Daniel Radcliffe gives new Harry Potter series his blessing but “certainly” won’t be a part of it

"I think it would be very weird for me to show up," the Miracle Workers actor said in a recent interview

Aux News Harry Potter
Daniel Radcliffe gives new Harry Potter series his blessing but “certainly” won’t be a part of it
Daniel Radcliffe Photo: Slaven Vlasic

Remember last summer when casting announcements for Disney+’s new Percy Jackson And The Olympians series began to roll out, and rumors swirled (and continue to) about a potential cameo from incumbent Percy/currently booked and busy actor Logan Lerman? Yeah, that will not be happening with the other beloved childhood book series that is currently being re-adapted into a high-budget television show. Harry Potter, that is; not Lord Of The Rings, although you would be forgiven for making the jump. God, it really is just franchises all the way down these days, huh?

When asked in a recent Access Hollywood interview about the new HBO Harry Potter reboot that’s happening for… some reason (cough cough, even more money in the pockets of two of art’s biggest dementors), Daniel Radcliffe was generous but firm in his response.

“I certainly haven’t,” the Miracle Workers actor answered when asked if he’d talked about appearing in the show. He continued: “I think it’s very much like they’re going for a new series and there will be somebody else playing Harry, so I think it would be very weird for me to show up.” So this new show definitely won’t be a Spider-Verse style mush of the original trio, A Very Potter Musical, and the puppet pals, which is a shame because that actually sounds fun.

Regardless, Radcliffe has never wavered in his love for the HP story—even while publicly distancing himself from J.K. Rowling—and doesn’t seem to be switching that up now. “I’m very excited to see what other people do with it,” he said. “The comparison I’ve made is to a story like Sherlock Holmes. The Potter series of books was always going to be more than, like, one interpretation or one franchise, so it will be cool to see the torch get passed on.”

Hopefully (or not, depending on your stance on Rowling and her infamous royalty cheques) this one goes a little better than the last attempt to make the larger wizarding world a thing.


  • murrychang-av says:

    And here I was hoping for Radcliffe to do a Goodfellas style voiceover for the series. 

  • dudebraa-av says:

    J.K. Rowling is the only thing trannies hate more then their genitals.

  • daveassist-av says:

    The dudebra
    (account: dudebraa) imposter
    account posting here in this
    thread is NOT the
    long-established account
    user known in the Giz

    shriveled-soul imposter has several
    accounts being used to
    harass Kinja users, by
    posting sexist, racist and
    other vileness here , but
    primarily on The Root and on
    Jezebel, trying to
    discredit the actual,
    long-established account users.If the real dudebra does post here, it’ll be account: dudebra and won’t be racist.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      There’s something strangely comforting about the fact that no matter how weird the world gets, or how dire our shared problems become, there will always be a handful of weird chuds pathetic enough to create imposter accounts inside the moldering corpse flotilla that is the kinja sites.

  • lmh325-av says:

    JK Rowling has gone a long way to making me not care about the Wizarding World (and only 20% of that is because of her abhorrent politics – most of it is the actual stuff she decides to say about the Wizarding World), but surely there’s another story to tell other than remaking movies that are still very much alive in recent pop cultural memory. I know she blew it with Fantastic Beasts, but doesn’t everyone still want a Marauders show? The decade after the war when they were presumably rebuilding (the Mandalorian of the HP world, for example). Heck, even the immediate aftermath of the HP books. Is the well this dry?

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      I don’t know that the well is dry, but it could probably go for a legit 10-year break. Oversaturation REALLY shows the weak spots in the property (mainly that most of what it does capably is done better by other properties, many of which the core audience has moved onto by now), and it’s now pretty much a demonstrable case of diminishing returns (movie-wise; I don’t know what merch figures are looking like).Best thing they could do *for the property* (i.e., leaving aside the sorts of “we shouldn’t support this creator” arguments that TPTB will just fart on) would be to turn off the spotlight, let JKR do…whatever the fuck she’s going to do (maybe die)…then resurrect it when the nostalgia is ripe. It worked for Star Wars, back in the day. Probably will again.As to the actual property itself? Best thing to come out of the JKR backlash, IMO, was the growing recognition that her actual output is just…okay. Decent worldbuilding, solid enough writing. And that’s fine. The fact that it’s mainly a theme park now is just…apt.

      • lmh325-av says:

        I do think that someone could pick up the pieces and make something interesting with her having less input. If it were at least some fresh characters, it might be more interesting to me, but yeah just a bit “meh” on the whole thing.

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Good summary of why woketards are basement dwellers and never manage businesses

    • moggett-av says:

      Yeah, she’s managed to kill most of my enthusiasm for the world. I still feel nostalgia for how much happiness the stories gave me when I was younger, though. Maybe a Marauders story would work?

      • lmh325-av says:

        I remember when reading about how wizards just go to the bathroom on the floor and make it disappear that I suddenly thought “well, this feels less full of wonder than I would have hoped…”It would be fun to just have some wizard kids having shenanigans. Let’s hope this is a project WBD goes sour on suddenly and shelves.

        • moggett-av says:

          Yeah. I don’t blame her for noodling around in the world she created, certainly. I think experimenting with terrible world building and realizing an idea doesn’t work or is bad is part of being a fantasy writer. But she published her noodling!

      • garland137-av says:

        A Marauders movie?  That’s some real Golden Age Tumblr shit, that is.

        • moggett-av says:

          Nope that would waaaay predate tumblr. They were talking about that back in the livejournal days. But going back to that makes more sense than whatever more recent nonsense she’s cooked up. Back to basics and all that. 

    • murrychang-av says:

      I’d rather see a series based on The Dark is Rising, personally, that’s a far superior young adult property.

      • lmh325-av says:

        Am I mistaken in thinking they made a really bad adaptation of that under another name? I’m not super familiar with it, but I’ve also heard that it would be a good one to have the right person and resources on.

        • murrychang-av says:

          Yep you’re right, they did that one really bad adaptation and apparently decided that it was never gonna work based on one failure.It’s another great property for a prestige format TV series.  Hell, you can make a whole season out of Greenwitch and that’s cheap ass location shooting in Cornwall.  Lots of CG for the last book but other than that your graphics budget wouldn’t be super crazy either.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      She made a couple 100 million dollars in royalties last year coz no one gives a fuck what woketards think since they are minimum wage basement dwellin shitstains.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I thought it would be cool of Rowling produced a series about the Aurors (since Harry considered this at one time). I’m no fan of “cop” shows but I figured it would attract a big audience, given the excitement of the several sky dashes the Aurors and students had to made near the franchise’s close. Probably best to name the series something else, though. It isn’t easy saying “aurors.”

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      ‘Law & Order: SVU (Spell Violations Unit)’.“Yeah, I remember He Who Shall Not Be Named. Used to hang around here with a giant snake. Why? Somethin’ happen to him?”

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “But if anyone tries to remake the farting corpse movie without me, I’ll kill them with my teeth!”

  • dudebra-av says:

    There is a racist imbecile impersonating my user name. Please ban it.Thank you.

  • garland137-av says:

    By the time they finish adapting the 7 books and then decide to make an 8th season based on Cursed Child, they can just have Dan play Old Harry without any special effects/makeup.I really hope they don’t because Cursed Child reads like a really bad fan fiction, but I’m just saying, they could bring Dan back without doing some multiverse shit or awkward cameo.

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