Kevin Spacey found not guilty in UK sexual assault trial

The London trial concerned four men who made accusations of sexual assault against Spacey, incidents that allegedly occurred between 2001 and 2013.

Aux News Kevin Spacey
Kevin Spacey found not guilty in UK sexual assault trial
Kevin Spacey Photo: Dan Kitwood

Kevin Spacey was found not guilty this morning of all counts of sexual assault brought against him in the United Kingdom. The London trial concerned four men who made accusations of sexual assault against the actor, incidents that allegedly occurred between 2001 and 2013. Spacey pleaded not guilty to nine charges, including multiple counts of sexual and indecent assault and one count of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent. (Four additional charges were thrown out at the end of the trial because they “duplicated the same allegations under an older statute,” according to the Associated Press.)

Spacey’s defense cast doubt on the accusers by framing them, variously, as fame chasers, presenting evidence that the men had pursued Spacey for advice or mentorship and posted pictures with the actor on Facebook. The defense argued that the accusations only came up in the wake of the #MeToo movement because the accusers were motivated by money. Conversely, the prosecution in closing arguments suggested that Spacey used his celebrity status to get away with misdeeds.

“Are they all motivated by ‘money, money, money’ as you were told rather dramatically by the defendant?” asked prosecutor Christine Agnew (via the AP). “Or have they all just had enough of the secret of the truth that they have been carrying around for many years? They’re no longer prepared to be the secret keeper of someone who treated them so badly.”

Spacey was previously found not liable in a U.S. civil suit concerning allegations made by Anthony Rapp, one of the first accusers to come forward about his experience with the Oscar winner. More allegations cropped up abroad, particularly in connection with Spacey’s association with the Old Vic Theater; the theater reported 20 individual testimonies of Spacey’s alleged inappropriate behavior (per the BBC). With the conclusion of the criminal case, some, if not all, of the four accusers are expected to file civil suits against Spacey.


  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Wait I’m confused the “money money money” defense beat the other one…? What judge was this lmao. That’s so backward.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    “money money money”? How about “power power power” meaning I wouldn’t wanna speak up about a star as large as Kevin Spacey was at the time.

  • taco-emoji-av says:

    Welp, I’m convinced. It must’ve just been a coincidence that all these men made the same accusations. Yep, that’s what it is.

  • dr-darke-av says:

    As J. Devin Stone, YouTube’s Legal Eagle, keeps reminding us, “The burden of proof in a criminal case is ‘Beyond a Reasonable Doubt’ (in both the U.S. and U.K.), whereas the burden of proof in a civil case is ‘Based on a Preponderance of the Evidence’ or, as they say in the U.K. ‘Based on a Balance of Probabilities’.” That means while Spacey can get a “Not Guilty” verdict in criminal cases even if the jury suspects he might have done it but are uncertain, in civil cases all the Plaintiffs have to prove their allegations are that they’re “more probable than not”.

  • argentokaos-av says:

    Guys, I wasn’t there (and neither were you), and we can never know all the behind-the-scenes details of the past, of course.There’s not one molecule of me that thinks Kevin Spacey’s a “saint.”But it’s disheartening how this four-paragraph article makes no mention of the reality that Elton John [Elton. Fucking. John.] completely buried the prosecution’s story with a little thing called facts-and-logic…

  • fuckyou113245352-av says:

    That’s a funny tone to take for an apology article…

  • aaron1592-av says:

    Said it from the start, he’s got the luck of the devil in a courtroom…

  • planehugger1-av says:

    I think we should be clear-eyed about the difficulties faced by cases that are based on alleged sexual assault that occurred many years ago. A lot of the evidence that might support such allegations disappears over time, and juries appear to be suspicious of dated accusations. They may also be more inclined to be sympathetic to a defendant’s limited ability to muster evidence to support his case, since much of that evidence would also have disappeared and he (unlike the accuser) he did not control the timing of the case.That’s not a reason not to bring cases when the evidence supports it. But I think #Metoo provided unrealistic hope that a lot of wrongs that are years or decades old would be righted, when in reality it always provided better hope that new accusations of misconduct would be taken seriously.

    • undrtaker1-av says:

      not guilty = not guilty. the rest is excuses to justify ruining someone’s career for years

  • camillamacaulay-av says:

    I have no doubt Kevin Spacey was 100% believable on the stand. I also have no doubt he is guilty as hell and he knows it. His sociopathy has made him one of the best actors on the planet. It’s both fascinating and terrifying.

  • nilus-av says:

    Johnny Depp and him should make a terrible movie together and then die in a plane crash together

  • subahar-av says:

    Yes!!!!!! It’s a good day for the good guys. Fuck them for making me doubt him

  • albieisidiot79-av says:

    I don’t like here where someone is found innocent in a court of law and everyone bitches about miscarriage of justice, then when someone the crowd wants guilt is found quilty, it’s how justice is supposed to be. the crowd isn’t the justice system. people can’t have it both ways

    • minsk-if-you-wanna-go-all-the-way-back-av says:

      ???How is it “hav[ing] it both ways” to be, say, pleased that Jeffrey Dahmer was found guilty and upset that O. J. Simpson was found innocent?

    • peterbread-av says:

      Must confess I haven’t been following the case all that closely, but if
      memory serves there was one bit early on where a witness (might have
      been Elton John which is why it stuck in my head) was unable to confirm
      whether Spacey had even been at a party where an alleged assault took

      You’d think that the Prosecution would have made
      absolutely sure that certain people were in certain places before even
      considering a charge, never mind taking it to trial. Sounds like someone
      screwed up.

  • warpedcore-av says:

    This would have been a good two part episode on Suits. 

  • artylandia-av says:


  • undrtaker1-av says:

    Will this teach the world not to kill people’s career based only on allegations?Who am I kidding, of course it won’t. the days of innocent until proven guilty are long gone

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