Here’s what Tommy Wiseau wanted to say onstage at the Golden Globes

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Whether or not you believe James Franco deserved a Golden Globe for his portrayal of The Room auteur Tommy Wiseau, we can all agree that Wiseau deserved at least a few seconds on the mic himself. There would be no Disaster Artist without Wiseau, after all, and at least a small part of the film’s appeal is watching Wiseau’s ascent from weirdo nobody to cinematic punchline to unlikely inspirational hero. But, after thanking him at the top of his acceptance speech and inviting him onstage, Franco rebuffed Wiseau’s attempt to take the mic. You can’t blame him, really, what with Wiseau’s innate unpredictability and penchant for incoherent rambling. Still, one wonders what he would’ve said to what would no doubt be his largest audience yet.

Well, now we know. The Los Angeles Times spoke to Wiseau after the show, and it turns out his speech wouldn’t have been all that different from the sentiments he expresses at every live screening of his movie: “If a lot of people loved each other, the world would be a better place to live. See The Room, have fun, and enjoy life. The American Dream is alive, and it’s real.”

Hey, it’s not Shakespeare, but the simplest words are sometimes the most necessary. So, next time (should there be one) can we please let the man talk?

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