Kid Rock's PR (himself) assures us Kid Rock has "gay friends" while doubling down on homophobic slur

After recent footage surfaced showing Kid Rock yelling slurs at concertgoers, he used the same slur to reassure everyone he isn't homophobic.

Music Features Kid Rock
Kid Rock's PR (himself) assures us Kid Rock has "gay friends" while doubling down on homophobic slur
C’mon. Does this look like an intolerant bigot to you? Photo: Theo Wargo

Kid Rock—“musician,” Waffle House brawler, failed politician, and proprietor of the go-to eatery for incontinent Nazis everywhere—spouted some super homophobic shit this weekend, if you can believe it. After a couple days’ worth of getting called out for his hateful, presumably Jim Beam and Monster-fueled tirade, Kid Rock’s official spokesman took to Twitter to set the record straight on the matter.

Content Warning: homophobic slurs below

“If Kid Rock using the word f***** offends you, good chance you are one,” Bob Richie informed media outlets via Twitter yesterday afternoon. “Either way, I know he has a lot of love for his gay friends and I will have a talk with him. Have a nice day.”

Mr. Richie presumably then put down his phone, turned towards the nearest graffiti-scarred bar bathroom mirror, and had a stern discussion with himself about the history, evolution, and normalization of homophobic hate speech. Why? Because, in a Keyser Söze twist, Bob Richie was Kid Rock himself all along. Gasp!

Anyway. We assume Kid Rock tweeted this as some half-assed, tongue-in-cheek alter-ego joke, which we’re sure his ever-dwindling fan base will eat up as rabidly as they do his *checks Kid Rock’s Big Ass Honky Tonk & Rock ‘n’ Roll Steakhouse menu* bourbon butter toffee banana cake. For the rest of us, we guess we’ll just have to make peace with the fact that Kid Rock/Bob Richie will continue barreling through his D-list career as Ted Nugent’s heir apparent, occasionally flanked by his approximately two “gay friends” who don’t mind the intermittent usage of casual, violent slurs.

You can donate to the LGBTQ and HIV/AIDS-focused law advocacy group, Lambda Legal here, by the way.

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  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Jesus Christ that’s a fucking insane statement

    • tml123-av says:

      Agreed. What a huge cunt. Fuck him.

      • fauxbravo-av says:

        I guess if anyone knows about being a cunt…

      • oldirtybootz-av says:

        I was about to (jokingly) say that this comment is offensive to cunts…but then I saw your username and had a good hearty chuckle.

      • Madski-av says:

        If he takes offence in being called “a cunt”, then, a good chance he is one.

      • golf-r-but-cannot-golf-av says:

        He is…really? So he is a female transitioning to a male but has not had any surgical modifications yet. Not sure how you can vouch for the size of his vagina though. However, I would not want to have intercourse with this person as you state that you would. Thanks for the personal insight.You would have made more sense if you had just said “Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy”.  Just my humble opinion. Take care.

      • MrSchmitzky-av says:

        Whoa that’s a violent misogynistic slur man. 

    • no-sub-way-av says:

      someone is stuck in his peak of fame when the average suburbanite kid rock CD buyer was more than happy to call their friends and foes alike a mixed bag of slurs they heard their grandpa say to the TV. this is the generation of white kids that thought it was totally acceptable to say as long as you used -a instead of -er. 

    • hiemoth-av says:

      There are so many levels happening there that I think I come up with a new aspect every time I read it.Was it intentional? No, but does art need to be?

    • bc222-av says:

      Yes, but… Isnt’ this the Kid Rock we want and need? I mean, we don’t need Kid Rock, obviously, but if Kid Rock is going to continue to exist in this world, isn’t this the kind of Kid Rock we want him to be? I’m not sure I can even comprehend a world where Kid Rock is a reasonable, enlightened human being who can change and grow. Do we really want to live in a world where we have to think things like “Man, that Kid Rock has really matured into a halfway decent person!”?

      • murray-hewitt-av says:

        I see what you mean, but, imagine if this did happen. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?

      • maymar-av says:

        Andrew WK seems to suggest there could be a Kid Rock that’s still a white trash party advocate while still being a decent person.

        • bc222-av says:

          “Sir, I know of Andrew WK. Andrea WK is an instagram follower of mine. Kid Rock is no Andrew WK.”But I see your point. Andrew WK is like the Marvel version of a party-rock dude, and Kid Rock is like the Snyderverse version.

          • wombat23-av says:

            he lacks the appropriation of both Black and southern lower income culture, but i can see the comparison, and most importantly the difference. Richie is a hate filled bigoted asshole and andrew, at least in public is a happy, encouraging and kind person, who plays up a fun loving goof, but a good one. now again, thats in public, in private who knows, but its a comparison with merit. its like Andrew picked all paragon choices and kid rock got aggressive syphilis.

          • bc222-av says:

            Well, Andrew WK is engaged to Kat Dennings, and I would be absolutely crushed if they were both giant pieces of shit in secret.

      • south-of-heaven-av says:

        I’m not sure I can even comprehend a world where Kid Rock is a reasonable, enlightened human being who can change and grow.We basically already got that in Axl Rose & Sebastian Bach.

      • america-the-snyder-cut-av says:

        I’d be happy if kid rock just shut the fuck up.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      But bawitdaba, da bang, da dang diggy diggy, diggy!

    • ridesalot-av says:

      Further proving the point that anyone that speaks of themselves in the third person is a complete psycho.

  • sadieadie-av says:

    Wow, that’s some “teenage bully in 1992″ defense. You don’t really hear “it’s fine I had X friends” as much in this millennium

  • wearewithyougodspeedaquaboy-av says:

    ‘bourbon butter toffee banana cake’I like all of those things, but that doesn’t mean I want all of them crammed into one object, though that seems like the least run-of-the-mill bland shit on that menu. It makes Guy Fieri’s place sound like a Michelin starred joint.

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      I’m going to disagree on that. Bourbon and toffee sounds like a good combo, and having made a banofee pie or two I can tell you that banana and toffee are a good combination. That cake sounds really good.

    • sethsez-av says:

      That actually sounds like a pretty reasonable combination of flavors.

      • dpc61820-av says:

        It sounds like it could be delicious if it were recently made with quality, fresh ingredients by a good chef. I’m gonna guess what you get at that establishment is a from-the-freezer, made-in-a-factory nightmare of corn syrup and stale bleached flour garbage (but I’ll never know, obviously).

        • wearewithyougodspeedaquaboy-av says:

          I could see it as swirls in ice cream, but while I like all those flavors, a melange of them doesn’t appeal to me.  That being said, it’s the only thing on that menu that I would bother to try for at least trying to be different.

        • sethsez-av says:

          Well yeah, I’m saying the concept is sound, not the likely execution.

        • mdiller64-av says:

          Yeah, my guess is they started with the basics of a pretty good cake, and then someone started shouting: “SWEETER! MAKE IT SWEETER!!!” and it ended up dripping with syrup and adorned with a big burst of whipped cream from an aerosol can.

    • toddisok-av says:

      High-grade weed/Doritos/fur-lined Crocs/moist vagina…
      yeah, you’re right.

    • thomasjsfld-av says:

      yeah that sounds like an amazing desert lol

    • jkayer09-av says:

      Banana negates goodness of other ingredients. Sorry.
      ‘bourbon butter toffee banana cake sounds good tho’“butter toffee bourbon” is probably best 🙂

  • mbburner-av says:

    While I don’t know any of his music, I feel like Ted Nugent in his day was a much bigger star than Kid Rock ever was. Maybe I’m wrong.

    • soundofmadness-av says:

      I think you’re wrong. It’s hard to say, because music was less saturated in the 70s, but while Nugent was undoubtedly popular, he declined pretty fast. You can hate Kid Rock all you want (and boy do I) but he has two very successful phases of his music career- he was EVERYWHERE during the rap-rock/nu-metal boom of the early aughts and when that died down, he immediately switched to Country and was huge there too. It was only around the time he started trying to be in Congress that the world generally seemed to tire of him, although his crowd sizes are still much bigger than Nugent’s. (Source: I saw this dumbfuck live once. Don’t ask.) 

    • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

      This choice is akin to asking which knee you’d prefer to be shot in. There’s no pick that isn’t riddled with regret.

    • lawrenceredmacher-av says:

      looking at album/singles chart positions, award nominations, etc. on wikipedia, you’re wrong by a lot. kid rock is waaaay more successful than ted ever was

    • sion-respolee-av says:

      This is true. Back in the day, Nugent was a high B-list rocker, almost A-list but not quite. Kid Rock has never surpassed being a C-lister.

    • ftyperbruin-av says:

      Ted Nugent actually had talent and produced some epic stuff. Kid Rock is a talentless rube trying to make money, though he did bang Pamela Anderson for awhile, which at the time was a good thing.  Nugent turned out to be a brainless asshole.

    • will-alib-av says:

      Same loudmouth asshole shtick but Nugent’s been doing it a LOT longer, and there’s the added dating underage girls angle with him.

  • Harold_Ballz-av says:

    I don’t wanna be inflammatory or anything, but Kid Rock seems like kind of a piece of shit. Same with Bob Ritchie.

  • davehasbrouck-av says:

    Listen, Bob – if the gay people in your life haven’t stopped you from leaving the house looking like a boxcar hobo who collapsed on a Walgreen’s 4th of July display, then they’re definitely not your friends.

    • no-sub-way-av says:

      waiting for the “kid rock loves lesbians” defense.

    • longtimelurkerfirsttimetroller-av says:

      That’s one of the funniest takedowns of someone’s personal style (and “friends”!) that I’ve ever been witness to. Bravo!

    • nilus-av says:

      When one of my good friends from high school finally came out to us it was an emotional thing for him and us all. After the tears and hugs and such my other friend said bluntly to break the ice “We always sorta kind of suspected but based on your terrible fashion sense we figured you were just really bad with girls”. My newly out buddy yelling “Fuck you, I am color blind!” in response through laughs and tears may be one of my fondest memories of him. A week later he went shopping for new clothes out of spite and met a really nice guy who helped him pick out some really fashionable outfits, they got married a couple years later.

      • tldmalingo-av says:

        Best story of the internet today.

      • Fleur-de-lit-av says:

        A friend of mine driving, on his way to get fast food with 3 others in the car. Guy in the backseat, very serious and nervous: “Hey, I have something to tell you all. I’m gay.”Driver: “Alright, we’re still going to Burger King though, right?”[awkward pause][everyone erupts in laughter and hugs it out]

      • sethsez-av says:

        Came here for the dunking on Kid Rock, stayed for the adorable gay meet-cute.

      • woketaliban-av says:
      • yllehs-av says:

        At a high school reunion a few years ago, I learned that the guy who was voted Best Dressed in my class now has a husband.  I didn’t know in high school that he was gay, but I guess that should have been a clue.

      • project89-av says:

        I would definitely watch the movie based on this story.

      • tmedia-av says:

        When my oldest daughter came out, in a politically incorrect twist that only I can pull off in sensitive situations like this, I said “Well yeah, your closet is full of plaid and there isn’t a Nirvana poster anywhere to be seen.”

        *dead look, eye roll* “God damn-it Dad.” then she laughed and walked away.

      • south-of-heaven-av says:


      • mewisemagickenny-av says:

        Now THIS is a great story!

      • mykinjaa-av says:

        I think you have a script for the next great Netflix movie/TV Show.

    • dirtside-av says:

      He looks like the bones in his face are turning to jelly.

    • argiebargie-av says:

      I can see why Kid Rock fans love him. Because they are vile, unrepentant piece of shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, just like them, and Trump and his fans (I know, world’s smallest Venn diagram with these two groups).

    • bigmodernmess-av says:

      r/RareInsults This is perfect!

    • mewisemagickenny-av says:

      Take my star. I give it happily.

    • rtypei2-av says:

      HAHA yes! u win today sir! kudos!

    • kag25-av says:

      Damn, you just win the comment section today, that was great

    • liffie420-av says:

      Hey not all the gays are the classy fashion forward kind lol. My buddy’s gay and his go to hang out outfit consisted of house pants, an old t shirt and a bathrobe, shoes optional LMAO.

    • ryanln-av says:

      Well done.

    • ndlb-av says:

      I’m waiting on the Real Americans who denounced Kaep for “disrespecting the flag” to do the same to Bob for adorning himself with that tattered mess…..(I’m still waiting, BTW)

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    I can just imagine the sweaty, desperate text thread going on right now, begging Uncle Kracker and Guy Fieri to announce that they are gay.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    It’s nice that Kid Rock’s outside matches Kid Rock’s inside.

  • mireilleco-av says:

    Man, he looks like shit in that picture.

  • inspectorhammer-av says:

    So has Bob Ritchie/Kid Rock been doing a Garth Brooks/Chris Gaines thing the whole time, only without telling anyone until now? 

  • presidentzod-av says:

    I got a bawitdaba da bang da bang diggy diggy diggy notification for this?

  • arkj-av says:

    Bob *Ritchie*–you have it wrong throughout. 

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    Would an insincere apology clearly written by someone else have helped?

    • nilus-av says:

      It would show effort at least

    • bassplayerconvention-av says:

      It would at least show that someone in his orbit is with it enough to say “shut up before you make things worse and let the PR flacks handle this”…

    • sethsez-av says:

      I mean, if the choice is between “insincere apology” or “idiotic doubling-down” I tend to prefer the latter because at least it’s honest, but ideally it’s nice to pretend “genuine apology and actual growth” aren’t off the table.Even if the only thing involving “actual growth” with Kid Rock requires a prescription and one of those big plastic cones to keep him from chewing on it.

      • ThisIsMenchi-av says:

        Idiotic doubling down is what this country has had to deal with for the last four years, and we’re still feeling the repercussions of that. I’d rather they lie to me to save face, because at least that insinuates that a proper person would feel bad about what they did.

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        I, for one, would have been far happier with his statement if it had included the phrase ‘deez nuts’.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Honesty in these situations is overrated.  I don’t care how a person really feels.  I care how they treat me, so if they have to lie to treat me decently, let them lie.

    • theblackswordsman-av says:

      I mean, not really, since bigots are already going to point to it but he absolutely didn’t need to double down.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      No. It only would imply he has an asshole who co-signs what he says. What’s your point?

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      No.  He’s been a bigot and he’ll stay one, but at least it wouldn’t have added salt on the wound by saying the word again.

  • fired-arent-i-av says:

    Jeez, at least the straight guy trolls at “South Park” tried to redefine the word into something else. “If you’re offended by f***** you are one” doesn’t even give a flimsy cover to its use.

  • dxanders-av says:

    Bullshit. No gay friend would allow you to walk out the house looking like that.

  • doginpeopleclothes-av says:

    This might be an instance where if he just made up a person to be PR it would have been better, wow

  • grantagonist-av says:

    > bourbon butter toffee banana cakeIf you want to write a good takedown, you should refrain from mentioning good things that he’s done and just focus on the bad.

  • nilus-av says:

    That sucks but I think he needs to write this tweet next“If Kid Rock using the word musician to refer to himself offends you, good chance you are one. Either way, I know he has a lot of love for his musician friends and I will have a talk with him. Have a nice day. -Bob Ritchie”

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    You’d think the guy who wrote “Balls In Your Mouth” would have a more tolerant view of the sexual spectrum, but alas.

  • agentviccooper-av says:

    The AV Club has worked so hard towards pushing people to the right that, mark my words, Kid Rock will become a cult hero within a few years.

  • thevoid99-av says:

    Didn’t he claim he was from the trailer park when he’s really raised in the upper-class suburbs near Detroit?  Man, he’s such a poser.  He’s so fake, he makes Vanilla Ice look more legit. 

  • stigabe-av says:

    How many people offended by the use of a homophobic slur (which, to be clear, is something that should offend you) are Kid Rock fans?

  • penguin23-av says:

    1. Kid Rock and everything about him sucks. 2. In the online menu for his restaurant, Pabst Blue Ribbon is listed under the “Premium Beers” section which is separate from the “Domestic Beers” section where Bud and Coors light are found. What the hell?

  • notoriousblackout-av says:

    Kid Rock has been using that word for his entire career.  I’m not sure why everybody is pretending to be outraged now.  He’s irrelevant; can we keep it that way?

  • soupfarts-av says:

    seriously what a fucking scum bag. We need to send this mother fucker back to the carwash he worked at before he was successful 

  • cmallen-av says:

    Shitty person, incapable of realizing he’s a shitty person, continues being a shitty person. So, how ‘bout a clean up on aisle You. The rest of us would like to be rid of your filth.

  • iris-tarn-av says:

    Haven’t we all gone on a drunken rant while singing and dropping slurs all over the place, and claiming our gay friends are like totally cool with it? No? Just this pos then? That makes sense.

  • jewelq-av says:

    *Loud, condescending laughter*Kid rock.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Kid Rock looks like he’s reached the Kid Moe stage of his life

  • stickmontana-av says:

    Kid Rock…more like kick rocks. Am I right, folks?God I hate this world and most of the people in it. lol.

  • anon114722-av says:

    I love the idea that having friends means that someone has defacto been kept in check. That if it was such a bad word his “gay friends” would have stopped him, or stopped being friends with him.

    Where in all actuality he’s probably just friends with the only gay people who wouldn’t speak up or leave. All the rest aren’t Kid Rock’s friends.

    People use those around them as a validation without considering that one, maybe the people around you don’t exactly love all of you; and two, that there isn’t a planet full of people people intentionally avoiding your ass.

  • Ovy-av says:

    Here’s some more fuel to the fuck-Kid Rock fire:

  • boobsandbacon-av says:

    If misogynists can marry women and racists can marry black and nbpoc, I doubt your gay friend does much for your case lol. Plus it isn’t like gay people are absolved from self hate and homophobia

  • deanbeyer-av says:

    Two things.1. Kid Rock spewing anything offensive shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone and shouldn’t be considered news worthy.2. I know enough gay people who are complete assholes to understand Kid Rock having gay friends is not the ringing endorsement he thinks it is.

  • bossk1-av says:

    Not great, Bob.

  • sulfolobus-av says:

    Your coworkers at both Jezebel and Deadspin have used this word — fully spelled out — to describe gay men.  I’ll say it again: Your heterosexual female and heterosexual male coworkers use this word and your editors publish it.

  • ronniebarzel-av says:

    You want the best, Fishlipz Bar & Grill audience? You get the best, Fishlipz Bar & Grill audience!Marty: The last time Tap toured America, they were, uh, booked into 10,000-seat arenas, and 15,000-seat venues, and it seems that now, on their current tour, they’re being booked into 1,200-seat arenas, 1,500-seat arenas, and, uh, I was just wondering, does this mean, uh, the popularity of the group is waning?Ian: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no…no, no, not at all. I, I, I just think that the, uh, their appeal is becoming more selective.

  • drmedicine-av says:

    Gosh, Kid Rock is turning out to be a real Ellie Kemper

  • mrluridreek-av says:

    Literally the worst thing to ever come out of Detroit!

  • WashburnBetrayal-av says:

    Kid Rock is what happens when you combine a velvet painting of a hobo, bathtub moonshine, heroin, and krokodyl with the lack of accountability found in a shitstain whose father owns a car dealership.

  • magpie3250-av says:

    Wow, I got nothing other than this:

  • ericmontreal22-av says:

    So…  “If an offensive slur I said offends you, good chance you are one of those people who are being denigrated by that same offensive slur”?  I’m glad this has been cleared up.

  • will-alib-av says:

    He’s not the Kid Rock we need, but the Kid Rock we deserve. 

  • wrestlefire-av says:

    Shut up, bitch.We know you’re a ‘phobe.  Go fuck yourself.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    “If Kid Rock using the word f***** offends you, good chance you are one,” And if you smelt it, then you dealt it.

  • mooseheadu-av says:

    This clown has always been a worthless piece of trash.

    • merk-2-av says:

      If you’re offended by ArtistAtLarge’s use of the word clown, good chance you are one. ArtistAtLarge has a lot of love for his clown friends. They met at the circus ArtistAtLarge ran away to at age 8. Have a nice day. —Small Potatoes.

      • will-alib-av says:

        Related (somewhat): Today I learned there is actually a clown college. Kinda pissed now I went the business admin route in school. 

  • brianjwright-av says:

    Well at least he didn’t take someone else’s tweet, change just enough that you can’t really call it a cover anymore, and rhyme a word with itself.

  • velcrosnake-av says:

    What if Kid Rock himself offends me, what am I then?

  • ant1accurate-av says:

    Good luck to the half black kid who has the pleasure of being raised partially by him.

  • LoganExplosion-av says:

    Wait a minute!!! White trash, redneck guy uses words that aren’t politically correct?! (GASP!!) Think your outrage meter is broken (in the “on” position). Surplus of hate and outrage needs to go somewhere, amiright?!

  • toddisok-av says:

    “Waffle House Brawler”
    Fuck yeah!

  • KingKangNYC-av says:

    “Mr. Richie presumably then put down his phone, turned towards the nearest graffiti-scarred bar bathroom mirror, and snorted many lines.”

    Fixed it.

  • melphistopheles-av says:

    Kid Rock thinks of himself as the face of “Freeeeeeeeeedom!”, but he’s really nothing more than the Face of Meth. 

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    I liked him more when he was a harmless idiot doing semi-passable “butt rock.”Dude fell off after Cocky, which is basically his fucked-up version of a concept album/manifesto/memoir that was far better than it had any right to be.Then he started the “Dumbfuckistan” shit, and it’s like “Couldn’t you just be a bad Southern rock envoy putting out some occasional toe-tapping shit? Do you REALLY think you can aspire to higher?”

  • cab1701-av says:

    It’s on brand for him to be an utter asshole, so nothing to see here.As a gay myself, I’d feel offended, but at this point I’m used to this, and have heard and seen much worse (hello growing up bullied in the 80s/90s) ((hello recent past presidential administration)).Plus, he’s an irrelevant bloated musical side note by this point, so it looks like life/nature/karma is taking care of it for me.

  • cannabuzz-av says:

    I think we’ve found our real Nazi Princess. 

  • south-of-heaven-av says:

    I don’t much go in for “cultural appropriation” (artists of all cultures borrow liberally from each other, that’s how art grows), but fuck this worthless carpetbagger SO HARD. He made his entire career on the back of Black music then turned around & catered to the people who make their entire livelihoods oppressing Black people. I hate him more than any musician currently alive, which, if you know anything about how much I hate Courtney Love & Morrissey, is REALLY saying something.

  • destron-combatman-av says:

    Someone should seriously murder kid rock.

  • lonewolf2cubs-av says:

    Gramps is gramps – just let him get back to his model trains.

  • bluhue-av says:

    I really fucking hate that word.

  • mewisemagickenny-av says:

    Well – I mean, if you’re going to rightfully put “musician” in quotes, you need to also put “Kid” and “Rock” in quotes as well.

  • boxeroligarchy-av says:

    He certainly looks more like Bob Ritchie, meth enthusiast, than Kid Rock, MAGA enthusiast. 

  • christiseveryscreenametaken-av says:

    Man- He’s 50 but he looks like he’s 70.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    Man, what in the world. I just saw that this whole incident took place in Smithville, TN. I live in Nashville and I’d never heard of Smithville, TN until today. I looked on the map and it’s a teeny little nowhere town, near no large or even medium city. Let’s just say that being famous for being a bigot is about the only thing he has a chance of being famous for these days, apparently.

  • ajvia123-av says:

    like Eminem, AV Club darling, who doesn’t get nearly as much crap as Kid Rock for using these slurs and continues to shamelessly do so without any actual change. (Said as a fan of Em and long-time disliker of anything Kid Rock.)
    It’s just a weird fencepole to straddle, that some people are not even possible to be redeemed or do something wrong (and no one is defending him or what he says, he’s a POS with little-to-no self-awareness or compassion for ANYONE who isn’t Bob Ritchie and what he says is wrong/ugly/sh*tty, my point is more that the way it’s reported, becomes canonical to their personality/character on any future reporting on the website, or expected to be held “against them” for being a bad person) but others can be not only forgiven, but not really called on it or even eagerly supported (IE someone like Alec Baldwin or Tracy Morgan or Sarah Silverman). The confusion of AV Club writers at remembering who is persona non grata and who has been excused, forgiven or redeemed must be difficult to keep up with.Lets just be clear: Kid Rock is an ignorant, unintelligent and ugly-on-the-inside person, and deserves no press, time, attention, money or fame. I have a gay teen child and something like this is terrible for her to hear, as she thinks “wow, there’s a lot of homophobic a##holes out there, maybe I should be more cautious about who I share my identity or persona with”, which kills me as her dad to have to know she could be affected by. People like him (and Em, and anyone else) do have a large cultural impact on younger people- both the ones they’re hating/promoting hatred or ridicule of but also the ones who think they’re funny, cool, worth imitating, etc. Yes, young people DO repeat things they hear, and they DO absolutely create beliefs and values based around seemingly silly/stupid things like “their favorite singer/basketball player/actor using casual slurs” . It’s why a generation or two of suburban white kids think its perfectly acceptable to use the N-word (But in a “fun” way, “with my black friends”, who “totally are cool with it because they know I mean it affectionately!”) But if we’re going to hold him to the standard of “don’t use slurs” (which we should) we also need to hold everyone accountable. EVEN the ones we like. And there’s nothing he could have done to come through this any better, because it would appear disingenuous and nonsensical to have him ACTUALLY attempt an apology or public shaming or self-education/improvement. But what else is he to do? Go play a special show at Stonewall Inn NYC? I mean, it’s kind of his brand at this point, appeal to the lunkhead red-state anti-human rights crowd. I cannot imagine a world where anyone who is not already ok w/ Kid Rock is going to forgive Kid Rock or think he did the right thing in this situation.

  • JohnnyWasASchoolBoy-av says:

    I always though Kid Rock was like an annoying wasp. If we all ignored him, he’d just go away. Why didn’t that happen?

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    as a former Michigander, I’d like to say that out of Michigan’s two biggest douchebags (Ted Nugent and Kid Rock), it is still possible to like Nugent’s guitar playing…..but there is absolutely nothing to like about Kid Rock.

  • quiefbreather-av says:

    If what a random person says affects you personally, seek help. Or retreat to your safe zone…

  • bz1-av says:

    The kid was yawnfully irrelevant even back in the 90’s when he was allegedly relevant.

  • sandpaper90-av says:

    I’m ready for this guy to get canclled. He’s like your casually racist uncle that you don’t really like, and his music sucks.  I’m embarassed to say he’s from MI. 

  • gldoorii-av says:

    Came to read all the negative hateful comments towards him that show everyone is a much bigger and better person than he is.

  • charliedesertly-av says:

    “ violent slurs”“19 Dead in Horrific ‘Word-Saying’ Incident.”

  • howdy-howdy-howdy-av says:

    Claiming not to be homophobic while using a homophobic slur and implying that it’s shameful to be gay. Welp, I’m convinced.

  • wohdin-av says:

    How the fuck is Azealia Banks cancelled but Kid Rock still has a career? Fuckin whyte people.

  • rockbocks-av says:

    Shouldn’t his old fat bloated ass be using his government name by now?  What grown ass man wants to be called kid?  

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