing. It definitely transcended its Arrowverse family, and easily my favorite (S&L is a close second currently, but that’s also a special case).

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      No show’s ever going to outlive Supernatural’s run on the CW IMO.As far as Arrowverse goes, hope this lasts a bit longer but have doubts it’ll get past The Flash (which likely is coming back for S9).

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Well none of the CW shows have been officially renewed yet, so I am still hoping for the best There have been disturbing hints that like Mick, Gideon is basically Evil Gideon, but with a slight tilt toward caring about the team mitigating that 

    • mrskates-av says:

      I don’t think we can call it hints! I do like how the show has been pretty clear that caring about her friends, and that empathy, is what makes this Gideon our Gideon. “Evil” Gideon is not evil, just, utterly callous, and we have seen how *easy* is for Gideon to fall back into that mindset with the right influence. I have really liked how she has refused to call her counterpart “Evil” all this time, because, ultimately, she does know they are more alike than anything.How will that turn out with the Gary reveal, well!

  • hmwest-av says:

    I was bummed out when Arrow decided to take its final bow.I was sad when Supergirl got its cape clipped.But I will most likely cry when LOT decides to actually ride off into the timeline for good. All I can do is hope that doesn’t happen for a very very long time.Ever since the start of season 2, this show has helped keep me sane and made me laugh during some very sad and depressing times, it really truly is something special and you can’t say that about most entertainment these days. Yeah it’s a CW show about a timeship crewed by a rotating cast of misfit toys, but god damn it if everyone involved doesn’t make it sing every single week.And I will continue to hold out hope for an LOT/Doom Patrol crossover to happen, somehow someway, because that shit NEEDS to happen.

    • luke512-av says:

      It’s the only show that embraces the bat-shit craziness of comic books (with nothing off limits, too wild or nonsensical) whilst retaining the boundless optimism, colour, and fun of classic comics … but amping it up with a meaty shot of the diversity they historically lacked.Nothing like it on tv.

      • inthesilence13-av says:

        The show’s optimism has always been something I’ve loved. Even in their darkest times, they still found time to make jokes, or the dumbest plans that somehow, worked. I also feel like it was one of the first DC shows (or any I guess) that was diverse because that’s how it is, not to fill any quotas. It’s never felt forced or anything. To me, I don’t think any other show will do what they ended up doing. 

      • christopherhillen-av says:

        That is what I keep hearing and reading, and I have always wanted to start it up again, but I gave up probably less than 6 episodes into the first season. Is this a case where you can say hey, inhumans99, go ahead and start your watch from the mid-point of season 2 or something like that, and you are good to go. It is on Netflix, so it would not be difficult for me to start things up.

        • loopychew-av says:

          Start of S2 is okay. You can probably even watch the last couple episodes of S1 to get closure there.

        • wastrel7-av says:

          Yes, absolutely. It’s best to watch the pilot episode, I think, but if you’ve already done that you can skip ahead to S2.
          S2 isn’t a perfect guide to what the show later becomes, because it’s still got a lot of serious drama – but it’s leavened by an awful lot more fun than in the first season. You can get a sense of this just a few minutes into the first episode of S2 when it goes from the typical S1 moody lighting angst straight into a brightly-lit laser-gun fight/lesbian seduction sequence set in early modern france…I think most people would say that the best season is either S2 or S3, depending where you like your balance of serious and silly.

          • christopherhillen-av says:

            Thank you Wastrel and Loopy, nice to know I can skip most of the Vandal Savage storyline that formed the early story are of season 1 and still enjoy the heck out of this show. I think at one point Jonah Hex shows up in this show, and seeing as how I own pretty much nearly all of Jonah’s Bronze age (I bought modern Jonah stories to read in TPB format, but the very first Jonah Hex series, I own them all in fairly high grade) appearances because I am a big Hex fan, I so look forward to that appearance.

            I even enjoyed the admittedly not good Hex film because, well, I am a big time fan of the character. Anyway, thanks again for the responses.

          • wastrel7-av says:

            If you’re looking for Hex, he’s made several appearances. One of those is in S1, in episode 11, so you may want to watch that before going to S2.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        I dunno about nothing like it (in the aspects you mentioned). Doom Patrol and Peacemaker are both bat-shit crazy shows with diverse casts. Stargirl has a diverse cast as well while building an enormous world full of heroes and villains – that show tackled (and IMO nailed) Eclipso last season.The other thing I would gripe about Legends is that it’s barely a DC show anymore. The majority of new additions lately have been non-comic characters, some of whom barely ever use powers (if they even have any). And the main villains of the last few seasons have been made up as well (and IMO the weakest part of show – not a huge fan of Bishop, or evil Gideon personally). I do enjoy the show though and hope it gets S8.

        • wastrel7-av says:

          All the characters are ‘made up’.I’m surprised you call Stargirl’s world “enormous” – I struggle to even buy that there’s an entire school there, let alone a world. [admittedly covid restrictions probably contributed to that problem]

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            I, very obviously, meant made up for the show. Characters like Heat Wave, The Atom, Firestorm, Reverse Flash, Constantine, Steel, so on are based on comic book characters. Characters like Mona, Spooner, Gary, Bishop, Gwyn Davies were made up by the writers of this show. The show used to have a good mix of comic characters vs new characters but lately have been leaning more and more towards the latter as cast members have exited.And yes I think Stargirl has established a lot of characters in two seasons. There’s the original Justice Society, the new Justice Society, the Injustice Society and their kids, Shining Knight, Eclipso, The Shade (my personal favorite character), Jade, Thunderbold / Jakeem Thunder, and I’m sure I’m missing a few others. Plus the show already revealed Mister Bones and Helix for S3. It’s chock full of comic book characters.

          • wastrel7-av says:

            But why does it matter how many characters are drawn from comic books? 95% of the audience won’t know the difference between an obscure comic book character and a new one, and 4% will know but won’t care. So it makes sense to concentrate on characters designed for the purposes of the show, rather than trying to shoe-horn in existing characters to no benefit.Similarly: yeah, I guess that if you consider “deep worldbuilding” to be equivalent to counting how many comic book characters are name-checked, then yes, Stargirl has deep worldbuilding. I just don’t understand why anyone would equate those things. To me, name-checking is mostly an excuse to avoid worldbuilding: it’s saying “look, these characters have rich and complex backstories! In a comic book we haven’t read and you won’t either, and we’re not going to say how much of that stuff is canon in this show anyway, but look, rich and complex characters!” – because that’s easier than actually writing rich and complex characters within the show itself.

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            On LoT – it only matters when you’re comparing the show against other DC comic inspired shows. As a comic book fan, it does matter to me that a show like Doom Patrol uses a weird comic book character like Danny the Brick that I know of while LoT uses a weird made-up character that I have to learn to like as with Gary. If 95% of people disagree, that’s fine. I’m only posting from my POV and don’t think everyone else has to agree with me on their preference for entertainment.On Stargirl – have you seen it? It’s weird to me you talk about “name-checking” characters when just about everyone I named has decently prominent roles (main or supporting) on the show.

        • mehlsbells-av says:

          while I’m glad to see a lot of shows building out from “one non-white character!” it’s still true the majority of leads are at least a “pick two” of white, straight, and male, whereas Legends for the last few years has only had a few of those, and none as lead-billed (though Nate has sometimes had a lot of screentime, and his and Ray’s unabashed love really pushes against the norm, so even there it pushes the typical).

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            I have no issues with the makeup of LoT’s cast – don’t care who the comic book characters are and would be A-OK with obscure characters with any background being included (like Zari). Just saying I’d like to see some familiar characters thrown in is all.The rumor is Donald Faison was cast for finale and is playing Booster Gold – if that’s true – I’ll be thrilled.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Also even more unlikely but a Peacemaker/Doom Patrol/LoT crossover would be great .

    • anthonystrand-av says:

      When I saw this headline, I thought it was a newswire about the show’s cancellation.
      Glad to see that it’s just a review, and honestly, 7 seasons would still be a heck of a run for this weird little show.

    • inthesilence13-av says:

      I was sad when Arrow ended, cried hard for Supergirl ending (Kara’s one of my favorite characters ever), but when Legends ends I am going to be a SOBBING mess. For me too, it’s been such a comfort show, the first time I saw that even misfits can find their place, and broken people can heal. It’s made me laugh during my darkest times, and really brought me fully into the superhero world. I hope it gets many more seasons, but if next season is the last ride, I’ll be ok with it (it’ll probably years after it, but you all know what I mean)

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        Legends of Tomorrow has been an absolute gift, weird and unexpected in the best way. Whenever it ends I will be sad, but grateful to have had it & be able to revisit it. 

    • mehlsbells-av says:

      I put a lot of my feels about this absurd, perfect little show into this (and hell I dunno if the link will work or even if I’m still greyed, but. I hope you can see and if you do, enjoy): https://www.clapperltd.co.uk/home/legends-of-tomorrow-v-modern-blockbuster 

  • kris1066-av says:

    Swapping the cables. I love Zari 2.0Co-captainsDo they get a pension with retirement?Zava friendshipDid future Zari have grey in her hair?Zari still wants to be a hero.Behrad is a good singer.THEY HAVE A DAUGHTER! And she might have a girlfriend.Nate doesn’t go into the totem with Zari 1.0.Will there be a schism between those who want that future and those who don’t.Wait, isn’t Astra British? How does she run for president of the US or PM of Canada?We never got to see Gary’s future.Mommy AstraZari and Ava working together. Need to see more of that.Alun’s uniform has the red dragon of Wales.Is Alun fake? Did Gideon make a robo!Alun? (Apparently yes.)Good on you, Gary.Good on you again, Gary.Love that visual of Human!Gideon with AI!Gideon behind her.

    • mrskates-av says:

      Uh, I didn’t get the impression that Nate doesn’t go into the totem in that future vision, Did I miss anything? The way I took it, he could still live in the totem and work on the present, “commuting” as he intended to do on the Legends. Really didn’t get the vibe he wasn’t going to live on the totem when later he mentioned his legacy with Flannel Zari to Fancy Zari, and later mentioning his date with her. If he saw the vision as telling him they wouldn’t make it, I think he would have been very upset.Not like any of this matters since it won’t happen heh.

      • kris1066-av says:

        The date with Flannel Zari comes after they get the keys, but before that he wouldn’t have had access to the totem to move in with Flannel Zari.

        • haodraws-av says:

          Dragon Girl Zari didn’t have the totem, so it’s possible that in that scenario Nate gets the totem to be able to visit Flannel Zari.

        • mrskates-av says:

          I was just thinking he’d hit up Behrad or Fancy Zari any time he wanted in, but the finale kinda just revealed that Zari gave him the totem so he can move at will! That explains why she doesn’t have it on the future shown to her!!

    • inthesilence13-av says:

      – My proudest moment of the ep was that I got the Alun thing right from the beginning. – How the hell are they going to find Gary now? I don’t think he’s dead but he’s at least somewhere in the timeline. – I didn’t think about the Astra bit, maybe her mother/father is American? I know there’s rules that give you citizenship if at least 1 parent is a U.S citizen.- AVALANCE KID!!!!! I squealed so loud and cried a bit. This is all I’ve wanted and now I don’t now how to deal.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        It’s possible of course that Gary is central to the finale… but given the method of exit with no obvious way to find him immediately, I wonder whether Gary was actually a set-up for a potential next season?Unfortunately, even if we got ten more seasons I doubt we’d see Avalance Jr in a major role – given that Mick and Martin both had children who we only saw occasionally despite their potential.

      • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

        She was a citizen of Hell, so of course she qualifies for American political service.

      • rezzyk-av says:

        Gary has a key doesn’t he? So he just needs to land sometime with a door.

    • BlueBeetle-av says:

      My assumption was that Zari 2.0 doesn’t have the totem in the future because Nate does.Are we sure Astra is running for president? It is a presidential election year but I took it as Congress. She says a line about “my constituents” which I more often hear in a Congressional sense. For a president, everyone in America is a constituent. When you’re in Congress, it’s a subset.  Presidents more often refer to “the American people” or the like.

    • starvenger88-av says:

      I felt bad for Flashback Wig, having to cameo as Nate’s goatee. Why don’t we have real-life Beebo party merch?Gary used some of his Alien tentacles to survive, right?in my mind Avalance’s kid’s friend/gf is Nyssa’s kid.

  • kris1066-av says:

    Theory: this episode was actually shot last, so that it could also serve as a wrap party for the cast if they don’t get renewed.

  • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

    …well this felt uncomfortably final. not ready to say goodbye to our time-travel fuckups.

  • John32070-av says:

    I might be way older to need a piñata at a party, but I’ll just admit now a Beebo one I’d be all abord for. I’ve said before, CW is really missing out not merchandizing Beebo (I know, there would be lot of legal hurdles).

    • simonc1138-av says:

      I’m shocked there hasn’t been a Funko or anything yet, DC Direct used to make figures out of the Arrowverse likenesses and Black Lightning got a fairly recent Funko wave, so the licensing is clearly doable. 

  • killa-k-av says:

    Just a year ago, I would have said that I was okay with Legends ending. But damn, this season has been the best in years and I just wish I could spend a little more time with those groovy guys.

  • ukmikey-av says:

    If the Legends are too legit to quit, then Gary is too annoying to die. Can’t aliens like him and Kayla survive being ejected into the temporal zone?

    • percysowner-av says:

      Kayla certainly survived being blown out of her ship, so Gary should be fine.

    • simonc1138-av says:

      We’ve seen Nate and Ray get sucked out as well, I don’t believe it’s a death sentence but he might be lost in time (which may end up being a hook for next year?)

    • mrskates-av says:

      I’m banking on him using his tentacles to grab onto the ship lmao.

    • mhaynes2-av says:

      TBF, Kayla had to commandeer an alien pod for herself to survive and Gary had no such luxury. He COULD survive but just be in some random time period if someone/thing caught him or broke his fall. 

    • danielnegin-av says:

      Nate and Ray survived getting sucked out of the ship. Granted Ray was in his suite and Nate was steeled up but they survived.

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Less about him surviving, I think, and more about whether they can find him. [that seems the sort of thing that could take 30 seconds, an episode or an entire season depending on plot requirements]

    • dr-boots-list-av says:

      This episode was pretty melancholy for the most part, so I got a really big kick out of the fully comedic way Gary smacks into the opening door on his way as he’s sucked out the airlock.It’s Gary, he’s probably fine. Probably ends up in ancient Egypt, serving drinks to Cleopatra.

  • ukmikey-av says:

    If the Legends are too legit to quit, then Gary is too annoying to die. Can’t aliens like him and Kayla survive being ejected into the temporal zone?

  • psychopirate-av says:

    Has anything been renewed yet? Even The Flash, which signed Gustin to another season, hasn’t officially announced the next season I don’t think? But this does seem like the last ride…

    • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

      Not yet. The CW does tend to renew all their shows at once. There is that potential sale of The CW looming so who knows what’s going on with renewals now. 

      • psychopirate-av says:

        That’s what I thought. I’m very invested in Nancy Drew getting renewed as well, so at this point no news is probably good news tbh. If renewals were trickling in I’d be more concerned.

    • angelicafun-av says:

      According to Deuxmoi (lolololol) all CW shows have been renewed though no decision on Nancy Drew has been made yet. And apparently Riverdale and In The Dark are ending (s6 and s4, respectively).

  • simonc1138-av says:

    That was an extra painful flourish to see Gary bounce off the cargo door as he’s sucked out. Incidentally Adam Tsekhman was at Fan Expo Vancouver over the weekend and I got his autograph, and I wish this episode would’ve aired prior so I could’ve asked him about this stunt. I liked this one more than the Legends vs doppelgängers last time, but it was oddly uneven tonally, veering from John McClane style vent-crawling to sentimental goodbye parties and melancholy future reveals. Interesting how some of the future reveals were perfect temptations and others were oddly imperfect “best we can do” scenarios, you’d figure evil Gideon would try to give the Legends the best offers possible. I never understood the 1 Captain/1 A.I. thing unless Rip just had those extra seats installed specifically for season 1.

  • angelicafun-av says:

    Astra for President! Oh man, this would have been a great actual ending to the show if we knew for sure it was the end. I’ll be super bummed if Legends is actually leaving me and we learn about it only after the finale airs. We only know about a certain casting announcement for the finale, so I am hoping that will change something for the show to stay on for at least another year.The metaness of them trying to find a time slot for their reunion *chef’s kiss*I want a piñata Beebo so bad (alongside a plushie Beebo and the Beebo match-3 game app)!!  

  • mobi-wan-kenobi-av says:

    Pleeeeeease don’t go, Legends! You are on a network that renewed Supernatural for 15 seasons!In all honesty, I think one more season with a pared down group (Sarah, Ava, Behrad, maybe Gary) running around on some big cosmic errand, occasionally teaming up with each of the retired Legends for an ep or two, then calling it quits would be the cherry on top of this delightful sundae of a show.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      It wouldn’t be Legends if one or two Legends don’t retire at the end of this season (Gary? Gwyn? Human Gideon? I hope not Nate) and a new team member joins whose presence I initially resent & find annoying, but who then quickly becomes one of my favorites

      • mrskates-av says:

        It’s the way of the Legends.

      • haodraws-av says:

        I’ve got a feeling that Sara and Ava are definitely leaving at the end of this season if they get a Season 8. They’ve been hinting that Zari will succeed as captain for a while.

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          I don’t believe it (though I like the idea of Zari as captain). Both Sara and Ava seemed flexible in considering their future & could figure out how to still have their daughter & be captains 

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Sadly I very much doubt we’ll get another season, but I do think there should be an overt “finale season”, getting more of the old crew back together (for more than the one episode).
      Though I suppose that that could get too melancholy to bear, over a whole season…

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Sadly I very much doubt we’ll get another season, but I do think there should be an overt “finale season”, getting more of the old crew back together (for more than the one episode).
      Though I suppose that that could get too melancholy to bear, over a whole season…

  • mrskates-av says:

    Okay a little heads up about the Finale Promo pictures, THEY ARE SPOILER HEAVY!! I didn’t get the context after seeing them las week, but watching this episode, they pretty much spell how things turn out and it’s pretty clear they are from the third act! So peruse with caution!Also for those who keep up with casting news, at least the show itself isn’t working under the premise they are gonna get canned, so let’s remain hopeful!

    • haodraws-av says:

      Oh, fuck. The finale preview trailer, combined with those photos… It’s easy to infer something happening to a certain someone.

  • lakeneuron-av says:

    What’s the status of selling the CW? That may be the holdup for a lot of the renewal notices, since the speculation was that the buyer would want a lot less original scripted programming.

  • bc222-av says:

    I haven’t watched this ep yet, but I genuinely panicked at the headline because I thought the show had been cancelled. If we don’t get an 8th season with a Donald Faison/Zack Braff version of Booster Gold and Blue Beetle (or Skeets?), I will be livid. That kind of stunt casting would ruin any other show, but it’s perfect for Legends.

  • fritzalexander13-av says:

    This season’s sure been written like it’s the last one. I don’t want it to end!

  • dfs-toronto-av says:

    It will never not be funny when it’s pointed out how tiny Spooner is.Also, Evil Gideon saying “Damnit” was perfect.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      I loved Spooner and Astra calling each other “my little friend” and “my tall friend” in Spanish & the plan about them all having keys so they could meet up in Constantine’s mystery house largely being driven by Astra being so angry they were not going to see each other again that Spooner realized she needed to find a solution

  • sven-t-sexgore-av says:

    Gary’s fine – they’ve previously launched Kayla into the temporal zone in the exact same fashion and had her come back. 

    • the-ratchedemic-av says:

      Kayla had to put herself in a pod to survive though; we can see her snatching one for herself towards the end of the S6 premiere. The only other people I can think of who have been flung out of the ship and lived (Ray, Nate, and Atropos) only survived because of their suit, powers, and godhood respectively. Gary had access to none of those things.

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    It took me 20 minutes or so after the scene to realize, but the poignancy of Sara & Ava’s daughter living large at a  summer camp was well appreciated.

  • joec55-av says:

    However and whenever Legends ends, it had better be with with Sara and Ava walking hand in hand with those two girls.

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    When Gary stepped into the Armoury and I suddenly realised what was about to happen, I said “Oh no” out loud. I think LEGENDS might be the only show that ever gets a physical response from me like that. This episode felt like it was a potential ‘if we end here, we end here’ wrap-up, given the uncertainty of another season, but then Gwyn’s declaration and Gary’s cruel fate(?) threw a spanner of chaos into things, which was fitting. I hope we get at least one more season – if ARROW and FLASH can make it to eight, it’d be mean if LEGENDS didn’t.

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