David Lynch's "announcement" was exactly what we should have expected

Aux Features David Lynch
David Lynch's "announcement" was exactly what we should have expected
Photo: Vittorio Zunino Celotto

It was way back in 2019 that whispers of a new Twin Peaks season floated online. And it was just this last November that a report emerged regarding Wisteria, the supposed working title of Lynch’s new project at Netflix. The director’s dalliance with Netflix was first questioned after the streamer shared What Did Jack Do?, a 2017 short starring Lynch and a talking monkey. Clear answers, however, have remained just out of reach, which is why fans of the enigmatic filmmaker perked when he teased a big announcement to come on his Monday morning weather report. Finally, we thought, some clarity on his next project.

But, alas, there is no clarity. There is, however, an announcement that’s as hilarious and on brand as it is disappointing.

You see, Lynch was planning to announce a break from both his ongoing weather reports and his series where he picks a number of the day. But, after reading the YouTube comments, he was struck again by “what a great group you all are.” As such, he will continue doing his daily weather reports and number pulls. That’s it. That’s the announcement.

There’s two ways you can react to this:

  • We can laugh, because this is trolling of the highest order and exactly what we should have expected from a creator who always prefers his art to speak for itself.
  • Or you can start hunting for clues. He wishes us “blue skies and golden sunshine internally,” huh? Boy, that sure sounds like something Dale Cooper might say. Please let us know what you’re gleaning from it in the comments.

Back to the rumor mill it is, then. Last we heard, Wisteria is due to start filming in the spring, the season of “blue skies and golden sunshine.”

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  • lectroid-av says:

    While this does not relate directly to the article, I want to take this opportunity to urge anyone with more than a passing interest in Lynch to seek out and find *David Lynch: An Art Life*, an excellent documentary that focuses on Lynch’s creative process and ideas, with a touch of personal history thrown in. It’s exactly the kind of doc you’d want about Lynch, that is both a little insightful and revealing, but never strips away the essential *David Lynch*-ness of its subject. 

  • mfdixon-av says:

    David Lynch:Best. Internet. Troll. Ever.Welcome to 2021 people.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    David Lynch already made this announcement before. He did it in your house. Don’t you remember? He’s there right now. [hands a mid 90s flip phone]Call him.  

  • tombirkenstock-av says:

    This is like when a rock band goes on its “farewell tour,” but the reaction from fans is so overwhelming, they decide to stick around for a few more years before doing another farewell tour.

  • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

    David Lynch for season 3 of the Mandalorian!

    • JackRabbitSlim323-av says:

      I always wonder: What does he watch? I’m sure he watches high end movies but I doubt he binges streaming shows right? I want to know: Is he going to watch the new Dune or is the trauma to raw, the urge for a cigarette too strong, the need to call Kyle MacLachlan and see what he’s doing too irresistible?

    • jek-av says:

      Well now I want that.

    • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

      I could actually see that show stunt-casting him as an actor like they did with Herzog. He’d probably do it for the fun.

    • busyman96-av says:

      The concept of wookiees gave him a headache, so doubtful.

    • busyman96-av says:

      The concept of wookiees gave him a headache, so doubtful.

  • agobair303-av says:

    He’s in charge of the Firefly reboot for Netflix, which takes places after the events of Serenity with a new crew comprised of Brown Coats and former Alliance who became disgusted by the news the Pax created the Reavers.Guest spots from the original cast minus Wash and Book 🙁

    • wileecoyote00001-av says:

      Well, actual in-universe Browncoats would all be in their 50’s now.  So would they be the “old guard” to the young idealistic former Alliance 20-somethings? (That’s if you need to maintain a timeline to allow the original cast to cameo.)

    • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

      With Wash’s long lost twin brother Dry!

    • lordspango-av says:

      Is this true? I’d really like it to be true.

      • agobair303-av says:

        Rumor has it, Disney+ is working on one, but a PG version? I don’t remember excessive gore except the Bushwhacked episode and that was tame by TV standards. As much as i’d love to see Firefly back on TV, it has been too long for the original cast to return to their roles. My OP would be the way I’d like to see them bring back Firefly ‘verse. If you had a captain that was former Alliance, who was blind to the fact that they weren’t the good guys and leaves it after Mal’s signal, would be a different take. A mixed crew would be a good story for the first season as they learn to work together and trust each other. There’s potential there but fans would want stories of equal worth.

        • lordspango-av says:

          I’d watch a show like that. The ship could be link between the shows, like the Millennium Falcon in the Star Wars ’verse. And you could bring back surviving characters from the original if you want, I personally think it’s a damn shame that I don’t see Summer Glau and Jewell Staite enough nowadays.The original was probably a solid PG-13 back in the day; it wasn’t terribly violent but concepts like the Reavers and the companion system might be thorny for a corp bent on maintaining a family-friendly veneer like Disney. I hope I’m wrong; as you say, the Firefly ‘verse is a natural setting to tell cool stories. If they’re gonna do it, I hope they don’t hobble it from the outset by thinking small and sanitized. 

          • agobair303-av says:

            I’d bet the Companions are the touchier subject than the Reavers. This was made by a fan, an animated series now would be a good way to continue the story with the original cast.
            Hoping for a Firefly reboot though

  • furioserfurioser-av says:

    Take the first option. If there’s anything to learn from Lynch’s oeuvre, it’s that hunting for clues only ends in misery and destruction.

  • wakingmind-av says:

    I’m surprised it wasn’t backwards, with a slight strobe effect, with a Cypher running in the background. 

  • perlafas-av says:

    I don’t feel disappointed. It was a nice announcement.And much better than the announcement that it could have been, and would have been disappointing.

  • weeptalker-av says:

    It’s funny that everyone thinks David Lynch actually exists.

  • pocketsander-av says:

    Him originally planning time off did make me wonder if he was hinting at being busy with Wisteria, which has been all but formally confirmed. 

  • franknstein-av says:
  • merk-2-av says:

    First weird for the sake of weird now dumb for the sake of dumb!

  • mwfuller-av says:

    This punk kid better shave off them damned whiskers.

  • cyrusclops-av says:

    I was mainly hoping he would announce something about the prospects of that gum I like.

  • thants-av says:

    YouTube comments are great? He really is the master of surrealism!

  • jeffreywinger-av says:

    God I love him

  • wohdin-av says:

    David Lynch is both the creator we need and the creator we deserve.

  • jonesj5-av says:

    And so it has come to pass that I somehow ended up with the same hairstyle as David Lynch. 

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Was it a bunch of self-consciously weird bullshit? Because that’s what I expect.

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