Sore winner Johnny Depp appeals $2 million granted to Amber Heard in defamation trial

In a new filing, Johnny Depp calls $2 million awarded to ex-wife Amber Heard in the Virginia defamation trial "erroneous"

Aux News Johnny Depp
Sore winner Johnny Depp appeals $2 million granted to Amber Heard in defamation trial
Amber Heard; Johnny Depp Photo: ELIZABETH FRANTZ/POOL/AFP; Noam Galai

The trial that never ends continues to never end. Johnny Depp was the clear winner of his U.S. defamation trial against ex-wife Amber Heard, not only in a legal sense (the jury awarded him $10.4 million) but also in a cultural sense: he’s being propped up by Hollywood again and has fans everywhere villainizing Heard on social media. Not content with that resounding victory, Depp has now filed an appeal for the comparatively paltry $2 million granted to Heard in her countersuit.

“This Court should reverse the judgment on Ms. Heard’s Counterclaim as to the April 27 Waldman Statement, but should otherwise affirm the judgment in Mr. Depp’s favor,” reads the actor’s latest filing in Virginia’s Court of Appeals (per Deadline).

The appeal filed by Depp’s lawyers Ben Chew and Camille Vasquez decries “the judgment in Ms. Heard’s favor” as “erroneous,” claiming, “Even if the Court were to conclude that Mr. Depp could be held liable for Mr. Waldman’s allegedly tortious conduct, the trial court nonetheless erred in denying Mr. Depp’s Motion for Summary Judgment and Motion to Strike because Ms. Heard failed to present evidence to establish one of the required elements of defamation. Specifically, Ms. Heard failed to present evidence that Mr. Waldman acted with actual malice when he made the April 27 Statement.”

“Ms. Heard presented no evidence at trial that Mr. Depp was personally involved in directing or making the Waldman Statements,” the filing continues. “Instead, she chose to pursue a pure vicarious liability claim against Mr. Depp, contending that he was liable for Mr. Waldman’s allegedly defamatory statements simply because Mr. Waldman was his attorney.”

Heard—who presented evidence in a similar U.K. libel case wherein a judge found the labeling of Depp as a “wife beater” to be “substantially true” based on 12 of 14 examined incidents—has also indicated plans to appeal the Virginia verdict. Depp’s latest filing seems to continue his promise of “total global humiliation” for his ex, something she spoke to following the U.S. trial. “I know he promised it. I testified to this,” she said at the time. “I’m not—a good victim. I get it. I’m not a likable victim. I’m not a perfect victim. But I—when I testified, I asked the jury to just see me as human and to hear his own words, which is a promise to do this. It feels as though he has.”


  • djclawson-av says:

    Oh wow. He’s had work done.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      don’t you hate when someone pays a lot of money for work that makes them look *worse*?  LOL

      • djclawson-av says:

        I mean, sometimes plastic surgery just goes bad. Even if the surgeon doesn’t make any mistakes per se, there’s complications that can happen in the healing process. My dad was a dermatologist who saw patients who had messed up faces because of bad facials or plastic surgery and sometimes he had to send them off to a different surgeon for more surgery to correct it.

        • dwarfandpliers-av says:

          my daughter wants to get a nose job and I am a diehard Botched fan so I beg her NOT to do that because of what can go wrong.  There’s far less potential disaster in just trying to learn to be satisfied with what you see in the mirror than getting plastic surgery.

        • dwarfandpliers-av says:

          my daughter wants to get a nose job and I am a diehard Botched fan so I beg her NOT to do that because of what can go wrong.  There’s far less potential disaster in just trying to learn to be satisfied with what you see in the mirror than getting plastic surgery.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      don’t you hate when someone pays a lot of money for work that makes them look *worse*?  LOL

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      “Doc, can you make me look like a 50 year old lesbian?”

    • westsidegrrl-av says:

      He looks absolutely dreadful. He is a living Dorian Gray portrait. 

    • mytvneverlies-av says:

      He looks like a serial killer in that header pic.He’s a shoo in if they ever make a Sam Kinison biopic.

    • digitl-bill-av says:

      His nose reminds me of how bad MJ’s was.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    Saint Johnny, striking a blow for all his rabid stans who defended him against the vicious perjurer Amber Heard by bullying her with litigation to empty her bank account.  What a fucking asshole he is.

    • barackaobama-av says:

      The courts are never wrong.  Amber is going to jail.  

    • queenthemighty-av says:

      She is a perjurer. And a batterer. Proven with her own words. The only asshole here is amber. She appealed. He responded. That’s how it works.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        (1) thanks for proving my point *again* about the psychotic one-sidedness of Depp stans by not even acknowledging that Saint Johnny *might* be a batterer, because he is a completely innocent victim in this LOL; and(2) this is more than just “she appealed; he responded”; now begins the Trumpian tactic of the wealthy dipshit narcissist getting his pound of flesh for daring to sully his saintly reputation by dragging her ass through courts until she is bankrupt and destroyed. And even then he’ll still be a saint in your eyes instead of a petty vicious bully getting his revenge instead of “justice.”

        • xenofastiq-av says:

          Except it literally is she appealed and he responded. He and his lawyers were perfectly fine with how the trial went, and only after Amber’s team started talking about trying to appeal did Johnny’s team respond. Her becoming bankrupt is her own dumb fault for thinking she could bullshit her way to victory, and then go and try to appeal it. 

        • samushentailover-av says:

          Says the Amber Turd stan.

        • johnc456-av says:

          Amber actually made fun of Depp NOT hitting her.She and Depp are on tape discussing times she would pursue Depp room-to-room, screaming at him, sometimes punching him and kicking him.She is on tape guilt-manipulating Depp, gas-lighting Depp, mocking Depp, insulting Depp, provoking Depp. And Depp never responded with violence, and except for the last three tapes, never even raised his voice.And aside from that there is no direct evidence Depp ever hit her.

        • johnc456-av says:

          She already cut off his finger because he asked for a post-nup agreement. She’s had her pound of flesh.

        • tallicachick-av says:

          She is a Proven LIAR. All the tapes and hours and hours and hours of trial video is FREE to all on Youtube. Have you ever watched like any of it???? And for the record I am an actual DV survivor and wasn’t a big fan of his until seeing and Hearing the evidence. He tried to warn her. That wasn’t a threat!

        • mypasswordis12345-av says:

          You lost me at Trump. Practice every day, to stick to the topic at hand and not bring Trump into totally unrelated conversations. It’s stupid. You are not a stupid person are you?

        • tallicachick-av says:

          She had it all and through it all away! What planet are you on. Or more likely. How much is team AH paying you????

        • dwarfandpliers-av says:

          thanks to all 7 of you (and counting) for unequivocally proving my point. You can’t see it but I’m applauding you. LOL

      • tallicachick-av says:

        After all tapes of AH being abusive and the hours and hour of the trial on youtube most of these comments are pro amber T. If anyone is Sore it is the writer of this Hit Piece!!!

  • capnjack2-av says:

    I miss when this site would possible reconsider calling anyone involved in a domestic abuse case a ‘sore winner’. It doesn’t matter who’s in the right, the snark just seems…too flippant and casual. If Depp is in the right, this is cruel. If Depp is in the wrong ‘sore winner’ still manages to trivialize what Amber Heard went through. If both are in the wrong, the article comes off like a gleeful bully. 

    I mean, how much better of a headline is it if you just remove those two words? Or supplant them with something more fitting if you want to editorialize.Potential abuser Johnny Depp appeals $2 million granted to Amber Heard in defamation trialOf course that highlights that you’re editorializing instead of regurgitating tabloid witticisms with a thin layer of social morality used as a cover. For what it’s worth this site has been in rough shape for a while, but I think this reminds me I should seek something slightly more thoughtful (it’s a sadly low bar to clear). 

    • magpie187-av says:

      AV picked it’s side a long time ago, right or wrong. There is no impartiality here (or anywhere else) these days. 

      • capnjack2-av says:

        I don’t even care about that. If they’re going to pick a side, do it with some dignity. As stated above, if Amber Heard is 100% in the right and a saintly human, this headline is still dismissive and weird. 

        • barackaobama-av says:

          The AV Club plays favorites all the time.   They love David Bowie, a child rapist.   Just get used to it from these evil garbage people.  

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          AV picked it’s dignity a long time ago.

        • mshep-av says:

          if Amber Heard is 100% in the right and a saintly humanThe thing is, literally no one is saying this. It’s a strawman, plain and simple. It is clear that Heard engaged in retaliatory violence at the very least. All anyone’s trying to say is “Depp also engaged in physical and emotional abuse,” which is also abundantly clear. 

          • capnjack2-av says:

            Agreed. My point was that even if one accepts hyperbole that’s clearly false, the narrative choices of the title here don’t work. 

          • weedlord420-av says:

            I mean, he won the court case and clearly won in the court of public opinion but now wants to make sure that Heard gets zero payout when, as was said, he definitely provably engaged in some form of abuse. I believe “sore winner” is a fair descriptor. It is absolutely Depp trying to make sure that in future tellings/writeups/Wikipedia articles/etc of this case, he looks blameless and/or the complete and definitive winner instead of having this asterisk where Heard gets some money.

          • recognitions-av says:

            “Retaliatory violence” doesn’t make her any less a victim. You shouldn’t have to be a saint to get sympathy for being abused.

          • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:


          • mshep-av says:

            Agreed. Heard’s been treated abominably through this entire ordeal.

        • plotman78-av says:

          The phrase, ‘sore winner’, is fitting ESPECIALLY if Amber was in the right. It may sound tabloid-ish, but it’s extremely accurate. It seems that Johnny won’t leave her alone, even in a clear, career-resurrecting victory.

      • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

        I mean…should we be expecting impartiality here? 

    • mkygod2-av says:

      Av club is part of the same media group as all the other former Gawker sites like Jezebel, The Root, Kotaku, The onion, etc.. Impartiality should never be expected at these sites. You know what you’re gonna get.

    • nahdontwant-av says:

      Sore writer.

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    Clean shaven Johnny Depp looks like Corey Feldman.

  • akhippo-av says:

    He’s going to continue to harass her because that’s his entire identity now. He gets amply rewarded for it, it has resurrected his career. It’s his only thing, but it pays extremely well. 

    • mypasswordis12345-av says:

      Thats odd, I see him moving on, while Amber and her stains continue to blat on and on about it. Amber even left the country to avoid paying the settlement. Depp is merely responding to her attacks, are you really asking him to sit back and let her continue her abuse…AGAIN?!

    • tallicachick-av says:

      Obviously you did NOT watch any of the trial. SHE is the ABUSER and she is also the one who won’t leave him alone. You really need to check out this thing online called Youtube. They have hours and hours and hours of the actual trial!!!

  • vargas2022-av says:

    “Erroneous” is the legal standard at issue. It’s not a word his lawyers picked to “decry” the judgment.  The most surface-level research into legal procedure would have told you that.

  • largeandincharge-av says:

    Add a bit of grey to Depp’s hair and add a huge turquoise necklace and – wow! – that’s my aunt after her visit to Santa Fe.I bet he even asks for an extra napkin when he goes to Olive Garden.

  • retardsbeware-av says:

    So glad Mr Depp won and will keep on winning. Loser Amber should be lucky to end up in a box on the street.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Fuck that guy

  • johnhazlew-av says:

    Hes not a sore winner he tried to continue his life and move on.  Heard has continued to defame him and make her already disproven in court false claims

  • mrdude519-av says:

    Why is this article so derogatory towards a victim of domestic violence? I thought we were passed all that?

  • slak96u-av says:

    AV Club has turned into a toilet….

  • gryh-av says:

    I get his urge to clear his name after being branded an abuser, but this is just patethic.. 

  • dorgan-av says:

    Didn’t she appeal first? With everyone milking every aspect of this saga it’s never going away until they do. Neither came out of this looking good, and if you think one of them did, that’s a character problem of your own.If this is still dragging on years from now, we need to just stick them both on a boat in iceberg territory. An old boat.

  • jcurant-av says:

    Media dishonesty strikes again. Heard filed the appeal, his appeal of the judgment against him was in response to her appeal. Whoever you think is in the wrong, the headline and the body of the article are both blatantly and clearly intentionally misleading. 

  • lostmyburneragain2-av says:

    Why wouldn’t he?

  • sncreducer93117-av says:

    Nice “photo selection.” Johnny looking all scrubbed and fresh and smiling at a premiere, and Amber coming off the stand looking distraught. Very objective. Much journamalism.

  • mypasswordis12345-av says:

    1. Johnny wouldn’t have filed an appeal without Amber appealing first.2. How is one a sore winner?3. When has MSM started allowing butthurt 20 somethings to play ‘journalist’?4. Did you watch the trial?

  • yugeeome-av says:

    I thought diversity hires were normally based on ethnicities. I didn’t realize avclub was giving actual mentally challenged people the opportunity to write for them. Bless their hearts 

  • alex-cross-av says:

    The man responded to Amber’s appeal by making his own appeal, and he’s somehow the sore winner? If this isn’t misandry (for the uninitiated, this is the HATRED OF MEN), I don’t know what is. The man won in court against Heard. This isn’t the UK case, where he went against a newspaper. Yet you people continue to attack a clear abuse victim. You need help. I hope you find it.

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