Happy holidays from The A.V. Club

Aux Features christmas
Happy holidays from The A.V. Club
Screenshot: American Horror Story

We all have holiday traditions. Maybe you hand out presents to those you love. Maybe you drink too much at the office holiday party. Maybe you watch former wrestler Bill Goldberg in Santa’s Slay, which is actually not bad. Well, we have a tradition, too, here at The A.V. Club, and that’s tearing ourselves away from the timeline for a few days to catch up on all the movies, TV, and music we missed in this era of Too Much Content. (If you’re looking for some suggestions yourself, why not have a look at our favorite movies, TV, and music of the year.)

We’ve got features, reviews, interviews, and lots of other good stuff queued up for the holidays, but we’re going to scale back our Newswire and Great Job Internet content between now and January 2, when we’ll be back in earnest. In the meantime, reflect on the end of a decade with our bounty of Best of the 2010s content. Or, perhaps, the best and worst online detritus we scrolled past this year. Maybe you also heard that a pair of much-discussed films come out today? Join our Rise Of Skywalker and Cats conversations, if you dare. .

As another year comes to a close, we offer many thanks for your continued patronage, your spirited discourse, and, of course, your passion for pop culture in all of its many manifestations. To quote our nation’s dads, “See you next decade! Ha-ha!”


  • laserface1242-av says:

    Saw Rise of the Skywalker last night. It’s basically the Star Wars movie you’d expect from the director of Star Trek: Into Darkness and the co-writer of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

    • yourmomandmymom-av says:

      Bought advance tickets for Xmas eve but now am seriously considering refunding them and seeing something else. The fact that the movie resurrects Palpatine shows that JJ Abrams was out of ideas a long time ago and should never be given another franchise movie again.

      • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

        As far as I’m concerned, Chris Terrio has a lot to answer for in the movie. I won’t spoil anything for you, but I think it’s really a fun good-bad movie. If you watch it under the expectations that it’s a movie about samurai space wizards inspired by Flash Gordon, it’s fun. Bad, but fun.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      I am seeing it in 2 hours. My expectations have been lowered to the point that I just hope it is better than Into Darkness which, based on the general consensus of review summaries, might be aiming a little high.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        I mean it’s not a bad movie in the sense that it’s better than Into Darkness or the Prequels for that matter. But it’s a mess of a movie that demonstrates that Abrams has never had an original thought in his life. 

        • dremiliolizardo-av says:

          Back from it now and thanks to lowered expectations, I was pleasantly surprised. It’s not great. It does some things it didn’t need to do which detract from the last two movies, it jumps through some hoops that could have been handled much better, but it’s fine. Much better than any of the prequels.

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      Saw it last light too, I so far have settled for “the zaniest Star Wars, in the best and worst ways”. Ah Chris Terrio, why you?!

    • dikeithfowler-av says:

      The Into Darkness and Batman Vs Superman comparison makes it sound like it’s one of the worst films of all time!

      • laserface1242-av says:

        It’d be hyperbolic to say it’s that bad. Hell it’s better than The Prequels in most aspects. I’m only saying that the failures of the movie are similar to Into Darkness. The fact that this movie shares a screenwriter with BvS doesn’t help things.

    • toddisok-av says:

      Ok but what if I haven’t seen either of those?

    • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

      Baby Yoda is my Star Wars now.

  • hobocode-av says:

    My office just banned Happy Holidays from any of our messaging. Just letting you know I blame all of you.

  • actuallydbrodbeck-av says:

    Merry Christmas to the lot of you.

  • ghostiet-av says:

    Merry Christmas. I hope The AV Club will join a network that will allow it to shine, as it deserves, and ditch Spanfeller in the new year.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    Merry Christmas (or Hanukah, or Festivus) to all! And friendly reminder that The Polar Express (both movie and book) is riddled with Nazi imagery. And the movie has Eddie Deezen in it, so between those two things nobody in should ever watch it ever again.

  • rtpoe-av says:

    Have a good one!

    • praxinoscope-av says:

      Nice. I read one Doc Savage book in junior high and now I wish it could have been that one. If only the Fabulous Five were comprised of Misfit Toys… 

  • feralpizza-av says:

    Happy Holidays! Looking forward to The Year in Band Names.

  • dwightdschrutenhower-av says:

    A friend and I plan on watching “Christmas with a Capital C” sometime soon, but I think we’re both coming upon the realization that it won’t be before Christmas. Christ-ploitation movies are fun year-round, though, so we’ll be fine.

  • yummsh-av says:

    I must be feeling particularly joyous and festive this year, because I only hope about a third or so of you die painfully in a roaring mobile home fire.‘Tis the season!

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Holidays to you all!

  • happyinparaguay-av says:
  • evanfowler-av says:

    Happy holidays, folks!

  • inhuvelyn--av says:

    I took a poll last night that was asking if I thought that some intern overreacted by filing a formal complaint about being told “Merry Christmas” by Whitney Cummings. 95 percent said yes, while 4 percent said absolutely not. So even IF those 4 percent are waging “War on Christmas”… there is no stupid “War on Christmas”. This was an MSN poll as well, not FOX or OAN. I know I’m stating the obvious, but I thought the data was fun. 

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    This is my third Christmas in Colombia and I’m being a bit grumpy about it – on the one hand, people here go a little nuts as effectively all of December is a celebration (fireworks most nights; a weekend where literally everywhere is covered in candles (‘alumbrado’ is one name for it); ‘novenas’, which is where families met up and sing prayers every night for about a week) but on the other hand, I just wish people would calm their tits.Otherwise, Merry Christmas/relevant equivalent! I’m going to try and convince my wife to watch some festive horror movies with me, starting with KRAMPUS.

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