Jamie Lee Curtis is out here talking some energetic trash about Doctor Strange

The Everything Everywhere All At Once star is pulling no punches online about "multi verse wannabes"

Aux News Doctor Strange
Jamie Lee Curtis is out here talking some energetic trash about Doctor Strange
Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh in Everything Everywhere All At Once Photo: A24

Jamie Lee Curtis is probably pretty far past the “worrying about what studios think of her” phase of her career; one of the perks, presumably, of being a living Hollywood legend. Which is part of what makes it very funny to see Curtis—currently starring in multiverse-spanning adventure Everything Everywhere All At Once—decide to go off on social media today, taking a swing at that other big multiverse movie that’s in theaters this weekend.

That’s right: Jamie Lee has set her sights on Doctor Strange, having made multiple posts on Instagram today that highlighted mediocre reviews of the Marvel sequel, pointed out its similarities to Daniels critically well-received movie, and reminded audiences that they could spend their time with “a dynamite dildo fight scene as well as a very erotic hotdog hand mating dance” instead of Benedict Cumberbatch frowning while doing complicated hand gestures.

On the one hand, this is really just basic marketing stuff: Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness is sucking up huge amounts of both box office money and theater real estate this week under the motive power of the full Disney PR machine, so it makes sense for Curtis to try to draft a little power for her own movie off of the wave. On the other hand, the sheer “gives no fucks” of it all is frankly kind of charming, with Curtis calling out “other multi verse wannabe” movies and hashtagging her posts “#guessiwillneverbecastinamarvelmovie” like some kind of cinematic wrestling heel. As with any social media, it’s hard to tell how much genuine negative feeling Curtis—never afraid to vent her thoughts—is actually expressing here, and how much is just good old fashioned trash talk, but it’s definitely an eye-catching tactic.

Everything Everywhere All At Once has done remarkably well for itself over the last two months, managing to stay stable at the box office—a rarity for a high-concept sci-fi film like this. The film stars Michelle Yeoh as a housewife who finds herself jumping between different lives as part of an effort to stop a multiverse-spanning threat. It also, in Curtis-speak, “COST LESS than the ENTIRE craft service budget on Doctor Strange and/or any other Marvel movie. COMPETITIVE? Fuck YES. I wasn’t head cheerleader in high school for nothing.” So there’s that, too.


  • violetstarmouse-av says:

    She’s not a housewife! Grrr. 

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    She’s talking an awful lot of shit for someone who recently championed Halloween Kills.

    • pete-worst-av says:

      Watching her turn a mid-budget slasher flick into her fight song or whatever was fucking hilarious.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      You obviously didn’t see Jamie Lee Curtis atomic knee Short Round in EEAaO then, of course she’s taking the part of the heel!

    • greatgodglycon-av says:

      It ends tonight!

    • planehugger1-av says:

      I don’t think it’s ever a good look for actors to badmouth other people’s films.  And it’s especially a strange look for Curtis, who has made some great movies, but also plenty of subpar ones.

      • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

        Most people couldn’t get away with it but she wears it well. This kind of mock-serious trash talk has always been part of her brand.

    • kjordan3742-av says:

      But he does! He DOES kills!

    • drdny-av says:

      She’s a Baroness, do you think she cares?As if she ever did, any more than her husband, the Baron Haydon-Guest, does — trying to dissolve the House of Lords for not having any purpose any longer.

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      Also, my response to “I wasn’t head cheerleader in high school for nothing,” is, “If you were head cheerleader in high school, I’d assume it’s because your parents were Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh.”

    • disqustqchfofl7t--disqus-av says:

      Halloween Kills is on the level of the average MCU movie.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    In addition to being better than Doctor Strange at just about Everything, EEAAO beats it at the most important metric of all, the number of butt plug powered fight scenes. I’ve been saying for years that the butt plug count in the MCU has been downright terrible, practically non-existent even, and it’s finally coming back to bite them in the lower back area.

    • bembrob-av says:

      Does Rocket extracting the Ether from Natalie Portman count?

    • ghboyette-av says:

      You know, every time you brought up the butt plug thing, I kept saying the MCU didn’t need it. I stand corrected.

    • darrylarchideld-av says:

      Fun fact: although the script doesn’t say so, Benedict Cumberbatch always wears a butt plug while portraying Stephen Strange. It’s a method acting choice to create tension in his performance, though we only ever see it in several deleted scenes from Infinity War.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Both good

  • aaron1592-av says:

    This seems petty AF, I wonder if some new slasher movie star came out boasting about Halloween Kills bad reviews if she’d be cool with that? It’s the new normal to bash Marvel properties at every turn so maybe she’s trying to get on that bandwagon? There’s enough room for both films to do well, they’re not in direct competition so this seems rather pointless.

  • bembrob-av says:

    I’m not a Dr. Strange fan, personally. I’m going 100% for Sam Raimi.

    • drdny-av says:

      Not my only reason for going, but Sam Raimi coming back to direct is a real good one, CookingwithCranston!

    • kimothy-av says:

      According to what I have read on the internet, you will not be disappointed. The people who lean more Marvel don’t like it because of Sam Raimi. The people who lean more Raimi love it because of him.

  • BlueSeraph-av says:

    I’m reading that as just someone saying in a light-hearted, trash-talking tone. Like they’re at a sporting game. Not someone who’s trying to tear down another for the point of being mean spirited and insulting. So this is no big deal to me. I’m just going to watch both and enjoy both probably. I want to have fun and be entertained, not start picking sides and start throwing insults at those who didn’t like one or the other or both.I’ve also seen comments in articles from people tired of any movie that rely on time travel/multiple realities.

    • bewareofbob-av says:

      Yeah, but you know, we’re gonna try to make a thing out of this.

      • BlueSeraph-av says:
      • maulkeating-av says:

        WowBOBWow: “You know, I don’t think I could handle living with someone who had a bunch of dogs.”AV Club headline: “WowBOBWow hates dogs, would probably kick yours or feed it poison, maybe.”

        • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

          “Why WowBOBWow’s Violent Hatred of Dogs is a Symptom of Toxic White Masculinitiy (Slide 1/172)“

          • mr-rubino-av says:

            That’s some prime Everything is 2014 Buzzfeed energy there but solid effort.

          • maulkeating-av says:

            By Sam Barsanti, A Man To Whom An Anaemic Scottish Goth Once Said “Jeez, You’re Lookin’ A Bit Pale”

    • drdny-av says:

      Really — it’s like she wants to settle it via a wrestling match with Elizabeth Olson on SNL or something. “C’mon, Liz — I wrestled Andy Kaufman on this very stage!”

    • theevilcub-av says:

      Everything, Everywhere, All At Once is so absolutely worth seeing. It was one of the most emotionally affecting movies I’ve seen in years and had resonant things to say about life, love, family (chosen and born). It moved me to tears twice, once out of pure overwhelming delight. I think everyone should see it.

    • genejenkinson-av says:

      I watched and thoroughly enjoyed both, it’s possible! I’m sure I’ll return to EEAAO over the other one but not everything has to fall into two opposing camps.

  • catsss-av says:

    Michelle Yeoh doesn’t play a house wife. Just had to get that out there.

  • minsk-if-you-wanna-go-all-the-way-back-av says:

    pointed out its similarities to Daniels critically well-received movie

    Surely there should be an apostrophe in there.

  • scortius-av says:

     you can watch both?….

    • nilus-av says:

      In an infinite multiverse you already have 

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        But there’s only one America Chavez!Oh wait, wrong film.Well, for here at least.

      • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

        If I’ve seen an infinite number of multiverse movies on an infinite number of timelines, then does any of them really matter? Does anything? I’m gonna be come a supervillian and kms using an evil bagel! 

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Everything’s box office take has increased for six straight weeks, which has NEVER happened before. It doesn’t really need any help at this point.

    • greatgodglycon-av says:

      I am pretty sure it happened with Knives Out but that is a big studio movie and your point stands.

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        Yeah but Knives Out sucked butt.

        • liebkartoffel-av says:


          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            I work in healthcare and for a long time with the very two drugs that a pivotal plot about mixing the two up revolved around. They were represented so incorrectly, it’s driven me practically insane to this day.Also the idea you can burn down our labs days later and somehow all our data is lost is something Dharma and Greg of all things lampooned decades ago as only very clueless and uninformed people would fall for.I also despised this film for other reasons.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            Being the tedious “I actually know about this stuff in real life and it would never happen like it does in this movie!” guy is not valid criticism.

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            I said there were also other reasons!

        • nosleep4giant-av says:

          So does Everything. Neither live up to their hype in the slightest.

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            Yeah but it had butt plug substitutes getting in the way of its butts being sucked ergo it had to be better!

          • erikveland-av says:

            That’s the dumbest edgy take I have heard in a while. Pat yourself on the back.

          • nosleep4giant-av says:

            Sorry I kicked your dog or whatever. I hope you’ll feel better eventually.

          • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

            You did kick our dog. And that dog’s name was Everything Everywhere All At Once.You monster.

          • nosleep4giant-av says:

            I wanted to love this movie. I went in loving everything about it I’d heard about it. I love Michelle, I love that Short Round got a chance to kick ass and JLC should have just been a happy bonus. However, I greatly dislike this movie. It was torture to watch. No one was more disappointed in my opinion than I.

          • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

            Huh. Man, that’s too bad. Well, I don’t actually begrudge you your opinion (was just teasing), though I do express condolences. I wish you could have loved it the way the rest of us do.

      • chadxor-av says:

        It definitely did not happen with Knives Out.

    • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

      It used to happen literally ALL THE TIME. Before JAWS. Movies just aren’t distributed in the same way they used to be, that’s all. But for sure, it’s incredible that it’s happening now. 

    • clauz-av says:

      It happens all the time with art house platform releases. Major theater count expansion automatically means box office increase. Its definitely done alright, but it’s hardly a box office phenom. Which is a shame, because its infinitely better than Strange 2

  • psybab-av says:

    Ask yourself this – would Alan Moore, the architect of the Marvel multiverse, rather see Dr Strange or Everything Everywhere 

    • nilus-av says:

      The answer is neitherMoore is watching a live burlesque show/tantric magical ritual featuring only plus sized models over 50.  It’s a private show 

      • jimbob38-av says:

        How do I get an invite?

        • nilus-av says:

          Write your name, favorite dessert and your multiversal coordinates on a tarot card, speak the unholy incantation and burn it in  chamber pot used by a saint.  Then, if they think you are cool, they will come to you on the night of your next birthday when you age is divisible by 6.  

          • refinedbean-av says:

            If you masturbate over the pot Grant Morrison will personally show up to lead you where you want to go, along with an armored rabbit with a hole in its head. 

          • nilus-av says:

            The fact that the world has two famous British comic book writing “magic users” and they hate each other makes me smile every day. 

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            So you’re saying…there’s a chance?

      • drdny-av says:

        Yep, that sounds about right for Alan Moore.

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      Wait..Alan Moore? 

  • pinpointpropensity-av says:


  • mjk333-av says:

    I’m pretty sure she’s just having fun trash talking. I also know there are people who take the “competition” between the two waaaay too seriously.I’ve seen and enjoyed both. They’re different types of movies that are doing different things that just happen to include a “mulitverse.” At this point, EEAAO has probably been out long enough that I doubt Dr. Strange is even likely to be taking screens away from it anyway.

  • bagman818-av says:

    I have enough love for both films.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Did you really call Michelle Yeoh a housewife? There’s nothing wrong with that but, dude, she owns a laundromat. That’s why she’s being audited. She doesn’t have much time to wife a house because she’s running a business and, yes, trying to keep a family together.

    • bromona-quimby-av says:

      On Desperate Housewives most of the housewives were unmarried and/or had jobs

    • theunnumberedone-av says:

      But that’s not a REAL business! REAL businesses are the ones, uh, run by men or something?

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        I guess we should be happy that Evelyn isn’t beating rocks on clothing down at the river. Thank goodness men invented washing machines.

      • drdny-av says:

        Somebody needs to be reminded who he just trash-talked….Oh, and as this movie shows? 37 years later, she’s still got it.I would love to see her and Cynthia Rothrock team up once again now that they’re older.

      • marcus75-av says:

        laundromat = laundry
        laundry = housewife work
        via the transitive property, her business is housewife business. CHECKMATE ATHEIST

    • birdybirdywoofwoof-av says:

      I came to say the same thing. Like, did y’all actually watch it?

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    Get off my lawn.

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    I remember A.O. Scott from Ebert’s rotation of “At the Movies” critics after Siskel died. He’s a tough cookie

  • drkschtz-av says:

    This is such a weird fake “rivalry” and some commenters here have been doing it to. Fuck off.

  • jlrobbinsdewalt-av says:

    I’m over the comic book movies. 

  • unregisteredhal-av says:

    She’s not wrong.

  • theeuglycasanova-av says:

    Im totally with her. I have no clue how people are still enjoying the neverending string of Marvel movies they crap out one after another after another. Please end superhero fad.

  • sinatraedition-av says:


  • hamiltonistrash-av says:

    She’s made a metric ton of dreck for 40 years but congrats on getting in a few hits just by the law of averages I guess.

  • xdmgx-av says:

    This is the same person that claimed that Halloween Kills was a masterpiece. And uh, I don’t think that Marvel was planning on knocking on her door any time soon. 

  • stephencrome-av says:

    Jamie Lee – your argument is like comparing a migraine to a mild headache. They’re both lousy films. “Everything” is stupider by far and homophobic to boot. And has the worst soundtrack in film history. But “Strange” does seem to advocate book burning and keeps introducing people I’ve never heard of, like being at a stranger’s wedding and being forced to say hi to fifty people you don’t know and will never see again. “Everything” had those dumb hotdog fingers which made no sense (in what universe would that physical trait manifest and why? And how come nothing in that particular universe took this physical attribute into consideration. It’s that kind of specious non-thinking that made the movie such a chore to sit through). And yet “Strange” seems to be saying that someone who murdered three trillion people is a hero and that a woman who just wants to give her imaginary children good ‘universal’ health care is a monster. Ya’ll are welcome to these examples of inept decision making in the film world. However, Jamie, you might try watching “Strawberry Mansion” for a look at how to turn a micro-budget into a masterpiece. That film was made for twenty-five dollars and it creates more multi-dimensional magic than both “everything” and “strange” combined.

  • realtimothydalton-av says:

    everything everywhere blah blah is a Marvel movie for people who are (get this) too pathetic to admit they like the slop. Admit you’re a hog! Stick your head back in the trough!

  • homerbert1-av says:

    I worship Raimi and see every new Marvel movie opening day with friends, frequently at the midnight screening, but…She’s right. EEAAO shits all over Multiverse of Madness. Dr Strange 2 has a bunch of fun bits in it, but EEAAO is so funny, weird, inventive and joyful that it feels more like early Sam Raimi. Best thing I’ve seen in the cinema this year, by a mile.

  • arriffic-av says:

    I take this as a mostly tone-deaf failed attempt at fun since Doctor Strange had a later release date. Plus you know it’s not like the multiverse is a unique concept. The more multiverse shenanigans the better, as far as I’m concerned. But this kind of thing is very cringe and I wish people wouldn’t do it. It doesn’t make her movie any better by trashing someone else’s.

  • gurren-chaser-av says:

    no one tell Jamie that the Halloween franchise is multiversal shit

  • mr-rubino-av says:

    Hopefully just a coded secret audition for Ms. Rasputin or some such?

  • jmg619-av says:

    Ugh she sounds like a Marvel vs DC troll.

  • manosoffate123-av says:

    I wouldn’t say this has a “Gives no f*cks” vibeThis comes off super petty and not at all charming

  • garybryan-av says:

    When Scorsese disses Marvel movies, AV Club paints him as an out-of-touch old man yelling at clouds.When Boss/Yass Queen of Horror Jamie Lee Curtis disses Marvel, it’s a “cinematic wrestling heel” move because she “gives no fucks.” Such stylish defiance!It’s okay to imply that old women entertainers yell at clouds too, AV Club. 

  • adamwarlock68-av says:

    Perhaps Jaime is unaware that Marvel & DC comics came up with the idea of a multiverse over 50 years ago. If anything, “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once” is a rip off of the comics.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    It’s too bad two movies can’t be equally enjoyable in different ways.

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