Jonathan Majors could face up to a year in prison over assault charge

The Creed III actor's next court date is scheduled for June 13

Aux News Jonathan Majors
Jonathan Majors could face up to a year in prison over assault charge
Jonathan Majors Photo: Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic

Six weeks after he was arrested by the NYPD over an alleged domestic violence incident, Jonathan Majors could be facing up to a year in prison on assault charges. During a Tuesday morning hearing, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office publicized a superseding complaint with a charge of third-degree assault, per Deadline; the charge carries a maximum sentence of 12 months in prison or three years of probation.

Majors attended the New York City hearing virtually, and did not enter any plea regarding the new superseding charge. During the proceedings, Judge Rachel S. Pauley informed Majors that he will have to attend his next hearing, scheduled for June 13, in person; if he fails to appear, a warrant could be issued for his arrest. Majors was first charged with several counts of third-degree assault—as well as three counts of third-degree attempted assault, one count of second-degree aggravated harassment, and one count of second-degree harassment—on March 28.

In late April, Majors’ accuser was granted a temporary full order of protection, which barred her and Majors from any and all contact through his most recent court date. Although the unnamed accuser remains the primary defendant in the case, Variety reported in April that “multiple alleged abuse victims of Majors have come forward following his March arrest and are cooperating with the Manhattan district attorney’s office.”

Although Majors had little to say during his court appearance, his lawyer Priya Chaudhry passionately denounced the D.A.’s case in a statement to The A.V. Club, where she invoked “the racial bias that permeates the criminal justice system” as the source of the proceedings. In the weeks following Majors’ arrest, Chaudhry has stalwartly asserted that Majors was a victim, not an aggressor, in the incident.

“We have provided the District Attorney with irrefutable evidence that the woman is lying, including video proof showing nothing happened, especially not where she claimed,” Chaudhry stated. “We did this with the explicit promise from the DA that they would not ‘fix’ their case and change it as we proved the woman is lying.”

She continued: “This is a witch hunt against Jonathan Majors, driven by baseless claims. Instead of dismissing the allegations in the face of the woman’s clear lies, the DA has adjusted the charges to match the woman’s new lies. To be clear, there are no new charges against Mr. Majors.”

Finally, Chaudhry went on to describe an alleged interaction between Majors and a white police officer that she asserted illustrates a “glaring double standard” within the criminal justice system.

“When Mr. Majors showed a white police officer the injuries the woman caused him, the white officer got in Mr. Majors’ face and taunted him, saying that if the officer were to slap Mr. Majors, the officer wouldn’t break his finger,” Chaudhry stated. “None of the white officers present investigated the assault of Mr. Majors. Worse, the District Attorney has not indicated any intention to pursue charges against the woman, or even investigate the truth.” Chaudhry did not elaborate on the statement, nor did she name any of the officers involved in the alleged incident.

Majors’ case has swiftly caused a ripple effect in his professional life—since his arrest, the once highly sought-after actor has since been dropped by his talent manager, Entertainment 360, and PR firm, The Lede Company. Back in late March, The U.S. Army also put a pin in Gen Z-focused recruitment ads starring Majors. How the mounting allegations against Majors will affect his central role in the next phases of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe remains to be seen; the studio has yet to make any public statement regarding the case.


  • somethingwittyorwhatever-av says:

    I’m gonna try this new thing where I don’t pass judgment until there’s a ruling or verdict.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Then get THEFUCKOFF the internet!

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      I think that requires too much faith in our justice system to get it right. I do hope he’s innocent though, cause I like his work. More women coming forward is not a great sign though. 

      • light-emitting-diode-av says:

        Super weird that you care more about having guilt-free access to his work rather than hoping he’s innocent so that multiple women weren’t assaulted.

        • badkuchikopi-av says:

          Wha? I still watch Polanski/Spacey/Weinstein movies without any guilt. If I saw an article about a random citizen accused of a violent crime, I wouldn’t think “I hope they’re innocent, cause then no one was hurt!” That seems weird to me.

        • theunnumberedone-av says:

          We’ve entered the era of internet discourse where those who accuse people of being weird are more often being weird themselves.

      • hendenburg3-av says:

        I do hope he’s innocent though, cause I like his work.Sorry, I hope I’m not sound too accusatory or combative, but that exact sentiment has kept a very, VERY long list of known abusers around long past when they should been dropped like lava.  

        • badkuchikopi-av says:

          I appreciate your first sentence, as I feel like too many people around here want to be combative. I would be disappointed to learn “him too?” I was not expressing an unwillingness to believe the charges or a desire to let him off the hook. It seems very unlikely at this point that he’s innocent. 

    • monsterenergyqueef-av says:

      Go on.  How would that work anyways?

      • blahhhhh2-av says:

        Always been pretty simple for me – Step 1, read something. Step 2, let the process play out while doing something else.  Strangely?  It’s actually not that hard unless I lose the complete and total ability to choose what to click on next.
        I do think it’s fair to say, know you’re audience. People who are reading gossip rags (like the AV Club and Jezz) are often there to enjoy that emotional roller coaster.

    • necgray-av says:

      Nobody asked you to, soooooooo…….

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        Right – and no one anywhere has ever asked you anything. So I’m not sure where you get off trying to take the moral highroad here. Oh wait, I remember. It’s because you’re a loser who has nothing else going on in his life. 

      • gargsy-av says:

        So they’re only supposed to do things you ask of them?

    • mifrochi-av says:

      “I would like everyone to know that I have no opinion on this matter. Thank you for your attention. I will get back to you when new facts emerge, at which point I may have an opinion.”

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Oh, you mean “innocent until proven guilty”? That “new” thing?

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I’m not sure that the verdict has to have much to do with it, especially in a he said/she said case like this. I’m withholding judgment because I don’t know anything about it, but I don’t think I’ll know much more after a verdict is entered. All a not guilty verdict will tell me is that there wasn’t enough evidence to convict, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t do it. And on the other hand, a guilty verdict—for a Black man—doesn’t mean he did do it either. So.  I’m just sticking with withholding judgment in any case and hoping for justice, whatever that means for these people.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        Wait, so you’re willing to withhold judgement here but with the Ed Sheeran case from last week you immediately said he was lying and that he should know better?… AFTER he won his case.This is why I and so many others think you’re full of shit.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          I never said Ed Sheeran was lying nor do I believe that he was lying. Also I’m not sure what you mean by “immediately,” as that case had been going on for months (if not years?) and I hadn’t said anything about it until last week.As for what you think of me, I don’t understand why you spend so much time thinking about me at all.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Yes you did. Why are you lying about this now? You do realize that heavily implying that he’s lying by saying he did it intentionally is… accusing him of lying, right? don’t give a fuck that you think people are “spending so much time thinking about you”, we’re not. You’re too focused on that instead of correcting your own dogshit behavior. Stop acting like a victim.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            If that’s the version of that conversation that lives in your head, then I can live with that. I appreciate you linking the article so that anyone else can go and read the entirety of my comments to see for themselves.“I don’t give a fuck that you think people are ‘spending so much time thinking about you’, we’re not”Yes, except all the effort you’ve expended here and elsewhere to tell me what you think about me, and the time you admitted to keeping track of what threads I’m commenting in. And the time you spent going back through my comments to find something to link here to relitigate something from days ago that you’ve apparently still been stewing about.  (For the record, I believe you that “we’re” not. It’s not a “we.” It’s literally just you.) Anyway, you have a great day.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            If that’s the version of that conversation that lives in your head, then I can live with that. I appreciate you linking the article so that anyone else can go and read the entirety of my comments to see for themselves.Yes, I hope they do. That way, the few who aren’t accustom to your bullshit will better understand my comment. I don’t think you’re capable of grasping how misguided you are here. Yes, except all the effort you’ve expended here and elsewhere to tell me what you think about meStop playing victim. “effort you’ve expended” Let’s not pretend like it takes a lot of effort to write a comment. Well, maybe for you it does…and the time you admitted to keeping track of what threads I’m commenting in. No, I didn’t. Stop lying about this or making this a strawman argument. The fact that you mindless post comments and pay zero attention to other commenters explains a lot about how utterly out of touch you are all the time. (For the record, I believe you that “we’re” not. It’s not a “we.” It’s literally just you.) Again, no, stop playing victim. It’s more than just me, but go ahead, keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel better.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Okay thanks!

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Okay thanks!

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            This is great. You’re such a fucking pathetic hypocrite Sheep. You’re going to cry about how, according to you, I’m “keeping track of you” yet you came back to this thread multiple times to write “thanks” and then dismissed my comments when I didn’t play ball.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            If Sheep sees this comment – nah, it’s not just him. You do the exact same thing: investigate other people’s comment histories, accuse people of what you’re doing yourself, basically projecting. Whatever you’re angry about, truly sorry.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Look, I know I can be an asshole, but, I don’t investigate commenters histories. I just remember the people who frustrate me the most. I only noticed this when I was scrolling through the comments and saw mine greyed out.

    • turbotastic-av says:
    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      why? what does the legal system have to do with you personally?

  • badkuchikopi-av says:

    “This is a witch hunt against Jonathan Majors…”You’d think Trump would have ruined that phrase. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I think he did, but what else should we call it?
      Duck Hunt?
      Rapscallion Rodeo?
      Rogue Roundup?
      Hoodlum Hoedown?

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      you’d think the fact that it was just an excuse to murder women and didn’t have anything to do with witches would have ruined the phrase, but here we are.

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        Well wait, isn’t that kinda what the phrase means? Not specifically “to murder women” but “there are no witches” is kinda baked in there.

        • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

          “there are no witches” Oh really? That sounds exactly like something A WITCH would say!

      • planehugger1-av says:

        You know that people aren’t using the phrase “witch hunt” to suggest that something is a legitimate attempt to seek justice, right?  You aren’t educating people by saying that the historical witch hunts were bad — the fact that they were bad is the only way the phrase “witch hunt” makes sense.

      • donboy2-av says:

        [Obvious dup of other responses deleted]

    • TRT-X-av says:

      On the contrary, he’s helped turn it in to an immediate sign the whole thing is probably not only true…but the sign of something worse.

    • arbelisk-av says:

      Pretty much what it is when there’s not actual evidence besides believing the words of a person. 

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Nah.  The way certain people ate it up, he just popularized it.

      • hendenburg3-av says:

        Hey Dr., that troll who impersonates you is back at it again over on Jez…

        Sorry if someone’s already told, but I figured I would

        • dremiliolizardo-av says:

          I will report him, but I’m not sure anybody cares anymore.Thanks.

          • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

            As many years as this has been happening, why are you such a target for this bullshit? Is it just one vindictive asshole who just won’t give it up?

          • dremiliolizardo-av says:

            He’s just a classic troll. I asked him once what I did and offered to apologize for whatever it was, but he said that he has done it with a bunch of people and just gets the most mileage with my accounts. He did it because he had an account greyed once and threw a tantrum that has lasted many years now. Incidentally, this has happened to me on several of these blogs and somehow I managed not to become a troll and to get re-instated by behaving well.He claims not to really believe the stuff he posts and just wants to get a rise out of people, which is why it is best to dismiss any replies he makes to you and never engage him in any way. He wins by being seen. The worst thing that can happen to him is to be ignored or just not be seen.He’s basically a child looking for attention, so don’t give it to him.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            That “posting hateful garbage to get a rise out of people” thing is so weird to me. It’s like covering yourself in shit, then getting right up into people’s faces and saying, “Haha, I made you smell shit.”

          • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

            Thanks for such a full explanation. The lengths people will go to be petty (especially to extend that pettiness to someone uninvolved) and seek attention still finds ways to astound. Trolls of that kind, the “say horrible shit I don’t even believe at the expense of someone else FOR YEARS“ type, are dedicated obsessives in the worst sense.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Can you even “witch hunt” an individual person?  At that point, what are you hunting? 

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        That’s a really good point! 

      • browza-av says:

        I feel like Trump using the phrase deliberately plays into the idea that “ThEy’Re CoMiNg FoR YoU nExT”. It suggests that it isn’t that Trump is a bad guy, it’s that They are rounding up people who think like him.

    • seven-deuce-av says:


    • turbotastic-av says:

      For me that phrase was ruined a few years ago when some right wing cartoonist drew a political cartoon of a bunch of witches hunting for Donald Trump, because that’s he honestly thought a “witch hunt” was.

    • gargsy-av says:


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Still with the duckface.

    • mr-rubino-av says:

      I’m searching through my Standard AVClub Bingo Cards and I have to say “black man’s lips” aren’t on any one of them. Does that require a special order?

    • gargsy-av says:

      Oooh, say something about black lady hair now!

  • TRT-X-av says:

    You’d think Marvel would be quick to dump this guy considering his is almost literally the easiest role to recast.

  • pie-oh-pah-av says:

    Has Marvel already sent feelers out to Chukwudi Iwuji’s team about retconning the High Evolutionary as yet another Kang variant and bringing him on to take over the role?

    • bobroberts20-av says:

      I thought the same thing when watching GotG Vol. 3

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      He would be a good option. I figured William Jackson Harper was right there too.

      There’s also the option of saying, “Yeah, you know that Avengers: The Kang Dynasty thing? It’s now Avengers: The Evolutionary War.”

      • arriffic-av says:

        What a waste of Kang, though. I prefer a recast.

      • blahhhhh2-av says:

        I could get behind that.  I loved The High Evolutionary’s actor who really straddled the line between scenery chewing and keeping it grounded.   But I think I’d rather he own that roll and let someone else who was given a smaller role take it if they recast.

    • charliemeadows69420-av says:

      Marvel doesn’t give a fuck about women.  

    • turbotastic-av says:

      I see zero problems with this. The fun thing about Kang is that you can invent a reason for him to be basically anybody, and it can still make sense.
      Spider-Man (turning directly to the camera in the middle of a fight scene): By the way, Aunt May was Kang the whole time. (This is never touched upon again.)

    • slurmsmckenzie-av says:

      Said the same thing to my friend as we were leaving the theater. Iwuji absolutely crushed it IMO and could easily have been a “lost” Kang.

    • canadian-heritage-minute-av says:

      Apparently Loki season 2 has been shot already with Majors, and it may be impossible to reshoot it with the amount that he’s in it. 

  • necgray-av says:

    One the one hand: Racist NYPD cops? Checks out.On the other hand: Celebrity man abused his S.O.? Checks out.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      There’s a very plausible story here where a celebrity (who apparently has a reputation for abusing people) battered his girlfriend, and the police were then racist to him. But I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an attorney claim their client was the victim of systemic misandry. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Can I get a “why not both”?

    • turbotastic-av says:

      They cancel each other out! Which can only mean…OJ is guilty!

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      I like how people like you will believe literally anything as long as it conforms to your political persuasion. You have literally zero insight into any of this. Why you think your opinion matters or is interesting to anyone is beyond me. 

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    What an unlucky fellow. Runs into a crazy woman AND racist cops in the same hour? And a crooked DA? I mean, darn the luck and all.

    Hope he managed to save some money. He’s not making any more out of the Mouse.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Majors handing his lawyer a bag of cash ironically labeled “Loki money (more where this came from.)“

    • loopychew-av says:

      To be fair, I imagine all that is entirely plausible, and it’s entirely possible he came across racist cops and a crooked DA. However, none of that means that he didn’t abuse a woman, and given the “evidence” his defense lawyer thought was exculpatory sounds very much like a victim of abuse apologizing to their abuser, that I have no reason to doubt that possibility either.

      • hendenburg3-av says:

        given the “evidence” his defense lawyer thought was exculpatory sounds very much like a victim of abuse apologizing to their abuserSee also: Dick Cheney’s “Hunting Trip”

  • capeo-av says:

    “We have provided the District Attorney with irrefutable evidence that the woman is lying, including video proof showing nothing happened, especially not where she claimed,” Chaudhry stated. “We did this with the explicit promise from the DA that they would not ‘fix’ their case and change it as we proved the woman is lying.”Uhhh, that’s a lie. No DA is going to bring a high profile case if they are presented with “irrefutable evidence” that a crime wasn’t committed. If this “irrefutable evidence” was a bad as the texts this lawyer thought would be exculpatory then that explains the superseding complaint. Also, no DA would make any “promise” about anything at this point in a case. This is even bigger bullshit: Now, we have obtained even more video evidence of his innocence, but we are hesitant to share it, for fear the DA will tip the woman off to change her story again.For one, if your prior “irrefutable evidence” caused the woman to “change her story” then her current “story” would still fit the evidence logically. The fact is the woman was granted a protection order and is now providing evidence the DA found convincing enough to supersede a charge. This is a lawyer that is desperately trying to avoid a trial because they know they will lose. 

    • eatshittoday-av says:

      My gut says if there was video that irrefutably shows his innoncence, they would just post that shit.

  • eatshittoday-av says:

    “When Mr. Majors showed a white police officer the injuries the woman caused him, the white officer got in Mr. Majors’ face and taunted him, saying that if the officer were to slap Mr. Majors, the officer wouldn’t break his finger,” Chaudhry stated. Did…did his lawyer just say that after being slapped, Majors broke her fingers in self-defense?That’s…uh…well, it’s a choice of words.Though I’d never put it past the police to be racist, especially to a famous black man. More than one thing can be true, sort of like how the detetective on OJ’s case was a racist piece of shit and OJ murdered his wife.

  • harpo87-av says:

    Honestly, I think his lawyer is doing an atrocious job with the PR here. First it was releasing the texts that made the woman look like a classic victim of abuse, and now this. Shaming the alleged victim does not generally go well. It just makes you look guiltier. Even if the underlying charges of racism are entirely accurate, there are better ways to say it than this.

  • undrtaker1-av says:

    Luckily for him, he has many variants that don’t have to go to jail

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Did anyone else feel like the end-end credits scene for Vol. 3 was tacked on at the last minute? Maybe I’m grasping at straws.

  • ijohng00-av says:

    just film his scenes from prison. write scenes where he is just sitting and use “visiting time” to knock out a few franchise appearances. CGI the glass partition etc. simples   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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