Emma Corrin needed a primer on the “absolute mind****” of Marvel movies before doing Deadpool 3

The actor appreciated the chance to do some MCU homework before the movie

Aux News Deadpool
Emma Corrin needed a primer on the “absolute mind****” of Marvel movies before doing Deadpool 3
Emma Corrin Photo: Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for SOLT

Like anyone who has worked the same job for a long time, actors in Marvel movies tend to come across a little jaded when talking about their work in the superhero genre (jaded in a respectful way, like they wouldn’t turn their nose up at a future cameo if the paycheck had enough zeroes in it), but that doesn’t mean joining the world of Marvel movies is any less exciting for newcomers. Take The Crown’s Emma Corrin, who is joining Deadpool 3 as some unspecified villain and told Empire (in an interview conducted before the beginning of the strike to promote their TV show A Murder At The End Of The World) that they were “not a Marvel person” going in, but they had fun doing the “homework” to learn about it.

Corrin requested a primer on the MCU before working on Deadpool 3, saying, “it’s such an intricate world” and “there’s so much to it, it’s an absolute mindfuck.” They specifically mentioned “the language and the Easter eggs, and this person is related to that person who did this, and this person came back and this person’s dead,” adding, “it’s amazing” and that they now “understand why it means as much as it does to so many people.”

Corrin’s MCU 101 course might’ve actually needed to be more comprehensive than most, since Deadpool 3 is casting its fan-service net pretty far and wide: We know Hugh Jackman is appearing as Wolverine, making this the first MCU appearance for both him and Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool, but also Matthew Macfadyen from Succession is going to be there, and Jennifer Garner is coming back as Elektra for some reason—reprising her role from the 2003 Daredevil movie and her solo spin-off a few years later. But this isn’t a Deadpool movie that they’re just making up as they go, because it was filming after start of the WGA strike and didn’t stop until the start of the SAG-AFTRA strike, meaning it was going for almost two months without Reynolds (or anyone else involved) being allowed to rewrite or improvise anything.

Depending on how long the strikes go, Deadpool 3 is supposed to be in theaters next spring (also, a spokesperson for Corrin confirmed that they have not filmed any of their scenes for Deadpool yet).

Update 8/2/23: This story has been updated to make it clearer that Corrin’s interview was conducted before the strike began, that the actor was promoting A Murder At The End Of The World, and that they haven’t filmed any scenes for Deadpool 3 yet.


  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    “Don’t worry about it, you can Wiki alla this shit.”~Kevin Feige

  • itstheonlywaytobesure-av says:

    It is funny to compare/contrast this approach vs, say, Gwyneth Paltrow, who clearly does not know what the fuck is going on in her MCU scenes, nor does she care. Can’t say one is right/wrong, it’s just funny.

    • furiousfroman-av says:

      I honestly think I prefer that. While Pepper may have known what was going on most of the time, it’s way more entertaining that she was just…totally disconnected, cuz she’s a busy bosslady running Tony’s shit.

      • itstheonlywaytobesure-av says:

        Well that interpretation just further entertains me, to think she rolls into Endgame to waste some aliens but in the back of her head she’s focused on like an interoffice memo she needs to send about following procurement guidelines and the new product roadmap presentation she needs to review and approve.

      • mr-rubino-av says:

        Except the part where she keeps forgetting to pay everybody.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      I hope Paltrow continues to pretend not to have met Tom Holland anytime they interact for the rest of time.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    so funny that reynolds and jackman are gonna still have to do like 400 russian twists a day while they wait.

  • fyodoren-av says:

    “absolute mindfuck”Erm, ok.

  • John--W-av says:

    Who is Emma playing?

    • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

      It says “unspecified villain”. The rumor, though, is that she’s playing a character that is already established in the MCU, which, if true, would be slightly disappointing for me, because I think she’d make a great Rachel Summers (and Rachel would make a great addition to the MCU).

    • mr-rubino-av says:

      Whoever came up with the idea really struck gold in figuring out that making it standard to split actor announcements and character announcements in the nerdoverse could win you double the hype cycles.

    • keykayquanehamme-av says:

      Total guess:  Hela?

    • nilus-av says:

      It’s weird my first though was Emma Frost even though she hasn’t really been a villain for decades and I always imagine she speaks with a British accent even thighs I know she isn’t English.  

      • John--W-av says:

        Emma Frost would be cool if they had already introduced the X-Men, but then again they kinda have, haven’t they? Deadpool, Colossus, Wolverine, Professor X, etc.

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          Plus she’s due for a better look after Fox fucked up their first attempt at Emma so badly (in an otherwise good movie).

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    I’d actually kinda love to have access to the story/character sheets. My guess is they’re divided in sections, stuff like “You need to know this for your part” vs “Stuff you want to know if you need your motivations/back story” and “Stuff that doesn’t necessarily relate on the surface but trust us, you’ll want to know this in a few years”.It’d make figuring out WTF is going on in some of the later stage movies and shows SO much easier.

    • milligna000-av says:

      Those aren’t a thing. All of that is sorted out by just… talking to the director and asking a few questions at a table read or on set.

      • boggardlurch-av says:

        Huh. I’ve read/seen a few interviews with the people playing the parts where they talk about getting limited secured access to tablets with just their part of the script and what they needed to know for the scene on it. I’d assume the director has input, but they’ve gone into detail about getting information like that and then having to hand it back when the review period ended.Marvel’s security is, of course, extraordinary in the “nearly unique” situation.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      Based on a lot of interviews, it sounds like quite the opposite: people are flown to Atlanta to film random pickup scenes and they’re not sure where it fits in the movie, and in some cases not even sure what movie they’re filming it for. Also, these days I watch maybe a quarter of MCU stuff and most times any questions I have don’t go much deeper than “who is that,” and “what over movie are they from?”

      • boggardlurch-av says:

        It’s part of that process from the interviews I saw – they’re given limited access to what they will need for that shoot. I’d assume that it would include “In this scene you are walking along a freeway in the heart of downtown LA surveying a battle with many casualties. Your assistant was just killed in front of you.” level of information, or “The character you are fighting is your brother” or what have you. It would inform the performance.

        • chris-finch-av says:

          Right…and that’s far less context than a viewer would have watching the full movie. Less context than an actor with a complete, finalized shooting script gets on a stand-alone feature.

          • boggardlurch-av says:

            Like I said, I think it’d be fascinating. I’m a fan of the behind the scenes stuff, so that apparently is tempering my view.

  • turbotastic-av says:

    Emma Corrin’s agent: Ya see kid, tha thing ya gotta remember about Marvel is that everybody was Skrulls all along. Everybody. Doesn’t matter if it makes sense or not. They was all Skrulls.Except fer tha undisguised Skrulls. They wasn’t actually Skrulls, they was tha X-Men. That’s whatcha calla plot twist. If yer still confused, ya should go see Eternals, which izza movie about abortion. Okay, now get out there an’ ACT!

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Mind WHAT?  I don’t read ****!  Communicate DIRECTLY!  

  • spandanav-av says:

    Wait, Charlie Cox from the show is Daredevil and Jennifer Garner from the movies is Elektra, but Ben Affleck (who was Daredevil in the movies where Jennifer Garner was Elektra) was also Batman who is no longer Batman? That is a mind****

  • bedukay-av says:

    ADR is a thing which makes the lack of on set rewrites as important in this case especially with a main character whose mouth you can’t see and his narration.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    I’m just going to quote what is likely the first of many times here Barry Bostwick as Thodin from the first episode of the utterly batshit German/Canadian co-production Lexx (I Worship His Shadow).“Free yourself from the tyranny of this false religion!”

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    I picked up a Marvel comic one day after Marvel had been publishing for 48 years and tens of thousands of comics and I was fine. I’m sure she’ll be fine with 30 movies and a few TV shows, plus the coaching of company that owns them.

  • branthenne-av says:

    The mind**** is more a soul**** as you slowly navigate from a bloated, mostly fun slog of movies into a bloated, mostly mediocre slog of movies that leave you questioning your own taste in pop culture.

    • hudsmt-av says:

      I tried to watch “Eternals” four times, on four different nights, and I wanted to peel my face off.  Never finished it, and don’t care.

  • dudebra-av says:
  • dwigt-av says:

    This is not how the WGA strike works. During the strike, there are people allowed to make changes to the script, but it’s limited to the director and the cast. That’s for instance what Daniel Craig explained about Quantum of Solace, which was shot during the previous strike. The script desperately needed another polish but none of the people allowed to adjust it on the set were writers.

  • GameDevBurnout-av says:

    I did not know improv was off the table due to the writers strike. That seems weird.

  • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

    So they filmed for at least two months and Corrin hasn’t filmed anything yet? Must be a big part…

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