Fran Drescher triumphs in bitter, contentious SAG-AFTRA elections

But her running mate, Star Trek: Discovery's Anthony Rapp, did not

TV News Fran Drescher
Fran Drescher triumphs in bitter, contentious SAG-AFTRA elections
Fran Drescher Photo: Jamie McCarthy

The surprisingly heated, and verbally contentious, elections for the leadership of SAG-AFTRA—the union which pretty much every working actor in Hollywood belongs to—have come to their sanguine conclusion this weekend, as Fran Drescher has emerged, blood-stained and triumphant, carrying the (metaphorical) head of election foe Matthew Modine in her hands.

Which is to say: Drescher is now the head of SAG-AFTRA, after what was, by all accounts, an extremely bitter election, one that saw accusations of everything from support for the January 6 insurrection to sympathy for the NXIVM cult tossed around between rivals. Drescher was the apparent heir apparent, running on the Unite For Strength party/platform that’s run things at SAG-AFTRA for the last few years, while Modine represented the rival MembershipFirst. (God, these names.)

But all is not straightforward for Drescher’s ascent to immaculately dressed power: Her running mate, Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp, did not win his election to the post of secretary-treasurer, which instead went to Modine ally Joely Fisher. And while that could simply mean some sort of compromise position will eventually emerge from all the arguing, it seems just as likely that we’re about to get into some real Jefferson-Burr type shit, and in a few years we’ll be writing a piece about Joely Fisher attempting to make herself the emperor of Mexico.

In the short term, though, the two sides of the issue (who stand for, in very general terms, “Let’s keep doing what we’ve been doing” and “Let’s change everything,” because politics) are presumably going to have to find a way to work together under Drescher’s lead. And who’s to say she can’t pull it off? She’s got style, she’s got flair, she’s only got, like, one tweet about how 5G cellular signals cause coronavirus…That’s how she became the SAG-AFTRA president-elect.

[via Variety]


  • corvus6-av says:

    “like, one tweet about how 5G cellular signals cause coronavirus…”Look, when we talked about everyone having brain-worms, it was meant metaphorically. Now masses of people are literally taking horse de-wormer.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    It’s worth noting that “SAG-AFTRA” is an anagram for “Fart Saga”.

  • tvs_frank-av says:

    That sure is a lot of people in UHF that turned out to be crazy. Al, uhhhh… you sure you’re only weird, right?

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I wonder if Modine will refuse to concede, spread a bunch of conspiracy theories about the election being stolen, and encourage his supporters to storm Grauman’s Chinese Theater.

  • actuallydbrodbeck-av says:

    She’s no longer with that nut who thinks he invented email, so there’s that.

    • cathleenburner-av says:

      Al Gore?

      • send-in-the-drones-av says:

        Lovely, but incorrect. Gore was caught of guard by a “why are you better than that other guy?” question.  “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet” was part of a spur of the moment answer. The validity of the essence of the claim has essentially been backed by everyone who developed the Internet system/software as Al Gore was the guy in Congress who went door to door telling the elected officials about building the system that grew up to be the Internet.Securing that funding and convincing people to back the development was tough. The Internet didn’t exist in any form and didn’t have a predecessor one could look at and say “that, but better.”He didn’t take credit for the software – he earned credit for understanding how important it was to build and getting the government to fund developing it. The Arizona Republic noted in an editorial that “Gore has a way of morphing, Zelig-like into the lives of whomever he’s addressing.” The editorial showed Gore some mercy, however, continuing: “In fact, as the chairman of a key science subcommittee in 1986, Gore did foster the creation of five supercomputer centers through the National Science Foundation that became the cornerstone of the Internet.”In particular he argued for support for the development of the network that connected those super computers.From Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf:As a Senator in the 1980s Gore urged government agencies to consolidate what at the time were several dozen different and unconnected networks into an “Interagency Network.” Working in a bi-partisan manner with officials in Ronald Reagan and George Bush’s administrations, Gore secured the passage of the High Performance Computing and Communications Act in 1991. This “Gore Act” supported the National Research and Education Network (NREN) initiative that became one of the major vehicles for the spread of the Internet beyond the field of computer science.As Vice President Gore promoted building the Internet both up and out, as well as releasing the Internet from the control of the government agencies that spawned it. He served as the major administration proponent for continued investment in advanced computing and networking and private sector initiatives such as Net Day. He was and is a strong proponent of extending access to the network to schools and libraries. Today, approximately 95% of our nation’s schools are on the Internet. Gore provided much-needed political support for the speedy privatization of the Internet when the time arrived for it to become a commercially-driven operation.’s tough to think of any of Gore’s peers having done something that has had such reach to compare with an entire generation believes that the Internet is indispensable and has always been here. Fran’s former guy – the e-mail “creator” because he called his program “e-mail”? He has lawyers looking for libel and slander targets and I chose not to be one.

        • egerz-av says:

          That’s an interesting read, but why do I get the feeling you scour comment boards waiting for someone to make fun of Al Gore?

          • send-in-the-drones-av says:

            After the last 4 years of T#### I see no need to pass on misinformation. If someone doesn’t like the actual policies and says so, that’s one thing – they can be examined. But the beliefs about this are entirely fabricated, in large part by Jay Leno’s writing staff, and I cannot help but think that it played a part in getting Mad Cow Bush elected with the related multiple disasters of his policies.

          • hamiltonistrash-av says:

            historians could make whole careers about the damage Jay Leno has done to our society

          • rollotomassi123-av says:

            If something like 300 votes in Florida had changed, Gore would have won. That means that almost literally anything that was bad for Gore played a part in getting Bush elected, definitely including the “I invented the internet” myth. It’s one of history’s greatest near-misses, not to mention an obvious pivot point on which everything that’s happened since rests. No Bush means no Iraq war and might mean no 9/11. I’d like to say it would also mean no Trump and no insane right wing death cult, but it’s impossible to know that. 

          • peterbread-av says:

            9/11 had been in the planning for years before the election, so odds are that would have happened anyway. Would the response have been different? Perhaps.

            Suspect Afghanistan would still have been invaded but probably not Iraq.

          • rollotomassi123-av says:

            The Bush administration ignored a lot of the warnings related to 9/11, in some cases specifically because they didn’t care to listen to people who’d worked for Clinton. With Gore as president, that may or may not have still happened, which is why I said there might not have been a 9/11. Of course, there’s a good chance that even if the attacks had been foiled, Al-Qaeda eventually would have managed to do something else on a similar scale. The invasion of Afghanistan would probably have still happened if Bin Laden had managed to pull off anything significant, but Iraq almost certainly wouldn’t have been invaded. I don’t know if that means Afghanistan would have gone better, but I doubt it could have gone any worse. Regardless of the details, we’d be living in a very different world if Gore had been elected instead of Bush, and probably a somewhat better one. 

          • wastrel7-av says:

            Hey now, everyone has to have a hobby!(but yes, Gore’s comments were taken out of context and at least partly true)

        • jmyoung123-av says:

          I agree with your point about the importance of Gore, but his importance is specifically to the commercial Internet. The Internet existed before Gore was a senator.  

          • send-in-the-drones-av says:

            The telegraph was really the Internet, a worldwide communications platform. He did support the Interagency (non-commercial) network first. 

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            I am talking about the arpanet and the linked computer systems. And he may have been the first in Congress to support it. But it existed prior to his support. 

          • send-in-the-drones-av says:

            Wow. You really don’t want to give any credit for making a 100,000X change in direction from the FTP and e-mail servers that ran on those to the World Wide Web and now cloud-based computing? Because neither of those latter existed before his support. 

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            Ok, now you are getting silly(1) In my first post I said I agreed with your support of Gore and his importance to the Internet as we know it. And I agree with you debunking the claims that he said he created the Internet. I give Gore a lot of credit for wide spread access to the Internet. However, he is not responsible for its creation.(2) Further, your logic is much more specious when you bring the Web and cloud computing into it. The World Wide Web was invented by a Brit at CERN. And cloud computing is largely a function of higher transmission rates and more powerful servers. It’s a natural function.

  • brickstarter-av says:

    Meanwhile, her “ex-husband” is trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

    • send-in-the-drones-av says:

      That’s a grave I’d like to pee on. 

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Yeah, people joking about him having invented e-mail (sorry, ‘E-mail’, because his company began with an ‘E’ and they used mail) are kind of burying the “he’s also the guy personally vetting the votes in Arizona” lede…

  • cscurrie-av says:

    I’m still waiting for The Nanny reboot with Cardi B as her long lost love child. Can’t wait for the in-story explanation of that.

  • junker359-av says:

    “Apparent heir apparent,” eh? Apparently. 

  • kris1066-av says:

    Two actors enter. One head of SAG-AFTRA leaves.

  • drips-av says:

    I dunno I always liked her for her LGBT activism, looong before it was more the norm. Don’t know much about this 5G stuff, but we all got weird and often dumb ideas. It’s not like she’s out there promoting horse medicine to millions of loyal followers and doing actual damage to society, like some roided out walking thumbs.

    • xdmgx-av says:

      She gets no pass.  She’s nuts. 

    • doobie1-av says:

      “5G causes coronvirus” is, make no mistake, a fucking bananas thing to believe, but at this point, it’s almost quaint, old school insanity, like thinking the CIA is reading your thoughts or that you’re Napoleon. It’s sad for your relatives, and you’ll have shitter internet service, but unless you’re invading Belgium, it’s not directly harmful to the rest of the world in the way that the anti-maskers or people who believe in the things that come out of Trump’s mouth are.

      • xdmgx-av says:

        If she’s spouting 5G nonsense you can best believe she’s on the bat shit crazy end of the Spectrum. Stop giving people a pass for acting nuts just because they align with you politically. Its the definition of hypocrisy and happens far too often.It always makes think about James Gunn. He wrote some of the nastiest things someone could write on twitter but was given a pass by far too many people because he was a very outspoken liberal. No one should be given a pass for bullshit behavior no matter which side of the political spectrum they fall on. 

        • surprise-surprise-av says:

          It always makes think about James Gunn. He wrote some of the nastiest things someone could write on twitter but was given a pass by far too many people because he was a very outspoken liberal. No one should be given a pass for bullshit behavior no matter which side of the political spectrum they fall on.
          Well, he wasn’t given a pass, he was initially fired. Then he was hired back. Supposedly because of outrage from his supporters who pointed out it was a joke, but more likely because he was picked up by Disney’s competitor.
          Anyway, they were jokes, he wasn’t advocating anything in those Tweets and they weren’t any worse than the kind of jokes you see on South Park or Family Guy. And if Disney had kept him on the blacklist, they’d be kind of hypocritical considering (off the top of my head) Carrie Fisher, Gilbert Gottfried, and Sarah Silverman all appeared in The Aristocrats, a film where famous comedians and writers tell their versions of the filthiest joke in the English language where the entire point is to be as obscene and offensive as possible.

          • xdmgx-av says:

            Uh, he made “jokes” about rape, 9/11, the holocaust. He constantly made tweets about pedophilia. He “jokingly” talked about fucking little boys (hahaha just so riotously funny!!) while working for a company whose entire persona is built around being family friendly.  They weren’t made that long ago and he was a grown man when he made them. None of Carrano’s tweets were close to being as offensive as Gunn’s but she was treated like she’d committed the crime of all crimes and fired simply because she has a different political view than Disney. I don’t align with anything she says, but I’m also not going to pretend that it wasn’t completely hypocritical of Disney to fire her.

          • yellowfoot-av says:

            Do you think we should go ahead and shoot Gunn in the head, or just cut off his fingers and tongue so he can’t tweet or write anything anymore?

          • xdmgx-av says:

            No I don’t think that at all. I was simply illustrating that people are way more apt to give people a pass if they align with them politically. If Carrano would have been a liberal and made that tweet nothing would have came of it.Pedro Pascal made a similar (comically incorrect) tweet and not a single thing became of it. The photo he used wasn’t even of children in the US.  Point being, just be consistent and stop letting idiots run their mouths regardless of who their political affiliation is with. 

          • yellowfoot-av says:

            Sorry, if Carrano had made *which* tweet? What are you referring to exactly here?Do you think Pascal’s tweet is a joke? If not, why are you comparing it to Gunn’s tweets?I’m afraid your point seems to be as banal as “people like the people they like,” which is not exactly publishable material, Derrida. You might want to try a little harder to find examples proving everyone’s overwhelming hypocrisy in coming down too hard on transphobia and too soft on pedophilia, in a topic about neither.

          • xdmgx-av says:

            You have the ability to look up the Carano situation, I’m not doing it for you. My point was simply that people shouldn’t be given a pass for saying stupid things regardless of political affiliation. It had to do with some posters above saying “well her 5G tweets aren’t that crazy” simply because they happen to like her political views. It simply brought Gunn to mind to me because I thought he should have been fired and not rehired by Disney because the things he wrote went well beyond being attempts at humor and were some of the most hateful things someone could write. But being a hardcore liberal many on the left stood up for him and demanded he get rehired, which he did.  Carano was fired for saying far less and was not given that same second chance.  

          • yellowfoot-av says:

            Neither of us would have to look up anything if you were just clear about what you’re referring to in your ramblings. There are tweets mentioned in this very article, and you also referenced Gunn’s tweets, so how am I suppose to know that “That Tweet” is referencing any of the ones Carano made? If your thesis is that people would give an otherwise liberal person (Carano, in your What If world) a pass for their transphobia, I would love to direct you to a little known author of a beloved book series who lost a whole lot of public support once she made her transphobic views known, and continued to make them known. Oh, and a once beloved UK sitcom writer who also made continual transphobic remarks over and over again, never actually admitting fault.The common theme of course being that some people say incredibly stupid things (and although this bit is going to be referencing the few transphobes I’m talking about, I don’t want your obviously mediocre grasp of the English language to allow you to miss that I’m also obliquely referring to you, a person who has said some incredibly stupid things in this thread) and then only ever double down on them, instead of providing any evidence whatsoever that they’re capable of self-reflection and growth. Other people see this and judge them accordingly. Regardless of your cynical outlook on apparently every person except you — a person who has never been hypocritical once in your life—  Gunn did not throw a fit when he was fired, accepted responsibility, and apologized. Carano has apologized for some of the stupid shit she has said, but seeing as she said a lot of stupid shit (again, I don’t want you to miss this reference to you, an idiot who says a lot of stupid shit) it would be extremely difficult to come back from that.
            In any case, I find your accusation that she’s being treated as if she committed “the crime of all crimes”(?) fairly confusing, since she was only fired. If people decide not to like her because she has bad politics, then I think we’re back to my original assessment of your argument, that “people like the people they like.”

          • necgray-av says:

            And look, any asshole who takes money from Ben goddam Shapiro doesn’t get to pretend to be sorry for their stupid, shitty takes on their stupid, shitty conservatism.

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            You’re kidding, right? I don’t think Carrano should have been fired, but what she said was absolutely worse, primarily because there was no irony or humor in what she said. She meant it.  

          • necgray-av says:

            That is not similar. Like at all. Carano was trying to compare the “plight” of Hollywood conservatives being socially ostracized to German Jews being outed and abused. Which is such fucking absurd victimhood. Pascal was comparing the plight of interred Jewish children in Germany to interred South/Central American children in America. Like the photo fucking *matters*. The fact that you see those two bits of social commentary as equal is just… fucking WOW.

          • xdmgx-av says:

            What Pascal was doing was making a political statement that the children at the border were being treated like the children at concentration camps during the holocaust. The photo he used wasn’t even children at the US border, it was an image of Palestinian children awaiting a meal during Ramadan in a play area. The image was cropped to remove decorative flourishes to make the area appear to be a jail cell.  So saying that children at the Border are being treated like children at conccentration camps who are going to soon be murdered isn’t the same thing? I think its very similar, and it was disgusting. And I’m not advocating for Carano either, what she wrote was stupid and completely disgusting as well.  But if Disney is going to fire people over tweets they should be consistent with it, and they absolutey aren’t.  

          • necgray-av says:

            Read better.Carano was saying that Hollywood conservatives being ostracized by their liberal peers was similar to German Jews being abused and outed by their neighbors. HER metaphor was INSANE. It didn’t apply AT ALL.Pascal was saying that South/Central American children being detained in camps at the border was similar to Jewish children being detained in camps in Germany. Even if you consider that hyperbole, it at least applies as a comparison. (And hey, let’s compare hyperbole: No Hollywood conservative has died because of being bullied by their liberal peers. Whereas children detained at the border HAVE fucking died.)And this is all over your weird fucking preoccupation with comparing any of this shit to some random commenter being sad that Drescher, who is in most ways liberal-leaning, is a sucker for 5G conspiracy nonsense. What a fucking stupid tempest in a teapot.

          • xdmgx-av says:

            Easy, tamper down on the anger. You seem really upset. Pascal’s point wasn’t remotely comparable to Jewish children in concentration camps. Were the children at the border being taken to be gassed and murdered? You also seem to be conveniently skipping the fact that the photo he used wasn’t even of children at the border. It was as ludicrous a point as Carano’s. Yes children have died at the border (which Pascal also conveniently fails to mention that they also died well before Trump and that they will after). And you really have trouble with comprehension, but that is ok, I’ll help you. The commenter I was referring to was making the point that Drescher’s 5G bullshit should be ignored because she’s a good liberal. My point was liberal or not she is fucking crazy and doesn’t get a pass just because she’s a liberal. And I’m not preoccupied with anything. I’m merely replying to your continual replies to what I’ve written. You are obviously obsessed with what I write so instead of replying why don’t you go take a walk outside and go cool off. I haven’t written anything offensive, I was just making a comment that I feel strongly about.

          • necgray-av says:

            Oh, okay. Carano. I see what we’re dealing with.Go choke down a food bucket and some Super Male Vitality, Info Warrior.

          • xdmgx-av says:

            Hahaha, excellent response.

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            “Uh, he made “jokes” about rape, 9/11, the holocaust” All fertile ground for humor. The worst thing was, most of them weren’t funny.

          • wastrel7-av says:

            *notes post**cross-references with Last Jedi discussion in other threat*Yup, the ol’ detector’s still working…

          • xdmgx-av says:

            Hahaha, your assertion that all people who like TLJ are good people and those that don’t are a**holes is not only hilarious but also completely insane.  

        • necgray-av says:

          Hey, revisionist. Gunn wasn’t “given a pass”. He made several apologies and was fired. And even then there were plenty of people still giving him side-eye. You’re also ignoring the context of those Tweets being old as shit but brought out as a weapon against him by bad faith actors.Which is not to excuse him as much as it is to call out your shitty example. He faced consequences, she didn’t. He apologized. She didn’t.

          • xdmgx-av says:

            What consequences did he face? He was fired, then rehired. Zero consequences. Also, he only apologized after the tweets were found. And what the hell does it matter when they were, he still made them. I’m not sure that making jokes about Pedophilia has an expiration date on them. He made horrific comments about the Holocaust, 9/11, Rape, and sodomizing little kids.   They weren’t funny then or now and he was absolutely given a pass because Disney rehired him shortly after.  And please, you are acting like these were back when he was some dumbass teenager.  He was a grown man making these statements and should have been permanently fired. 

          • necgray-av says:

            Cool.So just to recap, you’re comparing him to Fran Drescher. Who has said or done………… Sorry, what was your comparison about?Be as idiotically fired up about whatever you want, YOU brought that shit up. It was YOUR comparison.

          • xdmgx-av says:

            Maybe read higher than one comment up and you will see what I was talking about genius. 

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            There’s nothing wrong with pedophile jokes. 

          • 10cities10years-av says:

            Should everyone who appears in The Aristocrats be permanently barred from future employment in Hollywood?

          • xdmgx-av says:

            I think there is a difference in being in a movie and spouting hatred on twitter.  

          • 10cities10years-av says:

            Please explain. Was Gunn advocating for the death or harm of anyone?

          • xdmgx-av says:

            Was Carano?   Have you read Gunns tweets?

          • 10cities10years-av says:

            I never mentioned Carano. You’d be hard pressed to find any evidence of me having ever expressed any opinion on her, pre or post Disney firing.As to Gunn’s tweets, I recall reading a few back in the day when the story first happened (probably here on AVC), but I certainly don’t have them stored in my memory, as you apparently do.My understanding is that he said all his tweets were jokes (and apologized for them), which, if true puts them in the same realm as The Aristocrats. You, however, are claiming they were in fact hateful statements, and we’re intended as such. It’s a bold claim, I’m wondering if you have evidence to support it.And if not, I return to my original query: should everyone involved in the documentary The Aristocrats be barred from Hollywood employment?

          • xdmgx-av says:

            You can look up his tweets and they were some of the most disgusting things someone could say. They weren’t funny and just because he said “I was joking” doesn’t give him a pass for it. And I’m not advocating anyone be fired for anything. I’m saying that there shouldn’t be a double standard. What Carano wrote wasn’t any more insensitive than Pascal’s tweet and way less insensitive than anything Gunn wrote. If you fire her, then both of them should be fired as well. Or, don’t fire any of them and allow people to say what we the hell they want as long as they aren’t spewing hatred.

          • utopianhermitcrab-av says:

            That’s the nth time, during your petty excuse for a rebuttal to questions worth asking, that you tell people to ‘look it up’ – the fool’s standard answer to anything when they know they’ve got no fuckin’ leg to stand on. Go away, troll – you’ve had quite enough attention for the rest of your pathetic lifetime.

          • 10cities10years-av says:

            Your entire day-long rant boils down to, “A private company fired someone for reasons I disagree with”, which, noted.But also, I’ve known people who could say things that would make James Gunn blush, so not too concerned with “disgusting tweets”. But you claimed his were also hateful. So which is it? Were his tweets actively hateful/discriminatory, or were they just disgusting. Because if the latter, I highly recommend you not watch The Aristocrats.

          • xdmgx-av says:

            That’s fine, but Disney didn’t release The Aristocrats. I’m not claiming every company scrub through and fire people for saying something offensive at the time. I’m simply stating they should be consistent. If Disney is going to fire someone for an insensitive tweet than you shouldn’t just fire those people whom you disagree with politically and let those whom agree with you slide.What Gunn wrote was hateful. It was hateful to the LGBTQ community, hateful towards sexual abuse survivors, and by far more insensitive to Holocaust survivors than anything Carano wrote. You’re missing my point in that I don’t care that he wrote them. I don’t care what any of the brain dead Hollywood dipshits do. I was simply stating that if you are going to fire someone for what is seen as an insensitive tweet then both him and Pascal should have been permanently fired.

          • taumpytearrs-av says:

            He wasn’t fired because of the tweets, he was fired because of the attention grabbed by the campaign of a right wing grifter and rape apologist trying to make a controversy out of those tweets because they didn’t like the liberal statements Gunn made on social media. And just like Disney didn’t produce The Aristocrats but does hire people who made filthy jokes in it, Gunn’s offensive jokes weren’t in his Disney product, they were on Twitter a decade ago.And I’m not a Jew, but I’m betting if you did a survey of any number of Jews that they would be more offended by Carano seriously comparing the plight of Jews in the Holocaust to possibly losing Hollywood work or having people shit on you for being an asshole than they would by someone making shitty jokes trying to get a groan or a laugh. Intent and context matter and you don’t seem to understand either. Pascal’s tweet was comparing a horrific modern day human rights abuse to an even more horrific past human rights abuse. Carano was comparing a modern day inconvenience for famous people and catching static on social media to… an incredibly horrific past human rights abuse. I don’t know whether you are dumb or disingenuous or both.

          • 10cities10years-av says:

            You’re actually making two points, repeatedly. One is this:“What Gunn wrote was hateful. It was hateful to the LGBTQ community, hateful towards sexual abuse survivors, and by far more insensitive to Holocaust survivors than anything Carano wrote.”This point is debatable, at best, because one person was clearly making jokes (Gunn), and the other wasn’t (Carino). Having looked it up, I see Carino has been accused of making antisemitic statements and spreading lies about the election; she has not said they were jokes (they weren’t) and she hasn’t apologized. If anything, this counteracts your entire (first) point. The fact that you keep insisting with such vehemence that Gunn tweeted out of hate is fascinating, suggesting that you’re more than happy to give someone you like (Carino) a pass, but not someone you dislike, even when the latter has gone out of his way to apologize and even acknowledge the hurt his comments could have made. Has Carino?Your second point is, as I summed up earlier, being angry that Disney, a private company, chooses to fire people based on their own interior criteria. It’s almost as if the world’s biggest entertainment company isn’t guided by principles or morals, but rather by financial motivations. In which case, they have been entirely consistent: they make the decisions that will result in the most profits and the least losses.“I don’t care what any of the brain dead Hollywood dipshits do.”The fact that you spent your weekend on a pop culture website debating this pointless topic suggests that maybe, just maybe, you really do. Cheers.

          • xdmgx-av says:

            Lol, I only respond to what was written back to me.  And because I’m writing back, that hardly means that I care what anyone in Hollywood does.  And taking 5 minutes to reply to something on my phone is hardly taking the weekend. But cheers to you as well.

          • necgray-av says:

            It’s not a double standard. He didn’t mean what he wrote. She did. You don’t hold the same standard for a false statement that you do for a true statement. He was joking. She wasn’t. That’s just how logic works.

          • taumpytearrs-av says:

            Yes, the difference is the movie was intended for large amounts of people to see and all those comedians still said that shit on camera, whereas Gunn was tweeting jokes at a time when Twitter was not huge yet and basically no one other than his friends and fans would ever see them until they were dredged up years later by bad-faith actors. I GUARANTEE that before the whole news cycle about Gunn’s tweets they had been seen by thousands and thousands less people than the number of people who watched The Aristocrats. Hell, I bet even AFTER the whole manufactured controversy that more people have still seen The Aristocrats than have actually read Gunn’s tweets. 

          • xdmgx-av says:

            Disney wasn’t the studio behind the Aristocrats.  I’m saying that if Disney is going to fire one person for what is seen as an insensitive tweet then both Gunn and Pascal should have both been fired.  They weren’t because they both align with Disney politically, which was my entire point.  

          • necgray-av says:

            What fucking dope are you smoking? Disney hired Gunn back because Warners headhunted him and they saw money going away. Disney is politically aligned with MONEY. He WAS fired. Pascal also obeyed when they slapped him on the wrist. You are out of your fucking gourd if you think Disney does anything that isn’t primarily if not solely motivated by money. I’m sorry that centrist-leaning socially liberal ideology is currently the safest PR move for those corporatist ratfucks but it is.

          • systemmastert-av says:

            No, just Don Rickles, Carrie Fisher, Robin Williams, Phyllis Diller, Shelley Berman, David Brenner, Taylor Negron, George Carlin, and Billy the Mime (he knows why).

  • John--W-av says:

    Good for the Nanny.

  • severaltrickpony-av says:

    I voted in this election, much to my disgust. It was a total clown-car. I’m just grateful these officers don’t actually negotiate for us. Our negotiators have been doing well for the union.

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      Looks like those clowns in SAG-AFTRA did it again. What a bunch of clowns.

    • wastrel7-av says:

      In my experience, people who think that national politics is petty, hypocritical, egotistical, deceitful, polarised to the point of violent hatred, and frequently corrupt have simply never had the chance to compare it up close to an obscure election that has no significance whatsoever. Because those are generally WAY worse…

  • xdmgx-av says:

    Both Modine and Drescher are certifiably nuts, which is why either of them would be suitable for the leader of this group. 

  • revjab-av says:

    She pulled in that vital Mistah Sheffield vote.

    • khatrupaul-av says:

      You would think so, but apparently Modine got Charles Shaughnessy to make a video in support of him.  I’m surprised that this PR coup wasn’t enough to tip the scales in his favor.

  • plantsdaily-av says:

    Her running mate, Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp, did not win his election Good. I hate that show. My deepest wish is that everyone associated with it never find work again. 

  • mpbourja-av says:

    I’m guessing Anthony Rapp’s campaign was foiled by Frank Underwood.

  • jgelfand-av says:

    I just hope that the SAG-AFTRA foundation keeps on supporting “Storyline Online,” which is a genuinely nice free set of YouTube videos that helped introduce my daughter to some nice kids books.

  • jgelfand-av says:

    I just hope SAG-AFTRA continues producing “Storyline Online,” which I discovered through my daughter’s school in the pandemic and was a nice introduction to some pretty good children’s books.

  • dougr1-av says:

    That stupid tweet is still up.

  • necgray-av says:

    I should re-watch Doctor Detroit.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    This is what I remember Matthew Modine the most for — even more than Pvt. Joker.

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