Emma Corrin to play some villain in Deadpool 3

We don't know who they're playing, but we have some guesses

Aux News Deadpool
Emma Corrin to play some villain in Deadpool 3
Emma Corrin Photo: Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images for BFI

If you were hoping Deadpool 3 would be a two-man show, with Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine repeatedly stabbing each other for two hours before realizing they should just finally kiss, we have some bad news: Other people will be in the movie. Or at least one other person, and that person will be played by Emma Corrin from The Crown (they played the younger Diana, before Elizabeth Debicki came on and the princess grew six inches taller).

Reynolds announced this news on Twitter, welcoming Corrin to his Deadpool family (“which is just like a real family except with less swearing”), with Deadline adding that Corrin—who also just joined the new version of Nosferatu—is expected to play “the villain.” We don’t have much else to go off of, because this Deadpool movie will be part of the MCU and will have the keys to an enormous toy box of potential bad guys, buuut Reynolds’ tweet did include two emojis of crossed swords… so maybe it’ll be someone with swords?

Psylocke and Magik have swords, but they’ve both appeared in (real bad) movies already and they’re both usually good guys. It could be “S.W.O.R.D.” instead of “sword,” but Emilia Clarke is probably playing Abigail Brand in Secret Invasion. How about Spiral? She has six arms, which gives her plenty of hands for holding swords. Plus, she works for classic X-Men villain Mojo in the comics, and he’s exactly the kind of weirdo freak that Reynolds would have fun with in a Deadpool movie. Or maybe we’re completely off-based and they’re playing a character who has nothing to do with swords, and it’ll end up being… Mister Sinister or something. Who knows! Either way, the movie is coming out next year, so there’s going to be a wait.


  • nopefoitall-av says:

    Spiral would be so awesome! Deadpool and Wolverine being pulled into the MOJO-verse to battle in a weird Gladiator meets Stay Tuned movie? Count me in!

  • John--W-av says:

    Emma Frost?

  • sui_generis-av says:

    Out of all the speculation I’ve seen about this, Spiral is the only good guess so far. (Some folks have also said Lady Death, but that seems unlikely.)

    • starvenger88-av says:

      Lady Death? The barely clothed “bad girl” from the 90’s?

      • sui_generis-av says:

        No, I think they meant the Marvel version, who has appeared with Deadpool. But like I said, seems unlikely. Spiral seems like a much better prospect. https://deadpool.fandom.com/wiki/Death

      • discojoe-av says:

        Yeah they may have meant Lady Deathstrike(Death Strike?)She was Logan’s love interest for a while, so that may be a better guess than Spiral. Plus she has those long slim arms with dangerous finger knives. May more fit the body style of Corrin.But Lady Deathstrike was Japanese in the comics so I dunno if that would start some whitewashing controversy, and if so would they even want to risk that happening.

      • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

        …who inexplicably has a legitimately cool origin story (that is squandered because her creator thinks sexy poses are more important than actual characterization)?

    • nowaitcomeback-av says:

      Lady Deadpool – multiverse angle allows for the Deadpool Corps to be in play.That’s my guess.

  • dudull-av says:

    Mojo world? Shatterstar return confirm. Well unless he met another helicopter.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Can Deadpool 3 please find room for Emma Dumont to reprise Polaris? She’s been having a truly awful week & could really use some good news.

    • richardalinnii-av says:

      Can you elaborate?

      • mattthecatania-av says:

        Her Instagram vids elaborate more, but basically she had to move because her gaslighting parent was extorting her, she opened up about having been abused by this parent, her management team fired her for not landing enough roles post-pandemic, & she was hospitalized for a pulmonary embolism.

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Probably Gwenpool – that multiverse stuff is hip with the execs kids these days.

    • richardalinnii-av says:

      I know they take liberties with characters, but Gwenpool as a villian?

      • nowaitcomeback-av says:

        Gwenpool was already….kinnnnd of a villain. Her whole series had her starting off as a mercenary, getting conscripted as a henchman for MODOK, and then ultimately having to contend with the fact that she turns evil in the future. My hangup is not with Gwenpool as a villain, it’s with…well, the whole meta nature of Gwenpool. She’s a character who got sucked into a comic and knows she’s in a comic. Her whole gimmick is knowing everything about everyone, and literally manipulating panels and pages to make things happen. Not sure how that would translate to live action.Unless they just turn her into an obsessed fan or something. I think it’s more likely she’ll be Lady Deadpool, if not Spiral. With the multiverse thing happening, Lady Deadpool would make sense.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        where does the sony spidey licensing stuff fit with gwenpool? i assume sony owns the ‘gwen’ part.

        • richardalinnii-av says:

          I had to look it up, but it seems Marvel/Disney do own her rights.  I Know she is modeled after Gwen stacy but having the same first name isn’t enough to claim rights, I guess.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    and the villain is…Princess Diana?I wonder if they will go through with Jon Hamm as Mister Sinister.  They have to cast Mojo eventually…and although I am sure it won’t help with his body issues…Jonah Hill?

    • vroom-socko-av says:

      If X-Statix ever gets to the MCU I will die. Same with Nextwave. 

    • tvcr-av says:

      I’m liking Jack Black for Mojo, but as he will be almost entirely CGI there’s no reason to go with a fat guy. Jim Carrey would be great.

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        True (Brendan Fraser as The Whale as Mojo), but I didn’t think Jonah Hill would be good because he’s sometimes overweight, I think he would do Mojo well as a “very online guy” depending on which kind of satire they want to go with (if that lane wasn’t taken by Jeff Goldblum in Thor Ragnarok)…I think if they did basically “influencer battle royale hosted by very online guy” it could work…otherwise they could have Mojo be more like that Harvey Levin demon from TMZ…

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      what a twist!

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I wonder if they will go through with Jon Hamm as Mister Sinister.”

      You wonder if they’ll do something they never said they were going to do?

  • bc222-av says:

    Are you sure they were “swords”?

  • vroom-socko-av says:

    I’d mark the fuck out for Spiral. There’s an easy Spider man doc ock joke just laying there. 

  • Smurph-av says:

    It would be funny if it was Psylocke since they would probably be accused of white washing an Asian character, when the character was originally a white British woman who got transformed into an Japanese woman because 90’s comic artists wanted to draw a half naked ninja chick.

  • nowaitcomeback-av says:

    With the multiverse in play, maybe Lady Deadpool from the Deadpool Corps? It’d be neat to see Dogpool, Kidpool and Headpool in play.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Captain Britain. 

  • gargsy-av says:

    I love you idiots guessing. Because, you know, anyone would’ve guessed that they were going to use Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, not to mention all those people who predicted that they were bringing back Juggernaut.

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