Goop Yourself is the podcast devoted to guru Gwyneth and her premium snake oil

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Goop Yourself is the podcast devoted to guru Gwyneth and her premium snake oil

13 Minutes To The Moon
Time Bomb: Apollo 13

It has been almost exactly fifty years since the catastrophic explosion aboard Apollo 13’s service module that nearly cost three astronauts their lives. The events leading up to this accident and the ensuing tale of survival are the subject of the latest season of the BBC’s 13 Minutes To The Moon. Host Kevin Fong interweaves archived recordings and new interviews with surviving astronauts Jim Lovell and Fred Haise to provide new insights into the doomed mission. What’s underlined in this first episode is just how small the inciting incident for this near tragedy was: A piece of apparatus was accidentally dropped from a height of no more than two inches before installation. The domino effect that this kicked off highlights just how much had to go right on the Apollo missions and how easily it could end in disaster. But even more than the technical details, it’s the small personal moments that really engage the listener. Snippets of jokes and putdowns transmitted to and from mission control as well as descriptions of the awe inspired by a rocket launch bring the events of fifty years ago vividly to life. [Anthony D Herrera]

A Hotdog Is A Sandwich
Are Boneless Wings Really Wings?

Classic food debates take center stage on this new podcast from John Scherer and Nicole Hendizadeh, hosts of the recently launched Mythical Kitchen YouTube channel. Every week, they’re tackling extremely important questions that you’ve likely discussed with your friends and family over the dinner table and maybe even seen on the food-centric spinoff of this very website. Questions like, “Does pineapple belong on pizza?” or “Should boneless wings really be called wings?” Whether you like the food in question isn’t really the issue. That’s all subjective and based on personal taste. But the semantics of it all deserve some attention. For instance, if a food product doesn’t have a bone, doesn’t have any wing meat in it, and is actually just a malformed piece of breast meat served with blue cheese dip, why are we calling it a wing? But if you call these dippable boneless bites “chicken nuggets,” you’ll have another group of people ready to disagree with you. Hot takes and big appetites are a central theme of this show that everyone is bound to have an opinion about. [Dan Neilan]

Ghostpuncher Corps
G.R.I.D.br34k3r vol IV

When a murder is committed, the widely accepted thing to do is to call the police. When people keep mysteriously dying after playing the next-level VR game Gridbreaker, eccentric game developer and CEO Brad Price has another idea. Enter the titular Ghostpuncher Corps, a trio consisting of Elektra the synth witch, Mikey the druid, and Petua the art historian elf. Together, they investigate wayward spirits and souls for Lucifer herself and send them on their merry way to hell. With its original premise and unique world-building, Ghostpuncher Corps sets itself apart from other actual play podcasts by carving a place of its own and developing its quirks: The trust between DM Lilith K. and her all-woman cast of players makes for strong storytelling and compelling character development amidst tense action sequences that feel raw and real. At heart, Ghostpuncher Corps is a story about and by LGBTQ+ people clawing to find their place in a world that keeps collapsing in on itself, and this newest arc explores themes of isolation, capitalism, and disability without feeling heavy-handed. [Alma Roda-Gil]

Goop Yourself
Saffron And Sephora

Goop Yourself is a pop-culture confection and delightful dissection of anything and everything Goop. Gwyneth Paltrow’s aspirational lifestyle brand lends itself to strong opinions, and hosts Bryan Rucker and Aggie Hewitt sort through those feelings by reading the newsletter for you. Their breezy rapport vacillates between sincere praise for their favorite Goop skincare products and deep disappointment in the lack of Gwyneth content in the newsletter. This week, Aggie is super excited about the launch of Goop products in Sephora stores, and she unpacks what the brand’s presence means to people who care about earning Sephora rewards points. Bryan, meanwhile, tries to mine virtue from a new, wildly expensive specialty latte and brainstorms ways to pay for your meal if you want to be seen at the new Gucci restaurant in Beverly Hills. The hosts’ devotion to their lifestyle goddess is wholesome and authentic, and as they share their takes on the guru’s sugar cravings and serums, you might feel like you’re in the presence of Gwyneth herself. [Morgan McNaught]

Office Ladies
The Secret

Along with being former co-stars on The Office, Angela Kinsey and Jenna Fischer are best friends, and they convey a warmth and camaraderie that two people can probably only develop by working together on a single project across an entire decade. On Office Ladies, they rewatch episodes of the show and provide insight that goes well beyond what fans might find on DVD commentary tracks. They discuss deleted scenes, highlight moments of great improv, and share personal memories from the set that diehard fans crave. This week, these Office Ladies discuss season 2, episode 13, “The Secret,” which Fischer and Kinsey note was directed by Dennie Gordon, one of only six female directors across all nine seasons of The Office. It’s a pleasure to listen to the hosts share such specific and personal recollections, such as their excitement for Steve Carell’s Golden Globe win (which was announced the same week “The Secret” aired) or their appreciation for co-star Rainn Wilson’s proclivity for props. [Jose Nateras]

Old School
“It was the best period of my life…” / Becoming an Actress

A new show from an old source documents the well-lived life of 101-year-old Scottish actor Ida Schuster. Arranged in the form of autobiographical snippets, Schuster is positively bubbly as she recounts the beginnings of the lengthy career. Like Angela Lansbury, she’s played elderly women as early as the 1980s. Also like Angela Lansbury, she’s friends with Alan Cumming, who introduces her podcast. Destiny called Schuster as a young woman in the form of the Glasgow Jewish Institute, a forward-thinking civic organization. Her initial indifference toward musical theater was corrected with some light corporal punishment, and in 1936 she joined the institute’s professional performing troupe. She embarked on a fledgling career that first saw her perform both the classics and contemporary Jewish works commenting on the worrying political atmosphere. Anyone coming to the show with low expectations should set them aside now. Schuster’s memory is clear, and her conversation moves swiftly unless she draws on her performance muscles for dramatic effect. [Zach Brooke]

The Bitter Southerner Podcast
Can The South Be Redeemed?

For its season finale, The Bitter Southerner Podcast tackles perhaps the toughest question the American South must answer. Host Chuck Reece takes just over an hour —the podcast’s longest episode to date—to discuss the topics of race and hate through the lens of the American South’s most prominent leaders. He presents various audio clips from activists like Martin Luther King Jr. and an intense speech by Sala Udin where he explains his personal decision to become a Freedom Rider for the rest of his life. He speaks with Congressman John Lewis about his biographical graphic novel series, March, which details his own involvement in the Civil Rights Movement, and Lewis discusses how artist Andrew Aydin helped put it all together. Most interesting is the episode’s one-on-one interview with Peggy Wallace Kennedy, daughter of former Alabama governor George Wallace, who won over voters with his vocally pro-segregation stance. Co-produced by Georgia Public Broadcasting, this episode is an effective and revealing audio journey through the heart of the South. [Kevin Cortez]


  • schwammerl-av says:

    “A Hotdog is a Sandwich”I feel triggered.

  • gargarparpardarmdarmchill-av says:

    Fucking shame on you for promoting Gweneth and her fucking bullshit Goop shit.  I truly hope every single one of you fuckers is out of a job due to the incoming recession and you fucking kill yourselves.

  • yummsh-av says:

    Office Ladies started off a little saccharine for me, but they’ve hit a nice groove over time, and now it’s one of my favorites. It also got me following Jenna Fischer on Instagram, and I don’t think that woman has aged five minutes since the show ended. 

  • beertown-av says:

    Gwyneth holding onto the “I pretend to hate it but really I love it but really I hate it but I kinda love it” crowd is how she wins. Fuck that podcast.

    • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

      Agree. Some of those products are downright dangerous. If there’s a podcast discussing how fucking terrible GOOP’s snake oil is, and how it’s basically the same shit sold by reactionary grifters like Alex Jones in prettier packaging, I would listen to that. (Which the 2nd season of The Dream kind of was.)

      • cleretic-av says:

        Sawbones has done a good handful of episodes on debunking modern snake oil from the medical perspective, they’re pretty great. They had an episode specifically going through Goop’s catalog a few years ago, but it’s also not the only time they’ve taken aim at it.

    • calebros-av says:

      I feel that AV Club even somewhat signal-boosting this grift is highly questionable.

      • yummsh-av says:

        AV Club is to cheap clicks what Gwyneth Paltrow is to selling questionable shit that might hurt/kill you.

      • amfo-av says:

        I feel that AV Club even somewhat signal-boosting this grift is highly questionable.Nah, this is like the equivalent of someone at your favourite cafe saying: “Oh hey watch out if you ever go over to the uncool side of town, there’s a mad dog wandering around.”

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Here I was all excited for some podcast that goes through GOOP products one by one and debunks/rips on them.

      Also yay Hotdog Sandwich whatever.  Thanks for letting us know a hyper-prolific youtube channel made another youtube show.

    • usaincome-av says:

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    • usaincome-av says:

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  • miked1954-av says:

    I’m in a bit of a podcast rut these days. All the podcasts I habitually listen to have large gaps between episodes and a limited back catalog. I need something in my ears while working. My morning routine consists of jumping from podcast to podcast to see if they’ve uploaded new episodes yet.

    • yummsh-av says:

      You should download a podcast aggregator like Stitcher or Podcast Addict and cut your jumping regimen down by quite a lot.

    • fever-dog-av says:

      I was a couple of weeks ago. Started Catch and Kill and Klosterman’s new podcast…

  • sabbage3-av says:

    The Best Show remains in a glorious firing on all cylinders state of excellence, don’t take it for granted. .

    Comedy Bang Bang has been having an overall strong year. Last week’s Gabrus, Carden, Good Place’s John (Brandon Scott Jones) and Teacher Lounge heavy hitter Dan Lippert was delightful and coming off the PFT and Neil Campbell ep which might be the Ep of the year (so far). The Andy Samberg, Kroll and new player to watch Lily Sullivan & The Jason Mantzoukas, Diston, & Baltz ep are also series highlights. The gift that keeps on giving.

    Hollywood Handbook. Cruising along with casual weekly excellence. New Last Culturistas is fine. Maybe will check out the back catalog for Iconography, which I discovered from my all time 2020 podcast VIP Blank Check.

    Obviously really could use some non comedy and pop culture podcasts in the mix, but everything is awful and I’m fine with my podcasts of Friends talking to Interesting People about Pop Culture Detritus. Keep clean and let your brain run wild! 

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      Lippert’s Bill Walton was fantastic. Crazy energy.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      I need Tom Scharpling back in New Jersey. The show is still good, but there’s a very different dynamic with all the ancillary folks in Jersey piping in and laughing on-mic (not bad, just different), and I miss Tom being able to directly hang up on callers (though ‘dump this guy’ is amusing).

  • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

    No love for Reply All’s “The Case of the Missing Hit?” It was amazing. I guess Reply All is too well known for this feature.I love The Bitter Southerner, my personal favorite of the season was the episode all about Waffle House, but the finale was pretty great.

    • winslowhomo-av says:

      It’s especially great when you hear something and it’s almost like…this could only exist in this format. So good. 

    • poisonpizza-av says:

      “Missing Hit” was the most satisfying podcast I’ve listened to all year. Just delightful.

  • ghostiet-av says:

    Fuck that Goop show and honestly screw Podmass for giving attention to it. Hypocrisy at its finest, considering how much (rightful) lampooning of Paltrow and her snake oil factory The AV Club does on the regular.

  • whiggly-av says:

    The GOOP podcast has a certain parallel to a recent Atlantic article on what the writer calls “luxury mediocre.”

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    More than a little surprised to see a pro-Goop show get recommended here. 

  • plies2-av says:

    A hot dog is not a sandwich. A hot dog is a pizza, as evinced by its monobreadularity. (As a reminder, there are four foods: substance, soup, pizza, and sandwich.)

  • amfo-av says:

    I wouldn’t have clicked this but the way the frontpage is formatted made it look like you were leading a story about the social impact of Gwyneth’s GOOP by drawing a comparison between her and the Apollo 13 disaster, and I was intrigued…You know, as in:
    Goop Yourself is the podcast devoted to guru Gwyneth and her premium snake oilIt has been almost exactly fifty years since the catastrophic explosion aboard Apollo 13’s service module that nearly cost three astronauts their lives. The events leading up…ME: [before clicking] Oookay…

  • vocealem-av says:

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  • dirk-steele-av says:

    Why are we pretending there’s anything virtuous about Goop or its products?

  • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

    Is “Office Ladies”as charming as I want it to be?I just finished “West Wing Weekly” and need a new podcast.

    • yummsh-av says:

      It’s very sweet and fun. Jenna and Angela clearly have a great time doing it, and they always bring fun facts and stories to every show. I highly recommend it. Creed has already made a guest appearance, and if that’s not reason enough, then I don’t know what would be.

    • clauditorium-av says:

      “Charming” might be the first word I would use to describe it, actually. 

  • even-the-scary-ones-av says:

    I helpfully suggest replacing the Goop one with CheapShow.

  • stefanjammers-av says:

    Not something I’d watch, but the title, that makes me want to take a shower just by reading it, is the cherry on top of the shit sundae.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    Jena Fischer deserves a much better career.  The fact that she’s doing a podcast about the Office just feels…..very sad.  It’s like one step up from Autograph Alley at comic con.

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