Hospital fundraiser pulls Rob Schneider mid-act after horrified realization that they booked Rob Schneider

"We do not condone, accept, endorse, or share Mr. Schneider’s positions"

Aux News Schneider
Hospital fundraiser pulls Rob Schneider mid-act after horrified realization that they booked Rob Schneider
Rob Schneider Photo: Frazer Harrison

Having apparently failed to learn the genuinely valuable lessons of the American Republican party—a sentence that we were not, personally, expecting to type out in earnest today—a Canadian hospital foundation was forced to issue an apology this week after booking comedian Rob Schneider for a fundraising show, only to discover what “booking Rob Schneider” actually entails. Exact details about the material Schneider assayed at the Hospitals Of Regina foundation fundraising event this past Saturday haven’t become widely available just yet—although social media sources use lots of words like “transphobic,” “misogynistic,” and “anti-vaccine,” and very few words like “funny”—but the actual result is pretty clear: Schneider was asked to end his set mid-act, after multiple attendees booed him and walked out.

And while we would never try to divert from Schneider’s own basic, awful responsibility for being Rob Schneider, we do have to throw some shade at the event’s organizers, who, we can only assume went “Adam Sandler’s sixth-ranked best friend? Let’s book him!” without doing any further research on the various twists, turns, and tributaries that Schneider’s comedy career has taken in recent years. Including, again, the time this literally happened like two months ago, when he was booked for a Republican holiday event that went awry when attendees found out he’s a far-more-vulgar version of a right-wing comic than what they were expecting.

That booking, at least, made a kind of sense, in so far as Schneider has fully embraced his conservative values in his let’s-call-it-comedy act. We don’t know what the Regina people were thinking, though, unless they have some kind of very specific memory issue where the last thing they recall is “Makin’ copies,” or, possibly, “You can do it!” (We’re pretty sure Sandler also has this disease, by the way, which is why Schneider keeps popping up in stuff like last year’s Netflix animated series Leo.)

Anyway, the Foundation issued an apology today, saying “We do not condone, accept, endorse or share Mr. Schneider’s positions, as expressed during his comedy set and acknowledge that in this instance the performance did not meet the expectations of our audience and our team. An unconditional apology was offered right after to our guests and our community. We reiterate this sincere and unconditional apology today, for any offense caused by Mr. Schneider’s recent comedy set, at the Four Seasons Ball.”

[via THR]


  • djclawson-av says:

    I’ll always remember him as his most memorable character, The Stapler.

  • dresstokilt-av says:

    Even Regina can’t rhyme with fun enough for this piece of trash.

  • dudebra-av says:

    I feel bad for the booker.If only there were some way to research, do a “search” if you will, to find out a public person’s stated beliefs and experiences. Wouldn’t that be swell…

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      It’s my dream that someday in the far future will be able to do this with the ease of typing on a keyboard.

      • thescott-av says:

        Or, like, with a device you can keep in your pocket that lets you do it anywhere, any time.

      • nilus-av says:

        Imagine being able to call out the name of a virtual assistant, like Sunni or Alectra, and they could tell you the answer.  If only we lived in those times

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      To be fair, with Google going all in on AI, a search these days might return results about a robbery at Zack Snyder’s house.

    • cinecraf-av says:

      I’m afraid the best we can hope for are a few websites that offer directories of other websites.

    • bashful1771-av says:

      The booker was probably taken in because Schneider’s agent advertises him as “Robert S.” with a really poor-quality headshot.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    You think his anti-vax stance alone would be enough to keep a HEALTH CARE foundation from booking him. The filthy content is just lagniappe.

    • thefilthywhore-av says:

      Frankly, I would’ve thought being Rob Schneider would be enough to legally keep him from ever going within 500 ft of an audience again.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        That’s the biggest head-scratcher for me. Leaving aside his rancid bigotry, who today is thinking, “You know who crowds lose their shit for? The 9th guy on the call-sheet of Adam Sandler’s latest Netflix joint.”

        • tgore22-av says:

          That era of SNL is profoundly overrated in terms of talent, especially by the “they couldn’t do that on TV today because woke” crowd. Sandler, McDonald, Spade, Schnieder, Miller, Nealon, Myers, and Rock were never that funny outside of the 90s comedy trashhole they created. I’ll give Myers credit for “Wayne’s World,” the only decent movie derived from an SNL bit (largely carried by Dana Carvey), and the first “Austin Powers,” but does anyone truly get enjoyment out of “Billy Madison,” “Tommy Boy,” “Duece Bigalow,” “The Hot Chick,” or “Joe Dirt” these days? Were they ever enjoyable to begin with? When I was 12-13, sure…now, they are just painful to watch.

      • saltier-av says:

        Or gaining entry into Canada.

    • giantclaw-av says:

      The word “lagniappe” should be more widely used than it is

    • peepeepoopoo2-av says:

      Lagniape:noun1. A small gift presented by a storeowner to a customer with the customer’s purchase.2. An extra or unexpected gift or benefit.3. In Louisiana, a trifling present given to customers by tradesmen; a gratuity.
      Thanks for the fun new American word! Just looked into the origins of it – quite interesting how it came to US English via Spanish, French and Quechua (a language I’ve never heard of!).

      • popculturesurvivor-av says:

        Quechua is an indigenous language widely spoken in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and northern Argentina. “Jerky” — in the dried meat sense — also comes from Quechua “ch’arqui” and took more or less the same path.I used to live in La Paz, so this is just the sort of thing that I can be counted on to know.  

        • peepeepoopoo2-av says:

          Ah interesting, I’d heard of jerky (here in Ireland they sell beef jerky with pictures of cowboys on it in Lidl at the checkouts beside the chewing gum lol) but had no clue where the word came from. Thanks!

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Its colloquial use is less formal, meaning an unexpected little something extra. A bonus.

        • saltier-av says:

          I was born in Louisiana and grew up in Houston. I heard the word used in both places. It was always used that way, like the extra roll in a baker’s dozen.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      Honestly they were probably just looking at who they could get for cheap, found his rates online, and went (like this article jokes about) “Oh yeah he was in some funny Adam Sandler movies, he’ll do.” I don’t think his anti-vax stance is as well known because, well hey, when’s the last time Rob Schneider’s been culturally relevant?

      • tgore22-av says:

        All they had to do was go on youtube to find someone who’s never been paid for performing yet is infinitely better. I can’t stand Rob Schneider; he was never funny as a character actor and an asbolute bust as a leading man, seeminly trying to be a raunchier Jim Carey or something but incapable of that level of physical comedy. I couldn’t imagine having to sit through Schneider’s stand-up at his peak, much less today. Sandler’s movies are a hard enough pill to try and swallow.

      • tvcr-av says:

        If this is a serious question, I think it was when South Park did that fake trailer about him where he’s a stapler.

    • brizian23-av says:

      As always when Rob Schneider comes up, I think of this wonderful Norm MacDonald bit

  • mortimercommafamousthe-av says:

    Alt take: the booking person knew exactly who he is and shares his beliefs. Rob’s entire career has been people tossing him a bone for one reason or another.

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    “Phew, close one… anyway, I pulled some strings, and I got us a replacement on short notice. Do you guys remember that show Roseanne?”

    • dinoironbody7-av says:

      “There’s this guy whose writing career started on it named Joss Whedon.”

      • eatshittoday-av says:

        Props to Whedon, he successfully kepy he rancid behavior under relative wraps until one man decided to hold his ground and fuck his day up. I know others tried but Ray Fisher pulled out the stops to burn that mans ass. Good for him.

        • moraulf2-av says:

          And now Ray Fisher will never work again.

          • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

            To be fair, that’s as much from his utter lack of onscreen charisma as anything

          • ghboyette-av says:

            Excuse me, he was just now in Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon, which was in Netflix’s top ten movies for like a whole day!

        • dinoironbody7-av says:

          I think Charisma Carpenter did more to kill Whedon’s rep than Ray did.

          • eatshittoday-av says:

            Her specific accusations are some of the nastier but (unfortunetly) they weren’t given proper credibility at the time, Fisher raising hell brought all that back to the forefront.I’d happily give them both a tropy, whedon does have TWO ears.

          • dinoironbody7-av says:

            I remember a lot of people criticizing Ray for not being specific enough in his accusations. It was Charisma coming forward with specifics aplenty that really killed Whedon’s rep:

        • turbotastic-av says:

          Ray Fisher doesn’t get enough credit. Dude basically sacrificed his career just to expose that predatory asshole. Legit hero move.

          • eatshittoday-av says:

            Yeah, I’m not sure he was ever going to be a big Hollywood star (it looks like he’s a fairly accomplished stage actor, which i didn’t realize) but the man clearly chose what felt right instead of what felt safe. Not many have that iron.

        • collex-av says:

          The reason Whedon was able to keep his behavior under wrap is that womanizing and petty tyranny are widespread and fully accepted traits for male directors. The slight sea change that led to Whedon’s fall from grace is bigger than Fisher alone.

        • laurenceq-av says:

          Sadly, Ray Fisher paid the price for being outspoken.

        • kman3k-av says:


    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “Incredible news guys! The ever-charming and wholesome Mel Gibson is available.”

    • dwigt-av says:

      “Hey guys, I’ve fond the perfect guest. He was on a cult show, he’s done voices on a beloved Disney movie, he was an actual superhero and he’s also the lead in a major adaptation that’s getting released this summer. We can’t go wrong with Zachary Levi, I’m telling you…”

    • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

      “I had to pull some strings, but we got Kramer from Seinfeld, eh? He asked for a lot of liquor on his contract rider, but I’m sure it will be fine. Let’s give ‘er!”

    • cinecraf-av says:

      “We need someone with wholesome family oriented comedy.  Like Cosby!”

  • systemmastert-av says:

    I feel like there’s a pretty solid chance that Sandler is just smart enough to be quiet about his politics and his constant hiring of shitty fash friends is no accident.  Like he’s a registered Republican and he’s donated to fuckin’ Giuliani in the past.

    • simplepoopshoe-av says:

      Giuliani has popped up in at least one Sandler film. What was the one with him proposing in the Yankees stadium? Fifty First Dates or was it Mr Deeds? One of those definitely had Giuliani jumping out of the audience urging Sandler to go kiss the girl.

    • eatshittoday-av says:

      He’s a rich dude who peaked in the 90’s, of course he is.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Honestly even his “good” movies that people always hold up from the early career sucked as far as I was ever concerned.  I still can’t get over people telling me Big Daddy is good when he’s like invading people’s houses and robbing them, or when it ends with the whole cast shaming and berating a woman for having worked at Hooters in the past.

      • tgore22-av says:

        Sandler’s main movie run is so bad for films remembered so fondly by many; even today, I’ll still hear my students quoting that crap. 

      • yllehs-av says:

        If a movie is good only if the characters are perfectly behaved, definitely don’t watch The Godfather or Psycho.

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          I liked Big Daddy. It was silly fun.Comparing Big Daddy to The Godfather and Psycho is a wild take.

        • systemmastert-av says:

          Oh yeah, those movies where the main characters win in the end and everyone laughs together about how much they win, those are my favorites.

      • fugit-av says:

        Big Daddy was a failure that made a lot of money. It was supposed to make him the next Tom Hanks and it didn’t. By all accounts it shoiuld have, if it was only a good movie. After his first two movies had gained a substantial cult following, and the Wedding Singer became this huge hit that also showed Sandler had some range, the anticipation for Big Daddy was insane. I was in NYC at the time and finding tickets for opening weekend was impossible. Big Daddy was supposed to be his big crossover movie. But it was by all accounts a lunch-bag-let-down and although didn’t hurt Sandler’s career, definitely plateaued it. Reviews were mad-to-so-so, the box office dropped off substantially after opening week, and it had absolutely zero buzz. Admittedly that “plateau” was still pretty substantial and enabled him to churn out more decisively “mid” movies for a long-ass time, but it showed that even another hit like “50 First Dates” wasn’t enough to push him into the rarefied Tom-Hanks level Big Daddy could have accomplished. He’s terrible at follow-up, career-wise. Even the latest breakthrough hit – Uncut Gems – was followed by some (again) very “mid” dramatic efforts that didn’t really go anywhere.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Wait who are his other friends?  The article said Schneider is his sixth most famous and I was like does he have other friends besides Schneider??

      • zerowonder-av says:

        Kevin James is definitely #1. Not sure about #2 through #5, though.

      • weedlord420-av says:

        You can look at the cast lists of basically every movie he’s made in the past decade (with the exception of his more serious stuff like Uncut Gems) and see some recurring names in all of them. Chief among them are probably Kevin James, David Spade, Schneider, and Steve Buscemi. If they’re gonna go with say just 6 I don’t know who you’d particularly put in the 4 and 5 spots, maybe Chris Rock and Jon Lovitz? All I know is that if you were on SNL in the 90s there’s always room in a crap Sandler movie for you. 

        • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

          …unless you’re Mike Myers, for some reason. Which is very odd, because apparently the two get along decently well. They just don’t ever seem to cameo in each other’s movies.

          • tvcr-av says:

            Slightly different eras. They crossed over, but Meyers was closer to the Carvey/Hartman era. Plus Sandler’s crew all started as standups instead of sketch performers, and I think that’s a big deal among comedians.

          • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

            I apologize for differing with you, but Myers and Sandler were on the show pretty much the same time. Myers was from 1989-1995, whereas Sandler was 1990-1995. That’s only one year where they didn’t overlap.You could be right about the standup divide, though. Myers was from an improv group background, which is definitely a different circle.

          • tvcr-av says:

            I just meant that Myers felt more a part of the earlier cast, whereas Sandler always did sketches with the newer cast members that came on around the same time or later than him. Although most of Myers’ bits were solo affairs anyway. But I think Sandler and co were ostracized by the Carvey/Hartman guys a little, because they didn’t have the sketch chops.

          • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

            Oh, ok. That makes more sense. You know, it’s funny, I never noticed that divide before, but now that you point it out, it does feel a little like an Old Guard/Young Blood dichotomy.

          • tvcr-av says:

            At the time Myers seemed to avoid the “Saturday Night Dead” stuff from the media.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          “You can look at the cast lists of basically every movie he’s made in the past decade”Ah, there’s where I struggle. I couldn’t even name a movie he’s made in the past decade.

          • maximultra-av says:

            His dramatic stuff is genuinely good. He should do more of it. He was great in Uncut Gems and Hustle on Netflix was really good.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            I’ve heard!

      • killa-k-av says:

        Chris Rock, David Spade, Kevin James, and two more people.

      • gterry-av says:

        You also need to add in his 3 friends from before he was famous that played his lawyer buddies in Big Daddy (Peter Dante, Jonathan Loughran and Allen Covert). Then also factor in his go-to female leads either Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Aniston or Idina Menzel. And of course he also puts his wife in everything.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Idina Menzel has been in an Adam Sandler movie?  I need to get out from under this rock.

          • gterry-av says:

            Two, she played his wife in Uncut Gems and You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah.

      • firewokwithme-av says:

        The entire male leading cast of the 2 Grownups films

    • ethan179-av says:

      Ermugehrd! How derrr he?

    • toastedtoast-av says:

      Well, it’s not that simple, since his group of actor-comedian friends certainly includes some liberals (Chris Rock, Buscemi, probably David Spade? not googling him lol). Kevin James and Sandler himself seem like very moderate Republicans. As far as I can tell Schneider is the only “out” rightwing extremist in the group.

  • largeandincharge-av says:

    Let me guess. The event planner took some bad advice from someone’s ex-husband at a holiday party and didn’t even bother to do 30 seconds of Googling.

  • sosgemini-av says:

    The only time I’ve attended an event like this it was with Rita Rudner. 

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    This is what happens when you constantly orgasm on stage.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    We reiterate this sincere and unconditional apology today, for any
    offense caused by Mr. Schneider’s recent comedy set, at the Four Seasons

    Four Seasons Total Landscaping’s a popular place.

  • gwbiy2006-av says:

    I bet he and Richard Dreyfus fight over which one is the headliner when they go on tour together. 

  • cynicaladultwatchescartoons-av says:

    The people who would book Rob Schneider for something like this are the people who go to see Patton Oswalt expecting him to be his character from King Of Queens.

  • Rev2-av says:

    Well, at least that gives them free space to hire somebody who doesn’t know the difference between a man and a woman. Should be a big upgrade from a guy who isn’t a cultist…

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    I’ve spent far too much of my adult life in hospitals, and I’m sorry but I’d rather pass away quietly than suffer through a few Rob Schneider sets.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      He’s Mirror Universe Patch Adams, they bring him in to see the patients who the hospital has decided should give up on life.

  • dakingofkinja-av says:

    Nice to know their principles are worth more than their patients.

  • axl917-av says:

    Looks like another Nazi MAGAt found out that actions have consequences.

  • alliterator85-av says:

    Too vulgar for Republicans, too crazy for normal people. Where can Rob Schneider do his schtick now? Hopefully far, far away from any living person.

  • hellosparky-av says:

    So I guess now Schneider can immediately start the old “I was canceled” self-pity routine which will endure him further to the Fox News set.

    • masterdebator-av says:

      The word is “endear”, although “endure” probably applies correctly to anyone that has to sit through one of his “shows”.

  • eatshittoday-av says:

    Literally the only thing he’s been known for years is his hysterical reaction to basic medicine. I’m vaugely aware he’s a rwnj but i’m only actively aware of the fact that he vehemently hates vaccines.

  • FredDerf-av says:


    I’m sure Schneider was baffled, since his comedy always kills inside his echo chamber of weird stupid dipshits. 

  • therealbernieliederkranz-av says:

    FYI, if Alberta is our Texas equivalent, Saskatchewan is the provincial counterpart of any of your “way more right-wing wack-a-doodle” states. My guess is they booked him months in advance and the cancellation fee was enough that they just hoped for the best…

    • collex-av says:

      I dunno, I think Scott Moe is less batshit crazy than Danielle Smith. He’s still a stinking Tory, but he’s a boring, square Tory.

  • nilus-av says:

    I found out recently that that there is a shitty conservative attempt at Bluey and that Rob Schneider is the voice of the dad. That fitsI also found out conservatives fucking bags Bluey because the dad commits the greatest woke sin of actually playing with his kids. 

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Bluey’s dad never even hits her. And that’s why it’s woke gay propaganda.

    • mckludge-av says:


    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      FFS. I just watched a clip of it out of morbid curiosity. The kid becomes “president” and makes a rule that she gets more time “because everyone’s so happy with me in charge.” To be slightly fair, I only watched the one clip, but it does seem hard to believe something this calculating isn’t intentionally trolling too.

  • greggiekay-av says:

    To be fair they only had fifty bucks in the budget to hire someone soooo

  • hornacek37-av says:

    This is the biggest apology Canadians have made about a celebrity since this happened:

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    One of the organizers must have really enjoyed the Stallone Judge Dredd…

  • graymangames-av says:

    Why is he always making that face in every picture?

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “Adam Sandler’s sixth-ranked best friend? Let’s book him!” To be fair, it was a fundraiser; it would eat into the charity funds too much if they booked an act that cost more than $50.

  • chronophasia-av says:

    Instead of “making copiesssss”, it’s now “making Naziiiissssss”.

  • collex-av says:

    For those asking how this could happen, I will remind you that our Parliament gave a standing ovation to an old Nazi less than a year ago. Minimum effort background checks is just not how we do things up here. 

  • rafterman00-av says:

    Interesting that the white male right wing in America plays the victim now, when the white male had previously been the victimizer for two centuries.

  • rafterman00-av says:

    Look at those little hands.Just sayin’.

  • clevererthenyathunk-av says:

    You put your weed in it.

  • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

    Meanwhile, David Spade is hanging out with Dana Carvey, doing a popular podcast and cashing those residual checks from his multiple hit sitcoms.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    lol… clutch your pearls. Someone doesn’t share your political ideology!

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    We do not condone, accept, endorse, or share Mr. Schneider

  • ryanjcam-av says:

    He hasn’t been funny since The Stapler (his best movie).

  • iggypoops-av says:

    I don’t remember Rob Schneider being funny even before he went sailing off to the right… his stand-up was always mediocre at its very best and his role on SNL was just to create characters with a catch-phrase and then do the same thing week after week. In essence, he was the logical extreme of what Mike Myers and Dana Carvey did, but without any of the talent. 

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