Ellen DeGeneres responds to viral clip of her yukking it up with George W. Bush

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Ellen DeGeneres responds to viral clip of her yukking it up with George W. Bush

Ellen DeGeneres wants you to know that she is friends with George W. Bush. In fact, she says in a new statement responding to a viral photo of her and the former president, she is friends with a lot of people who don’t share her views or beliefs. The two were spotted at a Dallas Cowboys game last weekend, and those who look up to Ellen as an advocate for the LGBTQ community found themselves confused and, in some cases, angry.

In her statement, she explained that she was invited along with her wife, Portia de Rossi, to attend the game by the daughter of Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. They were seated in a suite with a lot of “fancy” people, including George and Laura Bush. So, that’s the mystery of how a gay Hollywood liberal and a conservative Republican president ended up side-by-side at the game. Rich people sit together.

DeGeneres addressed the outrage after a crack about people not even noticing her brand new iPhone 11—oh, you rich people—saying, “We’re all different and we’ve forgotten that it’s okay that we’re all different.”

She compares her being pals with a war criminal who actively fought against the rights of LGBTQ people to being friends with someone who wears fur, even if she doesn’t like fur herself. A bit of a stretch, that. She ends the monologue thusly: “When I say be kind to one another, I don’t mean only the people that think the same way you do. I mean be kind to everyone. Even people who are already playing Christmas music.” Again, not the same thing, but alright.

Watch her full response below.

Per TMZ, Bush appreciated Ellen’s response and even said they took a few selfies together. Just like the kids do!


  • shelbyvillesucks-av says:

    It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.Fuck off with this shit, Ellen.

  • sven-t-sexgore-av says:

    As usual when it comes to ‘Rich X’ the rich part almost always trumps the X part. 

    • ricardowhisky-av says:

      the wealthy have their class interests nearly perfectly aligned. they will always be the absolute worst.

  • cosmiagramma-av says:


  • recognitions-av says:

    Honestly, I get why the country elected Trump. I mean, I think it’s vile on every level, but I at least understand the twisted reasoning behind it. But I will never understand why so many people are so anxious to rehabilitate this guy who presided over 8 years of dread and misery. How do you forget how repulsive it was to have to look at him every day? The general aura of a farcial Apokolips that he turned America into? Never mind the fact that we’re still dealing with the fallout of it all and that Trump’s cages for kids is just an outgrowth of Guantanamo, one that many people at the time warned was a likely possibility.

    • murrychang-av says:

      250000+ civilians dead because of his daddy issues and the guy gets an art installation in DC where he’s displaying paintings he did of soldiers who fought in the illegal war he started, wtf?

      • armedone-av says:

        Where did you get the 250k number?  You’re going to attribute all of those deaths to Bush?  I guess you think he caused hurricane Katrina too.

        • murrychang-av says:

          The civilians killed by our invasion and occupation of Iraq.  Not counting Afghanistan. 
          And yep, every single one of them is his fault.

    • tomservo4242-av says:

      Obama presided over 8 years of dread and misery and you hold him up as someone who is to be worshipped. It’s almost as if you’re incredibly biased.

    • firedragon400-av says:

      Time heals all wounds. Simple as that. 

    • teammee-av says:

      Ellen gives two fucks what people think about who she associates with.
      If you wall yourself off to just people who are in lockstep with you, it’s just an echo chamber.
      She believes in kindness for all.  You certainly don’t have to but get off her ass about her own decisions.

    • ithinkthereforeiburn-av says:

      Remember who promised he was going to shut down Guantanamo when he was President? Black Jesus had 8 fucking years to get that done, so what happened?Oh, and Obama was putting kids in cages long before Trump ever sniffed the Oval Office. I know this to be a fact, because the DNC posted photos of it.

    • j4x-av says:

      America is still very much in denial over Vietnam, they will never admit to what happened in Iraq. 

    • jimisawesome-av says:

      W put in charge of major government departments in Iraq kids that just graduated from Liberty University a month before. Not experienced experts, not even Kennedy School of Govt grad students but kids from a school that does frowns upon dancing.The civilian leadership did know the difference between Sunni and Shia before starting the Iraq war. They lied and attempted to black mail countries to start the Iraq war. This is to say nothing about domestic policies.  Yet he is grandpa W now.

  • ohnoray-av says:

    Laura Bush looks like a rich lady at a game from a 90s Sandler film.

  • galdarnit-av says:

    “My favorite part of Ellen’s non-apology for hanging out with a war criminal”

    …is that two people sitting beside one another at a sporting event MUST be “hanging out”?

  • glang19-av says:

    Interesting, her friend championed policies that would have made it impossible for her to have a legal marriage in this country, with friends like those…

  • that-other-guy-named-smith-av says:

    If Ellen sitting next to President Bush for a football game is going to get people on the left in an uproar, we probably shouldn’t tell them who James Carville is married to. That might cause aneurysms.

    • underscored9-av says:

      One of the few unifying things between the right and the left is that neither give a fuck about James Carville in 2019. 

      • marcus75-av says:

        Hey! I’m still entertained by Bill Hader’s Carville impression. That’s got to count for something.

    • murrychang-av says:

      Oh man someone call 1996, they’re gonna blow their top over that sick burn!

    • geraldineblank-av says:

      Man, you have your finger on the pulse of the modern left.  We are constantly looking to James Carville for guidance in these troubling times, so anything that lessened his stature would be pretty devastating.  

    • rraymond-av says:

      You came up with this zinger in 1998 and have just been waiting to use it, haven’t you?

    • recognitions-av says:

      Those West Wing DVDs really hold up huh

    • shelbyvillesucks-av says:
    • sethsez-av says:

      Has anyone pointed out that you’re a couple decades too late with this burn?Oh, a bunch of people have?Goddammit, I feel almost as late to the party as someone making a joke about James Carville in 2019. 🙁

    • yummsh-av says:

      Just wanted to stop in and say thanks for inspiring all the hilarious clapbacks to this ridiculous comment. Were it possible to fax you over a light beer, I would.I’m fairly far left, and I don’t give a fuck about this. As stated, rich people sit together quite often, and most times when they do, they don’t stand there and openly argue and/or fight with one another. Mainly because if they did, they’d most likely get kicked out and find themselves that much farther from all the free shit that rich people so often get.

      • that-other-guy-named-smith-av says:

        You’re welcome. I figured if people are going to get their noses out of joint because a daytime television talk show host sat next to a former President, I’d dig up something from when the “offending” party was actually relevant. Though to be honest, Carville did continue his political career after President Obama’s election. It was just managing election campaigns for foreign politicians.

    • halfbreedjew-av says:

      Imagine thinking the guy mainly responsible for helping elect a neoliberal, center-right corporate stooge (and alleged rapist) is a favorite of the “left.” 

      • macattack24-av says:

        You’re a very unintelligent person. 

        • halfbreedjew-av says:

          I’m a member of a socialist organization. Regardless of “intelligence,” no leftist I know likes Clinton and the idea that we would give a shit about James Carville is laughable. 

          • macattack24-av says:

            Ok. Do you want a prize or something? No one on the face of the earth cares about your fucking “socialist organization”. I’m sure you guys are engaged in some real groundbreaking stuff and it’s not one giant circle jerk of people taking hard stances on issues they don’t really understanding. 

          • halfbreedjew-av says:

            We’ve got at least a couple members who are elected to the U.S. Congress. I think we’re doing okay.

          • macattack24-av says:

            As a former democratic congressional staffer I can’t thank you guys (I assume DSA?) enough for almost single handedly putting us in the position of losing moderate swing districts that we would otherwise easily win. Really brave and important stuff. And shit like actively supporting primary challengers against current moderate D members of the House for not supporting things that have zero chance of passing much less being signed by the dipshit president. Soooo important. And helpful. It’s almost like you want the party to lose. 

          • halfbreedjew-av says:

            Given that you seem to think DSA is the reason the party can’t win swing districts, you’re probably exactly the type of person who shouldn’t be working in Congress. So if DSA did somehow contribute to your job loss I’ll still call that a win.That being said, maybe look in the mirror if you’re looking for reasons that the party has been sucking shit electorally since 2010 at least. 

          • macattack24-av says:

            “you’re probably exactly the type of person who shouldn’t be working in Congress.”Your opinion means very…very little to anyone. But thanks for the hot take. And congrats on electing loud annoying people in districts where D’s routinely win by 30-40 points. That’s some real impressive stuff.

          • halfbreedjew-av says:

            Good luck at the unemployment line, bud. 

          • macattack24-av says:

            Wow I was expecting something dumb, but not quite that dumb.I promise my future prospects are much better than yours. 

          • halfbreedjew-av says:

            I’m simply being polite. But I would have to say, when I think about the time I spent campaigning for AOC, and that it probably put some Veep-style idiots like you out of a job….well, let’s just say it does make me feel all fuzzy inside.

          • macattack24-av says:

            I know it does. Because you’re an unintelligent person. I would expect you to have a reaction like that to something that you don’t understand. But congrats on your bravery in focusing on replacing one very liberal person with another one in a solid blue district. That’s such important work that literally changes nothing for anyone except maybe a decrease in the amount of appropriations funds going to the district. It takes such conviction to work on behalf of someone who used the fact that she was hot and sort of a minority to win office.

          • halfbreedjew-av says:

            Since you’re apparently a racist too (the “loud” thing was kind of a tip-off, but hey, I like to be sure) I’ll just say again that if the DSA had even the slightest part in your being shitcanned from Congress, I’ll consider that worth my membership all on its own.

            Also, learn the difference between “liberal” and left.” Sounds like you have time.

          • macattack24-av says:

            Once again, your opinion means very…very little to anyone. So please continue fantasizing about whatever you want. And hey, maybe when you’re older you can get a big boy job too huh? 

          • halfbreedjew-av says:

            You seem mad.

          • macattack24-av says:

            “You seem mad” -A nobody whose opinion doesn’t matter. 

          • halfbreedjew-av says:

            You seem to care an awful lot about it! Maybe you should work through your own issues a little. I would suggest anger management classes, but I realize an unemployed congressional staffer may not have the means for that at the moment. 

          • macattack24-av says:

            I didn’t say “I don’t care”. I said you don’t matter. Those are pretty different things. Learn to read.

          • halfbreedjew-av says:

            Your repeated, greyed out comments to me elsewhere say otherwise! I think I have a stalker!

            Anyway, I’m not trying to burnish my own ego here. If my opinion truly does not matter to you or anyone else (I guess you could say you don’t…care about it?) you would not continue to reply. So it definitely matters at least to you. You certainly seem very, very mad online about it.

            Anyway, since you’re an “EX”-Congressional staffer, I think it’s fair to say that your opinion matters at least as little as mine. Maybe less, since your brand of centrism is thankfully finally starting to die off.

          • macattack24-av says:

            You sound angry.

          • halfbreedjew-av says:

            Mostly amused and enjoying your exile from politics.

          • macattack24-av says:

            Lol, and I’m apparently “unemployed”. This has been fun, but my interest in listening to some nobody riff insults is waning fast. 

          • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

            “But congrats on your bravery in focusing on replacing one very liberal person with another one in a solid blue district.”If you consider Joe Manchin “very liberal”, you’re a fucking idiot.

          • macattack24-av says:

            You think AOC defeated Joe Manchin for a congressional seat in Queens…?

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            It takes such conviction to work on behalf of someone who used the fact that she was hot and sort of a minority to win office.And there we have it. The reasoned opinion of a “former democratic congressional staffer.”It’s weird to think that some folks might want to move past the “centrism” of what you’re putting out there, isn’t it? 

          • macattack24-av says:

            No not really. Consider it a by product of having to listen to nobody, wanna be activists like you bitch like you have any idea what you’re talking about for years.

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            Just out of curiosity, what is it that you believe I’m bitching about at the moment?

          • macattack24-av says:

            I didn’t make the claim that you were. Learn to read. 

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            Whew, well that’s a relief. Anyway, I’m glad you came through losing your gig as a congressional staffer without being bitter about uppity sort-of minority women making life difficult for all those noble “centrists” out there. That would be a shame. Biden 2020, amirite?  

          • halfbreedjew-av says:

            It’s pretty astounding. Say what you will about her, AOC has done more to invigorate the party at a low point than almost any other Dem. (Among some leftists this is actually a point of contention – not for me, but definitely for some.) Here in NY she’s practically a folk hero and has gotten a lot of people interested in participating – her election is almost certainly going to inspire the election of more Democrats. Yet people like that Mac guy can’t see when a gift has been handed to them. 

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            You just don’t get it. If the kind of ideological shift within the Democratic party cost Mac his position as a staffer to a “centrist” Democrat, it must be a bad thing and anyone who says otherwise is a nobody.

          • macattack24-av says:

            It’s a real shame none of that is true. It’s funny to watch your come up with little stories in your head though. My former boss is moving up on Approps and has never had an opponent come within 10 points of her in an election. I moved to LA so I could work for a studio which is what I currently do. But yeah, I “lost my job”. Fuck you’re stupid. 

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            Well that certainly explains it. A former centrist hack in DC trying to be a Hollywood hack in LA–if there’s a better recipe for being embittered against young good looking “sort of minorities,” I’m not sure what it would be.  

          • macattack24-av says:

            Ok. What you think doesn’t matter. So…..congrats I guess. 

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            This is the umpteenth time you’ve retreated to a version of this post. You’re aware that we’re all on equal footing here, right? We’re all anonymous internet voices that matter and don’t matter to the precise same degree, right? I mean, I get that somewhere along the line you’ve picked up the notion that this is a trump card (along with calling people a “nobody,” which is, I admit, charmingly anachronistic, at least), but it doesn’t exactly scream confidence in yourself.

          • macattack24-av says:

            Ok. That’s fine. You’re free to either accept it or not. I don’t really care. 

          • fuckyoumac-av says:

            Your way didn’t work, Mac.I hope it all burns down. Fuck the Democratic Party.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      No, please, don’t shatter my admiration for (checks notes) James … Carville! If we can’t believe in behind-the-scenes political operators, who can we believe in?

  • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

    I’m neither rich, nor Republican. But she’s right. How can anybody claim moral superiority if they resort to the same tactics as those they disagree with on principal? SOMEBODY has to end this madness. SOMEBODY has to show someone like W (or Trump) that the LGBTQ community (of which I don’t belong, but support) isn’t a bunch of Godless sinners and heathens. Yes, she’s rich too. Yes, they were all rich people. But to chastise her for being polite and civil to a former POTUS makes you as bad as those who aren’t polite or civil to Obama. How we can we expect Trump supporters to stop blaming all their problems on immigrants, LGBTQ, or Obama/Hillary/Emails/Soros/The Media when we get upset when those on OUR side of the debate are being polite? Get off your high horse, don’t be more of the problem. Whining about W being a “war criminal” is just stupid. He’s not POTUS anymore. Just like thinking Trump supporters are dumb for whining about Obama or Hillary, this is dumb too. Don’t be the stereotypical “liberal” that the other side expects. Be the voice of calm, of reason, of forgiveness, of LOVE. This is why I’m a Democrat, because I feel the majority of those who vote the way I do truly are good, kind people.

    • geraldineblank-av says:

      But to chastise her for being polite and civil to a former POTUS makes you as bad as those who aren’t polite or civil to Obama.This is some enlightened centrism, my friend.

      • macattack24-av says:

        That’s only an insult to fucking idiots like you. Imagine thinking that being reasonable and civil as opposed to promoting divisive hatred is a negative attribute. I’m sure you’re doing some real groundbreaking stuff. 

        • geraldineblank-av says:

          That’s only an insult to fucking idiots like you. Imagine thinking that being reasonable and civil as opposed to promoting divisive hatred is a negative attribute.Irony isn’t your strong suit, is it?

          • macattack24-av says:

            I’m fine hating on sanctimonious cunts. Oh, and Amy Sederis would fucking hate you. 

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            How about people who lied this country into a needless war that killed hundred of thousands of people and cost this nation trillions of dollars while destabilizing a region and eroding our civil liberties?  Nah, those folks deserve gentle civility, and anyone who says otherwise is just as bad.  

          • macattack24-av says:

            29 Democratic Senators also voted for the Iraq war, and funding for it continued through the Obama administration. I’m not a huge GWB fan but Ellen calmly sitting next to him in a luxury box at a sports game is the dumbest fucking thing ever to get angry about. And lets be honest, the only reason you care is because it’s a slow news day for the outrage stories that people like you seem to subsist on. It must be exhausting living like that.

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            Ah, you’ve created this morality play in your head where you’ve made up that I’m outraged by this. I see why you’re so confused. I don’t speak for anyone else, but I’m not outraged. My opinion of Degeneres is significantly lessened, but all in all it’s not terribly surprising that rich and powerful people are chummy with each other despite any purported ideological differences.That still doesn’t explain why you have worked up so much rage about this, but hope it helps your understanding.  

          • macattack24-av says:

            “I don’t have any rage, I just spend inordinate amounts of time online judging people. You’re the one with the problem.”Please talk more, it’s so interesting. 

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            I think that you, the person calling people “cunts” and “fucking idiots”, are not the person who should be throwing around accusations of internet rage, friend.

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            “I’m not really sure how quotation marks work, but let’s see if this is close.”  

          • macattack24-av says:

            Lol wow. 

          • murrychang-av says:

            “29 Democratic Senators also voted for the Iraq war, and funding for it continued through the Obama administration.”Not sure what your point is here. Those Senators were assholes for voting for it. Obama was left holding the bag and definitely could have done better with it, but it’s not like he’s Jesus Christ or something.Don’t try to pull out tribalism bullshit.  Hillary palling around with Kissinger is a horrible look too and part of her problem was that she didn’t realize it.  It’s possible to take both sides to task over their bad decisions, especially ones that literally kill hundreds of thousands of people for no reason.

          • macattack24-av says:

            And so that’s why it was wrong for Ellen to politely sit in the same room as someone as opposed to…idk fight him or something. This is a really good way to spend your time. 

          • murrychang-av says:

            Yes, the only two options are friend or fight, because this life is a bad RPG dialog tree.

          • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

            She also said very plainly she and him are friends, so you can stop pretending they were just randomly put together at a game once

          • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

            It’s the outraged by outrage guy that nobody likes!

          • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

            W. was just continuing a great American tradition.

          • jpilla1980-av says:

            Man you sound like a giant winner. Calling someone a cunt is such an awesome centrist position to take. 

          • macattack24-av says:


          • Shampyon-av says:

            I’m fine hating on sanctimonious cunts.So hate people for being “sanctimonious,” but not for stating wars on false pretences that lead to countless deaths and shitting all over people’s civil liberties in a manner that has snowballed into the worst injustices of the current day.You really are dedicated to embodying the meme, aren’t you?

          • recognitions-av says:

            Take a look at this guy’s comment history. He’s not worth the effort.

        • espositofan4life-av says:

          Being divisive isn’t inherently bad.  Some people are bad and I would like to be divided from them.

        • newdaesim-av says:

          Mac, I would argue that civility itself becomes a problem when people use it as a shield to avoid being called to account.“Why did you kill all of those people, you fucker!”“What did you call me? Oh, dear, I don’t feel we can continue our discourse! Not with such callow barbarism on display!”

      • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

        Maybe it comes from being a Texas Democrat.  We’re blue with tinges of purple perhaps. 

        • geraldineblank-av says:

          Perhaps I was being too oblique. I was criticizing you for engaging in the well-worn path of “enlightened centrism” where one pretends that all things are fungible under the sun, and anyone who treats unlike things differently is being unreasonable and just as wrong as the bad thing they’re critical of.

          • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

            Then yes, you were being too oblique. But also a bit obtuse. So you tell me where hate stops. Where does peace begin? We have a choice here. We can keep going down the rabbit hole of “our way or no way” or we can try to move along. To expect to always get our way is how we got Trump. Especially on the right wing. There were those that “voted their conscience” because they didn’t like Hillary Clinton. They voted for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson because they couldn’t vote for Bernie. Centrism is not bad. It’s not ideal for either side, but in this world, it keeps the most extreme at bay. I’ve voted Democrat (I’m white, straight, and middle aged and middle class) since I was able to vote. I’ve seen our country actually work and improve the lives of its citizens until the last 10 years. When the extreme ideals start gaining traction, everybody loses. What did you expect Ellen to do? Get up, throw her drink at W, call him a war criminal and then run out? Slap him? What? What would have satisfied you?  To me, you can disagree with someones politics while still being polite.  If you can’t sit next to someone at a football game who has differing views than yours, how can you claim to be morally superior?  She’s famous, he’s a former POTUS.  They watched football together.  They chatted.  They were being normal humans.  We need more of this.  We need people who are willing (on both sides) to just stop being so damned stubborn. 

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            This dichotomy you’ve created between chummy friendliness on the one hand and “hate” on the other as being the only choices is simply wrong, if not disingenuous. When the extreme ideals start gaining traction, everybody loses. Yes, when people who do extreme things like start an unnecessary and phony war that kills hundreds of thousands of people while costing us trillions of dollars and then gain traction as aw-shucks regular guys who just like a ball game now and then, everybody loses.  Well, not everyone, I guess, extremists like Bush definitely win.  

          • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

            In today’s world, IS he extreme? And he isn’t the only POTUS that took us into, or kept us in, an unnecessary war. Every POTUS since Kennedy has had us in some conflict or another. Even Obama kept us in Afghanistan.
            But to my original point, what are YOUR other choices besides polite and friendly or “hate”?  You seem to do nothing more than criticize me, rather than actually offering up your own ideas as to how to fix the divide in our country.  I’m sensing some righteous indignation and flagrant dismissal of anyone you disagree with, rather than better ideas.  So let’s hear your better ideas.  And let’s boil it down.  What should Ellen have done? Answer that.

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            What should Ellen have done? Answer that. That’s a really great question, so let’s pretend I was in that situation and faced with an intractable moral dilemma like that. Publicist: Hey Geraldine, would you like to go to watch a Cowboys game from Jerry Jones’ personal box with George W. Bush?Geraldine: No, thank you. Publicist: How about a round of golf with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity?Geraldine: I’d really prefer not. Publicist: Ok, but I have some water park tickets that you can use with Roman Polanski.Geraldine: Thank you, but I’m good.
            I know, it’s weird to think that incredibly rich people might have the ability to say no to palling around with other rich people, but a part of me thinks it’s at least possible.

          • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

            Let’s assume she didn’t know Bush would be there, as the story is vague. She shows up, and he’s there. What then?
            And honestly, putting Limbaugh or Hannity in the same league as W is stretching it a bit, don’t you think? Even in the same league as McConnell is still a bit much.

          • akinjaguy-av says:

            Now I’m very interested in what lines you are drawing between limbaugh, hannity, Bush and McConnell

          • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

            In today’s world? Have you heard them lately?  I mean, seriously? They’re all frothing at the mouth about anything that either sounds like it proves their points, or attacking anybody that isn’t at the very edge of extreme or reason.  W is just trying to enjoy his retirement and watch a dang Cowboys game.  Those guys are raving lunatics.

          • geraldineblank-av says:

            And honestly, putting Limbaugh or Hannity in the same league as W is stretching it a bit, don’t you think? Even in the same league as McConnell is still a bit much. Ahhh, I see.  You are not taking a position that publicly befriending a terrible person is a good idea as much as you are arguing that GWB isn’t really that terrible of a person. Therein lies the disconnect.

          • macattack24-av says:

            Yeah I mean who would know more about the situation she was put in than you, a nobody on the internet who judges people you don’t even know for actions you have no insight into. 

          • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

            Project much?

          • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

            Reply Hazy, Please Try Again.

          • recognitions-av says:

            My idea to “fix the divide” is to hound every single Republican out of office and never let any of them hold an ounce of power over another human being again“Fix the divide.” It’s not a “divide” when one powerful group launches an all-out assault on every single disadvantaged group in society. Fuck sakes

          • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

            And that would be the definition of a totalitarian, authoritative
            regime, wouldn’t it? Seems like you need to chill a bit. Maybe take a
            Xanax? Because that’s not how democracy works. It’s not ideal, but it’s
            the best we have.

          • recognitions-av says:

            I like how you ignored the second part of my comment. For many Americans, we’re already well on our way to living in an authoritative regime, if not already there.

          • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

            So your answer is to silence the half of the country that disagrees with you? I didn’t ignore the second part of your statement. You have to realize that right now, the most extreme have the loudest voices. The most crazy are the most verbal. Are there some rich white folks trying to control the country with their wealth? Yes, but it’s always been like that. The wealthy elite (no matter what their affiliation, and they are usually white) want to control the country. They always have. Sometimes they’re more successful than others, yes. Especially when they can fool the ravenous, hate-filled, under educated members of society into believing the rich have THEIR interests at heart.  The best thing to do is SHINE A LIGHT and keep shining.  Make sure your neighbors vote. Make sure YOU vote.  Make sure everybody you know goes out and votes.  Because they are only about 1% of the population.  

          • recognitions-av says:

            Again, systematically stripping people of their rights is not a “disagreement”, you tired apologist.

          • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

            Again, your answer is to silence half the population.  Hippies like you make liberals look bad.  Now go eat some kale.

          • recognitions-av says:

            I like that you a) acknowledge that half the population hates anyone who’s different from them and wants them to suffer and b) don’t see that as a problem!!! Go post on Breitbart, you’ll find tons of people agreeing with you 

          • lockeanddemosthenes-av says:

            That’s just recognitions. Just an angry pile of human garbage.

          • SammyDavisEyes-av says:

            Oh my god, how are you real… I have to convince myself you’re trolling so I don’t have a fucking aneurysm.

          • darthcthulhudrivesaprius-av says:

            Not trolling dude, just not insane like some of the other people in this thread. I really think we’ve got too much polarization on either end. The fringes are trying to become the norm. And we’ve seen countries where the fringe became the norm, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Russia, China, North Korea. Those countries allowed an extreme minority take over. Whether Right or Left, that shouldn’t happen here. The main problem is most of the ones who are “normal” are also too apathetic to vote. 

        • shelbyvillesucks-av says:

          Republicans are evil scum. I would’t brag.

    • murrychang-av says:

      “Whining about W being a “war criminal” is just stupid.”So telling lies to start a war that kills over 250 thousand civilians and destabilizes the Middle East is ok now?Oh wait I see someone already said that.

    • ethasintham-av says:

      I disagree, we don’t tell people to fuck off enough. If W. had tried to reach out to the LGBT community and make amends for his homophobic past, that would be different. But his policies and rhetoric kept homophobic policies alive for 8 more years.

      Being nice to someone who’s been mean to you isn’t always a virtue. Forgiving someone when they haven’t made any move to reciprocate your kindness doesn’t help. Telling people to their face that they hurt you and you think they suck is underrated. It lets people know they have to work to make up for their past bad behavior. Ellen chumming it up with W. doesn’t surprise me thought. She gave Kevin Hart a platform less than a year ago.

    • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

      Yep, once you leave office all the many many people you got killed by using a national tragedy to start a war with a country that didn’t attack us stops mattering. 

    • halfbreedjew-av says:

      Lol dude, who even cares about people being insufficiently polite to Obama. He and Bush are both war criminals. I would tell both that to their faces if I could. Fuck this civility shit. Genuinely mad people deserve scorn, simple.

      • macattack24-av says:

        “ I would tell both that to their faces if I could.”But you can’t because no one gives a shit what you think about anything. That and you have the disposition of a 16 year old.  

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Why should the LGBTQ+ community (of which I am also not a member) have to be polite to someone who used their political power to make them second-class citizens? Why are they under any obligation to not appear as “Godless sinners and heathens”? (And what’s wrong with that anyway? Lots of people don’t believe in God.) Why should we forget about Bush’s crimes? He may no longer be the President but he’s still a war criminal.Bush was not just someone with a different point of view, he was someone with a huge amount of political power who used that power to harm huge numbers of people, his own and other nation’s. If Ellen wants to pal around with someone like that, she should prepare for people to be disappointed.

    • newdaesim-av says:

      But to chastise her for being polite and civil to a former POTUS makes you as bad as those who aren’t polite or civil to Obama.Err, Obama gave us universal healthcare, same-sex marriage, and got us out of Iraq. Dubbya killed more people than ten generations of your family have ever met and destroyed the balanced federal budget that Clinton left us with.  People who are uncivil to Obama are dicks.  People who are uncivil to Bush are patriots.

    • liffie420-av says:

      Sorry your preaching to the wrong crowd.  To many of these people there is NO middle ground.  The fact that Ellen didn’t slap the shit out of him is galling to them, and now shes the wrong kind of liberal.  Shit just wait until they hear that Gayle King said about a viral baby gender reveal video actually had the NERVE to say that she doesn’t know why they went through all the trouble with the ballon it’s only one of 2 choices boy or girl.  OMG stop everything and explode your head.

  • sickerthanmost-av says:

    its amazing how this statement she made completely ignores all of the real reasons people are weirded out by that image. nah lets not talk about the patriot act, anti LGBT policies, policies that gave the police more power and weapons. nope, we just like different football teams and arent people that play christmas music in october annoying. lolz. love everyone and be nice. beautiful pivot. not standing for anythng and having a very short selective memory is how we eventually led to trump. the things these people arent that bad if we can just be ok with them doing worst and worst without any consequences. its a damn shame too. its almost like we deserve this when i see stuff like this. cuz ellen represents so much and is seen by so many as one of the good guys. the crowd cheering and the facebook posts sharing this empty shallow nuance avoiding message is terrifying. 

  • gyorkingoffjedd-av says:

    those who look up to Ellen as an advocate for the LGBTQ communityThere are still people that do this? Even after she partnered with notorious homophobic sexist Steve Harvey for a couple paychecks?

  • debussyfields-av says:

    Somewhere Chris Christie is having some serious fomo

  • geraldineblank-av says:

    I just think it’s such a crazy coincidence that the people with “different views” who Ellen is friends with also happen to be incredibly rich and powerful people. What are the odds?

    • gojirashei2-av says:

      You’re suggesting she’s friends with them for financial gain or some form of influence? I’m not really sure what’s out there for Ellen DeGeneres to achieve that she needs George W. Bush’s assistance with.Maybe she just likes the guy. I know that disturbs you, it disturbs me too, but maybe it’s not supposed to be our place to judge? I’m pretty sure I’ll continue with my life as it has been, not remotely tarnished by the fact that a super rich TV host who we normally like hung out with a super controversial President who we used to all despise.

    • Vidikron-av says:

      I’m guessing that as a celebrity she mostly hangs out with other rich folks and their political opinions have little to nothing to do with it.  You know, like pretty much every other rich person on the planet.

  • murrychang-av says:

    “Ellen DeGeneres wants you to know that she is friends with George W. Bush”Maybe it’s just me but being friends with a war criminal isn’t something I’d want a lot of people to know about.

  • sirpwny-av says:

    This must be the slowest day for news ever.  This ‘story’ is everywhere.  Surely there’s something else more noteworthy happening in the world right?  Political strife?  Natural disasters? Humanitarian crises?  Is a daytime tv host sitting next to an ex president really that important?  Is her statement on it?  Fuck no.

    • spacesheriff-av says:

      sir, this is a wendy’s the a.v. club

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      This is a pop culture website. Is there a particular reason you think it should be covering natural disasters and humanitarian crises?

      • firedragon400-av says:

        I mean, their sister site is a sports blog that only covers sports half the time while another sister site is a technology blog that usually covers stuff other than technology. 

      • sirpwny-av says:

        Even AV Club can cobble something better than this trash.  I’m pretty sure neither Ellen nor GW count as pop culture.  If they’re pop culture, where’s all the stories on soap opera stars and whatever bullshit Dr. Phil is spewing?

  • docprof-av says:

    In the course of my life, I often find myself in rooms with, and being cordial with people who I deeply disagree with on things. I don’t constantly tell them to fuck off and punch them in the face.

    • macattack24-av says:

      All the bad asses in the avclub comment section TOTALLY would though. 

    • neilnevins-av says:

      do you find yourself in rooms with people who think you shouldn’t be married to your significant other and started phony wars?

    • geraldineblank-av says:

      If only there were options other than being chummy friends with someone and telling them to fuck off while punching them in the face. Oh well, Ellen had no reasonable alternative, I suppose.

      • newdaesim-av says:

        Rich people sit together.I mean, it’s useful to remember that even when we like them, the ultra-wealthy are a distinct class separate from the rest of us. Ellen projects a feeling of inclusion, fun, and kindness. She’s also going to die a billionaire. We have nothing in common with her.

    • davidketamine-av says:

      I have lunch with friends who hold opinions that I think are horrible and moronic. Am I guilty by association or am I allowed to just have lunch with friends from time to time?

    • halfbreedjew-av says:

      How many of them committed war crimes responsible for over a million deaths? This isn’t the same as being cordial to your conservative uncle at Thanksgiving, my dude. 

    • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

      Not constantly, but sometimes it’s fun :).
      Like any opportunity that might arise to tell W. what a piece of human garbage he is. In this instance, Ellen probably could have gotten away with mumbling derogatory one-liners at W. the whole game. She is a comedian after all.

  • hankwilhemscreamjr-av says:

    God, I hope no one tells these people that the ex-presidents are chummy with each other, too, their brains might explode.That said, if any of the ex-presidents even acknowledge Trump after he’s left office, fuck them. 🙂

    • jpilla1980-av says:

      It does make sense for former presidents to get together and attend events. And I believe people did get on the Obamas’ case for appearing close and friendly with the Bushes. 

    • shthar-av says:

      Carter and Ford became BFFs when they realised how much they both hated nixon.

    • halfbreedjew-av says:

      1) they will absolutely acknowledge and be chummy with him. 2) fuck them already. Yes, all of them. I might except Carter if I’m feeling generous. 

      • lurklen-av says:

        Aww you have to excuse Carter, he’s so old and sweet. He’s like one of those old dogs whose whole body shakes whenever they get up, then they forget why they got up, so they just come over to see you and say hi, then fall asleep at your feet. Then as he sleeps he mumbles “They made ME give up my peanut farm…”

      • ponsonbybritt-av says:

        I dunno. Jimmy Carter is arguably the greatest ex-president ever, but what did he actually do while he was president? His deregulation policies laid the groundwork for Reagan to come in and start wrecking up the New Deal/Great Society state. And his foreign policy of “let’s arm Islamists to fight the Soviet Union” had a… less than optimal outcome.

        Basically I think your initial take of “fuck them all” is spot on.

        • halfbreedjew-av says:

          His post-presidency is the only real reason I feel conflicted about him. He seems like he is aware he did some awful things as president and is genuinely trying to do real good in the world to atone for it. (Unlike Clinton, the Bushes, etc who just form ineffective foundations to burnish their legacies.) The day he dies, I’ll have complicated feelings because of that. But yeah his actual presidency isn’t especially more defensible than the others’. 

        • YankBoffin-av says:

          It’s a small thing, but he is ultimately responsible for the grand golden age of beer we now find ourselves in. He legalized home brewing, which set the stage for the first micro breweries in the late 70s and 80s like Anchor, Sierra Nevada, and Sam Adams, and well, things really took off from there.

      • macattack24-av says:

        Great. No one on the face of the earth asked or cares about your opinion. It’s not a huge surprise that some loser with nothing has a really strong take on something he isn’t involved with at all. Congrats. You’re so brave. 

    • theporcupine42-av says:

      Most leftists despise every president there’s ever been, my dude, and yes that includes Obama.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    That’s nothing! I shared one of those pedal boats in the lake at the park with Henry Kissinger.

  • shthar-av says:

    Two millionaires in a luxury box, ignoring the game.

  • bs-leblanc-av says:

    Geez, I know Ellen falls into the AVClub’s realm, but feeding the outrage frenzy like this really should go over on Splinter.

  • cardstock99-av says:

    If you’re not ok with Ellen sitting next to her conservative friend, I better not see you sitting next to your conservative mom at Christmas. What are you supposed to do, build a relationship with a person before you try to change their deeply held beliefs, like some kind of idiot?

  • det-devil-ails-av says:

    Let’s all be outraged. [shrug]

    • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

      Yep. Fuck her, too.

    • recognitions-av says:

      Are you under the impression that we were happy about that

    • j4x-av says:

      She has earned the shit out of justified criticism over her buddiness with a known war criminal. If you asked her point blank, I have no doubt she is proud to have helped raise his standing among Americans.But her husband never really gave a shit about Iraq or Bush corruption, he just used it as convenient cover to virtue signal to Democratic primary voters.

      • det-devil-ails-av says:

        Eh, her husband was responsible for some pretty war criminal-ly stuff too.

        • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

          It doesn’t count if it’s done by drones /s

        • j4x-av says:

          Things that upset me about Trump that are important to ME but is petty to scream about in these times -Obama will be remembered as a Golden God, the Reagan of Democrats, because he is bookmarked by the biggest pair of blobtits to ever walk the Earth. There will never, ever, be oxygen for an honest appraisal of his administration, policies and influence because the psycho-nutters will still be screaming “hang em!” in thirty years.

          • det-devil-ails-av says:

            It’s funny. There were a lot of substantive criticisms to be made of the Obama administration. His loudest critics didn’t make any of them because the things they would have been criticizing were a continuation of Bush era policies. Instead, his critics opted to make shit up.

          • j4x-av says:

            Yup yup, that’s what turned me into a reluctant supporter by the ‘12 election. I may have disliked his general bent of politics but his opponents went full KKK/Third Reich and basically chose the “decent but fundamentally flawed” over ”comix book evil”.

          • det-devil-ails-av says:

            The Republicans hated Obama so irrationally, I was a little surprised they didn’t start screaming “HE LAUNCHED A SECRET INCURSION INTO PAKISTAN! THE KILLING OF BIN LADEN VIOLATED INTERNATIONAL LAW!!!”

    • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

      I like to imagine she’s saying:
      “What’s the coke like at this event? We need to celebrate the death of your prick father in style”

  • ithinkthereforeiburn-av says:

    Sorry, Ellen…you’re about to fall onto the dreaded liberal shit-list known as “cancel culture”.So progressive, these lefties. So enlightened.

  • zelbus-av says:

    Bush should never be redeemed in the public eye based on the things he’s done as president. However, I don’t see how that obligates every other person from ever associating with him. Frankly, tickets to a suite at a football game is just a networking event invite. When that invite also happens to sit you down next to a former president, you absolutely take that opportunity.

    I don’t think Bush can suddenly get a third term because Ellen didn’t publicly shame him, but how is that in any way not on brand for her? She IS decidedly about kindness and cooperation, wouldn’t you expect her to be friendly in a public setting with basically everyone? To me, that seems fundamental to her charm, not something she should then be ostracized for.

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Donald Trump is the best thing to ever happen to George W. Bush, perception-wise. He’s a sniveling turd and Trump is a 2,000 ton pile of shit.

  • gonegurlie-av says:

    There are some people—like Ellen and my personal hero Dolly Parton—who possess an authentic generosity of spirit that we can view as a positive influence even when directed at those we don’t like or don’t think deserve it. I kinda give those people a break from having to reflect my personal grudges and rages.

  • gregthestopsign-av says:

    Cowboys suck!

  • Vidikron-av says:

    Oh, AV Club, you guys are more pathetic than I thought.  And I already had a pretty low opinion of the denizens of this site.

  • marcus75-av says:

    Ellen and W. can be friends, that’s fine by me. But a Cowboys game? That’s a bridge too far.

  • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

    C’mon, Ellen. At least knee the despicable prick in the balls as you leave.

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    Imagine thinking that “be nice to everyone, no matter how many hundreds of thousands of civilians they’ve murdered” is anything short of a revolting thing to say.

  • boymeetsinternet-av says:

    Imagine Genghis Khan and Superman being photographed at a Yankees game together. That would REALLY put social media in a twister 

  • armedone-av says:

    A war criminal?  Really?

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