Ice Cube exits upcoming Oh Hell No after refusing request to get vaccinated

Losing out on a $9 million paycheck because you don't want to get the vaccine? Oh hell no!

Aux News Ice Cube
Ice Cube exits upcoming Oh Hell No after refusing request to get vaccinated
Ice Cube Photo: Ethan Miller

Ice Cube is out of a job because he apparently didn’t want to get vaxxed. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Ice Cube was dismissed from his starring role in Oh Hell No after declining a request to get the COVID vaccine. He was meant to star alongside Jack Black. Sources told the publication that Sony is currently searching for someone to replace the rapper/actor.

In the movie directed by Bad Trip’s Kitao Sakurai, Cube was meant to play Will, whose friend Sherman (Black) falls in love with his mom—hence the movie’s title. The movie’s release date is still set for June 17, 2022.

Sony has yet to announce if the premiere date will be changed after having to recast the role. The movie was set to begin filming this winter in Hawaii.

Cube was reportedly supposed to get $9 million for this role. That’s a lot of money! For reference, that’s more than what Brie Larson made for starring in Captain Marvel ($5 million) and what Chadwick Boseman was paid for Black Panther ($2 million).

Imagine having the opportunity to make that much money and walking away from it simply because you refuse to get a vaccine that’ll protect you and others from a deadly virus.

And as THR reports, the strangest part of all this is that Ice Cube promoted taking safety measures throughout the pandemic, donating 2,000 face masks to Oklahoma’s Bacone College. He even made custom “Check Yo Self Before You Wreck Yo Self” t-shirts featuring images from his “Check Yo Self” music video with masks photoshopped over his face. Proceeds from those shirts went to frontline healthcare workers.

THR also reports that this is the second time Cube has dropped out of a movie in the past few months. He also left Flint Strong, though it’s unclear if that was also related to not wanting to get the vaccine.


  • pocrow-av says:

    Looking forward to Fox News embracing a member of NWA.

  • akhippo-av says:

    Must be nice to be so rich that you can walk away from 9 mil. And you know they would have come to his house to give him his free shots. So he’s rich and lazy. What a country! 

  • abraslamlincoln-av says:

    This reminds me of that time I was to co-star with Jack Black on some throwaway comedy for like $9 million. Fell through, unfortunately. Those fuckers wanted me to get vaccinated against a global pandemic (swine flu at the time). I was like, “OH HELL NO”. I’m sure there will be more projects for both of us in the near future when people stop caring about inoculating against persistent pandemics. 

    • coolmanguy-av says:

      Was there a swine flu vaccine? I remember having to get a random ass vaccine in the late 00’s/early 10’s but I don’t remember what it was for

      • lattethunder-av says:

        Rabies? Ask your owner.

      • drkschtz-av says:

        Could be a tetanus booster that was suggested while you were in for some other purpose.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        There was a swine flu vaccine, but take-up was badly impacted by wild conspiracy theories – particularly that, after a ten year delay, it would eventually cause Gulf War Syndrome. [it did, however, cause narcolepsy]. I ought to be surprised that nobody’s claimed that covid is just the side-effect of the swine flu vaccine, ten years delayed… but I’m not, because these people don’t have long memories. And, as your post illustrates, even the most controversial mass vaccination programme is immediately totally forgotten about by the public at large once they’ve actually had the jab…

  • murrychang-av says:

    “Cube was meant to play Will, whose friend Sherman (Black) falls in love with his mom”Ya know, just go ahead and don’t make that movie after all.

    • dog-in-a-bowl-av says:

      When the movie was initially pitched, the execs responded with “Oh hell no!” and they mistook that as a title suggestion.

    • citricola-av says:

      As a fully vaccinated person, I can’t help but think I would have second thoughts when reading the script and went “haha *cough cough* turns out I didn’t get the vaccine! Whelp, guess I can’t be in your movie, gotta bounce!”

    • drkschtz-av says:

      It’s Ice Cube— As a Carrot!rated PG-13

    • chris-finch-av says:

      It took me several reads to realize Sherman falls for Will’s mom.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        OOOHHHH! I get it now!Oh, well that’s a shame. That’s much less groundbreaking than I thought it was going to be…

    • kbroxmysox2-av says:

      Wasn’t that the plot of the movie Jim, Pam and Andy watched in that Office episode?

    • robert-denby-av says:

      But wait, you haven’t heard the best part. The mom is played by—get this—Tyler Perry!

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      But Ice Cube doesn’t know how to make movies where he doesn’t approve of his new stepkids/brother-in-law/stepfather.

    • oldmanschultz-av says:

      LOL my thoughts exactly.I mean honestly, anti-vax sentiments aside, it’d be kinda disappointing if everybody didn’t say Oh Hell No and walk away from this.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      We’ve seen this movie already for all intents and purposes, it was called American Pie and it was a subplot that did not require any more screentime than it already got.

    • umqwqyxw-av says:

      Mrs. Albert Hannaday

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Isn’t this just an episode of The Office?

    • lostmeburnerkeyag-av says:

      It sounds like the type of comedy you would’ve maybe rented in the ‘90s when there was nothing else at the store, and besides, you were 10. On the other hand, Jack Black and Ice Cube sound like a natural movie duo.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    well i’m happy to hear jack black is vaccinated.jack blaccinated.

    • cooplander-av says:

      Oh yeah! He celebrated getting vaccinated with this

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      His mother was an actual rocket scientist.OK, more accurately she worked for NASA and helped make the moon landing happen but I just wanted to say rocket scientist.

      • grogthepissed-av says:

        What I’m hearing you say is Jack Black was fathered by a manic moon man. 

        • haodraws-av says:

          Jack Black’s father is Joel Kinnaman?

        • sjfwhite-av says:

          You almost hit it, but more accurately it’s “manic moon mom” … Unless I missed the part where Jack Black’s mom was a dude in which case “manic moon man mommy” would be a lot of fun.  🙂

      • ghoastie-av says:

        His rebellious phase involved years of pointedly staying on Earth.

      • nycpaul-av says:

        I know a couple people who work on projects for NASA, including my brother. Even though they could absolutely do it, they’re embarrassed to call themselves “rocket scientists.”

      • knukulele-av says:

        That would be a better idea for a movie plot involving Jack Black and someone’s mom.🎵 Her name was Judith Love Cohen
        (She built the American Dream)
        Made the abort guidance system
        (And rescued Apollo 13)
        Went to work when she was in labor
        Picked up that print out stack
        She solved the puzzle!
        She called up her boss!
        She squatted out Jack Black
        whoa ohoh whoa ay oh
        whoa oh ay oh Jack Black
        ROCK! 🎶

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      I’ll allow it.

    • djdeejay-av says:

      Jab Black.

  • cigarettecigarette-av says:

    Everything about that premise sounds like a 30 Rock bit.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    What’s with all these fucking hoteps coming out of the closet lately

    • murrychang-av says:

      Stupid times call for stupid people!

    • sixtail-av says:

      The best thing is watching them fuck up their money left and right. Also I’m damned happy to watch them continue to out themselves so I know who is dead to me.

      • drkschtz-av says:

        Hmmm and you know what, Dave Chappelle did the “give Trump a chance” schtick in 2017. Kyrie and Kanye opened their 3rd eye so wide they can see Trump and his wisdoms too. I’m sensing a pattern.

        • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

          Is it possible that too much money is bad for you and gives people who have it way too much license to do dumb shit and feel like they’re right?Because not nearly enough people tell you you;re a dumb asshole when you’re bankrolling their lifestyle and its a pity.

        • opioiduser-av says:

          It’s “Ye” now.  Lol.

        • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

          Kyrie losing about $425,000 per game.

        • jaymags71-av says:

          To be fair, Chappelle retracted that statement:

      • ajvia1-av says:

        I enjoy watching videos of all the dopey NYPD cops out screaming about safety and trust and walking off the Job and retiring en masse.No, nothing to add as a joke or anything. It’s just great watching all these dipshit mouth breathing MAGA chuds with guns lose their jobs and have to find out there’s nothing comparable to “bully with badge” they can find now

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      What was it – a year ago that Cube had a love-in with Jared Kushner and bended the knee to Trump?

    • dr-memory-av says:

      I mean, Cube was always a NoI / 5%er lunatic, he just managed to dial it down in public for a few decades there.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Anyone who doesn’t want to get the vaccine at this point is a fucking pussy

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    I can’t blame him. The day after I had my second shot, I was a little sore and tired, then the next day I felt fine. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody.

    • murrychang-av says:

      As a guy I know said a few months ago ‘Wait till you see what happens to you in a year!’I said ‘What, what’s gonna happen?’He said ‘You’ll see!’He’s not super bright…

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        You should have said, “You know who won’t see what’s gonna happen in a year? A whole bunch of unvaccinated people!”

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        At this point, there are millions of people who got the shot a year ago. I’m sure those people are now claiming that 2, 5 or 10 years down the road horrible things will be happening.Worldwide, on an actuarial basis, we now have something like a billion person-years of data. Literally the only significant or remotely common effect of the vaccine seems to be “not getting very sick and dying of COVID.”

        • murrychang-av says:

          Him and the folks like him don’t understand any of that.  It’s one of the reasons they’re so contrary, because the world is complicated and they don’t understand a lot of it because they’ve been underserved by education for decades 🙁

        • vet26-av says:

          There is literally no one who got the shot a year ago.

        • dremiliolizardo-av says:

          There is a fucking troll claiming that “literally no one…got the shot a year ago.” I can’t find him thanks to Kinja, but he is dead wrong.Both Moderna and Pfizer were approved for emergency use in early December of 2020. They were approved on the basis of clinical trials of people who had gotten the shot, and they had gotten the shot much more than 6 weeks before. So yes, many, many people were vaccinated over a year ago just in the US. This doesn’t even include the rest of the world.This study was published in July 2020: I’m sorry prevents me from dragging your ignorance into the light of day, Vet26, but you are not correct and should take my sixth grade teacher’s advice to hide your ignorance instead of being proud of it.

          • yellowfoot-av says:

            Ok, fine, the bad things don’t start happening a year after you get the vaccine. It turns out our math was just slightly off. But just wait to see what happens to you in two years!

          • heathmaiden-av says:

            Like, one day, you’ll die. You don’t know when it’ll be, but it’ll happen. Just you wait and see.In all seriousness, I happily suffered feeling like varying degrees of shit for a day after each of shots 2 & 3 knowing the peace of mind they gave me. I work in customer facing customer service. Still haven’t gotten sick.Meanwhile, know who got sick and died of COVID-19 this year? My father who opted NOT to get vaccinated. Anecdotal? Sure, but it’s not like my dad was a unique case, as the data shows.

        • lonelylow-keysimian-av says:

          Bill Burr on this: “i don’t get what the conspiracy is supposed to be about. Population control? The plan is to kill all the sheeple, and be left with a planet full of Fonzies?”

          • dremiliolizardo-av says:

            It is just about being contrary. The Democrats want it so Republicans have to oppose it since that is the only thing they believe in. Then they have to come up with some crap to justify the position.

          • westsidegrrl-av says:

            This. Absolutely this. See also: climate change.

          • lonelylow-keysimian-av says:

            true enough. However, i DO remember Biden in October 2020, when being asked if he’ll take “Trump’s vaccine”:
            “Charting a clear path of science-based vaccines, free from politics. I get asked the question: ‘If
            the president announced tomorrow we have a vaccine, would you take it?’
            Only if it was completely transparent, that other experts in the
            country could look at it, only if we knew all of what went into it.”

        • nycpaul-av says:

          You say that as if Ice Cube is done doing his research!

        • wastrel7-av says:

          To be fair, you can’t really add up person-years that way in medical trials. For all we know, we could all now have some horrible prion-like condition that kills us all grusomely thirty years from now…[I mean, there’s absolutely no reason to think that would happen, which is why I’m fully vaccinated, but it’s true that we won’t really be able to rule it out until this generation is all dead and we (or rather, ‘they’) can consider our death rates in hindsight]

        • sassyskeleton-av says:

          I had to explain to someone this weekend that getting the vaccine doesn’t stop me from getting Covid, just means that I won’t die from it.

      • puddingangerslotion-av says:

        I remember people saying CDs were going to self destruct within a decade. Who’s laughing now??? Me, the guy with boxes full of CDs he never listens to any more but can’t bear to get rid of!

      • obatarian-av says:

        I am disappointed I did not get the magnetic powers I was promised by several Republican representatives. 

      • amessagetorudy-av says:

        I hope you circled the future date on your calendar. On that day, go up to him, say, “See? Nothing hap…” and then immediately spew fake vomit and blood all over him, collapse on the ground and “die.”Laughter ensues.

    • citricola-av says:

      After my first shot I did have a pretty sore shoulder for an entire day, which is a fate worse than death apparently. 

    • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

      And my thing is even with like the conspiracy theories, so you wanna be a few of the only survivors in an event where most people are either dead, mutants, part of a computer hive mind? How can you want that?Like if you’re hella fit and able bodied maybe you stand a chance of I guess defeating all other former humans, but unlikely in a world where nobody is cleaning the water anymore and the nuclear plants are ticking time bombs with neglect the odds aren’t in your favor. Also in the off chance scenario of a shadow cabal killing most everybody for sinister ends you also don’t stand a chance because they would have access to resources and enhanced weaponry and the biggest obstacle a large population working against them has already been eliminated so you’re basically at the mercy of whatever they want to do with the rest of mankind.So like you’re gonna suffer more not getting the shot buddy.

    • bassohmatic-av says:

      All week at work we’ve been having remote meetings about our vaccine mandate and people are FREAKING out. They are insulting doctors, their superiors, and pretty much everyone, and quoting ridiculous Facebook nonsense about the “untested vaccine”. It’s been embarrassing, and these are work meetings with zero anonymity. 

    • ruefulcountenance-av says:

      I was sceptical at first but now the anti-vaxxers have me convinced. I had both of my jabs but not only did I test positive last week *but* I also felt like I had a mild cold for a couple of days!What are they telling me know then, that I went to all that rigmarole of getting injected twice and I still had to endure a runny nose? Monsters.Yeach, yeah “it would have been worse if you hadn’t had the jab”, tell that to my nagging headache. 

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      I had 1 hour and 7 minutes of very slight chills from 6.15pm to 7.22pm on the 1st of March 2021 after getting my first Pfizer shot at 1.45pm that day. It was a terrifying experience that only ended with two Ibuprofen totalling 400mg and two paracetamol adding up to 1g.Fortunately I was spared all this for my second shot three weeks later.

      • wombat23-av says:

        i did the j&j vaccine, and basically went to bed early and i slept for 14 hours the day after i got the shot. beyond that, not much.

    • diabolik7-av says:

      I can‘t blame him either. I have been compelled – on TWO occasions – to expose my naked upper arm to two different women – both of whom I had previously never formally met – and be touched by them, without an engraved letter of introduction or personal recommendation by a elderly relative. I just hope these resulting upcoming many years of this so-called ‘life‘ prove to be worth the embarrassment, humiliation and flagrant breaches of etiquette.

      • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

        Heavy penance to you, philanderer. Shame … shame … shame.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        (you’re lucky. the first jab, someone touched my arm… the second, though, was evidently outsourced to a day-release programme from an asylum for the criminally insane, and the jab was delivered into my arm in a manner similar to the bathroom scene in Psycho. The first time I was warned, “you may have a sore arm”; the second time, I was outright told, “you WILL have a sore arm”…)

      • docnemenn-av says:

        Diabolik, please! This horrifying story of yours is giving me the vapours, I do declare. 

    • south-of-heaven-av says:

      That feeling that was comparable to a mild hangover (that pales in comparison to what I’m going to feel after this weekend) sure was a terrible price to pay for not being a plague rat.

    • nycpaul-av says:

      My blood turned to jelly, and now I’m dead!!

    • brickstarter-av says:

      You’re lucky.  The day after my second shot my fever was so high I was hallucinating.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      I feel you, friend. I knew the unbearable, torturous agony of a slight ache in the arm I was injected in for a few hours afterwards. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, let alone someone being paid millions to star in a movie. 

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    Straight outta CovidA crazy motherfucker named Ice CubeFormed a plan to have a dumb attitude

  • wsvon1-av says:

    Cube – no matter how much you suck up to him, Tucker Carlson isn’t going to invite you on his white power hour.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Bill O’Reilly would totally have him on his podcast.

    • mothkinja-av says:

      Sure he would. Nothing makes a white supremacist wetter than a token minority they can parade around agreeing with them.

      • ghostiet-av says:

        This. Here in Poland, where the racial makeup is overwhelmingly white (we have a small Asian community spread through the country, mostly Koreans and Vietnamese, but not enough to really put a dent in that), the nationalist, right wing, pretend libertarian fuckos always make sure to bring a black guy who is also wheelchair-bound to live events for double “see, we’re not pieces of shit” points.It’s hard to buy when the Nationalist Movement invited some African missionaries for a meeting and their fanbase didn’t even wait a second before throwing slurs around. Fuck these clowns.

  • liberaltears6969-av says:

    You are so blinded to your own racism its sickening.

  • rollotomassi123-av says:

    The vaccine mandate at my work kicks in on Monday. I wonder how many people aren’t going to be there anymore. 

    • ksmithksmith-av says:

      You can bet that the average IQ will increase significantly.

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      Look at it this way once those folks are gone: 

    • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

      I work for a gov’t contractor, so our deadline is Dec 8 to be fully vaccinated. That takes into account the time after the second shot (or only shot for J&J). Which means for the Moderna path, it’s already too late to start.

    • bassohmatic-av says:

      Same. I’ve been attending the union and staff remote meetings to get a feel for the impact, and the crazy is strong. It doesn’t seem to be a large number, though, so guess some promotion opportunities will be opening up! 

      • pgthirteen-av says:

        I love that attitude. If I am understanding my very cursory following of the news on this, it seems that “crazy/loud” does not equal “large number.” MOst of these vaccine mandates seem to be working as they are supposed to – majorities of workers are getting vaccinated, and the mandates are also doing us all the favor of clearing out loudmouth MAGA chuds from the workplace. I’m very curious to see how this plays out with the cities’ police and firefighters. Dream scenario – the mandates open the doors for promoting more civic minded cops and firefighters.

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      Congrats on your new, improved work space.

      • gabrielstrasburg-av says:

        Everyone at my job is vaxxed, but we still have 2 antivaxxers/trumpers. They got vaxxed but still rant about it and say its worthless.
        When they bring up biden I start talking about how trump is a serial rapist. Seems to be the only thing that shuts them up.

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        It actually makes me more sad than anything. I like a lot of the people who are leaving, and the fact that they’ve fallen for bullshit, that their entire worldview is so messed up, depresses the hell out of me. I’ll miss (some of) them, and of course our previously existing staffing problem is only going to be worse for a while. Thank god my department is 100% vaccinated, and has been for a while. There was one holdout, but he finally did it a month or so ago, along with a couple who waited until pretty late out of laziness rather than opposition to the vaccine.

    • Velops-av says:

      The worst holdouts are the unvaccinated healthcare workers. They actively disbelieve the science even though their work is centered around getting patients to trust the science.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        A former friend of mine and his girlfriend are anti-vaxxers (that’s partly why we’re no longer friends). Despite the GF being a biology major that works in a lab that tests various medications, she’s still refuses to get it.Like, you can read the ingredients and understand what’s in it, so what’s the problem? It may come as no shock that she, along with her parents, are Trumpers.Ready for the best part? I found out through a mutual friend that my former friend secretly got the vaccine last month without telling his GF.

    • tvcr-av says:

      I’ll bet Ice Cube isn’t there.

  • hooch-av says:

    Shit, I’ll do it for only $8 million

  • Harold_Ballz-av says:

    They vaxxed JFK in ‘63… so what the fuck you think they’ll do to me?!

  • pizzapartymadness-av says:

    Maybe he can do an Armageddon/Deep Impact thing and make “Ah Hell Nah!” instead?

  • ganews-av says:

    Pretty dumb, but still not as dumb as coaches for major sports teams flushing millions of dollars by refusing vaccines. Ice Cube will probably get more movies eventually, but the replacement value of coaches is even lower than an actor with a box office record.

    • bassohmatic-av says:

      It IS entertaining, though, to watch the coaches try to get religious exemptions and have the leaders of all the major denominations tell them to get the shot. 

  • Harold_Ballz-av says:

    Apparently he went to his first-dose vaccination appointment, but when he saw the syringe, he yelled, “Is shots out there this big?!”

  • sonicoooahh-av says:

    Everyone has their price. Apparently Ice Cube’s is more than $9m.

  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    I’m doubly insulted that This fucking dickhead won’t get vaccinated The basic premise of this movie in the Year of Our Lord 2021, after Black’s career survived the shit parade that was Shallow Hal (aka Uggos Are Hilarious!) AND Nacho Libre (aka Mexicans Are Hilarious!), was clearly going to be “Isn’t it inherently hilarious that this Fat Honky is sexually attracted to this Old Black Woman? These jokes write themselves!”

  • jrobie-av says:

    I’m fully vaxxed, and will take the job for half of what they were going to pay Cube. HMU Sony.

  • PennypackerIII-av says:

    Poor Cube, he’s going to be really struggling now after backing out and losing that $9 mil. Guess the G/O gang has a new black person to shit all over this week.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    This is exactly like Tuskeegee, where all the white people lined up to get syphilis, and couldn’t wait to get syphilis for their kids, and wouldn’t let anyone around their kids if they didn’t have syphilisEXACTLY like that!

  • cdog9231-av says:

    I think the most egregious issue in this article is someone is actually willing to pay Ice Cube $9 million to do anything in 2021.

  • dikeithfowler-av says:

    If they don’t now cast IronE Singleton I’m going to be outraged.

  • suzzi-av says:

    Just another in a string of problematic opinions by Ice Cube. He’s an idiot.

  • cscurrie-av says:

    so who is going to replace him?  Kevin Hart?  Mike Epps?

    • grogthepissed-av says:

      The only option is another Ice. My hope is T, though I’d bet Vanilla would work cheaper. 

      • bassohmatic-av says:

        But if they used Vanilla Ice they’d have to abandon all the careful examination of interracial romance I’m sure they had planned. 

      • Harold_Ballz-av says:

        I’d prefer Natty.

      • ruefulcountenance-av says:

        That reminds me of one of my favourite Larry Sanders jokes.Larry: have you noticed that all rappers have Ice in their name? Ice Cube, Ice T, Vanilla Ice. Hank, what would you rap name be?Hank: Hank The Rapper

  • systemmastert-av says:


  • isaacasihole-av says:

    So the guy who sang “Fuck tha Police!” is afraid of a needle. Ok.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Some people just don’t like being told what to do, so has anyone tried telling him not to get vaccinated?

  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    Why are we ignoring the most perplexing part—Ice Cube commands a $9 million paycheck?

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Oh well. I guess the world will just have to find a way to go on without another Ice Cube film.

  • diamonddnice01-av says:

    Cube has said some questionable things recently. As someone who followed his entire career he has sort of aligned himself with the very people he used to rail against in his music, with the exception of police. That said, I am not reliant on musicians for my medical advice so his opinions don’t effect my actions.

  • harrydeanlearner-av says:

    I don’t see the issue at all, and you guys need to stop piling on…

  • buttsmoondragon-av says:

    Whoa, noted antisemite has other bad takes?

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    He donated 2000 masks? Really? Damn, that must have set him back about $200.00It’s funny when these guys act all broke.

  • beats-av says:

    He was the weak link in NWA… Now you know why.

  • defuandefwink-av says:

    Fucking idiot.

  • Logical-av says:

    Oh well, his choice. He isn’t being COMPELLED to take the vaccine.

    I guess he won’t miss that 9 million.

    This is further proof that folks not taking the vaccine isn’t just some white right wing thing. I just talked to a bruh today that got 2 Pfizer shots but is against getting the booster. What the hell just damn why?

  • h3rm35-av says:

    Getting high w/ Snoop, E40, and Too $hort, then deciding to leave the planet had everything to do with it:

  • opioiduser-av says:

    Who in their right mind would pay Ice Cube $9 mil for anything?  Damn.

  • h3rm35-av says:

    “aint no stoppin’ what can’t be stopped. Ain’t no killin’ what can’t be killed…”He’s an alien hunter, never hid it.

  • nextchamp-av says:

    Sigh…I’m so tired of this world. So tired how stupid everyone is getting.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      I think it’s actually been a case of the Internet throwing a spotlight on what was already there.

      • zwing-av says:

        People say that but I think it ignores the damage the internet 2.0 does to us, especially in regards to social media. As a nation we’re a bunch of addicts and we act irrationally, and we can’t process the amount of info we’re taking in (hence the leap in conspiracy theories). 

      • drkschtz-av says:

        Wrong, we already know for a fact that social media changes people’s brains.

  • dargarparmparmchillchill-av says:

    People who don’t get vaxxed, who don’t have a LEGIT medical reason (which is super, super rare) can seriously go fuck themselves.  Fucking dipshit motherfuckers.

  • jbbb3-av says:

    Damn, I hope Chadwick and Brie had backend profit participation.

    • avataravatar-av says:

      One has to assume. Plus, those sorts of contracts almost always have sequels built in with HUGE compensation bumps should the thing justify one.
      But it would take googling to find out. AVC has the budget for cherry picked data and snark, but not google.

  • mackyart-av says:

    I’m more offended that Ice Cube was offered $9 million for a movie. What studio exec thought that there’s an actual human that watches a movie because Ice Cube is in it.

  • dopeheadinacubscap-av says:

    It’s unfair, but I’ve been kind of side-eying the whole early ‘90s LA rapper group over the past year as conspiracy theories gained traction. Lots of that group clearly listened to and regurgitated Art Bell and it used to be harmless, now it’s not.

  • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

    This isn’t super surprising. Ice Cube has long had views that could be described as NOI-sympathetic. 

  • freshness-av says:

    Are there any films being made featuring a cast of these pro-diseasers?

  • xanadu2018-av says:

    Guess he needs to catch a case.

  • capeo-av says:

    $9 mil!?! That should be the headline: Movie Studio was Going to Pay Ice Cube  9 Million Dollars for Some Reason. 

  • bjackyll-av says:

    He’ll never top his work in Ghosts of Mars anyway.

  • shackofkhan-av says:

    People of color make up the vast majority of those refusing the vaccine. Why are you people so racist?

  • amessagetorudy-av says:

    Giving up $9 million is worth it to not turn into a human magnet for life. Or having people be able to track you down through your pee-pee. Or whatever ridiculous reason he has.

  • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

    Cancel this crap. The only movie called Oh Hell No should feature Will Smith fighting demons while chewing a cigar.

  • dabard3-av says:

    Congrats to all of the new fans Ice Cube will now have. I hope he enjoys his spot at the RNC convention in 2024.
    Fucking jagoff.

  • dontcallitacomback-av says:

    Good riddance. I promise you he’s had so many shots bc of STDs…

  • bigjoec99-av says:

    And I thought it was embarrassing to get fired for stealing boxes.

  • rogersachingticker-av says:

    IMDB doesn’t show anyone cast in the role, so the thing I keep wondering is, who are they casting as mom to 52-year-old Ice Cube/inappropriate romantic interest of 52-year-old Jack Black? Because I have a bad feeling that if Cube had manned up and gotten the jab, they would’ve been trying to pass off Angela Bassett or Lela Rochon off as being old enough to be his mom.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Losing out on a $9 million paycheck because you don’t want to get the vaccine? – Priceless.

  • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

    I presume Kevin Hart has already received an offer.He and Black did two Jumanjis together, so it would make sense.

  • cannabuzz-av says:

    Look, it could have resulted in pain in his neck, or his back, or his neck AND his back!

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    Replace him with Jonah Hill and leave the script exactly the same

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Well, sounds like this is a pretty stupid idea for a movie, so maybe he dodged a bullet on this one.

  • sassyskeleton-av says:

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