Jamie Lee Curtis put her they/them Oscar next to her butt plug

Proud trans advocate Jamie Lee Curtis has given her Oscar gender neutral pronouns and placed it next to her EEAAO Auditor of the Month award

Aux News Jamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis put her they/them Oscar next to her butt plug
Jamie Lee Curtis Photo: Rodin Eckenroth

It’s the dawn of a new day in Hollywood, where an independent Asian-American action dramedy can sweep the Oscars and career scream queens can win Best Supporting Actress. So why shouldn’t that Best Supporting Actress decide on the gender of her Oscar or keep the statuette next to a prop butt plug? This is the 21st century, baby! The Academy Awards are cool!

Jamie Lee Curtis proved as much with her post-Oscars social media blitz, wherein she shared a photo of her “shiny things,” as she described her awards. One Instagram pic depicted her recently-won Academy Award on display with the Screen Actors Guild Award for Female Actor in a Supporting Role. Tucked in between the two is perhaps the most prestigious honor of them all, Deirdre Beaubeirdre’s sex toy-shaped award for Auditor of the Month from Everything Everywhere All At Once. “OK I’LL STOP!” Curtis gleefully captioned the shot. “The TOTALLY unexpected EVERYTHING TRIFECTA of 2023!”

And yes, Curtis has given her Oscar statuette gender-neutral pronouns. “I’m having them be a they/them. I’m going to just call them them,” the star explained on the Today show. “They/them, and they are doing great, they’re settling in, and I just, in my life, I never saw it in a million years that I’d have this couple days, and I’m very moved by the whole thing.”

Declaring one’s trophy non-binary may be a somewhat silly gesture, but Curtis is a staunch advocate for transgender rights and is using her moment in the sun to show her support. Amidst the celebratory Oscars posts, she shared her conversation with the gender-nonconforming author and comedian Alok Vaid-Menon. “Hey [Megyn Kelly] am I strong enough?” She captioned the post after Kelly’s screed about Dylan Mulvaney’s appearance on Drew Barrymore’s talk show, in which Kelly described Barrymore as a “woke, weak, white woman praying at the transgender altar.”

Curtis also brought her perspective “as the mother of a trans daughter” to the press room in the immediate wake of winning her Academy Award, where she advocated for more women to be nominated “so that there’s gender parity in all the areas and all the branches [of the Academy],” per the Los Angeles Times. She did note “the bigger question, which is how do you include everyone when there are binary choices?”

“And yet to de-gender the category also, I’m concerned will diminish the opportunities for more women, which is something I also have been working hard to try to promote,” she mused. “So it’s a complicated question. But I think the most important thing is inclusivity and … basically just fucking more women anywhere, anytime, all at once.”


  • antsnmyeyes-av says:

    “on display with the Screen Actors Guild Award for Female Actor in a Supporting Role.”No. It’s for Cast in a Motion Picture. Says so right on the award.

  • wrightstuff76-av says:

    I love JLC but Stephanie Hsu is the better ‘supporting actress’ in EEAAO.

    Also kinda bummed that Angela Bassett lost out. Sure she “only had one decent scene” but Judy Dench won for ten minutes of screen time in Shakespeare in Love (and being screwed over the year before in Mrs Brown).I guess acting award win ties are too rare at Academy Awards?

    • Mr-John-av says:

      Tilda Swinton is in Michael Clayton for 18 mins of a 120 mins film and got the Oscar. Viola Davis was in Doubt for 8 mins and got a nomination.I think Curtis a Hsu were both fantastic and I think the voters turned to the standard “this person is due” mentality with regards the career JLC has had and the one Hsu has in front of her.Bassett gave an incredible, moving and powerful performance and I think any other year it would have swept the entire season, but Yeoh had this in the bag from the beginning.  

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        Yoeh wasn’t facing against Bassett. JLC was.

        • Mr-John-av says:

          You’re quite right, brain was not engaged at all – see previous about Curtis winning for “dues”.

      • wrightstuff76-av says:

        Bassett gave an incredible, moving and powerful performance and I think
        any other year it would have swept the entire season, but Yeoh had this
        in the bag from the beginning. Those two weren’t competing in the same category. JLC beat Angela Bassett to supporting Oscar, which was a slight shame (IMO).

        • gargsy-av says:

          “shamenoun: a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety: a condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute”
          By which definition of shame does “the actor I liked better didn’t win the award” fall under.

        • Mr-John-av says:

          Yep realised my mistake, brain fart – I feel the point about being “due” still rings true, along with the wave of love for the film.

      • ignatiusreillysvalve-av says:

        Viola Davis’s 8-10 minutes in Doubt are still the best ten minutes of acting I’ve seen in my lifetime, so…there’s that. The length of time really shouldn’t be the deciding factor.

      • richardalinnii-av says:

        Wasn’t Anne Hathaway in Les Mis for like 5 minutes and won?

        • kinosthesis-av says:

          No. Beatrice Straight’s performance in Network is five minutes, and it’s the shortest ever to win an Oscar.

          • richardalinnii-av says:

            She was in Les Mis for a whopping 15 minutes, had to look it up.

          • MadnessIncarnate-av says:

            Having watched Network a couple weeks ago, I’m surprised that this is true.  Not even the screen time, just her entire performance – it was really good, but Oscar worthy?

        • Mr-John-av says:

          I’ve never seen the whole film – love the musical, never watched the film 

      • krunkboylives-av says:

        Bassett gave an incredible, moving and powerful performance and I think any other year it would have swept the entire season, but Yeoh had this in the bag from the beginning.Michelle Yeoh won for best leading actress, while Bassett was in the supporting category.

        • Mr-John-av says:

          Yeah my brain was simply not working, same point though it’s most likely “dues” and because the film was the one they’d all latched onto.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Hell, let’s not forget the OG “minimal screentime, maximal award”:

      • mackyart-av says:

        Heck, Anthony Hopkins’ screen time in Silence of the Lamb, arguably his career defining role, is 24 minutes or roughly 20% of the entire film.

        I’m fine with Curtis getting the Oscar. I have my favorites, but I no longer treat the awards the same as I did in my younger years. It’s a huge awards ceremony that gives artists their shine for an impressive performance. Give Jamie Lee Curtis her Oscar. I’m glad that she’s finally getting the credit she’s long deserved.

      • mcpatd-av says:

        I don’t remember shit all about Michael Clayton, but that part where Tilda Swinton was looking at her armpits in the mirror sold me on Tilda Swinton.

      • shellsandcheese-av says:

        Yeoh and Bassett weren’t competing in the same category. And JLC wasn’t even the best supporting actress in her own movie – can’t believe she won. 

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      I guess I don’t really think that it’s necessarily appropriate that Best Supporting Actor/Actress wins are for these ultra short screentimes. Judi Dench is great and all, but I don’t think she really was the best that year, especially over Lynn Redgrave’s and Rachel Griffiths’s more substantive (and IMHO better) performances that year. Same with these ‘career’ or ‘let us make it up to you’ wins. If you didn’t win, too bad, but to me it’s really not great to get an award for a performance that’s arguably not the best among the nominees’. It doesn’t feel right to have awarded Judi Dench an Oscar for Mrs. Brown when she was nominated for Shakespeare, not does it feel right for JLC to have won for her career when she was nominated for EEAAO. That’s why I agree with you on Hsu.EDIT: Sorry, this is more a reply to Mr.John than it is to you.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        Imagine being Joaquin Pheonix and having that Joker Oscar constantly staring at you.

      • monochromatickaleidoscope-av says:

        Jamie Lee Curtis also won for the movie she was in. At this point in her career, she could’ve very easily kept on doing movies like Knives Out and getting fat checks from Halloween. She didn’t need to take a huge pay cut to play the ugly, nasty villain in a low budget odd movie from the “Turn Down For What” / farting corpse guys. This wasn’t an easy and obvious move for her, to pick this project and commit to it.

      • krunkboylives-av says:

        I guess I don’t really think that it’s necessarily appropriate that Best Supporting Actor/Actress wins are for these ultra short screentimes. Judi Dench is great and all, but I don’t think she really was the best that year, especially over Lynn Redgrave’s and Rachel Griffiths’s more substantive (and IMHO better) performances that year.Then again it doesn’t explain why Anthony Hopkins won his first Oscar in Silence Of The Lambs when he TRT was barely 16 minutes. A great performance no doubt. But to win for best leading actor? That was a true supporting role, which was basically Lector helping Clarice catch Buffalo Bill.

      • Mr-John-av says:

        I agree with what you’re saying and the example I always fall back on is the two years they got Best Actor spectacularly wrong.Colin Firth should never have won for King’s Speech, Jeff Bridges should have won for True Grit.And the only reason it went that way round is because the year before Colin Firth should have won for A Single Man, he should have won every award going for that opening scene alone, but Bridges got the “he’s probably due” award for Crazy Heart.

      • katkitten-av says:

        Huh, I love Rachel Griffiths and I never knew she was nominated for Hilary and Jackie. In that case, it feels like category error too, because she was totally a co-lead in that movie – hell, her character’s name is in the title. 

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Yah I do feel bad for Stephanie Hsu… And now she’s gonna have a tonne of people in her life saying this ^ to her too. Yuck.

    • cooler95-av says:

      Kerry Condan, Stephanie Hsu, Angela Bassett were all better options. I like JLC but she was easily the weakest link in the movie.

    • colonel9000-av says:

      Meh, Angela Bassett was just doing another round of Angela Bassett.  That’s how she orders a sandwich at the deli. 

    • juancarlos07-av says:

      These types of awards shouldn’t get the praise they do honestly, because there are no rules or objective selection into who wins, they’re dependent of the bias of the judges, the present social environment, the popularity (or unpopularity) of an actor, director, etc. and many other subjective things.
      Sure, if you’re in the industry or you’re a big fan of someone it feels nice since it’s an award most of the people who cares about it, has in a high place, but it really doesn’t show who was the best, just who aligned better this time to be chosen by the judges’ bias to get one.
      And of course, this happens with a lot of popular awards, to some extent even with the Nobel prize.
      These awards are valid recognitions to someone’s work, but they don’t tell you who was actually the best.

    • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

      IMHO, best actress/supporting is always a way more stacked category where they pit all your faves against each other. It’s always a few legacy actresses pitted against a truly stunning performance by a newer/lesser known actor, and it tends to alternate every year on whether a legacy or newcomer will win. I think nominating JLC at all in the category was an affront to Stephanie Hsu and I definitely feel like her not winning had something to do with not letting two Asian women win on the same night. (In my little black lady opinion)I love both JLC and Angela Bassett, they’re amazing. Usually these noms are about handing to an actress who’s had an overall great career more so than their performance that particular year. Which is lopsided to me and usually why I skip the Oscars.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I love JLC but Stephanie Hsu is the better ‘supporting actress’ in EEAAO.

      Hey, it’s great that you have an opinion and that it is at odds with the final decision of who to award the Oscar to.

      Now, the important thing is that you’ve learned that the Oscar goes to the person who gets the most votes out of thousands of academy members, not to ONE person’s choice.

    • torchbearer2-av says:

      Remember that campaigning is a huge part of it and there are allegations of outright bribery most years. In the case of JLC, she more or less had it locked down on personality alone (I am sure the studios helped a lot for all of them), even stumping for all her competitors. You could see the look on Bassett’s face when they read the nominations there that she knew she wasn’t going to win. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Yeah, I was rooting for Hsu to get the win. I think it was the best performance, and honestly I think Kerry Condon in ‘Banshees’ was number two. Hopefully we’ll see both those women holding Oscars of their own before too long.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      Well it’s really simple: Oscars are bullshit.

    • samo1415-av says:

      I disagree

    • ijohng00-av says:

      I’ve just watched EEAAO i nthe last few days and i can’t believe Curtis won over Hsu. She is barely in the film, and compared to the spectrum of acting Hsu has to do, no contest.i guess this was one of those “career oscars” that actors get. Hsu will get more opportunties.

    • samalamadongding-av says:

      the Oscars are a silly thing designed for who knows what. there are tons of examples of this silliness, but you need look no further than 1999 and Shakespeare in Love. that movie beat out Saving Private Ryan for best movie?at the end of the day these awards shows are a subjective elite circlejerk. waste of time and money.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    This is a nice sentiment but a few years ago I remember the discussion of doing away with the gendered acting awards and the conclusion was “we’re not there yet as a society” because the fear is if they combine the categories men might win more.

    I get what JLC is doing but we’re not there yet. It’s a nice thought tho. But if the category was just simply “Best Supporting Actor” (actor is the name of the profession, similar to waiter and waitress, actress is an old fashioned term) Ke Huy Quan would have certainly taken home the prize over JLC so like…. idk I’m just being a contrarian here but still…

    • pushoffyahoser-av says:

      Isn’t this exactly what Curtis is saying as quoted at the end of the article or am I missing something?

      • jmj-lywbd-av says:

        It seems most here are missing something…you’re not alone. And, JLC doesn’t seem to truly realize what she’s saying or doing…she’s desperately trying to support her child (which I empathize with wholeheartedly), however at the expense of her own identity and the feminism once supported prior, but no longer the popular movement to support. The “popular feminism” movement was flawed, therefore failed…so likely will this. Hence why such an intelligent, self-aware woman, after building up and supporting authentic womanhood for decades, cannot bring her impassioned sentiments around to a coherent, congealed point while claiming to disassociate from her womanhood (and while imparting that Oscar should be emasculated simultaneously, poor guy). It’s not how she truly understands herself or womanhood on the whole based on all of her past shared life reflections. She’s simply trying to affirm her child in this most public way, attempting to better convince herself and her child she has suddenly abandoned her fundamental beliefs of 60+ years, and is on board with this new-found idealogy. Imagine how confused a play or film cast would become if one or more of the actors decided to act out their favorite characters’ parts in a film, instead of their own roles. And, imagine how that film would rank with the Academy if the director, producers and rest of the cast affirmed the actors’ whims to play other characters’ roles, running roughshod over the actors who were chosen by the casting director to fulfill the roles and the entire production, in fear of offending those actors?? That would be one chaotic stage or movie set, wouldn’t it?!!I suppose the old adage has never been more true… “All of life is a stage”.Hello World stage.

    • grumpyoldtwat-av says:

      Maybe add genre categories? Drop gender, add genre. I reckon that could work.

    • colonel9000-av says:

      This is easy. Once nonbinary actors receive enough work, we’ll just create an “other” category.

    • kikaleeka-av says:

      Also, people get upset enough that only 4 performers win each year; imagine how much more upset they’d be if only 2 could win each year?

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        People who get that upset over a silly popularity contest should maybe reconsider their priorities.

      • skoc211-av says:

        The Brit Awards went gender neutral with their top prize and this past year only men were nominated. As you can expect people were not too happy!

    • paeniteoazrael-av says:

      It’s a really complex subject, because we are 100% not there for combining the categories into one. Even if we kept the number of awards the same, we’d run into the issue of who gets nominated. I think at this point people generally don’t treat them as having different levels of prestige – an award for Best Actress has the same recognition as an award for Best Actor, but even with the Academy really trying to diversify the voting bloc, it’s still overwhelmingly white, male, and cishet.

      As a non-binary person it would be nice to have non-gendered awards, but I feel 100% sure that removing the gendered nature of the awards would not result in more non-binary rep at the Academy Awards. I don’t think there are enough non-binary actors (at the highest echelons of acting) to support a third award category (also it would be pretty insensitive to lump all people who don’t identify as binary male/female together, as there’s a lot of nuance in identity). But, lumping in non-binary with women feeds into the “WomanLite™” myth, and lumping them in with men both denies their identity and feels a little like saying women can’t compete with anyone.

      It’s just extremely complex. FWIW I think JLC is mostly saying that it’s a thing we need to think about and discuss, rather than offering any specific recommendation.

      • 4x100-av says:

        In this context it’s just about the same as the athletic questions too, at least for sports where gender doesn’t really make a difference. 

      • mifrochi-av says:

        The problem arises because something like the Academy Awards is inherently conservative – their meaning and value is tied to their past, which includes their reliance on gender binaries. It’s much more conceivable that another acting award that’s less high-profile could reorganize its acting awards to be more inclusive, but it would have to be done with the utmost care.

    • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

      I’m of the opinion they should add a category of best ensemble and give out mini-oscars to the winner of that category.

    • jomahuan-av says:

      that’s….kinda what she said. that it’s complicated

    • faaaaqimscarey-av says:

      Yeah its a shame Curtis didnt note that it is a tricky situation. Oh wait, she did. And this article quoted her statement…
      “And yet to de-gender the category also, I’m concerned will diminish the opportunities for more women, which is something I also have been working hard to try to promote,” she mused. “So it’s a complicated question. But I think the most important thing is inclusivity and … basically just fucking more women anywhere, anytime, all at once.” 

    • hokius-the-great-av says:

      She literally addressed this.

    • obelov-av says:


    • mifrochi-av says:

      If anyone can understand the complexity of these things, it’s Jamie Lee Curtis, aka Baroness Holden-Guest, aka Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh’s kid. That’s not to get into the tedious nepotism thing, it’s just to point out that she’s a famous celebrity who was born into wealth in one country, married into the aristocracy in another country, and still manages to acquit herself like a decent person.

    • capeo-av says:

      Did you even read?

  • colonel9000-av says:

    Why is it “silly” to give the statute gender-neutral pronouns? It could be a man, it could be a woman, it could be neither, any of the three are a choice, and one of the choices is only “silly” if you have some prejudice against that choice. This is similar to how incel guys proclaim every POC casting to be the result of politics. They act like when it’s all white guys, it’s status quo, there’s no politics involved. But choosing all white guys (or in this case, a male pronoun) is itself a choice, which is to say whatever selection you make is no more or less political.  Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

  • billber-av says:

    This is all so silly.

  • josephl-tries-again-av says:

    OK, I missed the part where her character’s name was “Deirdre Beaubeirdre.” Movie just went up half a point in my estimation.

  • charliedesertly-av says:

    Kelly described Barrymore as a “woke, weak, white woman praying at the transgender altar.”Wow, I’m surprised Megyn Kelly was so right on about something.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Waiting for the inevitable “Jamie Lee Curtis Hospitalized After Confusing Oscar for Butt Plug” headline.

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      When the article mentioned a smooth statuette going next to a butt plug shaped prop award, coupled with the phrase ‘all at once’ my mind immediately went someplace else.

    • strossusmenor-av says:

      Well I can imagine it because that would be an expert level plug by the scale next to the Oscar, you aren’t gonna want to just spit on it and give it a go

  • ryanln-av says:

    Wonder how hard JLC would have laughed if you had told her after she read the script that she would win an Oscar for that role, or that the movie would be what it ended up being? She probably would have told you to stop smoking meth. 

    • thuesing-av says:

      Nah, I remember in the lead up to the movie, she was gushing about it and how excited she was for it, and what a great movie it was going to be, etc.

      • ryanln-av says:

        I get that, but there’s a difference between “I’m really excited about this quirky fun cool little film” and “man I think that we can win an Oscar”. Maybe she did feel that way? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Who knows. But I’d still be surprised. 

      • PennypackerIII-av says:

        Evidently this was the first actor speaking about their movie before it came out.  They pretty much all talk that way.

  • realtimothydalton-av says:

    why is she so annoying😭

  • softsack-av says:

    “But I think the most important thing is inclusivity and … basically just fucking more women anywhere, anytime, all at once.”As a man, I wholeheartedly endorse this message.

  • misterchoppers-av says:

    My only takeaway from this article is that they managed to spell “Deirdre” wrong on the buttplug award – is that an in-joke?

    • keykayquanehamme-av says:

      1) It’s not currently a common name.
      2) It’s not uncommon to see alternate spellings of uncommon names.
      3) This is a relatively common example of #2.
      4) We live in an era of Brylees and Jaxyns. If you chose this hill to die on, you’ve already lost the war.

    • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

      It’s spelled correctly* on at least two of the trophies in the movie, so I don’t know what’s going on there.*Diedre is a known variant but it’s pronounced differently and spoils the joke.

    • ddnt-av says:

      Edit: I’m very dumb. TIL that “Deirdre” is actually what the name is supposed to be, and not just people mispronouncing “Deidre.” The only person I’ve ever know with either variation was a “Deidre” so I always thought people were just pronouncing it wrong. 

    • PennypackerIII-av says:

      Well they are supposed to stay in.

    • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

      Oh, I’m certain it was. Considering the character’s self-seriousness, it’s a great gag: “Look at how hard I worked. I worked so hard I got this prestigious award.” (Name is misspelled on it)

  • oldlazybroad-av says:

    Tired of seeing a daily item about this woman and her statue. Give it a rest already FFS.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Declaring one’s trophy non-binary may be a somewhat silly gesture”

    I mean, that’s not really her decision to make, is it? Isn’t she just misgendering Oscar?

  • dsgagfdaedsg-av says:

    How do nonbinary samurai kill each other? They/themWhat do you call a nonbinary rapper? Theminem

  • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

    I dont have much to add beyond that I love Jamie Lee Curtis.

  • drstephenstrange-av says:

    Is it just me or is the Oscar lame, especially in comparison to the SAG Award?

  • sjenk26-av says:

    Not sure who to feel more sorry for: Curtis for thinking a metal statue can have a gender or writing a fucking article about someone ungendering a piece of metal. 

  • masshysteria-av says:

    I did not realize that her character’s full name is “Deirdre Beaubeirdre”. And I thought I couldn’t love that movie more. 

  • slak96u-av says:

    How progressive…

    • mr-rubino-av says:

      SoOoOo bRaAvEeE.But really, she’s making a joke and we all know you can’t criticize jokes… isn’t that right?

      • slak96u-av says:

        Her entire life will explode once people start looking into her weird ass son. Whatever… he’s a known degenerate. I can only imagine the amount of child porn he’s schlepped onto Reddit… 

        • mr-rubino-av says:

          So obviously anyone who has spent 2+ days here knows you have two modes: normal conversational (rare) and standard conservative histrionics, but have we now randomly discovered a third or do you have an actual brain parasite?EDIT: Oh, and: SoOoOo bRaAvEeE.

          • slak96u-av says:

            The progressive b.s. is so subtle, yet….it’s still there. 

          • mr-rubino-av says:

            Isn’t it always? But again, why are you offended by a joke?

          • slak96u-av says:

            Joke? Please don’t mask your bullshit as humor…

          • slak96u-av says:

            Wait… wait…. let’s slap a penis on it, call it a girl, and call it funny?!

          • mr-rubino-av says:

            The Oscar statue doesn’t have genitals and I’m not Jamie Lee Curtis. You seem to be in the throes of something during your Weekly Nervous Breakdown and might need a no-internetty-time.

          • slak96u-av says:

            The Oscar statue, if the patriarchal assholes had added a penis, you would have asked it to removed… Its impossible with your argument…no matter what anyone does…you ain’t happy. It’s a dog chasing a tail.Goodles thing!!¡ regardless of you. And your dumb fucking dog. Hollywood will move on

          • jamesderiven-av says:

            I can see how someone like yourself, morally and intellectual wrong literally all of the time, could find the progressive bias towards empathy, kindness, tolerance frustrating, especially since progressive’s oh-so-vaunted-tolerance seemingly does not extend to feeding your victim complex or putting-up with your enormous twatitude. I’ll pray for you, baby girl, and I hope one day you’ll accept the trans identity you’re trying oh-so-hard to bury due to your personal cowardice.

          • thuesing-av says:

            The best part is their constant habit of… making up weirdly specific scenarios and then getting angry about them in AV Club posts. What an absoloutely pathetic way to spend one’s time – performative affirmation seeking.

          • jamesderiven-av says:

            I mean it’s not like it gets any play, it’s only us legacy losers still inexplicably hanging around this utterly broken comment app.

          • ooklathemok3994-av says:

            Watching this death spiral of what was once my favorite comments section has been a trip in itself. 

          • jamesderiven-av says:

            Hasn’t it just.

          • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

            It’s so surreal going back to an article from 2013 and seeing comments in the thousands. How things have changed.

        • tjsproblemsolvers-av says:

          How much time do you spend imagining child porn exactly?

    • tanyasharting-av says:

      You are a human joke. 

    • shellsandcheese-av says:

      It’s all so ridiculous. It’s an inanimate object. Unless it decided to self identity as they/them JLC is forcing an identity on it, they it might not want. LMAO.In all seriousness though, I really hate this kind of performative nonsense from a certain type of liberal. 

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    They/them for a singular, inanimate object is really, really dumb. Even if it’s to own the conservatives.

  • blang87-av says:

    Please just stop with the queer ideology it’s ruining our country

  • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

    her kid is super fucked, it is hilarious

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I like that JLC calling her Oscar “they/them” is ultimately just some silly fun, but it will probably make some conservative nutjob out their indescribably angry.

    • thuesing-av says:

      It already has, in these comment threads, just above.

    • free-thinker-av says:

      I’d rather hear or read a comment from a “conservative nutjob” as you so eloquently put it, rather than some ge@nder b@ending w@oke SJW fre@akshow s@yboy. Too many have thin skin and cant even take a joke anymore without crumbling into a puddle of goo on the floor.  I am so sick of upside-down clown world since 2020…the fake vi@us, the non v@ccine, the cancel culture, the cringe w@oke sjw whiney BS. Thank GOD my two teen sons aren’t w@oke. They aren’t conservatives either because they actually can think for themselves unlike anyone on imposed “sides”…left vs right which is by design btw. Wake up bc the powers that be that created this division love all of us infighting btw.  Think for yourself…

  • John--W-av says:

    And so with Sauron defeated, the Infinity Gauntlet destroyed, the three holy talismans, the Oscar, the Screen Actors Guild award, and the Sacred Butt Plug of Antioch were reunited and Narnia was healed, with the Prophecy fulfilled the members of the Suicide Squad were released from the spell Lord Voldemort had cast upon them and were able to return to the multiverse. Amen, L’Chaim and Slainte.

  • terranigma-av says:

    Wokie of the day. The world needs to bow down to her for being such a good person. 

  • burlravenscroft-av says:

    Wait wait waither character’s name was Deirdre Bueabeirdre? As in, banana-fana-fo feridre? That is amazin.

  • moralsareimportant-av says:

    This is real simple! There is absolutely no they or them you “woke” nutjobs! It’s called schizophrenia! They have treatment for it!I actually respected Jamie Lee Curtis until this article. I guess being “woke” is what got her this award? After all the truth is she’s only known for screaming or stripping up until now. We all need to be “woke” up when less than 3% of the people in this country are confused by their gender. We need our country back from morons like this one we’re talking about. She can shove her butt plug where the sun don’t shine and we will continue to be un”woke”.

    • lolmao-av says:

      It’s called sexism.Because according to them, male behaving “girly” = literally a girl or they/them, and female behaving “boyish” = actually a boy or they/them.That’s hella sexist.

    • tanyasharting-av says:

      You unhinged conservatives are fucking hilarious. Cope and seethe motherfucker. 

  • nilus-av says:

    In other Oscar news my over 70 year old parents watched EEAAO yesterday and I got a text this morning from my mom that says “We have questions”. I’ve been explained movies to them post viewing since The Matrix but I’m not sure I can tackle discussing butt plug with them. 

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      I’m glad my mom is a Marvel nerd and already knows the concept of the multiverse et al so I hope she “gets” this movie whenever she sees it and I don’t have to explain butt plugs at all!

  • zerofox2010thefinalfight-av says:

    De-gendering the awards seems to be the way to go. Put everyone in competition with everyone else, everywhere, all at once.

    Forget gender/gender identification. Do you have the skills to pay the bills?

  • samhain0035-av says:

    Butt plug?  Hunter Biden lives in her house?

  • tjsproblemsolvers-av says:

    “… the most important thing is inclusivity and … basically just fucking more women anywhere, anytime, all at once.”lol

  • barafs-av says:

    Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to do something like this?

  • baylors-av says:

    They/them would be correct anyway when you’re talking about multiple things/people. This is an ignorant person trying to bring awareness to nothing.

  • patrick-is-occasionall-on-point-av says:

    Nice of Ms. Curtis to hold Kelly Hsu’s award for her.

  • fuuuu555-av says:

    Woke pronouns are hilarious 😂

  • randyharp-av says:

    I used to like her but I can’t support anyone who advocates for sexual deviants 

  • iamtheegg-av says:

    Oh dear.  I didn’t realize Ms. Curtis was such a uncultured person.  This is why actors should never speak outside their roles.

  • samhain0035-av says:

    Doesn’t everyone think she’s a hermie?

  • stillerfaninpa-av says:

    I just wanna go have a beer or 2 With JLC.

  • rafterman00-av says:

    I always wondered what was printed on the awards.

  • jpfilmmaker-av says:

    A fairly minor point in the mix here, but can we stop calling companies like A24 independent?  Yes, they’re not Disney or Sony, but they still make movies with multi-million dollar budgets, big name stars, and premiere their movies at the biggest film festivals.  It’s not like the Daniels made EEAAO in their garage or something.  

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