The Harry Potter cash cow continues no matter how ridiculous its author gets

A new set of full-cast Harry Potter audiobooks are coming despite J.K. Rowling's obsessive posting about trans people

Aux News Harry Potter
The Harry Potter cash cow continues no matter how ridiculous its author gets
J.K. Rowling Photo: Stuart Wallace

The juggernaut of Harry Potter really can’t be stopped, even as J.K. Rowling descends further and further into an obsession with the rhetoric of trans-exclusionary radical feminism. The latest stop on the gravy train is a new set of audiobooks from Audible (a subsidiary of Amazon) and Pottermore Publishing (the audio and ebook publisher of the HP series). Setting apart from the beloved Stephen Fry and Jim Dale narrations, these will be full-cast audio productions with more than 100 actors, per Variety.

According to a statement from the company’s CEO, “millions upon millions of Audible listeners” have been “devouring Harry Potter at an astonishing rate,” which explains why they’d want to offer what’s being called a “reinvigorated listening experience.” The new audiobooks will provide “immersive audio entertainment through high-quality sound design in Dolby Atmos, stunning scoring, a full range of character voices and real-world sound capture,” per Variety.

“We are delighted to be collaborating with Audible on what will be a groundbreaking audio edition of the beloved Harry Potter stories,” Neil Blair, chairman of Pottermore Publishing, said in his own statement. “J.K. Rowling’s storytelling lends itself perfectly to the application of new audiobook technologies, and we’re certain this sophisticated, immersive audio experience will not only add a new listening dimension for existing fans but will introduce a whole new generation of listeners to the wizarding world.”

Harry Potter is obviously popular enough to eclipse the anti-transgender bigotry of its author, but one wonders if her behavior will ever cross a line that becomes a liability to these megacorporations that remain in the Wizarding World biz. Far from distancing itself from Rowling’s controversial views, Warner Bros. Discovery has ingratiated itself further into her good graces. David Zaslav apparently met up with her personally and has reportedly kept her involved in building the writers’ room for the upcoming Harry Potter television series.

Meanwhile, Rowling is constantly posting about trans issues on Twitter/X, to the point where it’s more than a little weird. Even setting aside the bigotry inherent in Rowling’s views, it’s an unhealthy amount of time to spend on any one issue, especially when you could be spending that time luxuriating in your castle or, like, writing another book.

To demonstrate how far down the rabbit hole we are at this point, last month Rowling blundered into denying aspects of the Holocaust. When one user posted that Nazis had burnt books on trans healthcare, Rowling responded, suggesting that the fact was a “fever dream.” Of course, there is research and literature to prove that Berlin’s Institute for Sexual Science (founded by Magnus Hirschfield, an advocate for transgender and homosexual people) was targeted, and that trans people were also specifically persecuted. Rowling was forced to issue a statement denying her Holocaust denial, though she didn’t exactly retract her previous statements: “I’m familiar with such activists’ assertions that transgender people have been uniquely persecuted and oppressed throughout history, but claims that trans people were ‘the first targets’ of the Nazis–a claim I refuted on X, and which led to these accusations–and that I ‘uphold [Nazi] ideology around gender’ is a new low,” she wrote on her website.

It’s not exactly a surprise that companies would still be willing to put profit over the risk of working with someone who could at this point be fairly described as an ideological extremist. Nor is it a surprise that it is this particular type of bigotry that studio heads are willing to turn a blind eye to—trans people are a relatively small but vulnerable population whose rights and protections are being eroded in the political sphere. Nevertheless, based on the volume and vehemence of Rowling’s postings on the subject, it seems we must be approaching the moment in which her behavior can no longer be ignored. Until then, companies like Amazon and Warner Bros. Discovery will continue to capitalize while the cash is still rolling in.


  • dinoironbody7-av says:

    Haven’t heard any HP audiobooks, but I hear Jim Dale was a full cast all by himself.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Until then, companies like Amazon and Warner Bros. Discovery will continue to capitalize while the cash is still rolling in.

    That was the real magic this whole time!

  • universalamander-av says:

    And Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of 2023 despite all the internet crybullies demanding a boycott. NORMAL PEOPLE DON’T CARE ABOUT ROWLING’S POLITICS.

    • cordingly-av says:

      Is it really bullying to say “don’t buy a video game because the billionaire owner of this franchise is not a serious person”?

      • dirtside-av says:

        Yes, don’t you understand, anyone having an opinion you don’t like is automatically bullying, even if the target of their ire is a billionaire

        • bobbybadfingers-av says:

          Oh please, spare me. They were not “expressing having a different opinion”, they were flooding the chat of people playing the game with hateful nonsense telling them they are murdering trans people by buying it. They were bullies. And their bullying failed spectacularly and probably made Rowling even more money. Don’t try to retroactively downplay it as if they weren’t desperately trying to harass people into doing what they wanted. 

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          Well, billionaires are a minority. Not as much of one as I’d like them to be though.

          • dcto-av says:

            SHE earned it, HUGE philanthropist, taxpayer, activist & employer (of security forces alone these days, given the undeserved hate & death threats towards her & countless other WOMEN).

        • cordingly-av says:

          Bullying is when people punch up at those in power. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Bullying is also when people attack the lady who wrote the pew pew wizard laser books that some adults still inexplicably worship.Attacking the widely-broadcasted and regularly posted sociopolitical views of a YA writer is the REAL bullying here. Clearly.

          • cordingly-av says:

            And of course, these attacks are…. Not buying a video game and disagreeing with her on social media.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            The height of bullying is not knowing whether you’re a Slymberine or a Horbleporp.

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        For them, literally any form of criticism or critique of the status quo=bullying.

      • dcto-av says:

        Feminist creator of multi-media global empire is a WOMAN, not a 🧙‍♀️, “person who menstruates” or “not a serious person” any more than online misogynist death threats is “bullying”,

    • fuldamobil-av says:

      By “normal people” I think you mean ignorant assholes. And, yes, the world is full of them.

      • bobbybadfingers-av says:

        No, he means normal people. i.e., not terminally online lefty losers screaming about how everyone else needs to pretend men in dresses are women. The majority of people. Cry about it. 

        • fuldamobil-av says:

          I hate to make you cry, but the majority of actual people don’t feel the way you do. They accept people for who they are. You’re a bigot and bigots, while plentiful, are the minority. It is an indisputable fact. 

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            Lmao, that’s nice that you hate to make me cry, cus you’re definitely not going to. There’s plenty of research, some of which I’ve already provided, that confirms that the vast majority of people do agree with me on the fact that there are two genders, and that you cannot change your gender. That is an actual indisputable fact, backed up with actual data, and not your wishful thinking. And not only that, but the number of people that agree with you is actually going down over time. Isn’t it wonderful?Saying that men are in fact men will never be bigoted, or seen as such, by sane people. Rational people (who are the majority) don’t want you weirdos acting out your fetish around their children. No matter how much you’ve tried to will into existence, it failed. You lost. 🙂

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            How we define genders has changed. That’s an indisputable fact backed up by research by scientists and doctors. And the younger generations all feel the way I do. So, no. We didn’t lose. Your attitude is going to go the way of the dodo to use an arcane expression old and outdated folks like yourself are familiar with.

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            I mean first, I’m 24, and I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that I’m younger than you. Since you come off as the typical middle-aged hipster white guy trying to do performative ‘allyship’ in the AVC comment section.Oh no no, how you define genders has changed. And that includes all the liberal academics and “doctors” who are too afraid to tell people like you the truth, for fear of losing their jobs. Which is one reason why less and less people are paying a small fortune to get “educated” by some pink-haired doctor of fairy-tales at the public university of who-gives-a-fuck. They realize these people can’t be taken seriously anymore.

            How the majority of the world defines gender has not changed, nor will it ever. Things were working out great for you creeps for a little while there, but the tide turned. My favorite was when you losers tried to organize a boycott for a video game and in turn made it the highest selling game of the year. LMAO. Nobody cares, not even the young people playing the game. Their gaming is more important to them than your shitty causes. Lol.
            I know you’ll never look at polls or any real data because it’s not gonna tell you what you want to hear. But the data is clear. You lost. We won. And it’s only becoming a more resounding victory each day. It’s wonderful.

            O btw, at my 11 y/o niece’s birthday party a few weeks ago she was telling us the story of some freak who shouted at their teacher for “misgendering,” and how the entire class found it hilarious. No, you haven’t hooked the youngest people either. The normal, healthy young people with attentive parents also think you’re a weirdo and creep. The ones who agree with you are the same weird, gross, friendless outcasts being raised by TikTok that nobody wants to hang around. Same as their adult counterparts.:)

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            Why is this such a big deal to you? Why can’t you just let people be who they want to be? Why the obsession with something that has no bearing on how you live your life? You are completely wrong about all of this. And history will view people like you like they do the Nazis. That’s a fact and you know it. But your stubbornness and hatred of something you don’t understand, in addition to what sounds like debilitating stupidity, won’t let you admit truth. It’s sad, but people like you in the long run are utterly insignificant, so whatever.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            “Why can’t you just let me and a bunch of other mentally ill people completely redefine the concept of gender because we like jerking off thinking about ourselves as women. FTFY. 

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            I know to someone with an underdeveloped brain like yours that everything is sexual, but that’s not how most of humanity works. Hope that helps!

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Right but science has proven that it IS how your brain works. I’m sorry you’re mentally ill Jonathan. But it’s not anyone else’s fault.  

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            “I know you are, but what am I?” What a mature and highly intelligent response. Kudos. I’m impressed with the swiftness you came up with that. 

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            I agree. Thank you. 

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            “And history will view people like you like they do the Nazis. That’s a fact and you know it”

            LMAO. Thanks for that. Hell of a day at work and needed a good laugh. No, no sane people in the world are ever going to view the act of telling weirdo grown men that shaving their balls and getting waxed does not make them women as the same thing as herding Jews into camps to be slaughtered. No matter how hard you try, it’s never going to happen. The majority of people will continue to think you are nuts.:)

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            They don’t, and they won’t. And your denial of that fact just proves you’re a piece of garbage.

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            Jonny Boy, you just agreed with me. Nice Freudian slip, lmao. I guess deep down even you know the truth. That you lost.

            And being called garbage by an aspiring pedophile or one of their allies is a huge compliment, so thanks!

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            I know reading comprehension is difficult for you, but I was responding to your last line. And I know you think it’s funny to say, “I’ll take that as a compliment,” but you know it isn’t. And you know deep down that you’re an asshole for hating someone for just existing. I know it’s hard for you to overcome your lack of empathy and I feel sorry for you. The self-hatred is as obvious as your lack of intelligence. You never answered the question of why the obsession with trans people. I imagine it’s jealousy of the way they live their lives. They’re open about who they are. They express their inner self outwardly while you can only stew in your hatred for anyone who appears happy and comfortable with who they are. It’s really pathetic. And, like I said, history will only make you look more pathetic. You should probably just shut up or you will become even more isolated from society than you already quite clearly are.

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            “And I know you think it’s funny to say, “I’ll take that as a compliment,” but you know it isn’t.”

            Wrong Jonny Boy. Being insulted by groomers, pedophiles and their enablers is always a compliment.

            “And you know deep down that you’re an asshole for hating someone for just existing”

            Nice try, but nobody hates trans activists for “just existing.” People hate them for doing shit like, you know, trying to co-opt the holocaust to further their ridiculous movement. Or for being grown men trying to bully women into accepting them into their spaces, so they can sexually assault them or force their perversion on them.

            “You never answered the question of why the obsession with trans people. I imagine it’s jealousy of the way they live their lives.”

            This is my favorite form of gaslighting that you creeps do. “Why are you guys so obsessed with us?! Why are you so obsessed with genitals?!” You think it’s super clever and will put normal people on the defensive. The reality is that you’re the creeps obsessed with finding a way to make it socially acceptable to force your perverted behavior on women and kids. Doing drag shows in front of fucking toddlers. Nice try, but we see through it. Which is why the tide has turned, and people have had enough of you creeps preying on their kids.

            “I imagine it’s jealousy of the way they live their lives. They’re open about who they are. They express their inner self outwardly while you can only stew in your hatred for anyone who appears happy and comfortable with who they are. It’s really pathetic.”

            Lol, oh yeah, I’m really jealous of those elevated suicide rates, and fat gross men wearing lipstick and makeup, thinking people around them in public aren’t internally laughing. Nobody hates themselves more than the weirdo who is literally trying to change the core makeup of their being. Trans people are some of the miserable, mentally ill beings on Earth. Even the people who tell their trans friends that they accept them as they are don’t actually view them as being a different gender. They know that men can’t give birth. But they’ll quietly indulge people’s mental illnesses to placate them.“I said, history will only make you look more pathetic. You should probably just shut up or you will become even more isolated from society than you already quite clearly are.”

            Oh Jonny Boy, I know men like you think you can bully people, and especially women, into “just shutting up.” But that time is over. People are done “just shutting up” and weak losers like you don’t know how to deal with it. That’s what infuriates you about JK Rowling. Nothing makes you angrier than a powerful, successful woman refusing to kowtow to your bullshit. Too bad. History’s on the side of sanity and real women standing up for their right to exist in their own spaces away from creepy men like you, and your shitty little movement will be something to look back on and laugh 20 years from now.

            “Isolated from society” might be the funniest thing you’ve said yet. I have a good job, a good family and good friends Jonny Boy. I’m not the one who hates myself so much that I’m contemplating cutting off my genitals to try and pretend I’m someone I’m not. Nice projection though, as always with you losers.

            The reason HBO is still making JK Rowling’s new Harry Potter series is because they know what reality is: The vast majority of the population does not disagree with her, and certainly does not hate her like you loons do. You’re the minority, like I’ve said from the beginning. And that makes you absolutely infuriated, lol. 

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            “Oh Jonny Boy, I know men like you think you can bully people, and especially women, into “just shutting up.” But that time is over. People are done “just shutting up” and weak losers like you don’t know how to deal with it. That’s what infuriates you about JK Rowling. Nothing makes you angrier than a powerful, successful woman refusing to kowtow to your bullshit.”Co-opting misogynism when this has nothing to do with that is such a pathetic, last ditch attempt at defending your obscene point of view. The rest of your comment is similar juvenile crybaby bullshit it isn’t worth responding to. I’m sure your family is really proud of your boorishness. Yup. So proud of the hateful shithead they raised. You know your kind is the real minority. Someone with integrity would admit it instead of hiding behind hate like a subhuman. 

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            “Isn’t worth responding to” aka you can’t refute any of it. Lol. Glad you were willing to take the L on all of that, we’re making progress here.“I’m sure your family is really proud of your boorishness. Yup. So proud of the hateful shithead they raised.”

            I was referring to my wife and kid Jonathan. Not that you would know anything about that. Guys like you can’t get near a woman without forcing them legally to share a space with you. That’s why the trans movement exists, after all.“Co-opting misogynism when this has nothing to do with that is such a pathetic, last ditch attempt at defending your obscene point of view.”

            lol, again nice try, but there’s no co-opting going on there. Trans women (aka perverted men) loathe women. Their movement is nothing more than their attempt at finding a socially acceptable way to bully and harass women, and force them to accept their presence. Plenty of instances out there of those pervs assaulting women in their spaces. That’s what it’s always been about for them, and now that they’re finally getting resistance, they’re lashing out.
            “You know your kind is the real minority. Someone with integrity would admit it instead of hiding behind hate like a subhuman.”

            More wishful thinking and coping from the losing side of history. The numbers are out there to see, you just choose to bury your head in the sand. Anyways, hope you enjoy JK Rowling’s new HBO Harry Potter series, coming in 2026! Maybe after that you can join the millions of people who endorse her views every year by going to visit her theme park. It’s so weird how millennials and Gen Z still love her in every favorability poll. And how the BBC was forced to publicly apologize to her for calling her transphobic because of public demand.

            It’s almost like…the public agrees with her. That makes you mad, doesn’t it, Jonny Boy the misogynist?

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            I know you’re having a grand old time thinking your pushing my buttons, but I don’t really care at this point what a loser such as yourself thinks. You are the one on the wrong side of history. I’m comfortable knowing that. You obviously know that I’m right or you wouldn’t waste so much energy trying to defend a loathsome point of view.

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            “I don’t really care at this point” LOL. Thanks for another good laugh Jonny Boy.

            “You obviously know that I’m right or you wouldn’t waste so much energy trying to defend a loathsome point of view.”

            Jonny, you’re expending the same exact amount of energy that I am. I guess by your own logic, you know that I’m right.

            But I already knew that. 

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            Oh you know I’m not spending the same amount of energy as you. Just look at you long, desperate comments. I just have some down time. You keep coming back here, posting comments to the wind, writing long, inane missives trying to justify a point of view you know most people find abhorrent. Most of your responses don’t even defend your stance. You can only dismiss my comments with something like, “that’s what you people always say” because you have nothing to say. Again, why the obsession? Is it you who are projecting? Trans people are not misogynists. They have no interest in grooming children. They don’t attack women or kids. These are facts back up by history. Trans people have been a part of society for thousands of years. Many cultures treated them with reverence because they felt they have a unique insight into human nature. It isn’t until people like you began projecting their own fucked up feelings on them. I imagine you’re the misogynist who has twisted feelings about kids. Am I right? I am aren’t I? Is that why you had a kid? You’re actually probably not even married. What an awful, fucked up loser you are. Get a life.

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            Hey Jony Boy, I notice you do a lot of saying things like “this is a fact, and you know it!” right after you state something that is blatantly false. That’s kinda weird, you should stop.

            “Oh you know I’m not spending the same amount of energy as you. Just look at you long, desperate comments. I just have some down time”

            loool, “only your comments take time to write, mine are magical and don’t require any typing, because…down time.” Let’s be honest anyway Jonny Boy, your whole life is down time. You’ve got nothing going on, except trying to help your fellow creeps prey on women and children.“I imagine you’re the misogynist who has twisted feelings about kids. Am I right? I am aren’t I? Is that why you had a kid? You’re actually probably not even married. What an awful, fucked up loser you are. Get a life.”

            LMAO. Nice spin as always. No matter how hard you try, you’re still the creep defending LGBTRSTUVWXYZ+IA perverts who like to do drag shows in front of kids and try to force their gross nonsense on them into schools. You’re the groomer, and pedo-enabler. The majority of society sees this, no matter how much you lie to the contrary.

            And yes, you’re expending even more energy than I am actually. I’m just stating actual facts that I’ve backed up with real data. Pretty easy. You on the other hand have to lie and distort reality to get away from the fact that you and all your buddies are creeps and predators. Must be exhausting.

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            Haha. Uh, no.

      • luasdublin-av says:

        No they mean “not terminally online” . Outside of internet bubbles , Rowling is probably more condemned for being a major supporter of Brexit . Rightly or wrongly thats how it is . 

    • joshuanite-av says:

      I choose not to support her because she seems to go out of her way to cause harm to a vulnerable group of people. I encourage others to boycott her work as well. If what she’s doing isn’t bullying, to you, and what I’m doing IS… not sure what planet you’re on.

      • randaprince-av says:

        Exactly!!!! Thank you!

      • dcto-av says:

        Have you even READ her tweets on the subject? Her April 1 posts are about convicted sex offenders & men who have assaulted women to drive them from their own sports leagues.

      • dcto-av says:

        If only it was the planet where we required proof of uterus in order to have an opinion about living as a WOMAN, JOSHUA.

      • Rev2-av says:

        Until gender cultists are honest about the irreversible damage of “trans care”, convicted male rapists, mass shooters, and the rampant misogyny they have no right to talk about harm done to others.

      • cordingly-av says:

        Let’s just say they probably really connected with the troll from the first book.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        You’re so brave and such a good person. 

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      And that’s unfortunate. Is it supposed to be a “gotcha?” They don’t care; and that allows her to continue harming the trans community. 

      • dcto-av says:

        She speaks up for WOMEN because SHE IS ONE & NOTHING to do with “harming the trans community”. Where is trans pride🌈>misogyny, hate & threatening feminist women’s lives online?

    • barnoldblevin-av says:

      Normal people don’t like Harry Potter

    • bdylan-av says:

      did you know someone disagreeing with you on the internet isnt cyberbullying?

    • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

      Actually, normal people do care about crazy bigots fomenting hatred against marginalized communities

      • dcto-av says:

        You mean misogynist trans activists threatening women’s lives online, or non-binary minority attempting to redefine binary female majority, mansplaining in a frock?

    • turbotastic-av says:


      You are currently screaming on the internet about Rowling’s politics.
      And Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of 2023

      And the publisher went out of its way to assure people that Rowling had nothing to do with the game’s production.Meanwhile, the most recent Fantastic Beast movie, which was written by Rowling and extensively marketed as such, bombed so hard that the last two movies in the series were cancelled altogether.

      • nilus-av says:

        Not to defend the OP but the Fantastic Beast movies failed for more reason then just Rowlings shitty opinions. Harry Potter land in Universal is still a huge money maker as well. It points to the fact that many people either don’t know her views, don’t care(or agree) with her views or have opted to choose to separate art from artist.  

      • dcto-av says:

        Bombed so hard during COVID that they outgrossed most other movies & had no impact on her 2nd successful series of adult novels, television series & HP television & audio reboots.

    • nilus-av says:

      Despite it also a fairly mid tier boring game that didn’t seem to understand what even made the world fun and interesting. 

    • mr-rubino-av says:

      “crybullies”You will never be a fully-formed person. 

    • dcto-av says:

      It’s not “POLITICS”, it’s BIOLOGY, misogyny & mansplaining.

    • peterbread-av says:

      Normal people care about her politics quite a bit it would seem, hence the massive support she receives for defending the concept of biological women.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:


    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      I’m genuinely confused. Do you think bullying is bad or fine?
      Why do “normal” people not care about Rowling’s opinion, but are deeply angered by people who disagree with Rowling’s opinion?It’s almost like you agree with Rowling and are too cowardly to just come out and complain about the existence of trans people.

    • honeyharlaquin-av says:

      Most people have started to catch on that the trans movement is a fascist, genital mutilation cult that force teamed with the gay and lesbian liberation movement. It was funded from the top down, not the grassroots. Big pharma flooded gay and lesbian charities with billions of dollars. Most people know that humans are a sexually dimorphic species, that gender nonconformity doesn’t mean you are trapped in the wrong body and that no amount of cross sex hormones and mutilations can turn a male into a female. The Cass Report in England just proved the affirmation model doesn’t work. There never was a spate of child suicides. There never were trans children. That was a lie designed to manipulate homophobic parents into having their kids corrected and turned into lifelong clients of big pharma. Pink flag, Black flag. Two movements designed to make people on the right and left believe absurdities and commit atrocities. Both benefit the rich men funding them. Trump, trans. But just like Trumpism, the trans movement has become a quasi religion. It’s swallowed gay rights whole and pushed gay people to the side. It’s now dominated by people with ADS who believe in gendered souls. JK Rowling will go down in history as a hero. The people cheering the pink flag will pretend they didn’t know about incarcerated women forced to shower with “male lesbians” or the end of Title IX. They will pretend they objected to the mutilations. They will say they didn’t know. They do.

    • nimbh-av says:

      You ain’t normal people, you’re an infected pimple with a keyboard. You need to get popped bitch. 

  • dxanders-av says:

    I guess the silver lining is that she’s too busy being a bigot to write any more adult fiction?

  • disparatedan-av says:

    I follow a Twitter account that details the life of one Jewish holocaust victim each day. It will take 16 thousand years for them to list them all. A similar account documenting trans victims of the Nazis would be finished by Tuesday.Stop appropriating the holocaust to score points against a woman you don’t like, you ghoul.

    • fuldamobil-av says:

      A similar account documenting trans victims of the Nazis would be finished by Tuesday.First of all, no. You’re wrong. Second of all, even if true, so what? They absolutely targeted trans people. It’s not about “not liking” Rowling. It’s about the fact that she’s a bigoted piece of shit.

      • disparatedan-av says:

        Transvestites killed by the Nazis were all either gay or Jewish. The idea that people were targetted for being trans in the modern sense when the concept was unheard of at the time is ridiculous. You are appropriating the holocaust, you anti-Semite.

        • bdylan-av says:

          so disabled jews that were killed during the holocaust were killed cus they were jewish and not cus they were disabled? weird

          gay people didnt exist in the modern sense then either so not sure what your point is other than to be a holocaust denier.

        • fanamir23-av says:

          Weimar Germany issued legal, doctor signed passes for transvestites, that served as legal recognition of their gender transition and barred them from prosecution under anti-crossdressing laws. The Institut fur Sexualwissenschaft, operated by Magnus Hirschfield, operated one of the first and most important research centers into trans issues and performed gender reassignment surgeries. In 1933, the Institut was raided by the Nazis, in an organized march led by students, and Goebbels gave a speech. 40,000 people were present at the raid, including the SA. The libraries at the Institut were ransacked and the entire contents were burned. This is the first recorded organized book burning in Nazi Germany.

          Under Imperial German law, there was a law explicitly banning “sexual self-determination”, and it stayed on the books throughout the Weimar and the Nazi eras. The Nazis enforced it regularly.

          While it’s true the word “transgender” was not used (the word “transvestit” was used instead), saying “the concept was unheard of at the time” is simply not true.

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            As a Jew with relatives who died in the Shoah, let me just say you’re the anti-Semite piece of garbage. And you obviously know nothing about the Holocaust. They were specifically targeted. That is an indisputable fact. Go fuck yourself.

        • turbotastic-av says:

          In your previous post you said there were trans victims of the Holocaust. Now you say there aren’t.So you’re either lying about the Holocaust now, or you were lying about it then.This is why no one is going to take your self-righteous accusations seriously.

          • disparatedan-av says:

            No I didn’t, you moron. I’m saying trans people, as a group were not targetted for being trans. That does not mean there were no trans people killed by the Nazis. How can you not understand that?

          • turbotastic-av says:

            Yeah, you did, and you know you did.
            A similar account documenting trans victims of the Nazis would be finished by Tuesday.

            You said this on a Thursday. That implies at least five victims. I’m not a math expert but I am fairly certain that five is more than zero.
            Either that or you were joking, and if you’re out there spouting Holocaust jokes then that makes your subsequent “HOW DARE YOU MAKE LIGHT OF THE HOLOCAUST, YOU ANTI-SEMITE” tantrum seem even more fake and manufactured than it did before.Time to take the L, kiddo. Or you can be like Rowling and just keep on denying the Holocaust.

          • disparatedan-av says:

            “Yeah, you did, and you know you did.”Ok why don’t you go ahead and quote where exactly I said there were no trans people killed in the holocaust?Once you realise I didn’t, and you’ve made a fool of yourself, you can go ahead and apologise. 

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          Everyone who disagrees with your horseshit is not anti-Semitic.They’re disagreeing with you because you’re dumb.

        • a-frickin-weirdo-av says:

          Get fucked, revisionist bigot.

      • bdylan-av says:

        so they admit trans people were targeted by the Nazis. im not sure what their point is other than an attempt to gain points in the “oppression Olympics” 

      • dcto-av says:

        No, despised feminist author because she trades in facts, or are you a supporter of convicted male sex offenders being incarcerated with their victims?  The ones who aren’t CHÌLDREN!

      • kurbb-av says:

        whats wrong with stating trans women arent real women? They arent, theyre transgender women. 

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        No he’s not wrong. Stop talking. 

        • fuldamobil-av says:

          It’s a shame moronic bigots like yourself are given platforms to express themselves. You’re everything that is wrong with society.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            No one anywhere cares what you think about anything. Hope that helps!

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            Likewise, dumbass!

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Nah. You’re objectively mentally ill. Hope that helps!

          • fuldamobil-av says:

            Says the person who can’t seem to respond to anything with more than two sentences. Hilarious. Tell the person who types for you to throw the computer away. Hope that helps!

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Wow you’re unfunny. How do your parents feel about having to lie to their friends about what their son is up to these days? 

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      It’s not appropriating the Holocaust to correctly describe the people that were targeted, persecuted, imprisoned and killed by the Nazis. It is not denying the fundamental anti-semitism of the Holocaust to recognize the multiple other groups that were also targeted, whatever their numbers. In fact, it is essential to recognize and understand all the ways groups were targeted, imprisoned and killed to truly learn the lessons of history.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        I have a mild form of autism that used to be named after a German doctor who helped kill people with said condition. Less people with autism died then Jews but they absolutely were targeted and killed.I can’t believe its hard for some to realize so many groups of people suffered. 

        • dcto-av says:

          Basically anyone who was “other”, in the name of a race that didn’t exist by pathetic little mad man who didn’t qualify under his own raving standards, but, as with Rowling slander, defamation, misrepresentation, misogyny & death threats, was supported by the (m)asses. & he didn’t even have the internet, just rallies (MAGA).

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          Oh, it’s easy when you’re a certain genocidal settler-colony in the Middle East (or one of its many, many useful idiots around the globe, like Dickhead Dan up there – he’s a repetitive Israeli stan) and the myth that your people were the only ones targeted for liquidation by the Nazis to justify both you being supposedly incapable of committing similar atrocities yourself, as well as immunity from criticism if you do.Israel (and the United States, on Israel’s behalf) like to command the narrative of the Holocaust to exploit it for themselves that only Jewish were targeted by that Nazis. Push a little further, and they may – grudgingly – accept that, ok, maybe others were, maybe, sorta, swept up in the Final Solution but they weren’t, somehow, specifically targeted. Clerical error (damn those lousy IBM machines!) But push beyond that, and you’re suddenly “erasing” Jewish victims – just like they’re erasing non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Again, see the exceptionalism: in their mind, they’re free and permitted to erase other victims, because…reasons.So, you get happy little fascists – and anyone who supports Israel under Likud is a fascist – like Dan there adamantly popping to remind everyone that NO ON ELSE was targeted during the Holocaust because you seek to destroy the myth that Israel gets to bulldoze hundreds of people into mass graves while they’re still alive, bomb refugee camps, use human shields, and operate an Apartheid state because they were the only people targeted by the Nazis 80 years ago.

      • dcto-av says:

        Where do you think UDHR comes from?

      • kurbb-av says:

        so youre saying that people most persecuted were the trans people and not the jewish? WTF

    • bdylan-av says:

      did you know saying that trans people were targeted during the holocaust doesn’t diminish the other groups who were targeted? unlike you who seems to want to diminish holocaust victims. not a cute look tbh.“appropriating the holocaust” is maybe the funniest thing ive hear in a while so thanks for that phrasealso

      • disparatedan-av says:

        From your own link:“…were viewed by the Nazis as a subset or variation of homosexual men”
        “ trans people could be spared the worst of the Nazi’s violence if they were considered Aryan and not considered homosexual “You’ve swallowed a pack of lies from hyper online weirdos

        • bdylan-av says:

          its helpful to read what is linked to you, instead of doing a quick word search to try to dismiss any articles on the subject

          So you think someone thinking a trans women is just a homosexual man isnt transphobia? what do you think transphobia is?you swallowed lies from holocaust deniers.

          by your own admission, trans people were killed by nazis so im not sure what your point is.

          you dont see the irony in complaining about perpetually online people in a comment section on a website? weird

    • gleespace-av says:

      You are a fucking vile piece of shit, you know that?

    • bobbybadfingers-av says:

      Lmao, thank you. It’s amazing to me that these weirdos think trying to “steal” the holocaust from Jewish victims is going to win them any more sympathy. It’s gonna make people hate online TRAs even more than they already do, which is a considerable amount.

    • sulfolobus-av says:

      That’s an entirely irrelevant comment. No trans people are claiming that an equal number of them died in the Holocaust. But Rowling is claiming that it never happened at all. Nazis specifically targeted trans people, gay men, lesbian women, and several other minority groups — even when those people weren’t Jewish. It really did happen.

      • dcto-av says:

        Rowling has NEVER claimed “that it never happened at all”, in fact Naziism is an element in Fantastic Beasts.

    • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

      Why don’t you just come out and say you don’t care if trans people are massacred?

      • dcto-av says:

        Since it’s a FACT of HISTORY, “opinion” IRRELEVANT.

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        Bullies are always too cowardly to just say out loud that they hate trans people.Pro tip, Disparate Dan: if you’re too chickenshit to say you opinions out loud – even anonymously – it’s likely some tiny part of you realizes you’re a shitty person

      • recoegniitions-av says:

        You’re a man btw. Just so we’re clear on that. Every single person you see every day looks at you and sees a man. 

    • saddogs-av says:

      Boy, all the worst people ran to comment in this post

    • stupidbabiesneedthemostattention-av says:

      That is a fucked up and stupid thing to say

    • dcto-av says:

      THANK YOU! The Final Solution wasn’t created until during wartime & it took American television miniseries to make holocaust colloquial, 1933 Munich concentration camp Dachau was for Catholic priests & Roma, Nazis were already murdering each other outsidebthe camp. Just not enough.

    • usernameorwhatever-av says:

      Do you tell the families of people who died in United 93 that they’re “appropriating 9/11″ because more people died in the towers so their deaths don’t matter?My god. You suck.

      • disparatedan-av says:

        You can’t possibly think that’s an intelligent reply to my post? 

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          It’s a flawless analogy. If it’s not… explain why.Here’s how they’re the same: Both examples are a single historical event where different groups of people died under slightly different circumstances.

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Jesus Christ. Ok. I’ll try to make this easy for you.Here’s why they’re different: on 9/11 both the people who died in the towers and united 93 were from (mostly) the group targetted by terrorists: Americans.  In the holocaust, Jews as a group were targetted for extermination. The same is not true of trans people. People from lots of groups were killed by the Nazis: accountants, christians, footballers. But it is not true to say those groups were specifically targetted.

          • bdylan-av says:

            ah so you just want to ignore when Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was ransacked by Nazis. pretty par for the course for holocaust deniers really

    • turbotastic-av says:

      A similar account documenting trans victims of the Nazis would be finished by Tuesday.

      So you’re admitting that there were trans victims, but saying that we should ignore them and erase their stories because…why? You think that will benefit other victims somehow?
      Do you think being a victim of the Holocaust is a fucking competition or something? What the actual hell is broken inside of you?

      • disparatedan-av says:

        I’m saying that trans people, as a group, were not targetted by the Nazis for extermination. I am not saying that no trans people were killed by the Nazis. Are you really so.dumb that you can’t understand the distinction?

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      Good point. Killing trans people is fine, because there are fewer of them.That take seems a bit more ghoulish to me.

    • barnoldblevin-av says:

      Nice try buddy

    • luasdublin-av says:

      I prefer to appropriate the Holocaust  to whats happening in Palestine right now .

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    You think they actually gave a fuck about any of this?7.5 million people visited the HP stuff at Universal last year. The digital books sold $61.1 million worth in 2023, 25 years after the books first came out.

    The mobile games have made $400 million. The Broadway abomination where Slytherins are like, good guys and shit, is the highest grossing non-musical ever.No one gives a fuck about what she says. The real question is, why do you?

    • bdylan-av says:

      youre wondering why people are concerned about holocaust denial ? weird

      • bobwworfington-av says:

        She could die tomorrow and life is not better in any way for a trans person

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          I don’t know, I think a lot of us would be happy to learn there’s one less super-rich, influential person in the world out there who hates us.

          • saturdaykid-av says:

            What are JK Rowling’s crimes? Let’s see: opening up a rape shelter for women only, saying women who were raped by men shouldn’t have to refer to their rapists as “she” in court, and saying she’d say the same thing as any woman arrested for a hate crime in Scotland when refusing to kowtow to an increasingly nonsensical ideology and force the police to arrest her too.Sounds like a real girl’s girl to me. She’s a true hero.

          • bdylan-av says:

            >saying women who were raped by men shouldn’t have to refer to their rapists as “she” in court

            you cant swing a dead cat in court without being forced to call your rapist “she”, really

        • pocrow-av says:

          She could die tomorrow and life is not better in any way for a trans personNo, the world is manifestly improved each time a hateful piece of shit leaves it.

          • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

            Especially hateful pieces of shit with big megaphones that have armies of BobWWorfingtonss ready to defend them (likely because it’s the safest way for them to share their own feelings).

        • Nobodey-av says:

          But it would stop getting worse by her discourse. 
          Normalization is real, especially when influential people are doing the normalizing.

        • Nobodey-av says:

          But it would stop getting worse by her discourse. 
          Normalization is real, especially when influential people are doing the normalizing.

        • byeyoujerkhead-av says:


          • bobwworfington-av says:

            You’re welcome! Your life will suck long after she’s gone. Not because you’re trans. But because you suck.

        • arkhamhorror-av says:

          Counting down the fucking days

        • bdylan-av says:

          not sure when i claimed it would be so im not sure what your point is.

          you asked why people care about what she said, so to answer your question again and more directly: People are concerned about holocaust denial and it is a valid concern to have. if you think it isnt a valid concern thats your perogative and i think thats weird.
          glad a could clarify your confusion.

    • yllehs-av says:

      Your theory is comparable to saying, “Millions of people voted for (the losing candidate) in 2020, and lots of people have donated to his PAC and bought his swag. Therefore, no one cares about what he says.”

      • bobwworfington-av says:

        That isn’t comparable at all. We’re all dumber for you having made that comparison. When you vote for a candidate, you either agree with his or her views or they aren’t bad enough for you to give up what you want – tax cuts, whatever.When you buy a book, you no more endorse the views of that author than you endorse the views of the factory worker who made your coffee machine when you make a cup of coffee.And that author’s views should be no more important to you than that same factory worker. Did you know Tolkien was a rabid Catholic? How pro-choice or pro-LGBT you think he’d be today? He is probably the most comparable to Rowling in terms of cultural impact.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Trans rights are basically at 2004 U.S. elections level right now politically. It’s still an incredibly effect bugaboo for huge swaths of the population, and J/K Rowling can get away with saying “tr*nny” as much as she wants, just like Ann Coulter could call a presidential candidate a “f*ggot” on television back then and face virtually no consequences. There are unfortunately still too many shitheads (Probably even more of them, in fact) around and a huge segment of the population that is mostly indifferent to any issue that comes between them and their consumerism. They represent at least a slight majority, so there is no real blowback for powerful enough figures at this time. Trans folks and their allies have the benefit of previous LGBT victories to raise their cultural cachet a significant amount, but it’s not going to be enough to critically damage her for some time, and even that’s dependent on several impending factors. Even if that all successfully turns around in a decade or so, Rowling might have enough capitalist inertia that she gains a Walt Disney or Henry Ford status. Both of them died before the culture outpaced them, though, so if she survives the interim, she could actually fall away in the culture. But she’d still be rich and loud, probably ranting daily on whatever is left of the crumbling Twittersphere.

    • bobbybadfingers-av says:

      Trans “rights” issues are not ever going to be the same as gay rights. There’s a vast difference between demanding people accept that you love people who are the same sex as you and demanding that people deny the reality in front of them, and pretend that you’re a different gender than you are.

      Check the polls. The tide is turning in favor of people like JK Rowling, not against them.

      • happyinparaguay-av says:

        and demanding that people deny the reality in front of them…You do realize that Harry Potter is fiction, right?

      • mr-rubino-av says:

        You folks continue to drop these standard undigested strings of words that someone handed you; they are always weightless and barely holding together, because having stable logical arguments is not the point. And all this repetitive foaming and seething just to somehow justify continuing to be a worthless genocide-loving garbage creature, even though you don’t actually need to justify it to yourself, because having stable logical arguments is not the point? It’s worth asking: Do you ever have flashes where you regret having to get into this endless cycle of shouting from the rooftops how gleefully evil you are?

      • yellowfoot-av says:

        Oh, hey, fuck off troll.

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      “There are unfortunately still too many shitheads (Probably even more of them, in fact) around and a huge segment of the population that is mostly indifferent to any issue that comes between them and their consumerism.”You said this much more eloquently than I did. I’ve been hearing that bigots will die off since early 2000s. 

  • weedlord420-av says:

    Harry Potter is obviously popular enough to eclipse the anti-transgender bigotry of its author, but one wonders if her behavior will ever cross a line that becomes a liability to these megacorporations that remain in the Wizarding World biz. I mean the truth of it is that most people aren’t online enough to care about JK Rowling unless she’s making a new book or movie (which thankfully we’ve dodged that bullet after the Fantastic Beasts series seems to have gone down in flames). You either have to follow her Twitter or keep up with discourse about her, and the vast majority of Potter audiences don’t care about the lady herself, just the books/movies. And I know much has been said over the years about how a lot of stuff in the books (like the goblin’s depictions are like negative stereotypes of Jews) is objectionable/offensive but at the end of the day, the fantasy creatures aren’t real creatures so that’s never gonna be a big enough deal to turn millions of opinions around.
    So to answer your hypothetical, until she writes a book/movie where a non-villain character says something outrageously offensive about a non-fantasy race/group of people, no she will never be a liability.

    • darrylarchideld-av says:

      At the moment, absolutely. She’s not enough of a liability to eclipse the franchise’s popularity (and frankly, its infrastructure…most of its value is likely tied up in movies, theme parks, and merchandise now.) No, her shitty opinions aren’t going to tank this multi-billion-dollar machine any time soon.But she hasn’t done it any favors, and I think it’ll get worse. The average person might not be dialed into these issues, but youth audiences are way more likely to be, and they’re the ones these stories are supposedly for. It can coast off the immense good will that remains for the original stories for now, but in terms of staying relevant in the future, or marketing new HP material…I can’t imagine JKR alienating new fans won’t have consequences.(Though, what I actually think will happen is that WB will feel emboldened to cut her out, to the fullest extent they can. They already omitted her almost entirely from the 2022 reunion special. Eventually, I’m guessing we’ll see new HP material where all she gets is a “based on the books by” credit.)

      • nilus-av says:

        Sadly Rowling has always maintained a lot of control of her franchise.   The WB can’t cut her out and she is very demanding on many aspects of her franchise.   

        • dcto-av says:

          “Sadly”?  She CREATED it!  🔥 the 🧙‍♀️!  AND her 📚, too bad you didn’t have internet in 1933 Germany.

      • weedlord420-av says:

        Oh they’ll definitely cut her out, or at least downplay her contributions to the franchise (basically have already, like you said). I mean I think after the Fantastic Beasts series crashed and burned hard, they’re almost definitely not gonna do anything solely by her again (at least not without running it through some more writers). I’m positive whoever’s running WB’s PR department is just praying for her death though. Hell, everyone at WB might be, mainly because I’m sure they’ve probably got some HP sequels/prequels already in the chamber just waiting to be greenlit after she can’t publicly object to anything.

        • dcto-av says:

          Meanwhile, back in reality, she alreadyhas another successful series of adult books & television adaptations & is rebooting HP in multiple global media.

        • drstephenstrange-av says:

          >I think after the Fantastic Beasts series crashed and burned hardThis literally didn’t happen. Every single one of the movies was a success and made hundreds of millions of dollars.

          • weedlord420-av says:

            Each one did worse and worse both critically and financially to the point where they’re no longer doing more and it’s gonna be stuck 3 movies deep into what Rowling initially called a 5 movie series. A movie doesn’t have to literally not make money to be a failure. Madame Web technically made money and nobody’s arguing that didn’t crash.

      • drstephenstrange-av says:

        >they’re the ones these stories are supposedly forI highly doubt this assertion.

    • aquifolius-av says:

      That’s already been done, though. One of her Robert Galbraith books (also, look up that name for some anti-trans excitement) features a man pretending to be a woman so he can murder women. 

    • drstephenstrange-av says:

      >after the Fantastic Beasts series seems to have gone down in flamesAll of the movies were successes. The biggest issue was the Depp case and the series switching him for a different actor.

  • m-gojira-av says:

    I despise what J.K. Rowling has become (or revealed herself to be).And it’s true, that IP is just too big to fail.Internet weirdos like gleefully boasting about how all the JKR hate hasn’t affected her sales. But there’s never going to be shortage of asshole nobodies championing rich assholes.She’s just a vile troll at this point and I hope she faces SOME repercussions at some point.

  • barnoldblevin-av says:

    People have the worst taste.Ever meet someone older than you that’s obsessed with HP?It’s terrifying

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      If someone tells you HP is their favorite book, there’s a pretty good chance they don’t like reading that much.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      One just chimed in, as they always do on a Rowling thread, because people are attacking the lady who wrote the pew pew wizard laser books and they get mad about it well into adulthood.

  • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

    J. K. Rowling is perhaps our greatest living author today.  I look forward to her next novel.

    • tsume76-av says:

      I get that this point is purely about sticking it to trans people, but even if she wasn’t a shitheel this comment would be such peak millenial brainrot. Yes, the baby wizard books lady is the greatest author of our generation because it was the only long book you, personally, have ever bothered to finish.

      • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

        I see a lot of jealousy talking.  The millenial generation is really the last generation that knows what it was like for Britain to be a successful country.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          Successful how? As in imperialism as a noble endeavor?

          • nilus-av says:

            Bland food. They excel at that 

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            That’s a fact, lol.

          • iggypoops-av says:

            The entirety of the British empire was based on going places other than Britain in order to find something worth eating. India? Yes please. That’s why they weren’t too mad about losing America. The food wasn’t that good. 

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Well, it worked pretty well for a few centuries.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          If this is satire, it’s pretty darn good.

          • frasier-crane-av says:

            It *must* be satire – there’s a glaring error front-and-center in his username that ham-fistedly belies it.

          • iggypoops-av says:

            Yeah… couldn’t tell whether that was an intentional meta-humour thing or just legit dumbness. I know which way I’m leaning on those options… 

          • nowaitcomeback-av says:

            I wanna say based on user name it’s got to be satire. “Guy WHOSE Always Right”? I mean it’s impossible to tell who’s being satirical and who’s just an idiot these days, but I dunno.

        • pocrow-av says:

          The millenial generation is really the
          last generation that knows what it was like for Britain to be a
          successful country.LOL. The UK has been America’s sidekick since World War II.

          • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

            I’ll bet a lot of you kids don’t even remember Blur..  Britpop dominated the airwaves and Beckham ruled the pitch.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            This troll makes an excellent point about how millenials are the last generation to have come of age less than six decades after Britain’s decline! Also, a time when there were 2-3 popular musical acts and one prominent athlete!  Rule, Britannia!

          • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

            You really had to be there…things were so different. So many things going on. I think the younger generation has got mentally lazy and stopped reading.I don’t miss the EU, but at least one knew where we stood with the Krauts.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            I have to give it to you, this absurd troll character you’ve created is at least fairly original.

          • kman3k-av says:

            This comment needs more Oasis.

          • caj211-av says:

            where’s that world cup, then, mate?

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          Jealous of what?Your trolling is worse than Rowling’s prose.

        • bdylan-av says:

          that speaks volumes about the failures of British boomers and gen x mostly. weird flex

      • dcto-av says:

        Fyi, she also publishes successful adult series.

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        “because it was the only long book you, personally, have ever bothered to finish”As someone who couldn’t do more than 30 pages of HP, but counts door stops like Underworld among my favorite reads… this just made my day. Thanks!

      • whompwomp-av says:

        JK Rowling was abused by her first husband and ended up in places like shelters. She is saying that women have a right to single-sex spaces. Men in dresses do not equal women. We have seen since the start of the ‘trans rights’ movements that male rapists do in fact ‘identify’ as women to access more victims in places like prisons.Rowling is constantly harassed on X, people have threatened her and her family. And all she is doing is making a sensible point: that actual women have a right to our own spaces. We shouldn’t have to priortize someone else’s mental illness over our own actual physical safety.When the dust settles on this? History will agree she was right. This trans thing is mental illness plus social contagion. This is the cutting thing of the aughts all over again; this is the eating disorder thing of the 90s all over again. It’s how mentally ill young people are expressing themselves right now, but it’s also far more permanent than either of those other examples. They’re chopping off body parts. This is going to be looked at, in 20 years, the way we look back on lobotomies now. JKR is a hero for speaking up.

    • gleespace-av says:

      We trans people live rent-free in you idiots’ heads

    • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

      You’re trying so hard, little buddy! Keep at it

      • mr-rubino-av says:

        You can always just about see the veins in the heads of these freaks straining through the screen.

        • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

          In my experience, it’s always bizarre micro-aggressions like this

          • mr-rubino-av says:

            “I’m just speaking casually about this subject and didn’t re-edit it 5 times in review. (throb, throb, throb)“

    • saddogs-av says:

      “The guy who’s always right” can’t even spell “who’s” right

    • garland137-av says:

      I’ve seen the reviews of her post-HP output.  You’re only hurting yourself, champ.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Given the infinite universe theory, that’s happening somewhere.

    • barnoldblevin-av says:

      Very funny joke

    • iggypoops-av says:

      Greatest living author. Really? J. K. Rowling? Greatest? I don’t even care what you think about her views on transgender people and or the people who voice strong opinions one way or the other because I’m just gonna focus on the “greatest living author” thing. Do you, maybe, not actually read anything else written by anyone else?

      • sketchesbyboze-av says:

        There are so many fantastic authors currently writing. I recommend Susanna Clarke, to start with. 

        • iggypoops-av says:

          Piranisi was one of my favourite books the year it came out… I want to say 2020? Maybe 2021. Also loved Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell – Clarke is certainly not prolific, but she is a great writer. 

    • turbotastic-av says:

      J. K. Rowling is perhaps our greatest living author today.

      Pretending you read books to own the libs.

    • tscarp2-av says:


    • raycearcher-av says:

      I double dog dare you to go read her awful ass detective novels right now. Bet you can’t finish one, bitch is the real life Garth Merenghi.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      lol wut.Greatest in the same way Taco Bell is the greatest maker of burritos.

    • taco-emoji-av says:

      I disagree, it’s obviously Dan Brown

    • rgallitan-av says:

      I smell Poe’s Law…

    • nimbh-av says:

      Yeah if you’re 12 and stupid as fuck. 

  • coldsavage-av says:

    Setting aside the Rowling problem (it’s addressed already in this thread), I just want to say that I am amazed that the original HP content is *still* this popular. Maybe some of it is Rowling, some of it is growing older, some of it is one of the NBC Universal stations marathoning HP every weekend, some of it has been finding other interests in the past 10+ years since the last movie came out… but I am just kind of over HP, the property. It was fun once upon a time and I know there are people who are legit excited for these new audiobooks but man, I am completely burned out on HP.

    • arkhamhorror-av says:

      Aside from rusted-on HP fans my immediate reaction to the enduring popularity of this franchise in the face of its authors consistent odious attitude is – WTF is wrong with you?
      Why hasn’t anything else more appealing and less problematic taken its place in the zeitgeist yet?

      • pantrog-av says:

        I guess because no one is writing them. Maybe online too much, obsessing about people who HAVE accomplished things. Shrug.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      As someone slightly older I have long felt the same about Star Wars. Huge fan as a kid. Cannot wrap my head around how 40-50 years later it’s still a thing on this level, that people in their 50s and 60s care deeply about.

      • coldsavage-av says:

        I mean, even Star Wars has had a ton of stuff since RotJ – movies, comics, a ton of novels, several games, etc. I can at least see that each iteration is bringing in new fans. But HP? Cursed Child I heard was *okay*. The Fantastic Beasts series was a failure. And the Hogwarts game is apparently very popular, though my guess is that a large portion of that fanbase were already HP fans. But the last HP novel (excluding Cursed Child) came out in 2007 and the last movie in 2011. So, almost 20 years later they are doing *another* audiobook of the novels and I have heard HBO wants to re-do those same novels/movies as a TV show. That is wild to me. It would be like if the studio wanted to remake Star Wars ‘77 in 1990 – same story, different actors, some minor tweaks. I just don’t think the enthusiasm would be there since people already liked the original. Even LotR had an animated movie in the 70s and then waited a couple decades after that to do the movie as live action.

        • zirconblue-av says:

          I think stuff like the (truly excellent) Harry Potter theme park areas at Universal Studios helped keep it in the zeitgeist.  

          • coldsavage-av says:

            Yeah, that’s a valid point.

          • imadeaburnertostarthis-av says:

            Enjoyed reading the books to my children. The Harry Potter theme park at Universal Studios in California was truly lame and not worth 1/4 of the price: 3-D special effects that were MUCH less convincing than the practical 3-D effects at Disneyland; two boring rides that were short, fast, loud, and generally had the atmosphere of an NFL game rather than the mystery and magic of the series; a “variety” of food that had only one flavor: sweet. I liked the Harry Potter attraction outside London as we learned a lot about how the movies were made; got to see original sets, props and costumes; and it had the enchanted, spooky feeling of the novels. That said, I wouldn’t go again as JK’s ramblings forced all of the conservative and bigoted aspects of the books to the forefront of my mind and so I just don’t feel the same about the books anymore.

      • turbotastic-av says:

        I mean, at least they’re still making new Star Wars stuff, even if most of it is bad. The last Harry Potter book came out in 2007. Since then there have been some underwhelming spinoffs, but the main story is completely done. What the hell do these people do, re-read the same books written for 10 year olds over and over again?

    • brianjwright-av says:

      All this HP shit came up after my time – when I was 25 or so – but before long it was pretty clear that this is as close to another Star Wars as we’d gotten, in terms of just massive cultural penetration. People my own age were telling me it’s like Real Literature, the movies were huge, it spawned a plethora of wannabes that never entirely burned out, and all this time on it got its hooks into the next generation deep enough that every kid I know at least went through a phase for it.I’m not sure anything since touches it. If it’s true that we’re moving away from monoculture, I’m not sure anything can.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      HP is basically Millenial Original Trilogy Star Wars , its shite and derivative , but if you were a kid when it came out , you’re hooked , and will happily grab any media based on it .

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Idk, was Rowling ever really a decent person? There is representation in the Potter series, but Dumbledore is a sadist and an elitist himself, all talk about mixed muggled blooding and the freedon of house-elves aside. Scapegoating of any kind is repulsive. I always found it curious that Rowling lived so earnestly through a male character herself. This kind of exclusive focus suggests that she’s living through some kind of personal issues herself, but then maybe I’m still feeling the influence of having to use so much psychoanalytical literary theory when I was starting out. Awful stuff, but influences linger, so there it is.

    • dinoironbody7-av says:

      I think she was a good person. She was one of the most charitable celebs, and unlike someone like Cosby she didn’t have any skeletons in her closet that would call into questions the motives for her charity. Sometimes people change for the worse.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      So female authors should only write about male protagonists?  Insisting on such rigid gender roles seems like a . . . strange way to support trans rights and oppose Rowling, but OK.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        I’m just deleting you, Planehugger. Constantly going around picking fights is something you do. I’m not here for it.

    • nilus-av says:

      The thing is there isn’t really representation in the books. Dumbledor’s sexuality is something she claimed after the fact and in reading the books his relationship with certain other characters can be read as just friendship. Harry Potter is just one in a long line of British boarding school novel series. It’s almost entirely unoriginal in many ways. It’s not even the first one to make the boarding school be for Wizards. A lot of boomer British social status shit is in those. You can also read into what having a world where “goblins” control the banks could be a real illusion too. Especially when she describes their long twisted noses and such. I honestly don’t understand why the books became so popular.  The movies, I understand, as they had a lot of talented people working on them and really established an amazing look for the world.  But I feel like they succeeded, especially in the later movies, despite the writing of Rowling and not because of it. 

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        I’m not a boomer and didn’t have kids so I came late to the Wizard party. I read the series out of a weird sense of obligation; I do recall some of the subtleties. Most memorable was Dumbledor’s meeting with young Tom Riddle and it all just felt so creepy. But the flashbacks with young Dumbledor and Grindelwald – yes; that is very representative of the homosocial boarding school scene. More of a power struggle rather than desire? My memory isn’t good here, but all of that businesss with their bond and then the death of Albus’s sister… These wizards struck me as somewhat disinterested in sex, but there still seems to be something there. I’m not a man and not a gay man so maybe it’s beyond me.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Most memorable was Dumbledor’s meeting with young Tom . . .
          yeah nah, I’m out.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            Like my own deceased mother, Rowling’s mind is one to which I do not want entree.

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          I, too, didn’t read them until my late 20s, when I found a bunch of ‘em in a bin in about 2014, about a year after I graduated from from a writing degree.I didn’t read them at the time, because I was then in fuckin’ boarding school and I really didn’t see the point of seeking escapism to another motherfuckin’ boarding school (and besides, like most young guys who read I read adult fiction – more on that later). So I went through them with the hindsight of someone who’d studied the publishing and creative writing industry a bit,someone who had done a six-year stretch at boarding school,someone who did said schooling in Queensland, and has thus developed an urgent, deep-seated desire to beat Nick Earls to death with a star picket. The context of the time they were published is pretty important to remember. YA had always existed, but HP kicked off the boom that would last until the 2010s (when it started getting supplanted by Booktok bullshit like Colleen “Abusive relationships are cool and normal and romantic” Hoover), and you could shit out almost anything involving teens and get a six-book publishing deal.Kids who read were also always a thing, but what was unique about Potter was it got kids who didn’t read books…reading books. That was the kicker. Teenage/adolescent boys who would never touch a book outside the Nick Earls shit foisted upon them at gunpoint in English read them. And read them voluntarily. That was, and is, a very rare thing. Yes, boys read – younger boys. But once you hit puberty it was, and still very much is, alas, considered that boys will stop reading. The official line is very much to blame the boys on this that they will start focusing on other things because they’re stupid boys and choose to ignore things like books and art and creativity. The real reason is that that attitude is very much foisted upon them, and also that……there’s fuck-all books published that boys would actually be interested in. “Boys don’t read” is the common refrain you’ll around the writing industry. Yes, yes, I know that some boys read – I was one of them – but, as far as commercial viability goes…don’t bother writing for them. Shit like Earls, and whatever your local equivalent was, was pretty much de rigeur for YA boys fiction, and it was incredibly pissweak. Condescending morality running through them like a skidmark on a toilet bowl. Vanilla protagonists with no clear personality, but were incredibly bland and generically sweet and non-threatening, doormats-cum-projection screens.
          We hated reading that shit, which is why I picked up books like Cussler and Matthew Reilly. And, of course, Pratchett. What really surprised me with Potter is that…it’s actually a pretty good book for kids, and it must’ve been pretty bold to publish at the time. While Nilus pigeonholes it as just another in a long line of British boarding school books, which it technically is, rather than a brace of idealised or archetypical characters, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are all pretty decent characters for a kids book, and, importantly for guys, Harry and Ron are pretty realistic. There’s a great bit towards the end where Harry and Ron are incredibly pissed off at each, not talking, but still fighting Voldemort. That would’ve really resonated. Both Ron and Harry struggled in actual classwork. Hermione’s a genius but insufferable. The risk palpable, but manageable, when it comes to fighting Voldemort. And the world’s pretty decently realised. (Time turners are still stupid, but.)They weren’t paragons of perfection, nor completely blank. Harry wasn’t the besty-best student, and there was enough sort of slightly naughty intrigue like the Marauder’s Map to keep guys interested. It was amazing to see who was reading it. Guys who would never, ever touch another book in school were addicted. The jocks, the morons, that one guy who slept with a Miroku shotgun under his bed. Considering the weak shit we were raised on, Potter was a pretty big revelation. It was a phenomenon, and while I wasn’t a part of it at the time, it was hard not to see how big it was. I know, I know, there’s terminally-online two-minutes hate we’re meant to direct at its creator everything it’s mentioned as if it were bad all along – because the internet has yet to figure out what hindsight means, and geekdom means never being able to separate the art from the artist – but it was a rather big deal at the time, and I think a lot of its success came from the fact it was books a lot of boys wanted to read.Rowling’s still a cunt, but. These wizards struck me as somewhat disinterested in sex, but there still seems to be something there. I’m not a man and not a gay man so maybe it’s beyond me.Hey, the wizards in Discworld were also supremely disinterested in sex, albeit for totally different reasons.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            Fascinating, as always. I do admire Rowling’s world-building, but then I’ve read that she may have ‘borrowed’ material. The series is dense and, at time, challenging. Nick Earls. You always point rabbit holes for me and I went there. He sounds like a supercilious twat, lol.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        She also claimed that no one uses a toilet at Hogwarts; instead, the junior wizards just shit themselves and have a teacher magic it out of their undies. So, yeah, her retcons are questionable. 

      • kurbb-av says:

        i dont see trans people everyday, why do i need to be told theyre trans in media? lmfao you people are insane

      • 4jimstock-av says:

        She clearly just stole quidditch from Rugby. There is even a women’s rugby team in Hollyhead.  

      • drstephenstrange-av says:

        >You can also read into what having a world where “goblins” control the banks could be a real illusion too. Especially when she describes their long twisted noses and such.First, you mean “allusion.”Second, Rowling’s goblins are following the typical fantasy style creature that has developed since at least Tolkien.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        No reasonable person gives a shit about representation. Hope that helps. 

  • bio-wd-av says:

    It really says a lot that each time a JK Rowling article comes out, she’s said something even more extremely bigoted.Casually denying trans people suffered during the holocaust is a hell of a thing. Always worth stressing in Germany thatconstitutes a crime.She also now believes women only have a specific set of chromosomes with no exceptions.I can’t fathom what she’ll believe next. Maybe talk about skull shapes.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      It’s great, because it’s typical Boomer nonsense to describe anything that they didn’t learn when they were in school as a lie, but also the nature of “History wasn’t erased, if it was, we would have a record of it” is inherently hilarious.

      • dinoironbody7-av says:

        When do you think the Boomer era ended?

      • pantrog-av says:

        Rowling isn’t boomer, she’s Gen X. 

      • yllehs-av says:

        She’s not a Baby Boomer. Is it “typical Gen X nonsense” or can you manage to complain about someone without generalizing about their generation?

        • yellowfoot-av says:

          Generations are a meaningless social construct. There’s nothing special about what year you were born in. Rowling is a Boomer.

        • turbotastic-av says:

          Whether she’s a Baby Boomer is a matter of debate because she was born in 1965. Since the end dates for generations are not set in stone, she’s either one of the youngest Baby Boomers or one of the oldest Gen Xers.That said, she IS a boomer in slang terms, where that term is used (sans the word “baby”) to refer to any arrogant older person who is unaware of how out of touch they are, and at this point we may as well replace that definition with a photo of her.

    • dcto-av says:

      To quote Rowling, “Citation?”  In the meantime you’re an author of fiction wannabe, & unlike her a failed one.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      I can’t fathom what she’ll believe next. Maybe talk about skull shapes.

    • drstephenstrange-av says:

      >She also now believes women only have a specific set of chromosomes with no exceptions.Yes. What an insane concept.

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      It really says something that you’re a man pretending to be a woman.

  • bobbybadfingers-av says:

    The reality that a lot of terminally online far-left people don’t want to face is that the majority of the population does not consider anything JK Rowling has said to be transphobic or bigoted. Most people agree with her views. The majority of people do not think trans women should be competing in women’s sports leagues, or that biological women shouldn’t be allowed to have their own spaces. She’s not a liability, A) because most people consuming the books and movies don’t know or care about her views and B) If they did know, chances are they’d be closer to agreeing with her than the trans activists screaming bloody murder in her replies.

    • disparatedan-av says:

      Yep. This is why they have to invent ever more awful sounding crimes (she wants to ERASE trans people, she denies the holocaust etc etc), because the things she actually says are so utterly normal. 

    • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

      This is wildly inaccurate and incredibly stupid

      • pantrog-av says:

        Actually, here in the real world, this is very accurate. Screaming denials doesn’t change that, either.

      • bobbybadfingers-av says:

        No, it isn’t. You wish it was, and think it is, because you live in a lefty bubble where everyone agrees with you. There’s plenty of polls out there on this. Gallup: “A larger majority of Americans now (69%) than in 2021 (62%) say transgender athletes should only be allowed to compete on sports teams that conform with their birth gender. Likewise, fewer endorse transgender athletes being able to play on teams that match their current gender identity, 26%, down from 34%.”

        Your views put you in the minority. And an increasingly shrinking minority. Sorry about reality.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        No it’s not. You’re actually the one who’s stupid. 

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      Disagree that a majority fully aligns with her bigoted viresBut enough do to keep her afloat. And there is probably another sizable  chunk that is ok with ignoring her views and just consume all HP related products.

      • bobbybadfingers-av says:

        1. Her views aren’t bigoted. Her core belief is that women should be allowed to have their own spaces, sports leagues etc. 2. It’s not up for debate if most people agree with her or not. They do. And increasingly so:

        “A larger majority of Americans now (69%) than in 2021 (62%) say transgender athletes should only be allowed to compete on sports teams that conform with their birth gender. Likewise, fewer endorse transgender athletes being able to play on teams that match their current gender identity, 26%, down from 34%.”

        – Gallup

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Nah, see, a group of people who will still pick up their phone to answer banal questions from a pollster because it’s a way to inject some excitement into an otherwise boring post-retirement said that they’re about Trans people as a hobby, so clearly THE TABLES HAVE TURNED!Also, lol at lil’ homie’s sports-centric “analysis.” I personally hope that any and every sports uber-fan has to see a Trans athlete in at least one game, so their dipshitted asses can hopefully die of apoplexy and rid the world of at least a couple more abject dipshits.

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          Of course you hope that. You’re a bitter, dumb person. Hope that helps. 

        • bdylan-av says:

          hey they found a poll that supports their opinion so the statement cannot be debated, for some reason. 

        • bobbybadfingers-av says:

          Okay “lil homie” here’s a non sports related poll.

          Saying that men in dresses should not be allowed to change in rooms with little girls is not bigotry, and never will be. The majority still agrees with JK Rowling on that and in fact, the numbers are swinging in her favor. You lost. Cry about it, lmao.

          • jalapenogeorge-av says:

            A majority of Americans agreed with segregation at one point too. Doesn’t make George Wallace a hero today.

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            Lmaooo, comparing perverted grown men wanting to undress in the same room as little girls to black people wanting to not be lynched. Between this and you idiots trying to steal the holocaust from actual victims, it’s no wonder you’ve lost so much ground. Trans is not a real thing. Being black is. There’s a reason your support is going DOWN, and not up. Cause people woke up to your bullshit.:)

          • jalapenogeorge-av says:

            Righto. You sound like a proper loon. Have a terrible day and look forward to reading your future trolls.

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            “You sound like a proper loon” – Guy who wants grown men and their hairy balls sharing locker rooms with terrified pre-pubescent girls.

            Sure thing pedo. 

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          Heeeeey! The dipshit replied! You lost. Cry about it, lmao. Dude, there’s never been a “game” here, you dumb fuck. The fact that you’re emotionally invested in this shit to an obsessive degree is incredibly weird, which would be the point. Put that on your invisible scoreboard, you deeply weird, dumb lil’ redpill fuck. ;-*

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            Btw not replying directly to me doesn’t do anything. As long as I know you’re reading me and I’m getting under your skin, I’m winning, lol.

            And yes, dunking on pervy men who thought they found a socially acceptable way to be misogynists and force their way into women’s spaces is a game for me. It’s a lot of fun actually. And yeah, we’re winning that game. Cry for me, groomer. 

    • killa-k-av says:

      The reality that a lot of reactionary far-right people ignore to advance their own agenda is that the majority of the population isn’t terminally online and doesn’t know or care what Rowling’s views about trans people even are. Especially since if you try to read an explainer of her history of anti-trans comments and views, a lot of it – and I do mean, a lot – can be summarized as “J.K. Rowling replied to so-and-so dismissively on Twitter” and “Rowling retweeted/mentioned a raging bigot that most people in the States have never heard of.” I don’t say this to minimize Rowling’s bigotry. A lot of people with jobs and kids just don’t have time to catch up on all the context that explains why a washed-up children’s author is obsessed with trans people.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        A lot of people with jobs and kids just don’t have time to catch up on all the context that explains why a washed-up children’s author is obsessed with trans people. Who knew that obsession with the genitalia of strangers would become such a deep, rich hobby?

    • bdylan-av says:

      what does trans women in sports have to do with her holocaust denial?

      • bobbybadfingers-av says:

        “Holocaust denial”, lmao. Give it a fucking rest. I love that you guys think this is a winning point for you. It does the exact opposite of what you think it accomplishes. It makes normal people look at you and go “oh my god, trans activists are actually trying to steal the holocaust from Jewish victims? Fuck them.”

        The holocaust was not about trans people. Never was, never will be. Fuck off.

        • bdylan-av says:

          you didnt answer my question.

          Not sure when i claimed the holocaust was about trans people but ok.Try harder with that goal post move.

          so you think the museum of Jewish Herritage is making this up or you think you know better than them? which one is it holocaust denier?

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            “so you think the museum of Jewish Herritage is making this up”

            I think they’re the same as liberal academics and doctors who know that if they tell some creepy dude wearing makeup and dresses “you are not a woman” they’ll lose their job. Too many organizations are terrified to be honest, but thankfully the tide on that is turning, which is why we’re seeing thing like sports bans and medical organizations announcing treatment bans for minors.

            “so you think the museum of Jewish Herritage is making this up or you think you know better than them? which one is it holocaust denier?”

            Lmao, keep calling me this, call me a Nazi too, I don’t care. You guys are not serious people. And you’re digging your own graves by trying to coopt the Holocaust. You’ll continue losing support in the polls, and I’m gonna enjoy watching it happen. 🙂

          • bdylan-av says:

            again you didnt answer my question about how trans athletes are relevant or address that you made up that i said “the holocaust was about trans people”

            ah ok anyone who doesnt agree with you is a nutjob who doesnt believe in history or is secretly scared of losing their job? and what is your source? your feelings?
            all academia on this subject is wrong but your little poll is infallible?
            youre hilarious.

            acknowledging holocaust victims isn’t co-opting anything.
            denying victims of the holocaust is holocaust denial which is what you are doing.

            this concept is clearly too difficult for you to grasp but its really not complicated if you don’t just ignore all evidence that contradicts what youre assuming. you should try that sometime. good luck.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            again you didnt answer my question about how trans athletes are relevant or address that you made up that i said “the holocaust was about trans people” He can’t. Y’know that whole “REEEEEEEEEEEE!” thing the 4channers were doing, awhile back, to make fun of (whatever they imagined to be) online leftists? This is redpilled, dipshit nerd “REEEEEEEEEEE!”-ing, just about Trans people.It really, truly breaks their fucking brains. Apparently to the point that, in this case, you have a dude trying to troll via Gallup polls, despite the fact that polling response numbers are down. This means that the guy is referencing polls composed of responses from bored retirees or homebodies who want to feel like their opinions matter.Not the best sample size, turns out! But that’s not the point for this dipshit, or any of the other redpill nerds out there. The point is to broadcast their shit in hopes of rooking people dumber than them.As far as Trans issues go, I’d argue that the vast majority of the country doesn’t really give a shit. They’re not going to obsess over other people’s genitalia like goddamned weirdoes, because they’re more worried about paying bills, keeping food on the table, and generally just living life.

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            Lmao not reading that whole bullshit essay, but do you wanna explain away the NHS changing its official policy with regard to “gender affirming” (no such thing) care for minors? Is that also because of “muh bored retirees”?Thankfully, the US hasn’t gone as far off the deep end as the UK already had, so there’s not as much course-correcting to do for us, and thankfully, we won’t ever need to.

            You lost. Sanity has prevailed, and the tide has turned. You can handwave it away and cope as much as you’d like. But you still lost.P.S. BTW while I have you here, answer this question: If genitalia does not define gender, why do trans people get surgery to “affirm” their gender by altering their genitalia?

            It’s a trick question because there’s no legit answer and I know that you know that. Your whole ideology makes no sense whatsoever. 🙂

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Didn’t read, lil’ guy. ;-* 

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            I don’t need luck. We won. That’s why your side has gotten desperate and shifted to trying to steal the holocaust from Jewish victims to try and regain ground. It’s not working.


    • turbotastic-av says:

      “Everyone secretly agrees with me, and my source is: my feelings” is the cheapest,
      most generic bigot excuse there is. The absolute pinnacle of intellectual laziness. It’s word-for-word the same excuse
      used by Klansmen, Nazis, misogynists, basically every hate group there
      is. They all want to imagine themselves as defenders of whatever they think “normal” is, so they imagine legions of imaginary friends who all agree with them. Go to their Twitters and you’ll see them spout the exact same slop you just did (they’ll also agree with you 100% about trans people, and they’ll be super enthusiastic to sing Rowling’s praises ever since she joined Team Holocaust Denial.)The really funny thing is that you never actually said Rowling was right. You just said people agree with her. Even you don’t have faith in her words. You just think if enough people agree with her, it’ll magically make her correct. Sorry, but reality doesn’t work like that. If a thousand people say the Earth is flat, the planet will not change shape to accommodate them. If a thousand people say Rowling didn’t deny the Holocaust, Rowling still, objectively, denied the Holocaust.
      Rowling has spent the last five years of her sad life trying to drown out trans people, and it hasn’t worked yet. Because her empty noise does not trump reality.

      • bobbybadfingers-av says:

        “Everyone secretly agrees with me, and my source is: my feelings”

        Nice try idiot, and nice projection. I already posted polls. The majority DOES agree with me and JK Rowling.

        Hey look here’s another one. Read it and weep:“ If a thousand people say the Earth is flat, the planet will not change shape to accommodate them”

        LOL. The irony of you saying this. You’re right though. If a thousand liberal academics with the Association of Spineless Cowards says men can give birth, guess what? Reality does not change to accommodate them. :)There are only two genders. 🙂

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Wait until the lil’ guy finds out who bothers to answer polls. Dude’s a dumb, weird fuck who decided to glom onto issues pertaining to other people’s genitalia as a hobby.For all that they want me to see Trans folks as bizarre and unhinged, I’ve never encountered a louder, weirder, more committed flavor of unhinged than obsessively anti-trans redpill nerds. They should stop fucking their pillows, put down their replica katanas, and go the fuck outside.

        • bdylan-av says:

          its amazing how a poll that supports their opinion cant be questioned yet history, museums and all academia is easily dismissed. quite stunning and brave of them.

    • nimbh-av says:

      The majority of the population is incredibly stupid. That’s why you like JK. You don’t want your childlike view of the world challenged. You’re goddamn idiots. 

  • turbotastic-av says:

    They’re going to keep desperately recycling the original Potter books forever because it’s the only popular thing she wrote before she went crazy.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Call me a cock-eyed optimist, but I do think history is coming for bigots like Rowling. I know we’re in a pretty dark time for trans rights at the moment. It’s going to take a fight, from all of us, and it won’t happen overnight. But I truly believe that one day Rowling will take her place amongst people like HP Lovecraft and be reviled as irredeemably hateful.

    • saturdaykid-av says:

      JK Rowling is not the bigot here. You’re a misogynist. 

      • bdylan-av says:

        what was said that was misogynistic exactly?

      • turbotastic-av says:

        I used to think misogyny was when you hate women, but now I know that the true definition of misogyny is when you disagree with a rich entitled white lady who has devoted her life to bullying one specific minority group.

        • bobbybadfingers-av says:

          Men pretending to be women and women pretending to be men are not vulnerable groups. They’re just weirdos. Glad I could help.

      • nimbh-av says:

        Eat poison

    • dinoironbody7-av says:

      “cock-eyed”I’ve heard the term before, but it’s still calling to mind a very weird image.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      In calmer days I share this optimism. Except I think she has potential to be looked upon even harsher then Lovecraft. His bigotry is incoherent even by 20th century standards and in some ways he was still evolving and changing by his death.Rowling has only shown rapid degradation, pre covid she’d said I’d March with trans people. Now she’s basically using slurs denying the holocaust and being friendly with far right borderline neo nazis. PS now you have me singing Cockeyed Optimist from the South Pacific musical, ironically the musical about racism. 

      • dinoironbody7-av says:

        I don’t think her books show her bigotry like Lovecraft’s do, though.

        • stinkypete79-av says:

          You mean her books where goblins are money-hoarding Jewish stereotypes and the one black character of note was named “Kingsley Shacklebolt”?

        • turbotastic-av says:

          I dunno, in retrospect the whole “wizards can own slaves and that’s a good thing” part should have been a warning.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          No I wouldn’t say it does either.  With Lovecraft it is all over his work.  But also social media wasn’t around and it was always possible to miss what say, Shadow Over Innsmouth is saying with mixed heritage. 

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        You’re a man. Hope that helps. 

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      You are being a cockeyed optimist. Lovecraft was never as beloved and popular as HP. And there are still plenty of people that at worst fully agree with her and at best are just indifferent because “separate art from artist” blah blah blah

    • dopeheadinacubscap-av says:

      I don’t want to go the full S.T. Joshi apologist for Lovecraft (there’s a questionability to his evolution near the end of his life, though he evidently did somewhat), but I do think it’s important to note that Lovecraft ultimately identified himself and his corpus as a potentially productive case study in “the reactionary mind.” Personally, I agree, and think it’s in that context (along with, less problematically, some notable generosity towards his circle of friends and fans) that you can see why his work casts such a long shadow, for good or ill.Potentially someone could do a reading of Harry Potter that highlights hypocrisies and fault lines in its stated anti-bigotry themes, but I don’t think Rowling’s “reactionary mind” is as fertile ground as Lovecraft’s—noticing a betrayal of theme in Harry Potter doesn’t create new value by making me want to ask questions about how that thought came to be, it just reminds me that it was never as good as I once thought it was.

    • tomatofacial-av says:

      And yet, people continue to make Lovecraftian content every single day. 

    • kman3k-av says:

      You are a cock-eyed optimist. 🙂

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      Yeah history is totally going to look upon you sterilizing young children for political gain positively. You’re so smart.

    • bobbybadfingers-av says:

      Lmao, keep believing this bullshit. JK Rowling’s side (sanity) is winning and will continue to win. And we will be savoring the TRA tears along the way.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      I remember when I was optimistic , regardless of politics she’s sufficently rich enough that nothing is going to happen to her . In the real world , the bad people win .

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Magnus Hirschfield is a pretty awesome name.

  • saturdaykid-av says:

    JK Rowling is correct about everything. With the Cass Report and all of Europe waking up to the medical scandal of our lifetime pushed by AGPs, you’re on the losing side of this argument. When you fight reality,  reality will win every time. 

  • dcto-av says:

    Misogynist troll💩, HP only exists because of his feminist creator, who took issue with “people who menstruate” & wrote that she wants trans to be safe & live their best lives. Her non-existent “transphobia” has been repeatedly repudiated by those who can actually READ.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I miss the good ol days when the only reason you’d see Rowling news would be because she just busted out some buck-wild Potter lore like wizards used to shit on the floor before indoor plumbing.

  • westsidegrrl-av says:

    I haven’t visited Twitter since TryHard McEmeraldHeir took over. But I still get the emails.She posts constantly about trans people. Like, daily. It’s—weird. She really does seem obsessed.

  • Rev2-av says:

    Rowling focuses on convicted male rapists and how they’re trying to serve their time in women’s prisons, among other issues women have a right to worry about without getting shamed and slandered.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Yeah, HP is a bankable franchise, and likely will continue to be. There will be lulls, and revivals, and other such hills and valleys, but it isn’t going away. Best one can do is not direct dollars or eyeballs to it.Two other things come to mind:1. I’d hope that kids who get into HP move on to other series and authors, because there’s WAY more out there. Classic and contemporary. If HP is the launchpad, hey, fine. My kid read the HP series with her mom, and she has since gone on to devour three other kids/YA series. The literary world doesn’t begin and end at fucking Hogwarts.2. I’ve said it before, and I’ll likely wind up saying it again, but anti-Trans folks obsess more over trans existence than any actual Trans or LGBTQ+ person I’ve ever met or encountered. There’s plenty of shit I don’t understand, and even more shit that I don’t like, but I don’t spend hours upon hours upon hours waging terminally online wars against, like, the existence of beet borscht or whatever. It’s fucking unhealthy to obsess over anything to that degree, let alone a concept that has nothing to do with one’s own genitalia or daily life.

  • tscarp2-av says:

    I don’t relish adding another drop in J.K.’s cash ocean, but I do hope the Potter books persevere. Lives are enriched by them, hell, arguably an entire generation is more literate because of them. And while I didn’t care for the Fantastic Beasts movies at all, hundreds of craftsmen/women who are probably not transphobic jerks had to figure out how to feed their families after the rug was pulled out from under them (not that the franchise’s failure falls entirely on Rowling). Likewise, the publishing industry remains perilously close to the drain, so the profits from 3D-sing-along scratch-n-sniff editions of Harry Potter will allow an author you don’t even know yet to publish that novel that changes your life next year. You’re under no obligation to contribute, obviously, but temper your anger for those that do.I know that “separate the art from the artist” is cliche’ but hopefully people will still be enthralled with Potter’s narrative and feel less alone via cherished characters long after Ms. “Please stfu and go roll naked in your pile of cash” is long gone. Transcendent art and the dickheads who make it go hand in hand, historically. It’s not Guernica’s fault that Pablo was a complete asshole, anymore than it’s Annie Hall’s fault that, well, you get the idea.All to say, yes, by all means, de-platform Rowling, but be cognizant of the innocent bystanders. Support the arts.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    There is literally nothing JK Rowling has said that is “ridiculous.” But I get it: she’ is the ultimate dragon for TRAs to slay.Good luck with that, cultists!

  • 4jimstock-av says:

    When do we ever get to enjoy the art of bad people? After they are dead and can no longer profit from us enjoying the art? (suggested by a modern art museum curator to me once) Is all art from every bad person to be removed from the entire planet? Do we destroy all the art from bad people from 100 years ago, 500 years ago? Do we only assume that art from artists 1000+ years ago is to be saved and enjoyed only if the artist was not currently thought of as a bad demographic of people because it is hard to prove that ancient artists were not good or bad by todays standards? Do we toss art from people that were bad people by the standards of their day or only by standards of today? I know these are bigger than JKR and her bigotry. I just wonder where the lines for all art are? We think we are good people today but people in the future will think us immoral monsters by their standards.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      When do we ever get to enjoy the art of bad people? Any time we want, really. The only component of enjoyment that is kinda throttled is the ability to talk about it at any given time and receive positive emgagement, but that’s the case with any art.Me? I’m not going to spend my own money on art I find shitty, and sometimes the artist is such an asshole that I’d rather not support them. No needles are moved by me deciding to fight some random asshole over those decisions.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      Ok, it’s time to pass the bong now. You’re kinda hogging it.

    • bdylan-av says:

      who is stopping you from enjoying art made by bad people exactly?

  • mattthewsedlar-av says:

    Maybe it’s time to retire, Rowling. Let someone else run Harry Potter – just not Warner Bros. I’m sure they’ll handle the IP just as well as they’ve handled DC.

  • oldskoolgeek-av says:

    To borrow an expression, I’m not angry with J.K. Rowling; I’m just disappointed with her.

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