Jessica Chastain says It: Chapter Two has “the most blood that’s ever been in a horror film”

Aux Features It: Chapter 2

Beware residents of Derry, Maine, it doesn’t sound like Pennywise will be pulling any punches in his second coming. During a recent appearance one The Tonight Show, Jessica Chastain offered up some vague, gory spoilers for the upcoming It sequel, saying that one of her scenes will feature “the most blood that’s ever been in a horror film.” As the crowd reacted to this comment with disconcerted groans, Chastain went on to say that she was doused with so much fake gore in the scene that she spent the next day “pulling blood out of [her] eyeballs.”

It: Chapter Two—the second part of the new adaptation of Stephen King’s horror classic—follows the grown-up versions of the Losers Club from the first film as they return to their hometown and confront the shape-shifting, sewer-dwelling clown of their nightmares. Fans of the book might have some guesses as to just which scene finds adult Beverly Marsh swimming in blood, but it’s got to be gruesome considering her youthful counterpart got a gore shower in the film’s first installment. Perhaps that Chinese dinner goes spectacularly awry? As Entertainment Weekly suggests, director Andy Muschetti’s Instagram post from September might offer a clue, as it seems to have been taken right after Chastain finished a particularly gruesome scene.

To see exactly what twisted illusions Pennywise the Dancing Clown has prepared for our heroes, we’ll have to wait until the movie premieres in September.

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  • djburnoutb-av says:

    Tough to top this, surely.

  • galdarnit-av says:

    I hope part 2 isn’t as shitty as part 1 was.

  • durango237-av says:

    Wow. Jessica Chastain, star of IT, assures everyone that IT will be more shocking than other horror movies.

  • kinjawidgetninjadigits-av says:

    The Chinese dinner should be more weird out type stuff.  My money is on either the individual encounters each of them had after that dinner or on the way the ritual of Chud is presented involving a lot of gore.  

  • theamazingpotato-av says:

    If it has more blood/gore than BRAINDEAD/DEAD ALIVE, I’ll eat all your hearts. I mean hats. Yes, hats.

  • klaissr-av says:

    Sounds like somebody has never seen Dead Alive aka Braindead.

  • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

    Even more than Mensis, Lord of the Bloodriver: The Blood Soaked River Of Blood? Cause that was a lot of blood.

  • halloweenjack-av says:

    Oh my sweet summer child.

    • kimcardassian83-av says:

      I’m pretty sure Evil Dead 2013 takes the record for sheer volume, despite a number of questionable online lists putting Dead Alive ahead. Something like 50,000 gallons.

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    I … am sure there is a lot of blood, but “the most”? There was an outtake for Ash vs the Evil Dead where Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo) takes off her boot after they say cut and just pours out blood while laughing. Ok Ash isn’t a movie, but some of the campier horror has definitely had massive amounts of blood. 

  • tjc87-av says:

    Hard to believe it’ll be more than that literal lake of blood in The Descent, though.

    • sarcastro6-av says:

      I was just trying to remember if that was blood or not, since I’ve only seen that movie once and it was quite a while ago.  But that’s what came to my mind too.

      • tjc87-av says:

        I hate to admit it, but I couldn’t remember for sure either (it’s been a while). Looks like it tho.
        Worth a rewatch I think. Definitely one of the better horrors of the noughties, due in large part to its intense claustrophobia.

  • galdarnit-av says:

    “saying that one of her scenes will feature “the most blood that’s ever been in a horror film.””

    Well, if noted gore hound Jessica Chastain says so… 

  • chilith1-av says:

    Nobody mentioned Kill Bill? Movie had to go black and white  for a while because the censors said too much blood.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Your move, Sam Raimi.

  • stegrelo-av says:

    Considering how tame the first It was, and the fact that Dead Alive exists, I’m taking this statement with a big helping of salt. 

  • isaacasihole-av says:

    If that was the only metric I used to judge the quality of a film, then I’d get excited by this.

  • mosquitocontrol-av says:

    Yeah, Dead Alive/Braindead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, The Shining, Johnny Depp in Nightmare on Elm Street…Even if this tops those, and it won’t, it will be 95% CGI and look like someone somehow liquified tinfoil covered in red Crayola marker, so…

  • LibraryGawd-av says:

    Dead Alive, one of Peter Jackson’s early films holds the record I believe. 

  • detectivefork-av says:

    Whatever happened to that Director’s Cut of “IT: Chapter One” that was supposed to have come out like a year ago?

  • endymion42-av says:

    “Ch-ch-ch-ch Chastain” this guy just became my new favorite director. Seems like he’s got some real sound and vision. At least until Duncan Jones decides to step it up and make more dad-puns about his dad.

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