Halle Berry says she did not give Drake permission to use slimy photo

In an Instagram post that stings with disappointment, Berry says she “thought better of him”

Aux News Drake
Halle Berry says she did not give Drake permission to use slimy photo
Halle Berry Photo: Frazer Harrison

No one is safe at the Kids’ Choice Awards. Just ask Halle Berry. Slimed at the 2012 ceremony, the Oscar winner still deals with the fallout.

After Drake used a photograph of Berry slimed at the Kids Choice Awards for the cover of his latest single, the actor wrote on Instagram that she denied his request to use the photo. Now, Berry’s face dripping with green viscous goo adorns the promotional art for “Slime You Out,” which Drake posted on his Instagram Wednesday, and there’s not much she can do about it except move on. Two days later, Halle Berry announced her intention to do just that, posting an image on Instagram that reads, “Sometimes you have to be the bigger guy […] even if you’re a woman.”

Though Berry had the decency not to name Drake in her initial post, commenters quickly figured it out. “[Drake] didn’t get my permission,” she wrote. “That’s not cool I thought better of him !” At press time, we don’t know why she thought better of a guy who posted a picture of the bras thrown at him at concerts with the caption, “Remember when we both forgot who the fuck I was in unison…that wavelength was def a foolish one.” However, some commenters cracked their knuckles and told Berry that, well, actually, she doesn’t own the photograph, and Drake paid a fee, so it’s all good. Berry informed them that Drake did ask for permission—he just ignored her response. “He asked me and i said NO that’s why,” Berry commented. “Why ask if you intend to do what you want to do ! That was the f*uck you to me. Not cool You get it?”

We get it. Honestly, the only thing we don’t get is why Drake would do that to Halle Berry.


  • boggardlurch-av says:

    f*uck? Fyuck? Fnuck?

  • jigkanosrimanos-av says:

    It’s a picture from an awards show. She’s being dramatic. 

  • notthe14thdoctor-av says:

    Hey, at least Drake is interacting with adult women for a change.

  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    “I thought better of him!” At press time, we don’t know why she thought better of a guy who posted a picture of the bras thrown at him at concerts…”Not sure why, either, though I couldn’t care less about pictures he takes of bras (presumably) adult women voluntarily throw his way, whereas I do care about the credible charges that he slips into underage girls’ DMs and otherwise seems a little too interested in talking to teenagers about their sex lives. Definite R. Kelly vibe coming out of Toronto.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Yeah the creep vibes have been palpable for years

    • melleners2000-av says:

      So true. He’s straight trash.

    • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

      Right? That’s some Justin Roiland-level-grooming shit

    • trickster_qc-av says:

      yeah, there’s definetly ‘’ anguille sous roche ‘’ as we say in french! Accusations might come out in a few years, once the teenage victims mature and realize they have been taken advantage of by Drake.

      Allegedly, of course. I’m not accusing anyone of anything.  

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I too thought the bras thing didn’t sound like a big deal, but then I looked at the photo. It’s not immoral or anything, but it’s pretty lame and classless. Mainly just hella whack and corny and I can see how some one would find it gave creeper vibes. Also…”slime you out” as a way to talk about this sex act?  It’s meant to be degrading to his partner.  Some women are into that, sure, but it’s doesn’t evidence a high opinion of his sex partners. He’s gross.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    I know I’m not the only one who clicked to see what Halle Berry looks like covered in slime so I have to ask: does Instagram take an insufferably long time to load for anyone else?

    • hercules-rockefeller-av says:

      Lol. Yes for me on both counts.

    • bagman818-av says:

      They’re definitely doing something under the hood at IG. It’s been randomly logging me out due to ‘possible automated behavior”. I only ever access it from a browser, and I suspect what they mean is “you’re using an ad-blocker, FU”, so I’ve given up. Even with an ad-blocker, I get pushed so many garbage ‘sponsored posts” it’s basically unusable anyway.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        I don’t know what’s worse: IG’s shitty ads that…completely don’t know anything about me and are just firing random shit at me to see what works (“You need these FINEST polyester sheets that don’t cause rashes in over 40% of our customers!”) or the sorts of generalised, lazy algorithmed shit that takes the shallowest of surface readings (“Oh, we’ve determined you have a penis. You must be definitely into this podcaster against whom the allegations that, as of this minute, are completely unproven, right? He has cigars! And scotch! And he smokes and drinks WHEN HE’S DOING THE PODCAST.”)

        • cuzned-av says:

          You got a link for them rash-sheets? They sound pretty sweet, and it seems pretty not cool of you to tease ‘em like that.

        • snyderbayratner-av says:

          You’re going to have to narrow the suspect list down if it’s a boozing/cigar wielding dude-bro.

          • dudull-av says:

            It’s either the elder or the younger Tate. I don’t see another podcaster do that at the same time. Even Joe Rogan didn’t smoke and drink at the same time.

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            Um. They’re white guys. They’re both vaguely jacked. One dude has a shave head and a goatee and wears MMA/UFC T-shirts and is skinnier than the other. The other has a full lumberjack beard and is a bit bulkier and wears button-up work shirts.That’s not helping.Um, Fullbeard McLumberjack keeps mentioning when he was in the Marines, but is vague on the details. Kane from Command & Conquer seems in awe by this every time it’s mentioned. Their main sponsor seems to be a company that sells aftershave subscriptions. Or possibly cocktail kits. Or BBQ sauce. Maybe all three.Do you know how little that narrows it down-YES, DAMMIT, I KNOW.

          • snyderbayratner-av says:

            Beautiful…your post is beautiful…

      • drkschtz-av says:

        Dude, my instagram has been banned 5 times this summer due to “suspicious activity”, and another 6 or 7 times where it forced a password change.

        • Dumahim-av says:

          I was banned during the process of trying to create an account.  The amount hoops they wanted me to jump through were enough to convince me this isn’t something I want to deal with.

    • mykinjaa-av says:

      They have to download your cookies first, then you get to see the content. Like a peep show booth.

  • daveassist-av says:

    Off-topic, but what are we thinking about The Root shutting down comments, and if a story like this would get as much viewership without the comments being available?

    • clintontrumpepsteinfriends-av says:

      I think you should be proud of your contribution to shutting down the comment section. Obviously your boring, shitty, unfunny comments helped but I think it was the way you would constantly bring out racists like samhain out of the greys so you could get upvotes which showed everyone at the root how worthless and pointless the comment section is. Good job stupid.

    • chandlerbinge-av says:

      I kind of get it. The Root’s comment section has been infested with racist shitstains for a while now. Of course, you could also invest in better moderation but that would cost ol’ Spanfeller a tenth of a new yacht or something.

      • mrt1000001-av says:

        Management took the same path that they did with Deadspin. Instead of trying to moderate the hate filled comments, they just removed it. Another day that the bigots and racist win, because those in charge (moderate whites) are more concerned with order than they are making things better

        • t06660-av says:

          I’m sorry to just intrude in this talk but why are so many fascist trolls post directly to publish? How does one decent person get to that? (I still get “pending” gray messages for anything I type) 

        • dapoot-av says:

          Da Poot shut yo ass down bitch!

        • ol-whatsername-av says:

          But honestly, not trying to be glib, when do those in charge NOT prioritize concern with order over making things better? They wouldn’t be in charge if the order wasn’t A-OK for them.

          • mrt1000001-av says:

            I remember a time when whites in America were “concerned with order over making things better” and that wasn’t really good look.

            The removal of comments sections is lazy and only empowers the bigots, fascists, etc to continue their shit behavior because there are no consequences.  

      • daveassist-av says:

        I figure even some temporary IP banning would quiet the racist spittoon-alikes better than cutting off interaction with readers.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        True, but the quality of the writing is now probably the worst across the entire Giz platform. I absorbed a lot of perspective over the years from articles on that site. Now it’s either entertainment news or the content is so absurdly skewed and predictable it’s not worth reading.

        • pumpkinspies-av says:

          The quality of Jezebel writing has plummeted over the past 10 yrs as well. Just a rotating cast of writers, every new one with a lower IQ than the last. And they banned a huge chunk of regulars so they might as well shut down the comments there, too.But yeah, I was reading The Root even before it was owned by this company (I think it was on Slate). Always was learning something.

          • mrt1000001-av says:

            100% this, because this now comes off as “we won’t allow black people to hold conversations on topics relevant to them (sports/culture/health/etc)“.

        • mrt1000001-av says:

          Just because the writing might have dipped in quality does not excuse or justify the amount of racist vitriol that is allowed to be posted over there by commentors. 

          • bcfred2-av says:

            No argument there.  Again, there are so few comments these days that it wouldn’t be difficult to moderate.  

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        I get the feeling Spanny reads those comments, nodding, and muttering “Yeah. The blacks are like that” and ungreying them.

      • thegobhoblin-av says:

        Just something as basic as a mute/block function would solve so many problems.

    • bassplayerconvention-av says:

      I saw that yesterday (or Saturday, maybe), but I’d thought the articles I looked at were too new to have any comments— though I did notice that there was no ‘Reply’ button to even add anything, so subconsciously I probably knew something was up, though I dismissed it at the time as just another instance of Kinja’s stellar performance.I am (or was, now, I guess) still greyed over there anyway, so it’s not a huge deal, and as Chandler Binge says, the quality of comment had dropped precipitously– but then again, so has that of the articles (I mean, “here’s a bunch of people who still look good even though they’re– gasp– over 40″ does not exactly call for insightful discussion).

    • pumpkinspies-av says:

      I assume de-commenting is coming to all the verticals. It’s the only way to truly kill this place.

      • daveassist-av says:

        The problem with killing the group is that it also kills the cash flow.  So hopefully the private equity critters will consider that.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          Nah, getting clickbait articles to pop up on browser splash pages is far more profitable than curating a comments section.  I assure you the owners track these metrics carefully. We were just spoiled for a long time.

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            The goal of the modern internet isn’t to deliver information, it’s to keep you moving. You’ve already seen the ads on this page as soon as they’ve loaded. So you still being here is pointless – it’s like you’re stealing from G/O now!

        • pumpkinspies-av says:

          They certainly didn’t care when it came to Deadspin.

      • jek-av says:

        The main reason I come to GMG sites is for the comments; when they’re gone, so am I.

    • amessagetorudy-av says:

      It was pretty easy to ignore them but folks kept engaging with them, apparently thinking they were going to shut them down, but all it did was elevate that crap to the top so… 

    • dapoot-av says:

      Da Poot shut down da comments!

    • mortimercommafamousthe-av says:

      Jezebel is definitely next.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      The Root’s comments were all racists. I can see why they would shut it down. It’s supposed to be a space for a by Black people, so I can see why they didn’t want to subject their target audience to that or give the racists a dedicated space to target Black folks.

  • bagman818-av says:

    That’s just weird. It’s not like it’s such an amazing picture that It’s worth pissing off Halle Berry.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    A-hole move. I didn’t see the awards show but I’ve looked at the photos. It looks like Berry is putting up with it like a good sport, but was everyone expecting this? Not everyone looks happy about it. There’s slime everywhere and it’s nasty. I’d think it would create a hazardous space too.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I’d think it would create a hazardous space too.”

      Mommy is here to chastise everyone. How about you fuck off with this. Liteally NOBODY doesn’t know what happens at fucking Nickelodeon shows, you condescending fuck.

    • ddnt-av says:

      Are you completely unfamiliar with the Nickelodeon network? Serious question. 

  • tarst-av says:

    The only thing I don’t get is why would Berry deny his request? 

    • nowaitcomeback-av says:

      Given how the photo looks out of context it’s probably because she didn’t want to be associated with whatever innuendo Drake is trying to insert there.

    • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

      Her reasoning doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t want this creep using any picture of me either

    • giovanni_fitzpatrick-av says:

      She probably saw or was told that the picture would be used for a single entitled “Slime You Out”, which is clearly referencing getting ejaculated on. I can think of a few reasons why Halle Berry (or many people) wouldn’t want a picture of them associated with the title of a song like that.

      • tarst-av says:

        Oof, I just learned that I guess. To be fair, anything associated with Drake is automatically gonna be gross with all the creepy shit surrounding him. 

      • 0nlywinning-av says:

        Yeah. It’s also from a show for kids, so now she has to put up with people asking her why their kids are asking wtf “slime you out” means.

      • ddnt-av says:

        That’s not what that phrase means. It means to disrespect someone or do them dirty. It sometimes has a sexual context—in the sense of using someone for sex, which seems to be how it’s used in this track—but it has nothing to do with ejaculating specifically.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        There’s plenty of double entedre to be had with this photo.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Because she didn’t want to give her image away for free so someone else could sell records?

  • lordbobbmort-av says:

    Ha, you thought better of Drake?

  • mrt1000001-av says:

    She wouldn’t have had an issue if it was a Zaddy that posted that picture on their album cover 

  • bigopensky-av says:

    She has more class in her little finger…etc.
    (Even accounting for horrendous taste in men).

    That he should use this pic from the Kids’ Choice Awards to ‘slyly’ repurpose as a ‘c*m-shot’ for his cover is neither ‘edgy’ nor funny but gross, opportunistic –
    regardless of the (b?)millions he makes, if he did not think his brand could benefit from association with Berry his people would have known better than to use it against her expressed wishes –
    misogynistic and vile. 

    But Drake will never win an Oscar, so there’s that.

  • dapoot-av says:

    Who wouldnt want to slime Halle Berry?

  • MisterSterling-av says:

    I don’t understand her complaint. The image has been out there for years. She doesn’t own it. It’s OK to use with clearance. Move the hell on.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Wait a minute. I’m starting to think “Slime You Out” isn’t a tribute to Moose from You Cant Do That On Television at all!

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    As much as I think Drake sucks, Berry needs to not take herself so seriously.

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