Eric Trump shares fake photo of Ice Cube and 50 Cent in pro-Trump hats, Cube responds coldly

Aux Features Ice Cube
Eric Trump shares fake photo of Ice Cube and 50 Cent in pro-Trump hats, Cube responds coldly
Photo: Noam Galai / Contributor

It was, somehow, only last week when news broke that Ice Cube was working with the Trump administration on their “Platinum Plan,” which promises to “increase access to capital in black communities by almost $500 billion.” But it would seem that the rapper and actor isn’t all that keen on one of Trump’s large adult sons trying to capitalize on that fact.

In a since-deleted tweet, Eric Trump—he’s the one that looks like a piece of string cheese that grew teeth—shared a doctored photo of Ice Cube in a Trump hat. In the photo, Cube is sitting next to 50 Cent (who really does support the president) at a basketball game, wearing hats that most definitely do not say Trump on them. “Two great, courageous, Americans!” he wrote, like an idiot.

He’s also using an errant comma there but let’s stay focused on the big picture. This is what you might call an unforced error. Ice Cube was catching quite a lot of heat for his willingness to work with the Trump administration, and his response was to say that Black Americans “can’t afford not to negotiate with whoever is in power or our condition in this country will never change.”

That’s about as much as Trump and pals could have hoped for. But then Mozzarella Trump had to go and push his luck, and now Ice seems to have clarified his position somewhat:

50 Cent, on the other hand, does not seem to be particularly bothered as long as Eric doesn’t hit him up for cash.

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  • paulkinsey-av says:

    A friend on Facebook who loves him some Trump shared 50 Cent’s declaration that he was going to vote for Trump the other day. I asked him why on earth a multi-millionaire choosing to vote in his own self-interest and against everyone else means that I, someone who will never have anywhere close to a million dollars in the bank, should do likewise.

    • gildie-av says:

      Don’t sell yourself short. It’s America! You’re one great idea for an invention away from being a kazillionaire and then you’re going to wish you had some of those sweet tax cuts.

    • dirtside-av says:

      In America, we look up at the big house on the hill and say, “Some day, I’ll be as rich as that bastard.”
      In Ireland, they look up at the big house on the hill and say, “Some day, I’ll kill that bastard.”

    • priest-of-maiden-av says:

      A friend on Facebook who loves him some Trump

      Why are you friends with them? Your friend supports racism, white supremacy, putting children in concentration camps, accepting electoral help from foreign governments…

      • paulkinsey-av says:

        I was waiting for this comment. I live in the South. I know a ton of people who voted for Trump, unfortunately, including my own parents. Though, unlike the guy I’m referencing, I wouldn’t call them Trump fans at least. I could unfriend them all but what would that accomplish other than making me feel smugly self-righteous? If we stay connected on social media, I can continue reaching out periodically and maybe have some small, incremental effect on their worldview. Leaving them to their right-wing bubble will only make them more strident.

        • priest-of-maiden-av says:

          I know a ton of people who voted for Trump, unfortunately, including my own parents. Though, unlike the guy I’m referencing, I wouldn’t call them Trump fans at least.

          They why’d they vote for him? And you didn’t answer my question: Why are you friends with said Trump lover?
          I could unfriend them all but what would that accomplish other than making me feel smugly self-righteous?

          You wouldn’t associate with bigots.
          If we stay connected on social media, I can continue reaching out
          periodically and maybe have some small, incremental effect on their

          No, you won’t. There’s no fixing that level of stupid.

          • paulkinsey-av says:

            They why’d they vote for him?The same reason I’m voting for Biden this year despite not being a Biden fan. Because we have a two-party system and people choose the lesser of two evils. They were wrong to choose Trump over Clinton and they are complicit in the harm he’s doing, but it doesn’t follow that they think he’s super awesome. Why are you friends with said Trump lover?I absolutely did answer your question. You wouldn’t associate with bigots.Exactly. Smugly self-righteous while accomplishing nothing. There’s no fixing that level of stupid.Maybe. But it’s certainly not going to happen by me unfriending them. Not everyone lives in a world where it’s feasible to shut themselves off from every single person who supports Donald Trump. It would be a whole lot of bridges to burn for some of us. If you want to do that for yourself, that’s fine. It’s certainly less stressful that way. But you have no right to judge other people for “associating” with 42% of the population of the country.

          • priest-of-maiden-av says:

            I absolutely did answer your question.

            No, you gave your reason for not walking away from people who voted for Trump but aren’t fans. Why are you friends with a Trump lover, who voted for Trump & continues to love Trump? Why are you friends with a piece of shit?
            Smugly self-righteous while accomplishing nothing.

            And what does being friends with bigots accomplish, other than tainting you, as well?
            Not everyone lives in a world where it’s feasible to shut themselves off from every single person who supports Donald Trump. It would be a whole lot of bridges to burn for some of us.

            May the bridges I burn light my path forward.
            But you have no right to judge other people for “associating” with 42% of the population of the country.

            I have every right to judge people based on who they associate with. Anyone who defends supporting Trump is a piece of shit. There’s just no other way to say it. Supporting Trump means supporting white supremacy, police brutality & authoritarianism.

          • paulkinsey-av says:

            Anyone who defends supporting Trump is a piece of shit.
            When exactly did I do that? There’s no acceptable reason for anyone to support Donald Trump. But people are more than just who they vote for. You can be a kind, thoughtful, caring person to the people you interact with in your daily life while having dogshit political views. And you can be a dyed-in-the-wool lefty and still be a raging asshole who ruins people’s lives. I’ve had plenty of people unfriend me since the election for telling them that they’re culpable for Donald Trump’s horrific actions. But if they want to stick around and maybe see some of the real news I share, they’re welcome to it as long as they behave themselves in my comments. Again, you do you, bro. But get the fuck out of here with your accusations that I’m somehow “tainted” for continuing to reach out to people who have different viewpoints than me.

          • priest-of-maiden-av says:

            When exactly did I do that?

            I never said that you did. But you’re friends with people who support Trump.
            There’s no acceptable reason for anyone to support Donald Trump.

            I agree. And yet you’re friends with someone who does.
            But people are more than just who they vote for.

            Not during this administration. You either voted for white supremacy & authoritarianism, or you didn’t.
            But get the fuck out of here with your accusations that I’m somehow
            “tainted” for continuing to reach out to people who have different
            viewpoints than me.

            But you’re not just reaching out to people with different viewpoints. By your own admission, you’re friends with some of these pieces of shit. I guess you’ve never heard of guilt by association.

          • paulkinsey-av says:

            I guess you’ve never heard of guilt by association.I sure have. It’s a logical fallacy. By your own admission, you’re friends with some of these pieces of shit.What do you think I mean by “friends” exactly? That we hang out all the time? I’m talking about people who I knew in person in the past and we’re currently still “friends” on social media. If that makes me guilty somehow in your viewpoint, so be it. I don’t need your approval.

          • priest-of-maiden-av says:

            I sure have. It’s a logical fallacy.

            I see you with a group of your friends, and they’re wearing Trump shirts but you’re not. Is it unexpected that I would think that you agree with them?

          • paulkinsey-av says:

            Not really a good comparison to being Facebook friends with someone, but sure, I’ll play along. While that would be a natural human assumption to make, that doesn’t make it sound to declare that person X voted for Trump from a logical standpoint. And honestly, why should I care? I know I don’t support Trump and I don’t believe that there’s anything immoral about remaining online acquaintances with someone who supports him. So why should I care if someone questions where my loyalties lie despite the fact that I’m very vocal about the harm Trump is doing? People make assumptions about each other all the time. You can’t live your life worrying about that kind of thing.

          • dustyspur-av says:

            Everyone in America that votes is voting for white supremacy. That’s what America is based on. Get your dumb fucking head out of your dumb fucking ass.

    • argiebargie-av says:

      “A friend on Facebook…”It was all downhill from there.

  • willoughbystain-av says:

    I guess 50’s philosophy now is “Get Rich or Joe Biden’”

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Oh man, this someone may get the wrong impression two people who endorsed Trump may support Trump.

  • singleuseplastic-av says:

    You know you’re a sell out when taylor swift has bigger political balls than you. Not taking a stance, is taking a stance. 

  • ducktopus-av says:

    Those are the tax brackets for amounts above $400k in income.Ice Cube allowed himself to be used as a tool, like everybody else these people use, they got what they wanted and left him on the side of the road. If he thinks one “N___ please” undoes how he was used, at a crucial time, when they are also using Kanye to try to get black men to throw their votes away, when everybody was TELLING HIM he was being used like a million imbeciles before him, he is as stupid as I think he is.

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    “62% are you out of ya fucking mind”You either die a hero or live long enough to become a Republican.

  • recognitions-av says:

    Ice Cube thought he could lie down with snakes and not get bitten

  • lattethunder-av says:

    50 Cent is expecting to actually pay that much in taxes? Jesus H. Christ, how shitty is his accountant?

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    Eric shoulda checked himself before he wrecked himself. 

  • bataillesarteries-av says:

    Politician proposes raising the MARGINAL tax rate back to where it was 25 years ago and whiny bitch Fitty runs into the arms of a white supremacist?Damn son, you went from $155 million, to bankrupt and $32.5 in debt, in 12 months. The big, bad government taking some of your money doesn’t seem anywhere near your biggest problem.

  • snothouse-av says:

    You guys promote an awful lot of Ice Cube content around here while usually ignoring the fact that he’s anti-Semitic. But I guess you didn’t have room to mention that, what with all the important Twitter screenshots. Priorities and all. 

  • kpopwhat-av says:

    This feels very appropriate.  I am a lover of rap and hip-hop and 50 Cent was always the weakest, worst rapper of any mainstream performer.  I wish The Game would perfect the beef, back Biden, and literally murder 50.  

  • nycpaul-av says:

    That’s a remarkably unselfish stand for 50 cent to take on Trump and Black people.

  • ac130-av says:

    Total aside, but it’s fuckin bonkers that Wingstop trades higher than Apple

  • grandmasterchang-av says:

    Kind of curious to know what 50 Cent thinks of the Platinum Plan…

  • cannabuzz-av says:

    “Ice Cube Tray didn’t like my meme, Dad, sorry.” 

  • pitaenigma-av says:

    Is there some kind of executive instruction not to mention the antisemitic rants Ice Cube went on over the last few months? That the only Jewish man who openly embraced him was Morton Klein, a right winged bigot?Because none of this has been mentioned in articles about Cube.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    Haha, that’s why people thought you were stupid for playing with them Ice Cube.

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