Doing it wrong: 11 deeply unsexy sex scenes

A truly bad sex scene is more than unconvincing; it’s the onscreen equivalent of a cold shower

Aux Features Gwen Ihnat
Doing it wrong: 11 deeply unsexy sex scenes
Eric Bana in Munich Screenshot: Munich

For our annual Love Week and as Valentine’s Day approaches, enjoy (kind of) this 2018 look at the movies’ most unsexy sex scenes, from Watchmen to The Room to Munich.

What’s that old saying about sex being like pizza? Even when it’s bad, it’s still good? There’s no such saying about bad sex scenes. It’s not uncommon for the movies to get sex wrong—to reduce it to a gauzily lit pantomime of pleasure, actors striking “passionate” poses beneath carefully positioned sheets, in some abstract approximation of knocking boots. But a truly bad sex scene is more than unconvincing. It’s anti-erotic, the onscreen equivalent of a cold shower. Below, we’ve singled out some of the lamest, laziest, skeeviest, and most unintentionally hilarious sex scenes over the last 25 years. Unfortunately, YouTube isn’t letting us post most of these, so in some cases you’ll have to settle for the trailer or a screenshot and hunt them down yourselves. Happy Valentine’s Day?

previous arrow1. (1993) next arrow
1.  (1993)
Eric Bana in Screenshot Munich

For our annual Love Week and as Valentine’s Day approaches, enjoy (kind of) this 2018 look at the movies’ most unsexy sex scenes, from Watchmen to The Room to Munich.What’s that old saying about sex being like pizza? Even when it’s bad, it’s still good? There’s no such saying about bad sex scenes. It’s not uncommon for the movies to get sex wrong—to reduce it to a gauzily lit pantomime of pleasure, actors striking “passionate” poses beneath carefully positioned sheets, in some abstract approximation of knocking boots. But a truly bad sex scene is more than unconvincing. It’s anti-erotic, the onscreen equivalent of a cold shower. Below, we’ve singled out some of the lamest, laziest, skeeviest, and most unintentionally hilarious sex scenes over the last 25 years. Unfortunately, YouTube isn’t letting us post most of these, so in some cases you’ll have to settle for the trailer or a screenshot and hunt them down yourselves. Happy Valentine’s Day?

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