John Krasinski on A Quiet Place: Part II and that sad little box baby

Film Features John Krasinski

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Note: This footage was shot around the movie’s original release date, just before everyone went into lockdown. That’s why there are no masks and no social distancing.

Ask any parent: Something changes when you have kids. Sure, your savings is drained and you’re constantly cleaning runny noses, but it’s more than that. Once you have kids, every single movie or TV show about children—and especially babies—in peril becomes almost unwatchable. It’s something John Krasinski had to deal with in spades while making the Quiet Place movies, which is kind of weird, considering he wrote the damn things. It’s something we talked with Krasinski for the clip above, touching on the first film’s infamous corn scene, as well as the Abbott family’s sad little infant in its sad little wooden oxygen box.

A Quiet Place: Part II hits theaters Friday, May 28.


  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    The kid in a box scene has new resonance for me. My child was born in mid 2019, We didn’t have much family nearby, we weren’t really at a place where we were ready to start socializing until early 2020…. and then covid happened. My kid’s first birthday in June of last year was incredibly depressing. A one year old, all alone, surrounded by balloons and signs and nothing else. I know so many people lost so much more than we did, but the loss of so many firsts, of what should have been such a magic and special time with our new child, is a burden my wife and I will carry with us until the end of our days. Last week, after the revised guidance on masks and hearing from enough public health professionals about what is and is not safe for kids to do outside, we let our child play with another child for the first time in her life. It feels so weird to say that.

    • jerome100-av says:

      With all due respect, your 1 year olds birthday was depressing because you made it that way. I mean, I get what you’re feeling but that’s the real of it. We don’t have a large family and moved across the country right before Covid hit. I have two very young sons. They don’t know the difference. My youngest doesn’t ever remember being around another kid.; my oldest barely. They had great birthday parties with just us. Had a great Halloween even. I know it’s an adjustment for you, and again, I get it, but just be aware of your feelings and then don’t pass them on to your children. Like, this statement is over the top: “is a burden my wife and I will carry with us until the end of our days.” Really? Your kid won’t even notice it and sure as hell won’t even remember it. The magic to your kid always comes from you. Don’t let them down.

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