Kathryn Hahn's WandaVision wink meme is here to help you lie to yourself and others today

TV Features WandaVision
Kathryn Hahn's WandaVision wink meme is here to help you lie to yourself and others today

Screenshot: Disney+

As the last couple episodes (and one banger of a track) proved, WandaVision’s true star has been Kathryn Hahn all along. Her reveal as the conniving Agatha Harkness is as delightful, menacing, and hilarious as one could hope for, so it really isn’t surprising in the slightest to see her over-the-top performance get the meme treatment it so very much deserves. Enter The Agatha Wink: a new, satisfying pictorial shorthand for, “We all know what I’m telling you (and/or ourselves) is straight-up bullshit.”

Need examples? Well, for starters (as pointed out by Twitter user Kristen Arnett), there’s the classic, “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll just install the computer updates tomorrow” lie, which this author has been repeating for close to two weeks now.

And, as Jason Ferrante points out, we’ve also got the “Oh, so sorry! Didn’t see your text until just now!

Or, as David DeWeil observes, whom among us hasn’t sworn to get a good night’s rest, only to immediately fall down a WandaVision meme rabbit hole?

There’s even some pretty great alt-editions out there, as well, for the diehards among you. But to those of you thinking to yourself by now, “Hey, you’re just linking out to multiple social media examples while embedding the same image repeatedly to evade copyright red tape,” we say: Of course not!

Sorry, folks. It’s Agathas all the way down.

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  • murrychang-av says:

    So articles that are just lists of Twitts are a no go now?

    • singleuseplastic-av says:

      wait until next week where its a 13 image slide show with the same meme template with links below to twitter where the meme was actually edited. I’m pretty much just sticking around to see how fucking low this place will go. Every time I think they have hit bottom they go and pull some shit like this.

    • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

      Probably an ad revenue thing – Kinja doesn’t want you clicking off of their site and going down a Twitter rabbit hole. They want you on this site, viewing more articles packed with ads.I mean, “They stopped embedding tweets because it makes a nicer article-viewing experience for us, the readers” < Big Agatha Wink >

      • singleuseplastic-av says:

        So why did they bother to put links to another site on this page instead of just sharing images? How does that generate ad revenue? It opens a new tab instead of making you click back to this one to reload the page. What should stop me from just going to twitter and looking for Agatha memes and not come here at all? their awesome writing?They are actively trying to ruin these sites and it has been extremely blatant. Hope you’re enjoying the sinking ship as much as I am.

      • straightoutofpangaea-av says:

        *waves his hand across towards the horizon*tears in his eyes*Dildoes, man. WIFI-connected, bio-monitoring penis-shaped hunks of plastic as far as the eye can see. And Kinja ads will sell that dream to ‘Murica.*eagle flies overhead*

    • a-better-devil-than-you-av says:

      Aww. Gonna make you cry?

    • dirtside-av says:

      The correct term for a group of posts from Twitter is a “twatstorm”

    • peterjj4-av says:

      I’m just glad we got this instead of a hot take fest over the meme-filled backlash against that tweet praising the grief line in last week’s episode.

    • dudebra-av says:

      Original content baby!

  • dirtside-av says:
  • amaltheaelanor-av says:

    You know, Olsen and Bettany are both so, so great. And I’m glad to have Darcy and Jimmy Woo and Monica Rambeau back.But I cannot imagine a more perfect actor for their role than Kathryn Hahn as Agatha Harkness. It’s eerie.

    • v-kaiser-av says:

      You know, if I’m just thinking of someone to play a version of Agatha Harkness, there’s all sorts of actors that come to mind. Ones for old Agatha, young Agatha, ghost Agatha, evil, good, etc. But then I try to think of any of them also pulling off the Agnes character. That narrows the list a lot, because I can’t imagine quite as many being able to pull off weeks of different decade “sitcom neighbors” and then go full super power witch. Then I have to remember Agnes wasn’t just “50’s neighbor” or “60’s neighbor” etc, she was “50’s neighbor but kind of off” and “60’s neighbor and still kind of off” and then I really am just convinced that going with the comedic character actor Hahn was just the best and only choice.

      • bmglmc-av says:

        i’m feeling jealous, i had a Secret Admiration of Kathryn Hahn for a goodly while, as i do for any comedian who turns out to be an top-tier dramatic actor (Williams, Lithgow, Brewster etc) as well

    • jomahuan-av says:

      kathryn hahn deserves all the accolades, memes, whatever. i’m so happy she’s getting her due.i’d love to see a movie/series with all the “rom-com best friends” in leading roles: hahn, judy greer, etc….

      • josephl-tries-again-av says:

        Regina King will be everyone’s best friend. The Ür-best friend, if you will.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        The Best Friends Club! Also Jeanane Garofalo, Emma Thompson, Aubrey Plaza, Wanda Sykes, Idena Menzel…. And that’s the end of my knowledge of Rom-Com Best Friends.

    • fortheloveoffudge-av says:

      Eh, I would have picked Celia Imrie if they wanted an older Agatha.  She’s mostly known for playing ditzy comic relief here in the UK but she can do menacing at the drop of a hat.  

  • odduck-av says:


  • cybersybil5-av says:

    I would just like to share that there is already officially licensed sheet music for the songs from WandaVision, including the bop that is “Agatha All Along”: https://www.sheetmusicdirect.com/en-US/se/ID_No/478703/Product.aspx

  • kemperboyd63-av says:

    do disney flacks email you with ideas like this, or do you actually want to post this?

  • dudebra-av says:

    She’s the best. I mean that really. Do I? Help! I’m in a never ending sarcasm feedback loop!

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