Google Play bans Parler app, Apple threatens to follow

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Google Play bans Parler app, Apple threatens to follow

In what should have, frankly, been the greatest day in its entire two-year existence—the day it could have scored the biggest banned fish of them all, Dingle J. Tantrumtweets himself—things are suddenly looking grim for Parler. See, the “Twitter for people too violent, racist, or otherwise insane for Twitter, Christ that’s grim” service has been coming under some scrutiny of late—on account of the whole “people using it to plan armed revolt against the U.S. government” thing—and now finds itself having been deplatformed by Google’s Android storefront, with threats from Apple to do the same.

And while Parler will still be available from desktops and browsers, this is, obviously, a problem for a platform that exists largely to translate right-wingers’ floating toilet anger into new content for itself. Apple, at least, is giving the service 24 hours to present a “moderation plan” to deal with the fact that it’s become a haven for (which is to say, exists primarily to service) Qanon fanatics, militia members, right-wing extremists, and everyone else who wants to live in a reality sans irritating things like “fact-checking” or “rules about saying you want to murder somebody.” The only issue there being that Parler is explicitly based on not having any such moderation efforts; its entire ethos revolves around not “censoring” its users when they tell blatant lies, or espouse racist conspiracy theories, or—again—use the service to coordinate efforts to storm the U.S. capitol and impose a regime of shirtless idiot fascism on America. Honestly, it’s hard to blame Google for skipping this particular step and just kicking the app off the Google Play store already.

Somewhat hilariously, this news comes as Parler appears to be having some fairly serious network issues anyway—presumably on account of its users logging on en masse to await the arrival of Donald Trump, who finally got his dumpy ass kicked off Twitter earlier this afternoon, as part of what appears to be a wave of big tech companies suddenly discovering their consciences a scant half-decade or so later than would have actually have been useful or safe.

[via The Independent]


  • argiebargie-av says:

    Trump would’ve never been President had media companies had chosen to deplataform him early on. Look at him now, he’s nothing without his stupid ass Twitter account.

    • im-right-on-top-of-that-rose-av says:

      This is what I’ve been screaming into the void. I wonder how those in the media who amplified him and gave him a platform feel. My hope is that everyone stop feeding this narcissist attention once he is no longer president.

      • bennyboy56-av says:

        “I wonder how those in the media who amplified him and gave him a platform feel. My hope is that everyone stop feeding this narcissist attention once he is no longer president”Does that include the AV Club, Jezebel and The Root who have given him as much attention as any right wing site?

    • dinoironbodya-av says:

      His deplatforming seems to me more like a symptom, rather than the cause, of his downfall; I think people often overestimate the impact the media has on people.

      • StrudelNinja-av says:

        I told my friend that it conveniently came after he more or less conceded and the results were confirmed – the lame duck has been totally defanged. He couldn’t get a cup of water if he had to politick for it. His already lame threats mean nothing now.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        He got so much airtime for his asinine antics. The media and social media are a huge part of his success in the primary. You have to acknowledge that. 

        • dinoironbodya-av says:

          Are you going by the idea that all publicity is good? I bet most campaigns would’ve been killed by a fraction of the bad publicity he got.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            But instead it got him more attention and more media coverage and then he won the primary and then got elected. My point exactly. 

          • dinoironbodya-av says:

            Correlation doesn’t equal causation.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            I think your skull is particularly dense. 

          • dinoironbodya-av says:

            You didn’t deny that bad publicity’s killed a lot of campaigns. Just pointing out that his campaign thrived instead isn’t proof of causation.

      • hardscience-av says:

        No, I assure you that you underestimate it.I’ve made a bit of money proving people like you wrong.

    • bishbah-av says:

      He posted a new rant to @potus and it was removed almost immediately. He cross-posted it on @teamtrump and that account is now permabanned for circumvention.

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      They sure did love those cable ratings they got inviting him on to talk about birtherism and whatever else dumbass shit.

      • jomahuan-av says:

        here’s hoping they ban jimmy fallon. and SNL.looks like the president has to go back to his favourite media outlet: the national enquirer.

    • daveassist-av says:

      Doesn’t that hate-Twitter alternate allow people to sue everyone involved in a tweet thread if they don’t like something about it?Also, anyone speaking up in any non-q-publican approved way does get banned from the platform.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      It’s like how I would be the King of Kinja if AV Club would ever ungrey me, but they understand how powerful I would become if ever released from this prison. My insightful comments would garner dozens of stars. 

    • hellosparky-av says:

      If they’d deleted his account five years ago, 400,000 people would still be alive.

  • obtuseangle-av says:

    The thing that I find most baffling about Parler is how insufferably pretentious the name is. It seems to scream that it wants to conjure images of French intellectuals lounging about discussing philosophy, instead of being the vile cesspool of inane bigotry that it actually is.

    • argiebargie-av says:

      You can’t expect any sort of consistency or originality from the “Freedom Fries” crowd. Parler is the social media platform version of Breitbart, which is also funded by the Mercer’s blood money.

    • gildie-av says:

      I think it sounds like hillbillies talkin’ about a bee-yooty parler. 

    • djmc-av says:

      I just imagine the comic-relief crew from Pirates of the Caribbean.

    • gone83-av says:

      I’d only heard it talked about until the other day and assumed it was spelled “parlor.” Do the people who named it and run it at least pronounce it correctly?

      • obtuseangle-av says:

        I believe that it is so that it is easier to find it in search engines and app stores and the like, since “parlor” could easily cause other results to pop up. It’s also probably easier to trademark.I believe that the band, Chvrches, chose the spelling of their band name for similar reasons.

      • kimothy-av says:

        From what I read, it was intended to be the French word “parler” but when everyone started flocking to it, they were pronouncing it “parlor” so the creator just officially said that was the new pronunciation. So, pretentious sounding or not, its users are too dumb to know that’s the French word for speak and don’t know how to pronounce it correctly.

    • possiblyyourgrandpa-av says:

      I think it’s their version of early 2000’s hipsterism(ishness?). I think they’re doing it ironically. This is the group that talks(screams atonally) about being proud of being stupid

  • raptureiscoming-av says:

    Time for someone creative to resurrect the ‘Hitler yells at his officers’ video.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    They can just go back to Gab… oh wait, that was banned ages ago.

  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    NEWS UPDATE: Rush Limbaugh has apparently deleted his own Twitter. It says his account “doesn’t exist” instead of “account suspended”, indicating he did it himself, a subtle point lost on the rabid MAGA chuds.

    • pontiacssv-av says:

      Oh, what ever shall I do now. I won’t know what a drug addled, fakes his death every few years to get sympathy, fucktard is saying! Ahh I don’t care.  I never listened to him anyway.  He is responsible for all this since he has had his radio and TV show.

      • pgthirteen-av says:

        I think you mean “Presidential Medal of Honor” recipient Rush Limbaugh …Yeah, people do have short-ish memories … the seeds of Wednesday were planted by Rush, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, as well as by chosen running mate of St. John McCain, Sarah Palin …

        • pontiacssv-av says:

          Actually, before him, it was Morton Downey, Jr.  He was the nexus.  There was a documentary about him a couple years ago that was really good.

          • martianlaw-av says:

            I just saw that the other day with my brother. It was called Evocateur and is free on youtube. It’s pretty good and then afterwards we watched a compilation of the Chris Elliott’s parody sketches about Downey from the Late Night with David Letterman Show. They’re hilarious.“Get the Hell back to Russia!”

          • pontiacssv-av says:

            I had forgotten about Chris Elliot doing those skits.  He should have had a bigger career than he has.  You can see Dave going “What did I unleash?!!” in that video.

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      The Quartering, one of the more prominent YouTube Drama people, also deleted his Twitter account.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Once again Android delivers features before Apple does. 😀

    • tokenaussie-av says:

      Yeah, but then when Apple finally removes it we’re gonna have to hear endless shit from everyone acting as if they did it first.

  • laserface1242-av says:
  • mr-rubino-av says:

    Can’t mindlessly scream SEN-SA-SHIP if there’s nowhere to scream it.(touchingheadguy.gif)

  • hellosparky-av says:

    Cloudflare needs to shut the site down entirely.

  • jmg619-av says:

    Oh my, what’s Gina Carano going to do between seasons of The Mandalorian now?

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