Just when you thought the VMAs couldn’t get any better, Johnny Depp is now reportedly involved

Depp is reportedly “really excited” and “ready for his comeback” at the MTV show

Aux News Johnny Depp
Just when you thought the VMAs couldn’t get any better, Johnny Depp is now reportedly involved
Johnny Depp Photo: Jim Watson

Johnny Depp’s post-abuse trial comeback tour is taking some odd directions, including his cologne deal, a TikTok account, and a literal tour with collaborator Jeff Beck. Most bizarrely, he’s supposedly set to make an appearance during this Sunday’s VMAs, according to a report from the New York Post.

A “source close to the production” confirmed to the tabloid that Depp will appear on the broadcast, supposedly dressed up as a Moonman (MTV has switched to the gender-neutral “Moonperson,” but seeing as how it’ll be an actual man in there…). According to a generic quote from the insider, Depp is “really excited” about the appearance and “ready for his comeback.”

Depp has won a few MTV Movie Awards in the past, but he’s not up for any VMAs, nor does he have anything to promote except for his own professed innocence of abuse towards ex-wife Amber Heard. So if these inside sources (who also leaked the news to TMZ a few days ago) are to be believed, this appearance is nothing more than a shallow stunt from MTV to capitalize on the furor that surrounded the Depp-Heard defamation trial and the fervent support Depp received on social media during that time.

While many surely still remain in the anti-Amber Heard camp, MTV may find that support for Depp has dwindled in the months since the verdict. In July, fans of the actor chipped in to unseal court documents that ended up looking much “worse for Johnny,” a legal expert told Rolling Stone.

The documents, which were blocked from the case, included disturbing text messages with Marilyn Manson and an attempt by Depp’s team to submit nude photos of Heard as evidence in the televised trial. Heard has been vocal about her plans to appeal since the verdict was handed down, and recently hired new high-profile lawyers, David L. Axelrod and Jay Ward Brown of law firm Ballard Spahr, per Deadline.

Regardless of whether the court of public opinion trends for or against Depp, MTV obviously has no qualms about backing a controversial figure. Nicki Minaj has been tapped as co-host and the recipient of this year’s Video Vanguard Award, despite being embroiled in her husband’s sexual assault scandal (he was recently sentenced to a year in home confinement for failing to register as a sex offender) and releasing her latest single (“Super Freaky Girl”) with a credit for Dr. Luke, who was accused of sexual assault by Kesha. With Minaj as a centerpiece of the show and Depp appearing as a literal representation of the awards, MTV is sending a dubious message about the figures it is willing to stand behind.


  • deb03449a1-av says:

    I don’t think about the VMAs at all

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
    • breadnmaters-av says:

      According to another entertainment news venue, the awards show is “Packed with influencers and barely has a pulse.” I might have seen it a decade ago.No one gaf. JD, the New Face of Smarm can strut the stage (‘humbly’ of course) all he likes and his very confused fans will keep showing up for what’s essentially a hate-fest. His career is still over. He’ll continue making money, I expect, but he’s been phoning it in for so long now (because it’s hard to show up when you’re wasted and unwashed) that any decent, good faith return to film isn’t going to succeed.

      • deb03449a1-av says:

        Packed with influencers and barely has a pulse.Maybe they should put 2+2 together, the answer is right there!

      • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

        If he somehow made another POTC film, the theaters would still be packed by people who want to see that character and really don’t care about the trial.

        • Ruhemaru-av says:

          To be fair, most people still don’t realize it was a defamation trial and not something that exonerated him from being an abuser.

        • yellowfoot-av says:

          Maybe, but not domestically, where the Pirates films have done worse and worse since the second one. And maybe not internationally if Disney continues to have issues with China. The fifth Pirates movie pulled in 170 million from China, the same as its domestic gross and about 20% of its worldwide total. A sixth film could possibly see less than $500 million without one huge movie market and with dwindling interest from the other.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          There won’t be another and, if there is, Depp won’t be in it, but thanks for playing.

          • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

            Of course there won’t be. I am just pointing out that he still has a rabid fan base.

    • mykinjaa-av says:

      But you’re thinking about – right now…

    • buriedaliveopener-av says:

      fuck man, how you get to be so cool?

    • madwriter-av says:

      Is a VMA like a vanerial disease?

    • mwillyk-av says:

      This talk about Depp support “dwindling” is just mainstream media hype and ignores the negative about Heard in the unsealed documents. Also note the MSM has not spoken at all about reports of Heard’s participation in sex parties for the rich in which she recruited underage females to perform sex acts, or the fact that she appears to be staying in Israel indefinitely with the help of Jewish partner Eve Barlow, who some suspect is helping Heard obtain residency there because of Israel’s lax laws in enforcing extradition requests and other countries monetary judgments.

      • deb03449a1-av says:

        Hey man, you seem like you know way too much about these people and should probably log off and touch some grass. Depp is an abuser, Eve Barlow sucks, and Amber Heard might suck too, but she was also a victim.

  • fuckkinjatheysuck-av says:

    What an odd story about a relic of the past. And also Johnny Depp.

  • dresstokilt-av says:

    Today I learned that the VMAs are still a thing, so there makes two things in this article that are best left forgotten.

  • stalkyweirdos-av says:

    Go away, dude.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    Wow who would have thought the VMAs would try to stir up controversy to stay relevant. And in the same year Will Smith made national headlines for starting shit at an awards show. What wild and crrrrrazy guys those MTV folks are.This is my sarcastic voice, can you tell?

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    In the 2000’s my coworker use to ask me why I didn’t watch the VMA’s I was around 27-29. In 2003 (I believe or 2002) I went to a VMA’s after party and again knew nothing about no one there.In 2022 I’m 48 and haven’t watched this show in years but thanks for the Depp heads up! I will stay away from social media as Depp army will be out in force that night… sucking him off on twitter, and anything he does!

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Huh. K.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    While many surely still remain in the anti-Amber Heard camp, MTV may find that support for Depp has dwindled in the months since the verdictIf there’s anything I learned in the days following the trial, any time Depp comes up in the news again, people come out of the woodwork like it’s 2006 and Pirates-mania is back. I didn’t realize the guy still commanded such an insane fanbase. Like they’re borderline Snyderfans in their fervor.

  • nottheag-av says:

    I think it’s well-established at this point that Johnny Depp is disgusting (for me, at least) but, how are the VMAs even still a thing when MTV barely broadcasts any actual music videos anymore???

  • betweenthreeandsixtythreecharacters-av says:

    I was JUST thinking about how the VMA’s couldn’t get any better!—No oneThis site has become indistinguishable from Vulture. 

  • gruesome-twosome-av says:

    Why are the VMAs STILL a thing, and while we’re at it, why does MTV still exist?

  • pocrow-av says:

    A “source close to the production” is Depp’s people, folks.
    Leaving aside this is the NY Post, this could easily be Team Depp trying to will this into existence, thinking that when MTV hears all the excited MRA types promising to tune in, they’ll decide to go through with the idea, which was surely pushed on them, rather than something they came up with on their own.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    What awards do you give out for playing 23 hours a day of Ridiculousness episodes from 2013?

  • suckadick59595-av says:

    “While many surely still remain in the anti-Amber Heard camp, MTV may find that support for Depp has dwindled in the months since the verdict. In July, fans of the actor chipped in to unseal court documents that ended up looking much “worse for Johnny,” a legal expert told Rolling Stone”Did it matter? Did that affect the zealous Depp stans in anyway? There was evidence before, and there is more evidence than now. When has that ever mattered to his defenders? Anyway, fuck Johnny Depp. 

  • gterry-av says:

    I guess it’s too bad “heard any good jokes lately?” has already been used as an opening line for a VMA appearance.

  • drips-av says:

    See now this makes we kinda wish I was going….  with a carton of rotten eggs…

  • madwriter-av says:

    He better come dressed as Jack Sparrow and drinking some rum.

  • mwillyk-av says:

    Notice how hypocritical these Heard supporters are (including the author of this article), barring commentary that speaks the truth about Heard. This talk about Depp support “dwindling” is just mainstream media hype and ignores the negative about Heard in the unsealed documents. Also note the MSM has not spoken at all about reports of Heard’s participation in sex parties for the rich in which she recruited underage females to perform sex acts,
    or the fact that she appears to be staying in Israel indefinitely with
    the help of Jewish partner Eve Barlow, who some suspect is helping Heard
    obtain residency there because of Israel’s lax laws in enforcing
    extradition requests and other countries monetary judgments.

  • mwillyk-av says:

    I’ll see if this one is “acceptable.” While I admit that MTV is at least two decades past its prime because of the crap music these days, but if you are going to trash Depp, there is a reason why he won the Virginia trial where a jury of his peers found for him. What about the story going about that Heard’s former running mates like Kristen Stewart, Cara Delevingne and Margot Robbie don’t want anything to do with her because she is “radioactive”—which is what the MSM called Depp in 2020. In fact let’s be honest: Heard’s friends—even the ones who testified for him—don’t want anything to do with her personally, and only her sister bothered to show-up at court. Her supporters apparently didn’t listen to those audio tapes, and they only support her because of their gender politics beliefs, or they just like to trash an A-lister because they feel more “sympathetic” for the B-lister like themselves.

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